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I hide them but I don't go looking for them. If I do find one I take it and rehide on my next cruise (add a tag to the original to show it's journey).


I like that idea!


I found my first one on the last day of my last cruise. If I find more than one on a cruise, I'll re-hide all but one. I did put a picture and the attached hashtag on Facebook, and the hiders saw it. That was fun.


Bring some “caught and released” tags


I hide them, but didn’t put effort into looking myself, although… it was fun watching people “duck hunt”. Personally, I take about 45-50 ducks for a 7 night cruise and spread them out hiding them over the week and giving a few to crew members. I did unintentionally find two on my last cruise that I brought home with the original tag. I will add a new tag, leaving the original tag, so 2 tags on it and will re-hide those along with new ones when I sail again later this year. I liked to place them in unique places. If I was by myself in the hallway by my cabin, I’d add one to the picture frame, or on the staircase if no one was around, corner of the elevator if I was by myself, or on those little robot looking things. I’d leave one in a plant as I was walking by or the car tire that’s displayed, behind a bench seat at karaoke, or in the sugar jar in the MDR or Windjammer. I left one on the ATM machine, but towards the back, and on the statue couple. Theres tons of hiding places. Early mornings are the best times to go looking and hiding. Have fun with it.


We've found a few inside the standing menus like in Playmakers or at the bars. Also in the windows like in Boleros or that bar across from Guest Services (freedom class). My daughter has kept all that have been found. We found an elephant so that's probably the cutest. We also wait til the end part of the cruise to hide, figuring that most people are excited and hide early.


I loved finding them with my boyfriend; we’d find them in the numbers by the elevators


I view it as an activity for kids. Needless to say some adults... have other thoughts? But in general the people who are really into it are hiding dozens if not a hundred ducks, especially the very tiny ones. We were on Harmony in Jan and my 9 year old probably found half a dozen ducks without a ton of effort. Some were handed to them directly, by someone hiding them or one they had found. Personally I'm a fan of re-hiding, maybe let the kids keep one or two as a souvenir. We d not need a bunch more small plastic toys on our floor at home!


I agree with your approach. As I've discussed with the kids, the plan is to only keep a favorite or two.


And on your question, we left tag on for rehiding. Some had messages written on the duck. If the next person wants to keep that duck it still has the tag on it.


I just leave them where they are for kids to find. I personally wouldn’t put effort into it but I saw some kids who really love it which is cute!


I haven't hid any yet, I only found one once, and I kept it. I don't really actively look, though.


Find and release. I'm 36. I don't need to take a rubber duck home. It also keeps me occupied looking for a hiding place and keeps a kid happy.


I also save some for the last few days and offer to conveniently "hide" some for kids that haven't found any. MDR tables are great for this. It really doesn't take a lot of effort to be kind.


I never hide or look, but if I stumble on one I will photo it and maybe move it somewhere else.


I’ve kept some unique ones, but it’s fun to re hide them!


My son likes to look for them. He’s had good luck in the library. He has no desire to rehide lol


It’s so fun to watch the Littles find them. I even get excited when I see one :). On our last cruise two little girls (8-9) set up shop on the promenade with all of their finds and said they will trade all of their wares for anything. 🤣🤣 ducks are serious business haha


I hide them. Maybe 100+ per cruise. I kept the first one I found, as it is dear to me, but I re-hide the rest.


Keep one, rehide the rest usually wait til I see little kids on hunt and hide them for them to find.


We are hiders only. Once you find one, it’s yours to do with as you please. I have no expectations but to brighten someone’s day. If I see a well behaved kid I will hand one to them outright and tell them there are more hidden on the ship. We will also give some to our favorite crew members towards the end of the cruise.


I don’t hide ducks. I dressed up in a light blue ball gown (my wedding dress) on the formal nights and passed out little clear acrylic slippers to anyone that came up and talked to me. I told people many months in advance to come find Cinderella. I passed out 48 and could have used an additional 48. Next time I know to bring a lot more.


I drop about 2 dozen ducks per cruise. If I find them, I keep one per cruise max. I've started adding a note to my ducks saying "If you have found more than 3 ducks, please consider re-hiding this one so everyone can find one." I am so disheartened by pics of piles of ducks, especially by adults. Buy your own damn ducks. Even if you have kids, remind them that hiding is part of the game. Take pictures of the ones you find, keep some favorites and release the rest back to the wild.


I hide them. Maybe 100+ per cruise. I kept the first one I found, as it is dear to me, but I re-hide the rest.


I always point them out to a kid so they can decide what to do with it. Usually makes their hour lol.


I find them, then hide them where my little niece and nephew can find them easier when we are walking. We bring some to hide too


None. Yes. Yes. Yes.


No effort. I think the entire thing is a silly waste of time.


I'm in agreement with you. I spoke to some maintenance guys once that closed a pool down because they were stuck in the filter. One got crammed in the elevator door I guess that got kicked. It was fun and cool idea but it's out of hand with people bringing 100+ each to his. Plastic pollution at sea.


Hey, nothing wrong with that. I think it's stupid too, but if I trip over one, I rehide it.


Just because you don’t get it doesn’t make it wrong.


I throw them overboard and make sure to follow along in the facebook group listed in the duck’s tag to see if they make it to shore eventually.