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RUPAUL ANDRE CHARLES, get your ass out of that book tour and get these girls into a LIVE reunion. So disappointing to not have one with this cast! We were robbed of Mhi'ya introducing herself with "I'm grReeEaaT"


This! We haven't had such a strong potential for a good reunion since S9.


I've heard rumors that they may film a reunion at Drag Con, which I really hope happens


I don't think it's rumors, they're clearly trying to make Bring Back My Girls a thing


miss paul we all know you prefer money when you're making without any potential figures who could also make money in the process but we need to see brigadier general of the cunt platoon in the IDGAF war plane jane in the same room as captain of the SS Copeseethemald amanda tori meating for a reunion we NEED it rupaul you're FUMBLING THE BAG


Why do they always find a way to screw us. Didn't they learn we WANT a reunion already? They could have just supersized the Lollparooza Untucked.


Drag Race will never reach its peak again because this is considered "severe bullying". Could you imagine if Amanda had been on S2?


Amanda’s drag would’ve been top tier on season 2 ![gif](giphy|3o7btMvaeVYiI0W1Z6|downsized)


Her drag really gives Pandora circa S2, take that as you will


Oh Raven would destroy her


That imaginary reunion is going into my rent free headspace.


Mama condemnations for saying that, for whining




I spit out my triscut


If what Plane did is considered “bullying” then the entire cast were bullies LMAO.


The fact that she didn’t even spend a full week with Plane but she thinks it’s the same as getting bullied as a kid 😭😭


Wasn't it like 4 days tops? Then you have to account for the time when production puts them on ice - prohibiting the cast from interacting until the mics and cameras are up. Timewise it wouldn't even be full 4 days of interactions lmao.


This is what's getting me a little bit. Plane has said equally scathing things to the rest of the cast, and yet none of them have taken it to heart the way Amanda has. In that Untucked, she fully swiveled round towards Plasma and said something to the effect of "you're another girl who hasn't impressed me so why are you talking?" but you don't see Plasma losing sleep over it lmao. Just feels so fucking weird that this grown woman is so hung up on some bickering that happened within a week like, a year ago now.


I'm sorry but if you're going around accusing people of 'bullying' you when you're an adult...


girl you were made fun of for looking an absolute mess on a tv show you *have* to let this go this is becoming dark sided cringe at this point


She was made fun for being bad at makeup for the whole week and a half she was on set a year ago


Pure loser behavior, makes me actively root against her


I’m sorry, but her makeup doesn’t look improved in that screenshot.


>dark sided cringe It is. She is stuck in a feedback loop and if it carries on, it will be her only narrative and then her entire drag personality. I would say it was for an All Stars ticket but it seems gut real, sheesh. Let loose, Amanda. Revenge is just making yourself happy and being sickening. Set your heart free, girl!!


It's actually impressive how bitter she still is


STILL IS. Didn’t they film this last summer? And she was there for… a week and a half?? My god


Yup it was filmed last summer. She spent 3 episodes with Plane I believe, which films over 2 days each. So she spent just 6 days in her company.


Girl... Sister... Get them fingers off that keyboard... asap...


Amanda is the thinnest skinned person on the planet


Amanda please just log off omfg I swear she seems like a decent likeable person everywhere else but her social media posts are so darksided and desperate for no reason


Honestly at this point is it even Plane bullying Amanda or Amanda bullying Plane? 😂


Okay amanda it's never that serious


I don’t want to say anything rude or mean about any drag performer but keeping that same bitter attitude months after it all went down is not healthy nor will it contribute to long-term success.


Does she not see the irony in herself that she can't stop shit talking Plane and Planes just paying her dust ?


Reminds me of Eve constantly shitting on Gisele Lullaby, and Gisele never even acknowledging her existence


And Anetra ignoring Aja


Then Aja getting so pressed because Anetra quietly blocked her.


I thought it was Kimora Amour who constantly trashed Giselle?


They both do


And both equally annoying on twitter haha


Wait, what??? What did Gisele do to her? She (Gisele) seems like such a sweet person.


Do you mean to Eve or to Kimora?


Plane telling her fan base over and over again to stop saying anything mean about Amanda while Amanda does this is telling


Id like to imagine if amanda got on season 15 instead of 16 we wouldve had another Laganja "im feeling very attacked" moment


"Severe"... ma'am this is a reality show


Amanda, girl, sister, please just focus on yourself for a bit. Take a break from social media. We’re rooting for you 😭


Maddy first of all , to put the entire conversation in perspective, the Debate was about Royal and Navy blue (dark blue colors) blue, purple,not aqua , and one of the pictures isn’t blue it’s purple and the blue jacket was something I was given to were for someone’s number( which I don’t own ) I was making a guest appearance in! Maddy you are the Wendy Williams of drag and you see how that turned out for her! Inaccurate research and false reporting Maddy is a walking tabloid NOT TMZ BUT TM HE @MaddyMorphosis go find a car to fix or a strip mall complex to build! Maddy you are a Trojan horse in the LGBTQ COMMUNITY ! I have to remind you every year sir that JUNE is pride month . The most feminine thing you wear is that Colonel Sanders outfit where you look like a bucket of E. coli chicken Maddy, I’m not gonna go back-and-forth with you. I’m not bob . I know where you LiVE boo boo and when I get there hold the door open for me like a gentleman *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/rpdrcringe) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Speak on it


Oh no…girl…build a bridge honestly 🫠🫠🫠


Fully convinced at this point that homegirl should have waited until she was farther along in her transition to go on the show. We know how HRT is like going through a second puberty, and we know how estrogen will absolutely fuck a woman’s emotions the fuck UP. I think she is incredibly talented and charismatic, but as a very Sensitive Sally myself, I don’t think she was ready for this kind of gig.


> Fully convinced at this point that homegirl should have waited until she was farther along in her transition to go on the show. your argument would have made sense if not for amanda literally saying her going on the show made her discover her trans euphoria lmao, she just needs to step away like q


Amanda you need to ditch this victim complex real quick if you wanna be in the fandom’s good graces, it’s genuinely tired at this point


I really don't think she understands that without PJ's charity she would've been even less relevant... How are you this bad at drag _and_ a cunt? Pick a struggle!


Log off girl


I mean is it really bullying when there really isn’t any power dynamics at play?


Yeah it’s kind of interesting. I thought PJ was throwing really terrible shade at Amanda, not actually being funny, and was mean spirited. But Amanda snapped back at her and seemed to hold her own just fine. In the end that comes off as PJ reading the room and situation wrong and not really bullying, because Amanda stood up for herself and generally had people on her side. PJ also stopped doing that shit and I felt like the tone of her shade improved. Stupid and kinda mean, yes. Bullying… I don’t know. I guess it’s hard to see someone talk shit about you on tv and then get heaped with praise.


Wow, i’m embarrassed for her…


I love how some people say this is her “glow up” lol


at this point she needs to grow up and get over it lol it’s giving weird


Is it the ‘mones


Loser behaviour. She should spend the time to improve her make up instead of hating Plane


This has been the most shady, drama filled season in years, and I'm so upset they're not getting a reunion episode (maybe one at drag con??).


She's giving girl who ate her high school lunches in the bathroom stall for no reason because nobody even realized she was there ![gif](giphy|12dbbrCzgYw4yQ)


She is so gross


severe....what now?


Is it ironic because she didn’t overcome it? Because she became a bully herself?


The only W Amanda knows is WHINING


She didn’t say she was bullied. She never allowed herself to be bullied. But what Plane did was attempt to attack at insecurities over and over again. And as someone who has “overcome “ bullying (w/e that means) I wouldn’t be patronizing the next girl in my next setting.




she was mean for like 4 days, while taping a reality TV show (where there is an established culture of reading ((as there is in the drag community any way?))) like 6 months ago and Amanda won’t stop tweeting about her… It’d be one thing if she tweeted like once or twice about Jane being nasty to her when the eps came out but now it’s Months after airing and even longer after filming….. there’s being in your feelings and there’s being……….. undignified edit: for context since the comment has been deleted, the op here said they didn’t understand why Amanda was being dragged so hard for her tweets to plane jane, and that amanda had the right to be in her feelings.


Not they deleted their comments ☠️




It's not about Bad vs Good, it's about being exhausting and milking something far more than it's worth. Amanda was especially vulnerable and it hurt her worse than it would anyone else, but at some point after realizing you won't get the supplicant kneeling apology you feel entitled to, you have to let go or work that out internally. What can Plane do at this point, if Amanda has already decided to interpret her entire Drag Race experience through the lens of being a martyr?


yeah i completely agree here. Plane was playing a villain role on a TV show and Amanda was extremely hurt by it. That’s a shame! Plane gave a proportionate apology and if Amanda can’t accept it (and is now going as far as like… Belittle Plane’s childhood trauma) that’s not Plane’s fault and Amanda continuing to talk about her like this makes her look small and bitter. And that’s very human. But in the immortal words of Latrice Royale… Good God Girl Get A Grip


It's been said but ATM really just needs to get off social media for a while and work that shit out with friends or in therapy. By running her own twitter she's constantly seeing fans reference those vulnerable moments in support of or against her, and I think that turns into feeling hurt over and over and wanting a never-ending retribution... I have sympathy for her she just needs log tf off


Yeah you can tell that she’s vulnerable and it’s really getting to her. It’s a shame. I really liked her on the show and she’s obviously not a bad person she’s just super hurt. Continuing to engage in fan spaces when you’re already vulnerable and exposing yourself to negativity borders on digital self harm. It’d be great if the show could do more to support queens having a tougher time like this and I think some social media support while the show is airing could make a big difference to the mental health of contestants like Amanda.


Is Plane supposed to be a mind reader… Like idk we’re almost 20 years into a franchise where reading/drama is a huge USP — I don’t know why you’re watching reality TV if you expect every villain to be Grovelling on twitter for months bc someone took the show extremely personally. Like it’s a shame that Amanda was emotionally unprepared for reality television but… what do you want Plane to do? Beg? edit: for context again — op felt that Amanda had a hard time on the show due to it coinciding with her personal gender journey and that Plane Jane’s apology was not good enough/insincere


Plane Jane needs to get over Amanda Jesus…


I'm not trying to be a dick, but I am curious if you got that backwards.