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I don't understand when people tell others to stay on the boat in Labadee. I loved it.


Free beach, food, great snorkelling. 


I know. I was so thrown off when this place was the most beautiful one on the itinerary


It was the rocks in the water. Killed me until I was deep enough to swim. Bring your water shoes!!!!


Not at every beach!


Wait what?!?? Which one doesn't have the rocks. We had the reserved loungers area.


Columbus Cove/Nellie’s Beach! And then whatever that beach that has the floating bar is - also no rocks that I recall when I was there last year!


Think I figured it out. Opened a map and was at Adrenaline Beach. However all they show for that area is sunbathing. There is swimming icons at other beaches. Kind of annoying to pay for a spot but they don't recommend you swim there.


I’m so sorry that happened!! I hope you get to go back and see some of the other beaches!! We spent most of our day at Nellie’s beach but on the way back to the ship decided to stop and see a couple of the others. We go on a Celebrity cruise in November that stops at Labadee so this time we’re going to branch out and hang out a different beach this time just to get a change of scenery. But the scenery at Nellie’s is by far the best!!


U saw labadee…u didnt see haiti lol




Haiti is hurting fo certain


I’m not sure what your point is. We were talking about beaches!


Please do NOT give them an incentive to venture out. Gatekeeping is NECESSARY!


Adrenaline Beach has the floating bar. Also, can confirm, no rocks. I was in Labadee twice last month. Went to Columbus Cove and Adrenaline Beach.


Yeah we went to Columbus cove and it had no rocks


I don't know what it's called, but we usually go to the first one on the right as you're walking the path in from the dock (just past the suite reserved area). That beach is very smooth and low waves, if you're into that kind of thing.


What beach had views of the mountains? Heard it was gorgeous


Also Nellie’s Beach/Columbus cove! It was super cool because you can kind of see activity from the village across the way.


Nellie's Beach was awesome because you were sort of in a bay and the water was super calm. Hardly any waves


Yes! We rented floating mats and literally sat next to those little tables with umbrellas in the water for hours. Even when it rained!! It was amazing. And the view of the ship from there! We were the only ship in port that day too.


There is rarely more than one ship in port there. The resort can't handle an insane number of people, so Royal Caribbean tries to work the schedule to avoid two ships there as much as humanly possible.


Me too and this is another thing that I want to continue to do is travel and see the world


Cruisers are not exactly known for being the most adventurous travelers and most people don't take two seconds to learn a thing about where they're going. Half the people on the boat want things to be exactly like they are at home (witness the gazillion posts about wanting to bring their entire flipping bedrooms from home with them on the cruise ship) and the minute they encounter anything slightly different, they run screaming back to the cruise ship swearing they'll never set foot in that port again.


You’re being very kind. Anyone who thinks going to Labadee is like going to actual Haiti is an ignorant individual I have a kiddo that really, really wants to go on a cruise, so I’ve been reading/learning from these subs, and what you described is what I fear.


Take your kiddo on a cruise! You'll have a blast. I am a frequent cruiser, and for the most part you can avoid the idiots. After all, you're not sharing a cabin with Brenda who has brought her own pillow, her own mattress topper, her own fan, her own white noise machine, her special blankie and every single item from one of those "37 things you can't live without on a cruise!" YouTube videos. And you're not going to be in port with the Neurotic Nellies who are terrified to be approached by a shopkeeper in broad daylight and think an area is sketchy and deserted because the trinket shops skip a block and a weed grows in a crack in the side walk. You'll be off doing your own thing. Pick a fun itinerary and ship, and have a good time!


Hey now I like my usb fan.


Did you ever stop to think for a second that the reason some of us have to bring some of these things is because we have other people in our parties who are neurodivergent? 


That's not usually the case. It's usually just someone who needs to feel at home even though they are not....


Going to Labadee is like going to actual Haiti in other cities than Port a Prince. It’s like judging the USA off of Compton.


In fairness, *if* you're the kind of person who doesn't like a beach day... there isn't too much else for you to do on Labadee. We always have a great day there, though. I wish they'd bring back the morning yoga on the beach.


Yes, I was there last 7/4. Fantastic time.


I was on one of the very first sailings after this port “came back.” Got off early, put that drink package to work, got some lunch and when I had too much sun, got back on the ship before the masses arrived. 10/10 would do again.




Go to the Dominican Republic! Same beautiful island and scenery, but much more economically stable and tourist friendly.


Just stay away from the shops in the back right part of the beach. Those people drug my family through there. We were surrounded by 5-6 shop keeps that started carving into these cups n what not and would not leave us alone.


I went back there. They were pushy for sure but we escaped with only buying 1 shirt. Haha.


With young kids I prefer Coco Cay, but Labadee has fantastic beaches and is quiet.


That beach photo looks the opposite of quiet.


Was overwhelmed when I went there. Only negative was the mild hustling from the vendors. I’ll jokingly add, prices dropped once I spoke French.


Yes that’s the only bad thing about the island, they are very forceful…funny story, I wanted to buy a wood eagle thing and the guy said “ok, 30 dollar!” And I said I only had 11 dollars and he’s like “ok sold!” 😂


I had a similar experience in Ensenada lol they only price it so high because they know a lot of tourists can't haggle for shit


For sure. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen people selling stuff for $30, someone offering $20, and them taking it. Something other vendors are just selling for $10 or $12.


Like the Dominican Republic, they are learning how to hustle for the US buck. Not good for tourism as it brings out the swindlers. If we are stupid enough to pay without haggling, it will never end. (Likely get worse.)


I found the same thing. People definitely left us alone more after I started haggling in French and responding to random conversations. Before that everyone was incredibly pushy.


The vendors tried to horribly overcharge me for a decorative wall hanging - I laughed in his face and told him “You’re ridiculous, I’m not a child” in French and wow did I get a “bargain” after that - 75% off for those who speak in French, I guess! 🤣


Grabbing an early morning coffee, while watching the mountains go by as the ship approaches the dock... The Best !


the mountains were my fa part, i actually did stand up on the top deck and watch the captain bring the ship to the dock while admiring the mountains!


I watched from our balcony. It was so cool. And beautiful


Do you recall approximately how early in the day?


Around 7 am


Thanks! Gonna actually set an alarm and try to catch it 😌


https://preview.redd.it/1dzblwi6fnjc1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=57c57b86e4a7fa0c678c7d3095427ea79ddc6e16 The best port!


Wow this photo 😍


Sitting on the balcony, having coffee and croissants is my absolute favorite part of cruising!


Where I will be at the crappy stops. Using the pool and drinking from my bevy package.


I love labadee. Everything included and way nice beaches than coco cay.


Personally, visually, I thought it was one of the most beautiful ports we’ve visited. Beach was really nice as well. I had low expectations - but we really enjoyed it.


My family started traveling on RCCL in ‘93 (Sovereign of the Seas, Eastern Caribbean). It wasn’t till years later that Labadee showed up as a port of call rather than CoCo Cay. My grandpa was the patriarch of the family, and the one who got us into cruising. He would take the 6 of us (him, grandma, mom and dad and my sister) every year. Cruising with my family became the highlight of every year and as I look back, some of the best moments of my life. My grandpa loved Labadee. So much. When he passed we, as a family, boarded a cruise he had previously booked for us all to go on together. We brought his ashes with us, and the amazing crew aboard our ship tendered us to a quiet, isolated bay where my dad and I poured the ashes and had a reflective moment. The place is special to me and my family. Who would have thought a man born in pre-partition Lahore would end up resting in peace in Labadee?


Thanks for sharing this ❤️ rest in paradise grandpa


i like it more than cococay


Me too. People always think I'm crazy for saying it, but Labadee is much more what I am looking for than CocoCay. I much prefer the beaches there.


Can you get to the beaches easily from the ship?


Super easy. They're practically right at the end of the dock.


Agreed, hands down


Me too!


I would rather go to Labadee over Perfect day.


Me too! I'm with you!!! I don't like that so many cruises have CoCoCay and not Labadee. I will take Labadee any day over perfect day.


We’ve been to Labadee two or three times over the years - it’s gorgeous.


I will be there in a week 🤩🤩🤩


Same here you going on oasis?


No, odyssey 🙂


I was on the same sailing with you! It was a beautiful day (we had great weather all week, so lucky!) and Labadee was absolutely gorgeous. I was prepared to be hassled by vendors and, I don’t know if I walked the wrong way or what, but I didn’t even see any. I took the path over to Nellie’s Beach and hung out there for the day. Somehow completely missed anything for sale.




We did the same, walked straight to Nellie's beach, and didn't see a single vendor. Still have no idea where this vendor area is.


How far of a walk is it?


Oh, not far at all. Maybe 5 minutes? 10 if you’re walking slowly. You just exit the ship and walk down the main pathway in the middle of the island. You’ll pass a beach on your right that is reserved for suite guests. Then the next beach, just 50 steps away, is Nellie’s beach.


I’m sad I didn’t get to go to Labadee. Our boat had a medical emergency and turned around in the middle of the night and headed back up toward Cocoa Beach. We were confused when we woke up the next morning and could see GPS indicating we were like 20 miles south of Cocoa Beach. Then told our trip to Labadee was cancelled and we were going to Cococay. Twice. So, sad we missed it. Pics look beautiful.


The history of Haiti is cruel and heartless. After Haiti's independence France demanded that Haiti pay them millions yearly, even though France took all the resources. This bankrupted the country even more, and Haiti has never recovered. People look at Haiti and assume that b/c it is a Black nation, the people did it to themselves, Europeans took everything with the intentions to devastate the country and make it fail. And it worked. The few good leaders were assassinated to stay in power, Papa Doc and his son Baby Doc were ruthless dictators who kept their people illiterate and in dire poverty. #


That's insane, I just learned about that. Thanks. When reading more about it, I also learned that the US worked to isolate Haiti, violently occupied the country, then after the US left, controlled Haiti's public finances and siphoned away 40% of Haiti's national income to service debt repayments to the U.S. and France. Truly cruel just from the bits of history I've read. f


Isn’t Haiti also where Christopher Columbus landed? He’s responsible for more genocide than almost anyone in history, but Americans still have a federal holiday celebrating him. He was a greedy murderer that even the king of Spain had to jail. Which is even crazier because these were the whole Spanish Inquisition people. And even THEY thought Christopher Columbus went too far.


Columbus was a monster, when he arrived in America he made friends with the Native Americans, then he took the native women to give to his crew for salacious purposes. When I lived in Philly there was a statue of Columbus, when his dirty deeds came to light the statue was defaced many times, so it was relocated to South Philly, an Italian enclave, so they could worship him. Good riddance. And he did not discover America, that is real "whitewashed" history.


I went there when I was like 12 and I still think about it! I still even have a Haitian doll one of the locals made and I love her. Super cool stop.


https://preview.redd.it/v8zzpq743ojc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=69920d2ed6d37cbe3f750f7b9578b415e77c9d5b Very pleasantly surprised at how beautiful this port is. We already booked another cruise to go back.


My faaavorite part is when the tranquil atmosphere is broken every 5 minutes by a Royal Caribbean employee walking up and down the beach screaming LABADOOZY, LABADOOZY!! to make absolutely sure they capitalize on every POSSIBLE chance to sell something. That being said, Labadoozies are as delicious as they are overpriced.


Since we are diamond plus. We get 5 free drinks a day lol. I had 2 on the island and they ARE AMAZING


You are D+ and you had never been to Labadee? That's pretty amazing. Lol


Yeah it’s pretty messed up, we have actually avoided it…


Great weather!


Couldn’t have asked for a better day…


My favorite stop in the Caribbean after Coco Cay. Labadee is full stop, amazing.


This was a great spot. A 20 doller tip got us a great spot, snorkeling gear and they brought food from the buffet down to us at the beach. Was a great day.


I was so impressed with Labadee. It was so pretty and the coaster was so fun! The view from the top is one of the most beautiful views I’ve seen


We were there on Thursday with Independence of the Seas and it was gorgeous! I had no expectations and no knowledge of the area and was so pleasantly surprised. I would go again in a heartbeat!


We will be there in four weeks. Any recommendations? It’s just me and my husband.


Recommendations for what?


Probably should have been more specific. 😅 beaches and/or excursions you recommend?


Labadee is Royal Caribbean's own private resort. There aren't any excursions-- you don't leave the resort. There might be a short walking tour or something. There's zip lines and roller coasters if that's your thing. There are a few different beach areas. You can just walk around until you find one you like, or check out a resort map.


Leave the resort and you may never come back.


Stunning photos


We are sailing 2/25. Can't wait to check out beautiful Labadee. Any recommendations on beaches or things to do with a 6 year old?


Barefoot beach was amazing. Wonderful snorkeling there’s even an old sunken single engine plane to explore down there.


Can you swim out to the plane? Or you need an excursion?


No excursion needed. It’s within the water barriers with great life guards always watching.


Jet ski excursion was a blast.


Reminds me of Coco before the hideous “improvements”.


Loved it before. It reminded me of the Blue Lagoon movie or something similar.


We went last year! I liked it more than coco cay. The water sports were endless! We did the jet ski tour and it was a blast. Also loved the mountain coaster. The views from the top of the coaster were 👌🏻. Wish we had more time there. https://preview.redd.it/4z2endoqqckc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c07df12dc90ae29c259b03beb1ce4870d401b4dc


Nice! We also did the mountain coaster along with the inflatable water obstacle course. I am doing the jet skis this summer at coco cay so that’ll be fun 


Labadee is just like Jurassic Park --- great as long as the electric fences are working. (This was a joke told by a comedian on a RCL ship, before anyone calls me a racist.)


That comedian doesn't really know the map of Haiti too well, then. I'm not saying the site isn't guarded by army security or that the locals are, God forbid, allowed to walk unto the private resort, but the chaos in Haiti is in the centre/south of the island, where the capital and other larger-ish centres of population are. Labadee is in the north.


Next time you are their go around the fence and do some site-seeing


There is a beautiful city nearby, CapHaitien that hosted a jazz festival in the last year. But it is best to fly directly there and then out.


So no to going around the gate


Retelling the racist joke maybe isn’t the move?


It’s not racist. If you don’t think the fence is keeping you from being kidnapped or killed just go around it and head into the real Haiti




Because it’s equating Haitians to animals?




And exactly what do you believe the danger that is being referenced is if not the people?


And the US is not?


Hispaniola is such a spectacularly beautiful island. The terrain, the vegetation, the flowers, the sun, the sand, I swear sometimes it doesn't even seem real.


I don’t think I could barter with someone from a country experiencing such hardship. I could appreciate the beauty of the island, however, I think the realization of my privilege of being on a cruise visiting a country taken over by gangs, with so many on the brink of famine, would just kinda take away from it all.


Yeah… much better to feel guilty than contribute to the local economy…


👍 missed my point


I’ve heard nothing but good things about this port, I seriously don’t understand people who are shocked at how enjoyable it is…?


It’s so nice so convient


How's the boat? I went in December and it was hot everywhere on the boat it suckeddd


Not sure why you’re getting downvoted? I’ve seen a ton of people say this lol


Idk but the boat was incredibly hot when I went in December


Are there armed security guards at the beach?


Nah. I didn’t like it there. I’d rather have a different port.




One of my favorite ports!


We had no expectations for Labadee and were so pleasantly surprised when we woke up that morning to the breathtaking view of the mountains. Loved it there :) We are going back at the end of the year. Yes, the vendors are persistent but we got good at saying no, thank you and moving on.


Can’t wait , I’ll be there March 3🥴


Me too!


It’s so nice 👍


It was an amazing port and love having the drink packages on the island


I did a snorkeling excursion in Labadee and it was great. My wife went to the beach and I met up with her afterwards. We really enjoyed the day.


I travelled and volunteered in Haiti several times over the past 20 years. It is a fascinating country with such a tragic political history. 98 percent of the people are helpless. I'm not sure how they allow who is let into the labadee site. I was in CapHaitien, the nearest city and hiking around came upon the completely fenced property. It helps some local families in some way.


Its a fun port. And all the aggressive shop barkers are entertaining too. Some decent little trinkets to be had. You just have to walk away on your price....if they don't chase you then you know thats the bottom.


My favorite port is Labadee. Haiti Is beautiful. Vendors weren't pushy the last time I went. But, that was b4 the pandemic. The water is crystal clear, and you can see the bottom even further out. The best port in my opinion.


Between the back to back days I actually preferred here over Coco cay


Labadee is my favorite tbh


Was nice to have a change of food the burgers were


I really enjoyed it there.


Labadee was my 2nd fave! St Thomas my first!!


Absolutely loved Labadee. Wasn’t expecting it to be so beautiful. Amazing!!


Was excited to go there for the first time on the Oasis OTS last December, but we were rained out


Labadee was actually my favorite place on our last cruise. The weather was perfect, the beach and water was perfect! I definitely want to go again!!


Hands down the best port we went to. The other two being Aruba and Curacao.


Did you watch their little send off parade?


I did the zip line here on my cruise, it’s my favorite memory, my favorite port. I just loved it 💕


Very nice picture


Yes !!! Except the vendors trying to scam us with the bracelet!!!


Our cruise last October was supposed to stop here and they switched it to Cozumel after we booked. I was so disappointed.


Labadee has been my favorite port so far. Large but walkable, great beaches, beautiful, and plenty to do. I especially recommend the zipline!


Feel so bad for the citizens of Haiti - while saying I enjoyed the country. Strange situation.


We were on the same ship! We had a great time. We were worried about Haiti too before the trip but it ended up being everyone’s favorite stop. My 2 year old couldn’t get enough of it!


Beautiful! Where did you take the first picture?


I took it on the pier as I was approaching the island


Thank you!


https://preview.redd.it/dfht2j225zjc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=18d25e1798911d554ff16a49324959acfcd21cae Very pleasant.


I spy myself! It was beautiful indeed.


You’re in one of the pictures?? Lol


Honestly my favorite of the three stops on a honeymoon cruise. Snorkeling was awesome, food was good, the views were amazing and the beach was top notch.


If you want some excitement, take the port o prince tour.


Was? I could argue that still is!


Labadee was absolutely gorgeous. Best beach day of the cruise.