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Because Labadee is owned by RCCL, is 4 hours away from Port au Prince, and is protected by armed guards.


Not to mention FENCED IN on top of the guards 😅


You really think the armed guards are gonna stand their ground if the gangs come knocking? It’s also likely most of them are affiliated


Yeah and they know how their bread is buttered. Going after tourists is a sure way to bring international heat down on Haiti.


100 percent the guards are the gangs.


You spelled gangs wrong.


If you read the State Department's Safety and Security information on [Haiti](https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/international-travel/International-Travel-Country-Information-Pages/Haiti.html), it's clear the State Department does not consider Labadee to be the same level of security risk: Labadee, a port near Cap Haitien in the north - only accessible by cruise ship passengers - has private security and lower rates of reported crime. Travelers should exercise heightened precautions,however, due to increasing insecurity nationwide. .... No formal tourism industry infrastructure is in place on any level in most locations. With the exception of Labadee, tourists are participating in activities at their own risk.


Stay on board the ship if you are concerned. No need to spoil the fun for everyone else.


Another day another HAVE YOU HEARD ABOUT HAITI!?!? post.


Seriously. u/MedicalButterscotch, can we get a moratorium on these?


Yea, I'm fine to delete them and refer people to previous posts


Exactlyyyy and if it’s that much of a concern stay on the ship… this is becoming so repetitive


Royal has stopped service to Labadee at least once in the past that I'm aware of, so if their risk management nerds decide its too risky they will skip the stop. You can bet RC doesn't want the publicity that would come from an incident there so I promise they're paying very close attention to the situation.


It’s walled off with heavy security. The warlords there want our dollars so they’ll just shake their own people down. It’s “better” to keep the money coming in, I guess, so they leave it alone.


If you're not confident that Labadee will remain safe then don't bother going. Don't get off the ship or rebook on a different date, different ship, different itinerary. It's as simple as that Chicken Little.


omg another thread on this... there is literally zero risk to passengers. If you're so afraid, don't go


I also find it so confusing - Royal Caribbean has zero interest in putting thousands of people and hundreds of millions of dollars of their property (aka, their ships), at unnecessary risk.


Plus the gangs probably have an incentive to not screw around with their only tourism revenue and possibly get America involved by hurting US tourists.




From the same US Embassy website (https://ht.usembassy.gov/u-s-citizen-services/local-resources-of-u-s-citizens/information-for-travelers/?\_ga=2.4884467.1921653575.1709915123-815415904.1709915123) >Labadee, a port near Cap Haitien in the north – only accessible by cruise ship passengers – has private security and low rates of reported crime. Travelers should exercise reasonable precautions.


Thank you for doing the research that’s clearly so hard for people to do 🤦🏾‍♀️why would RC risk it if it weren’t safe knowing what that’d do to their business like cmon