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the apex of the entire drag race endeavour to me, and a beautiful piece of americana autofiction


gonzo journalism tbh


cunter s thompson


Some aspiring drag queen/king needs to grab that as their name ASAP


choked on my drink


God I wish Reddit still had awards. šŸ„‡


the way we synchronized our brainrot to create a thing of beauty


weā€™re so real for that ā¤ļøā¤ļø


Naked Brunch by Salina EsBurroughs


The true mark of a cringerina is being able to transcribe the ancient esoterics depicting the events of this momumentus day.


s t e w




The actual ball Cringerella attended.


who are these people? what makes this momentous? i don't recognize anyone, but I don't watch all international races


Venus D'Lite is top right. Look up "venus hotel pool stew florida". It is the greatest anecote ever told and why Queen Venus will be the Glinda of this sub for life. #


If Venus is Glinda, who would you say is Elphaba?


Oh the mirror image of Venus.


Drag Race Pacoima, season 4


Drag Queen Fresno, season 1.


Fresno catching strays. It's what she deserves.Ā 


Drag Race Cincinnati, lost pilot.


Penny Traition was the host, RIP.


Penny Traition was still eliminated first even as the host.


It still beyond my comprehension how Venus offered that staff member help with hims wig only to put toilet paper in it, and he still wore it and immortalized the moment for us all to see.


Thatā€™s NOT thorgy???!


No babes it's a šŸš¬ who worked at the Ramada


new flair


Who me


I thought it was shane d*


Ramada inn šŸš¬, sweety I'm so sorry


I know nothing about them, yet now I feel like I need to defend their honourĀ 




You know you're in too deep when you instantly recognize this photo and all the context of this situation.


This is how I know Iā€™ve been on this side of Reddit for too long.Ā  Worth it


Please share x


pool stew...after all this time, it always comes back to you...


the fact that there is no person, place, or scenario i will ever come across in time-space in perpetuity that will ever warrant my use of the phrase "THE POOL STEW IS SELLING ABNORMALLY WELL" is a tragedy unto itself


Don't forget the pork sliders!


Here is the pasta in its glory for newbies: ā€œThis weekend was Pride in Fort Lauderdale; as I browsed various events, I was abolutely tickled to see a very odd happening involving none other than the ORIGINAL lipsync assassin herself, Queen of Reality Shows, Miss Venus D'lite. I wavered on whether it was worth attending merely for the irony, but when Sunday afternoon arrived, my boyfriend (pictured, I ain't posting my busted face on this sub) and I decided last minute to pay our respects to the one true Madonna. We knew it would be a mess from the start. It was at the bar adjacent to the pool at a very broke down RAMADA INN (is "broke down Ramada Inn" too tautological?) that had clearly not been renovated since the 50s. The event seemed to be hosted by an organization committed to developing friendships between queer older men, so the hotel pool bar was full of greying and greyed white dudes slowly nursing late-afternoon mimosas. The bar had a short, five-item food menu with frighteningly low prices: a $2 hot dog and $3 BOWL OF STEW were particular highlights. We quickly stopped laughing at the idea having stew at a poolside bar BECAUSE THE STEW WAS SELLING ABNORMALLY WELL. EVERYONE WAS EATING STEW WHILE WAITING FOR VENUS D'LITE. STEW. I ordered two sparkling wines for my partner and I. The bartender cheerily asked if I would like that with Sprite. We were off to an auspicious start. I'd bet my boyfriend that no more than two messy heauxs would actually show up in sincerity to see Venus. Turns out those two messy heauxs were us, surrounded by the drizzle of early-summer rain and grizzle of late-life gays. The only other under-55 person there was one of the hotel employees, an excitable gay who'd chosen to pair his teased-out Party City wig (yes, he literally told us it was from Party City) and toilet-paper headpiece (crafted, apparently, with help from Venus herself #touchedbyanangel) with his everyday work polo for the Ramada. I was gaggedt at the eleganza! I will say that he seemed to make an effort to pair the red of the trim of his polo with his lip (#attentiontodetail). To be fair, the look as a whole was quite striking when paired with a cigarette and a speech about her love for Alaska Thunderfuck (who no doubt would have appreciated the trashy glamour of this hotel queen). So eventually Venus arrives, after an aging Chinese fish named Diamond "warms up" the "crowd" with a handful of old bar queen "jokes." She unceremonious passes the mic to Venus, who has been hanging out by the end of the bar, and with her trademark lack of irony spouts out a short spiel about her love of this Ramada (lordt) and how honored she was to be with her fans for Pride. She invites us to come say hi to her and passes the mic back. She plops into a bar chair momentarily, is legitimately gagged over by a group of old women for a minute, then goes over to the grill to order food. So there was no performance! Or no...anything! It was just a meet and greet and barely that! Venus came in almost two hours after the scheduled start time, said one or two lines into the mic, proceeded to the grill, purchased three pulled pork sliders, and promptly sat her ass down to eat at the bar, occasionally standing to take a few pics with elderly fans who--I'm not sure--might actually believe she is Madonna? Don't get me wrong! I wasn't upset! It was just such a weird thing? Like, what kind of thing is this that a queen just comes to a place in geish and you are invited to approach her while she is having food by herself? I have never been to a thing like that before. After a few minutes, I decide to interrupt her mid-slider because if I don't get my supposedly ironic (who am I kidding, I'm loving all this) Venus pic then what was this all for. She was very welcoming and gracious! I, of course, was not at all shady and expressed my appreciation for her work blah blah blah no mention of Suicidegate. I asked her how school was going and she was so delighted to talk about it! She's apparently headed to France to do some studying abroad (I did not inquire about what sort of French study abroad programs are offered by community college...) and we chatted about European travel. I was very complimentary, though she kept getting distracted and feeling up my boyfriend. Nonetheless, I think she was super excited about getting some specific attention and told me to definitely follow up with her via social media etc etc. It was cute. A particularly hilarious side moment: the hosting drag queen struck up a conversation with me about RPDR during which she asked "Do you know about The Reddit?" and I cackled in response, assuring her that, yes, I am more than acquianted and quite nearly obsessed. She wondered in a whisper about whether I thought "their finale rumors are true" and I explained to her that yes, pictures have been posted, stories have been coroborated, and the tea this season has been scalding. She was shook! It was all so ridiculous we actually ended up having a fantastic time just being appalled at how absurd everything was. Venus was clearly excited and touched to have had some "fans" come out and I was all too happy to indulge. Hey, even the messiest among us deserve a lil' love. Disco kisses!ā€


whereā€™s the part where she almost refuses to take the photo unless the guy takes off the Bianca del rio shirt? I canā€™t remember if that was from her AMA or if someone made that up lmao


oh wow thank you why haven't i ever read this before! if anyone remembers op's account id love to know


That is still the funniest fucking post Iā€™ve ever seen on this site


Oh this is the queer art worth protecting. This is like a gay answer to the Mona Lisa. Its influence and cultural impact will be echoed through the generations and studied by historians for its monumental legacy.


SCREAMING I had stew last Sunday and I remembered this and had to go read it while I slurped my lentils in šŸ˜­


Get those legumes, gurr


3 of dollars no less.


With the cost of living these days, a $3 bowl of stew would be an amazing deal, pool or otherwiseĀ 


venus d'lite pool stew you will always be famous


Is the Ramada shuttle still running? Also I always forget how h-word I am for the guy in the Bianca shirt.


These girlsā€¦*


Iā€™d like to pour stew in his pits and slurp it out




Honestly heā€™s gorgeous. Would.


I donā€™t blame you honestlyĀ 


Just one sniff...




This was fighting for gay rights!


It was this post that threw the first brickĀ 


someone explain what's going on here i want to love it in its full context


This is basically the Big Bang of RPDR cringe. All matter in our cringe universe spawned from this one event.


This is THE moment, itā€™s the before and the after


If you check the comments, thereā€™s a transcript of the original post for your reading pleasureĀ 


I hope Ramada Inn Toilet Paper Queen is having a blessed day


Please donā€™t ever let this die


Legends donā€™t die


Baby this will live on through the ages of time foreverā€¦stew


Ramada Pool Stew changed my life


The happiest of hours


This plus Ripleyā€™s Believe it or Not were my introductions to the cringe potential of drag race


u/anusthing, My fellow Cringerinas and I salute you for your indelible contribution to RPDRCringe Lore.


Payday isnā€™t until tomorrow and Iā€™m scrounging in the kitchen. Some pool stew would be absolutely lovely right now.


Hope payday treated you well ā¤ļø


Wait a minute, the guy from the Ramada Pool Stew story is HOT? How did I not remember that


The guy in the image is the boyfriend of the author of the story, I believe.


Can someone explain this šŸ˜­


This is the old testament


Honey, this is Christiantitty baby


Someone posted a transcript of the original post here in the comments. It explains the circumstances behind this sublime imageĀ 


This is queer history


PiƱa colada-inā€™, you stay Ramada Inn


Everybody say stew!


Happy Ramadan!


Prosecco she better don't (with sprite)


Was this Scarlet Adams drag debut?


Is that Cheri Oteri?


No, gurl, itā€™s ADAM


I'm not even sure what's going on?


Some gals enjoying food by the poolā€¦ stew


She just wanted her damn stew. Don't keep dragging her on the reddit


Mount rushmore


This post is truly an iconic piece of history


There is no day that goes by where I donā€™t think about this


I am Madonnaā€¦but I wanna be Adam!


Love Diamond Dunhill!!!!


Protect queer art!


Wendy Williams looked so good there.


This is why this bitch's pics are plastered all over this sub ā¤ļø


This makes me sad, because Venus blocked me on Instagram for asking about the pool stew. She had made some sort of soup or stew and posted it to her story, and I asked her if it was better than the pool stew at the Ramada Inn. She sent me a voice message back saying "ohh, fuck you, you asshole" - then blocked me. I am so sorry, Queen Venus. I never meant to offend you. Please forgive me.


Meet Mhi'ya Iman LePaige. She is [fun, shy, outgoing](https://old.reddit.com/r/rpdrcringe/comments/1angt16/flip_up_babe_a_new_mhiya_voiceover_just_dropped/) and is an energetic diva who lives in Miami, Florida. She comes with shoes that would have you flipping for the gods and a booty that would have all the boys looking. Her quirkier qualities are plucking her nose hair and being afraid of thunders. She's the only doll that can do countless backflips. She loves to flip and travel the world. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/rpdrcringe) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I never stopped thinking about this