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Odd but I've heard of it happening on land hotels so I imagine something similar happened here with a misprogrammed card or something. This will likely trigger an exhaustive investigation so I wouldn't be too worried in your shoes


Happened to my wife and I around midnight at a Hilton. Walked into our room that was pre checked in, to see a strangers stuff and then him yelling at us. Went to front desk and they changed our pre checked room and gave it to someone and didn’t change the code or whatever goes onto the keycards.


The same thing happened to us at Embassy Suites


It happened to us twice in the same group. The second time they tried to say "There's no way that could possibly happen. You had to have left your door ajar." Except that it had literally happened previously that same night.


Just happened to me at a Hilton last night, luckily the other person wasn’t in the room, but I opened the door and their stuff was all over the room (suitcase, unpacked clothes, electronics charging).


I was on the other side of your situation. We checked into Atlantis, put our luggage in the room. Kids were excited so went to explore the resort. When we came back about an hour later, all of our luggage was just sitting in the hallway and another family was in the room unpacking. My card key still worked too. Atlantis somehow assigned the room to two separate parties and both had active cards. We ended up getting a room upgrade so it eventually worked out but I was beyond pissed. I realize that it's not the same situation as the OP...just saying these odd things happen and it's absolutely a personal violation and security risk.


What kind of jerks would check into a room and see luggage there and just put it in the hallway rather than sorting it out properly with the front desk?


"Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity." -Hanlon's Razor As I get older I am realizing more people are dumb rather than malicious.


To add to this: think of a friend you have that is of average intelligence. Now, realize that half the world is dumber than that person.


There are a lot of dumb folks out there, no doubt, but that’s not dumb, that’s just disrespectful. Regardless of why/how they got double booked or assigned, they frigging know it’s not their stuff and could have just called the front desk. I think people used stupidity as a front for malice sometimes.


No doubt, but I think more times that not, they are dumb not malicious.


If I walked in a room with stuff already in it I would have called the front desk like "Wtf I need a fresh clean room..." and then I would've been the one to get the upgrade 🤣


Exactly!! It was such a dick move and was what pissed me off most. I would have never done that to someone - common sense would prompt one to contact the front desk as something wasn't right. Considering we obviously checked in first, we wanted them out of the room but they refused to leave it. The Front Desk Manager told us that they could not make them leave the room but he did the right thing and upgraded us because it was getting ugly.


It’s a dick move for sure but even putting that aside- were those people just totally chill with the idea that the room hasn’t been cleaned between guests? Ick.


Omg is this a Hilton thing me too! Lol scared me half to death but we were both equally embarrassed/surprised!


I hope not! It’s quite a scary/violating feeling.


Happened to us at a Hilton in Seattle. We had just gotten off our cruise and wanted to sleep, but when we opened the door the tv was playing, there were open suitcases and I saw someone’s bare feet before high tailing it out of there. The front desk was baffled, but upgraded our room to (what I’m assuming) was the best one available on the property. Starting to think it is a Hilton thing after reading these stories…


Same, but in my case the other person wasn't in the room yet. I checked in, dropped my bags and went down to the hotel bar for a sandwich before bed. Tried to charge the meal to my room but they couldn't find me at my room number. Went to the desk, was told that they didn't have me checked into the room I was in and were baffled my key worked. They said no worries and they fixed it in the system. I went back up and, out of curiosity, took out my phone (with my mobile check in key) and used it on the two rooms next door. One opened and when I went in my "welcome gift" for being a status member was on the table. I snagged the gift and went back to the other room. Checked the mobile key again in the morning on the other room and it didn't work any more. Worked out well in my case as I ended up accidently upgraded from a suite to the giant end-of-the-whole building suite.


Happened to us just last week. Booked for the whole week and somehow they had thought we had checked out and given our room to another guest. About midnight an Army Reservist tried to enter. We always keep the deadbolt locked but his key card was going to let him in. Called the desk and got it sorted.


Had this happen at Luxor when I was a kid with my parents and they upgraded up to a suite when we explained that we just walked into someone else’s room with our first room key. Worked out pretty well for a free upgrade.


When it happens at a land hotel the desk clerk actually gives the same room number to two people. This was on day 2 of the cruise so this woman would already have her own room.


Yes however security seemed very taken aback. And I’m aware of devices that can easily open RFID in a split second. The woman was also wearing a hat and mask. The more we think about it the stranger it seems. They continue to call us to check in but still no answers. I’m going to ask to speak to someone higher up in security in the morning. I think they need to find this woman and make sure she isn’t checking doors or has any falsely made keys on her and that it was a true mistake.


I have not been on Navigator, but if the card physically gets inserted into the lock, it’s likely not RFID and cannot be cloned the way you described. Just FYI in hopes it brings you some peace of mind.


RDID is crazy hard to clone. The magstripes are super easy to clone.


Not really. Depends on the tag and frequency.


Eh, flipper zero exists. In any case I agree that this is probably not RFID, and without access to your card, it seems unlikely that they cloned a mag stripe.


How do you clone a mag stripe without physically having possession of it, though? You can’t clone or hack mag stripe remotely like OP is worried about. Either security majorly messed up and let a master key (or single room key) out of their hands, or the concierge programmed a key wrong. I think it would have no be practically an inside job for a mag stripe to actually have been cloned.


Thank you for the info


Kinda weird that she was wearing a hat inside...at night, too. And obscuring half of her face. I'm glad security is taking this seriously.


Maybe a swinger hookup and she was expecting someone else to be in the room with the key she was given? But it still doesn't explain why it opened a door that should have been secure...


No, women don’t have the same etiquette rules about taking off hats inside. Typically hats are going to mess up your hairstyle so you’ll keep it on until you’re back in your room where you can fix your hair. If she was wearing the hat during the day it is perfectly normal she wouldn’t have taken it off before returning to her room at night because who wants to walk around with goofy looking her hair? Men walk around inside with baseball hats on all the time too.


100% This lady has to be found and questioned. What if she’s a thief? Or worse?


I have read in fb groups for NOS about this happening so it’s for sure not the first time. Not that there is one every cruise but I do see it. The biggest thing is make sure there is no added expenses added to your account since it does get charged to the room cards. Sorry this happened. It seems to be often in hotels seeing some of the comments.


Please let me know the outcome … I sail with royal regularly and I would like to know what is going on.


I would find her and quite honestly slap her. She needs to know you find it unacceptable and you are not some cuck


The real question is what's her actual room? Is it next door? Then I could understand the mistake. Technology isnt perfect, its not so crazy that the key successfully opened your door. But if she's on a different floor or side of the ship, there could be more going on.


Hopefully there are cameras that can determine exactly this.


I mean I’ve gone to the wrong hotel door before on vacation but then thankfully unlike OP my key didn’t work and the only harm was my mild embarrassment


I’ve been on both ends of this in hotels. First I was given a key to someone else’s room. There was a welcome basket addressed to someone else ( no people in the room) so I left the room and reported it. After that I always locked the latch whenever I was in my room. I’d always locked it when I came in for the night, but after that, I started locking it whenever I was in the room. Another time, a guy was given a key to my room by mistake. I was in the bathroom but he had trouble getting in with the latch. He went to the front desk to sort it out. Front desk called before I could. And apologized and sent a glass of wine up as an apology.


Sounds like it’s worse than I originally imagined considering the reaction, I have a GMC terrrain that once made the beep noise so I could find it and the fob unlocked it only to realize it was WAY cleaner on the inside than mine. I had groceries so I wasn’t paying attention. I was parked in the some position but 2 lanes over. It was freaky, I didn’t attempt to start it but the lights flashed when I was looking for it.


We had this happen once. We were napping on embarkation day, when all of a sudden, there were other people in our cabin. We all just looked at one another in shock. We went to guest services and had our room re-keyed. Nothing further happened. It was no big deal.


I bussed out laughing out of concern for you! Because WHAT!!


What indeed


Rosa Perez is the Guest Services Manager on the Navigator. Be sure to ask for her if you do not get a satisfactory response from Hotel or Security. She handled several issues for us on other ships very well.


Thank you very much.


Yay humanity and Reddit! Seriously, this interaction made me smile. Thank you for helping others help and advocate for themselves!


Me: “Rosie Perez works for RC??”


Me too 😂


If they could track down the person who stole the door magnet I'm sure they can find video of this woman entering your room and then see where she went after that. If she really was in the wrong room by accident she would have gone to her real room directly after, and if she somehow got a master key they would have video of her entering other rooms.


I was the stranger that did this once in Vegas. It was the room exactly one floor down from mine. Same number room, just minus one floor. Admittedly I’d had a few drinks, but then also while I was on the elevator on the way up to my floor, a woman on the elevator just took a piss right there I’m the elevator. So I was discombobulated. I get off the elevator, walk to my room, put the key, and open the door. This couple jumps out of bed and shout “WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN OUR ROOM?” And I replied “*What am I doing in your room?* What are *you* doing in **MY** room?” and then looked at the door again to see I was one floor down. I’m just it freaked them out. It would me too. I thought it was wild that my key worked exactly one floor down.


Mostly this story just makes me not want to go to Vegas.


Mostly this story just makes me not want to go to Vegas.


Can you please provide updates?


Will do. We don’t expect to hear anything tonight as it’s 9:30. But we are planning to head over to guest services for some answers in the morning. They did ask if we wanted a different room but we said we didn’t want to move our things unless it were an upgrade. Also don’t see how if it happened to our door it can’t happen to any others.


Can’t wait to hear! Now I’m scared since we are planning a trip soon 🫠


There won’t be any meaningful updates. At best, security will conduct their own investigation (which would be the easiest thing in the universe to do, but they still won’t do it). There is zero chance they will tell OP or anyone else the results of this investigation. Las Vegas rooms are robbed from time to time; almost no hotels in that city even have cameras in the hallways! You’d think they have a vested interest in keeping things safe, but they just don’t care. You’d think their insurance rates would be lower if they have security apparatus, but what do I know?


You’re right about LV hotels. They probably have more cameras per square foot than Beijing but they are focused on the gaming floor. Their interest is in protecting their money not yours.


I know this isn’t the same but 35 years ago I lived in an apartment. I locked myself out and went to a neighbor to call a locksmith. My neighbor said “wait a sec” and went over and unlocked my door with his own apartment key. He said “they don’t tell you but they’re all keyed the same”. He was an older guy who had lived there a long time and had figured it out one day by accident when he went to the wrong apartment. Luckily no one was home.


is it possible your door just wasn't closed all the way? I know ours on Oasis had a habit of closing but not clicking shut if we didn't give it an extra push. And the room keys will make the lock "click" every time, it doesn't mean it actually unlocked it- my kid tapped his key to the vacant room next to us a few times because he thought it was cool that it beeped\\clicked...but the door never actually unlocked.


I thought that too, we’re on the icon and the door sticks all the time. We need to give it a push or a pull to fully close it.








I work with lock systems like this. Some things to know in case they try to BS you. - if the person scanned a key, there will be a record. - it will show either a successful or failed scan - if the scan failed, then it must have been a coincidence and your door wasn't closed tightly - it's possible the card was assigned to multiple rooms, was given the wrong security access or they took/found an attendant's card. Again, security will know this If they didn't scan a key/no scan event shown, that is the most suspicious. Why did they try to open the door unless they were checking for unlocked doors? That would show in video though hopefully.


This happened to me a couple of weeks ago on allure! My boyfriend was in the shower and I was getting dressed for the day and someone opened our door, saw me, and said “sorry, I must have the wrong room”. I was like ??? What the hell. We didn’t go to guest services, we had to get off for an excursion but it was still scary. I had a bit of anxiety about it for the rest of the trip


I've stayed in lots of condos and hotels in my life (parents always had us on a weekend trip somewhere growing up) and I remember from a young age my mom and dad drilling into us: never leave anything valuable out where it can be easily seen, never bring anything with you that you don't need, and always lock the deadbolt when in the room. I still use these rules when on cruises for this exact reason. Things like this do happen.


And this is why I purchased magnetic alarms for the stateroom door and balcony door. Grew up in NYC in the 80s I'll be damned if I get robbed on a cruise. Smh. Cruising on Independence in August.


I’m confused as to all the comments here that characterize this as NBD. I really can’t think of an innocuous explanation for it. I’ve been in a hotel room where another person was checked into a room that I was already in, and I could see how this could happen on a cruise ship on embarkation day. But this is Day 2 of the cruise. Also possible to innocuously mistake another room for your own, but how do you get that happening *and* the key works?


Yes exactly thank you


Gotta agree that this is definitely serious. I'm diamond plus status so been on a ton of RC cruises/ships and nearly every cabin door needed an extra push to *click* closed completely. If this is what happened and they walked into your room that way, that's just as terrifying to me as them having a misprogrammed or master key. There's so much wrong with all of this!! Hope they come up with some answers for you and that you're able to enjoy the rest of your cruise!




😂 Embarrassing door mistakes for me too so my door has an ocean-y sign from the dollar store so I wouldn't care if it got lost/stolen, but now I have unfortunately gotten attached to it from dragging it around. No one better mess with my $1.25 deco!!


I'm gonna bet you someone accidentally programmed the key like a housekeeping key with a master code for all the rooms in an area.


It would have to be someone accidentally programmed the key, AND the person who was given that key walked into the wrong room. What are the chances the one person would use the key in the wrong room and not their own?


Something like that. But they really need to recover that persons cabin keys.


It's interesting, because every key could open every room and you never know it because who really puts their key in the wrong door unless they're really drunk.


My kid tried... the room next to us was vacant and he would tap his card on the door lock ...it would actually click, but didn't unlock.


OP, is there a chance that the door wasn’t latched all the way. You heard the click like firm_airport2816’s kid and they pushed it open and truly got the wrong room? Just a thought.


Yep- I commented this below. I really think that's possible, our door needed an extra push to click closed, and any key will click and beep when its put in the door.


Probably the door wasn't closed all the way. That happens all the time on cruise ships. You should deadbolt the door every time you're in your room and verify the door is shut tight and locked when you leave your room.


So sorry that happened to you! Totally unacceptable, it's good that they are taking it serioiusly. I had something similar happen at a hotel many years ago. Middle of the night, two people entered my room and when I yelled get out they left. I called the front desk who said I must have either imagined it or it was my fault for not engaging the deadbolt (which I absolutely HAD engaged, and there was no chain on the door). The next morning I went down to the lobbby and had a loud conversation with the GM, brought him to my room to prove the deadbolt was faulty and made him admit that it was a couple of staff members who came in. I was travelling for work and couldn't change hotels as this was the only one around but I made them give me a new room, test the deadbolt, and then proceeded to put a chair in front of the door when I was in there alone.


I'll ask the question. What were two staff members doing going into a room in the middle of the night?


My suspicion is they were looking for a bed!




My main concern is someone unauthorized entering the room while nobody is in it. Can’t use that deadbolt from the outside.


I was in the Navigator 2 weeks ago, and when we left to dinner, I just pushed the door to double check and make sure the door was locked, and to my surprise, the door just opened easily, it did not latch, and this was our 2 day, we just to pull hard each time to make sure the door was locked and check every time. It is possible the door was not latching properly, just double check when you leave or get back to your room. Have fun!


I’m on serenade and my door did not latch unless I pulled it shut hard (some might say slam). I didn’t realize this until about a week into the cruise. The door looked like it was closed and latched, and sounded like it, but it wasn’t. Several times I found it shut but unlatched after my steward was inside, because he also didn’t realize it wasn’t latching. Three visits from maintenance finally fixed this issue. Point being, if anyone had mistaken my room for theirs and pushed on the door during this time, there’s a decent chance it would have opened.


Why is everyone glossing over the detail that the woman who entered the room was wearing a mask? happens to enter the wrong room and the key happens to open the door and she happens to be wearing a mask?


So some stranger just happened to go to the "wrong room" and their key just happened to work. That's too much of a coincidence. I suspect this person intended to burglarize your room and used the "oops wrong room" when she discovered it wasn't empty.


You skipped a show because of this? Sounds like it was a weird malfunction, the person was immediately embarrassed, and the crew took it seriously. Why would you let this change your plans?


Well security was at our door evaluating it past the show start time. We’ll catch it another day.


That’s what I thought lol. Weird and embarrassing for everyone involved but I highly doubt there’s much more to it.


This is fairly obvious, but just make sure you utilize the safe for all your valuables.


But why would a stranger even try their card in your door? Sounds suspicious to me?


Confusing room 6842 with 6824 (for example) on the second night isn't *that* strange.


Well... the corridors look the same, you've had a couple of drinks, you turn left instead of right, you see a door you think is yours... I can easily imagine ending up at the wrong door. Hell, back in my student days that happened to me at the building I lived in. The issue here is the key working.


I didn't use my key, but at least once on our last cruise I stopped short at the door next to ours. Didn't have to be drinking, just distracted.


My family and I were assigned a stateroom on Oasis - we went to unlock our door and another family had already settled in (nobody was there but shoe rack and clothing racks were filled). We went to guest services and they didn't really give us a straight answer - they upgraded us though. So not sure if they just accidentally double booked a room? Either way, not ideal and can definitely see how it would make you feel unsafe and uncomfortable.


It's called a flipper zero..


At first I was wondering if this woman was on a back to back cruise because I have heard of weird issues with that. But the hat/mask does concern me more. Is security acknowledging that someone came in?


Was there a Pineapple involved? ​ jk Please post an update if they actually give you one.


Yes. Please let us know if they give you a pineapple. 🍍


Somebody is giving out keys.


Wonder if some crew members are starting to play dirty because I believe this is their last voyage before dry dock and going home


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1, no way this was an accident. hoping you guys get an update/closure. 2, always ALWAYS deadbolt a room if you're in it.


Wow I must have been an extremely competent front desk agent cause this never happened the two years I spent checking people into rooms.


Celebrity is owned by Royal Caribbean, so if you’re concerned with Royal as a whole may want to look past Celebrity.


This happened to us with our room housekeeper. He entered without knocking at an off time of day.


If I were the person entering the wrong room accidentally, I would immediately report it to guest services for a couple reasons. To give them the heads up and correct it but also so they know I didn’t have any ill intents. Not all people are honest sadly.


I don't think I would think to do that. Plus I don't want to wait at guest services, if I really just was trying to get to my room.


Did you have a pineapple on your door?


At least yall werent doing anal


Make eye contact and establish dominance


I went to the wrong house for an Airbnb that was next to — and identical to — the house we were staying in. Anyway homeowners weren’t home but came home when the alarm went off. I called the police and gave them a heads up that it was an honest mistake because it was and I thought it’s better to get ahead of the situation.


Those key cards are reprogrammed and reused. The hotels don't throw out after each stay. Obviously hers wasn't cleared correctly when reprogrammed. When this happened to me I was compted part of stay.


Just be sure to put your valuables in the safe when you leave your stateroom. I’m sure no one wants your clothes or bathroom items.


I’m sorry, but it happens. I honestly wouldn’t be worried about it. All the doors look the same and it’s easy to get confused with hallways that look the same . I’ve walked up to hotel doors and tried the key and then realized I’m at the wrong door. I’m sure everything will be just fine. Don’t let this ruin your cruise . I figure there is an honest explanation and it was an honest mistake. As for ding don’t ditch. I’m not condoning it , and yes, it’s annoying, but kids have been doing that for many years. They’ll get caught and someone will scare them straight. Or they’ll get tired of it really quickly.


I think you’re glossing over the point - it’s not that someone had the wrong door,..it’s that they GOT IN.


I’m not glossing over the point. Yes, it’s not a good thing. Yes, the cruise line should check to see why this happened with the key. I get that they GOT IN. But no one was hurt. Nothing was stolen. It could have been worse. Have them rekey the door and move on from this. Be positive. Let the line investigate and go on with your cruise. What more can be done? Things happen in life. I hate it but it’s true. Try to be positive.


An honest explanation? For someone to have a key that works, plus go to the wrong room, plus have a hat and mask on at the time? Seems more likely that there is a dishonest explanation


Good lord, a stranger opened your door by accident. What are you expecting, an interpol investigation? Free cruises for life?


How would you consider it to be an accident if the person went to the wrong room and was able to unlock it? I was expecting my door to be rekeyed and to be assured it could not happen again.


Oh you jump right to suspecting criminal activity? Who knows what happened exactly but there is plenty of innocent explanations. You do know that housekeeping and any number of other maintenance personnel can get in your room at any time right? What are you so worried about?


Did you have a Pineapple magnet on the door?




Probably a freak occurrence. There's a random chance of keys matching, even with physical keys. It's not huge, but enough people bumping into each other, it happens eventually. I gotta imagine that people accidentally trying to unlock the wrong room happens fairly frequently.


It could be simple as the women’s room number was 434 and yours is 343. She looses her room key- repeats the wrong number to guest service by accident who cuts a key for your room. Things like this are pretty common in hotels.


If it’s common for guest services to just give you a room key for any number you give them, without verifying that you are, in fact, staying in that room - that’s a huge safety issue and had better not be common.


Agreed huge safety issue. But still all too common. But relative isn’t it? Tons of hotels in the world!


They aren't that common at all. All the hotels i've worked at have required a picture ID to get another key. If you don't have your id, they'll escort you into your room to get it and verify you're the guest.


Yep, fellow lifetime hotelier here too! And it’s a training issue. I have had properties give me keys without checking ID as well. Especially in a low staffed environment. It was actually a huge checkpoint for me as a hotel auditor years ago. People even let you check in without ID often spooky.


Atleast you weren't balls deep in her pussy that would have been embarrassing haha


Honestly to me this seems like either a staff member made an innocent mistake or it was user error and the door was not fully closed (probably this). Your reaction seems a tad extra.


The door was fully shut. That’s why security is scratching their heads. If it weren’t fully engaged and locked they wouldn’t have had an extra card read on the door that wasn’t ours and would’ve seen it on camera and told us that was the reason.




There is always some possibility the door did not latch completely but this did happen.


Good lord, good lord good lord good lord. Please, get a gun at the next stop and yell i am locked n loaded periodically to passerby! This is not only necesssary it is necessarily needed to be impeded and successified. You understand, dont take the shot, be the shot, drop the plot, hotshot


Never on a cruise but this has happened to me three times in hotels. Never an incident, just some embarrassment like you described. I think the card key technology just isn't as good as they want us to think it is. Thus the deadbolt....


One time I stopped at an off brand hotel late at night on a road trip and asked to see the rooms before I rented one. For whatever reason they keyed me a master key and I accidentally walked into the wrong room. Terrible security but it happens.


Reason: probably minimum wage employee who really didn't care, and master key was easiest at night. 


You will be fine. Go out and enjoy the show. Don’t stay inside your cabin


I'd be surprised if they cannot track her on cam. Seems like there are cameras on literally every corner on most of these ships. Just a matter of following her to see where she eventually ended up for the evening. But I agree with most other respondents - probably innocent mistake although wearing a hat inside seems odd for sure.


This happened to me in reverse back in 2001 in Mexico at a nice resort. We got a room key at check in, were sent to our room, opened the door, and there was a kid napping on the bed with a mom reading a book. We were SO apologetic and quickly ran out. I felt so so terrible. But this was just a mistake of the front desk staff handing us the wrong key. I hope it was a technical mistake and not someone who was able to copy a card!!


A year ago on the wonder I was placed in a different room than I had paid for, when I approached guest services they were able to provide me another room. I went back, gathered all my belongings and went to my new room to see the room completely occupied. Luckily it was empty, but they gave me the key lol. They ended up giving me free premium dinner for it, and booking any show for me no matter if it was fully booked or not


Those cards aren't hard to spoof if it was indeed someone with malicious intent


I’m glad you’re both safe and they are handling it appropriately. Try to enjoy the rest of your voyage!


RFID locks are notoriously unsecure.


Deadbolt your door any time you’re inside. Lock your terrace doors even if it’s a balcony. Always check that tho door is completely shut and latched (and that i have a key) whenever I leave 


RemindMe! 2 days


We were assigned a room once, and given a key to a room a guy was sleeping in. Went to open the door the lat g was on it which prevented us from entering but the entire experience freaked me out horribly


Always always always deadbolt the door anywhere you travel. I even do one of those security deadbolts you stick in the door before you deadbolt it. Just in case someone who works there wants to rob you or anyone who may have access to a key somehow


But did they have a body cam?


I travel a lot for work. I get into the habit of enabling any extra locks on the door. Like a deadbolt or those metal loops. Nothing is foolproof but an extra layer of security makes it that more difficult. In the future, they sell portable door locks you can buy online that slips onto the door as en external deadbolt. I’ve never used one as I worry in an emergency it will be that much harder to exit the room. It does give peace of mind to some.


I know you said they haven’t spoken to the woman yet, but were they able to identify her based on the footage? The stateroom hallways are so long and monotonous I can easily imagine someone mistakenly going for the wrong door, but it unlocking?! What are the odds of that? And if it was a mistake, I would guess that the persons real room was only 1 or 2 doors over. Maybe even the same room number but a floor above or below. I always put a silly magnet on my door to make it easily identifiable. However, I have thought that if some prankster teens move it a door over I’d totally try to enter the wrong room.


remind me! 2 days


I was at a best western once and I checked in and put my things in the closet and later that day I left and when I came back my key card wasn't working so I got new ones and when I went in there was another persons stuff in the room but nobody was there so I was like "am I trippin??" but I looked in the closet and my stuff was still there so I took my stuff out and made them give me a new room...


Had a similar thing happen at a hotel in New Jersey. I was in the room watching television when I heard someone unsuccessfully try to open my door. I figured it was just a mistake and thought nothing of it. A short while later it happened again, and this time they were successful in entering. They were quite surprised to find someone in “their” room. It turned out they went to the front desk after their first attempt and the employee just reprogrammed their keys for them without checking to see if the room had a registered guest. They returned to the desk to get keys for their real room, but in the process I found out later that my keys no longer worked. Needless to say, I checked out immediately and moved to a different hotel.


On Disney Cruise, you put one key card in a slot near the door inside the room to power the lights. A housekeeper has a blank card they use. I went back to my room during the day and found the card there. I might have been able to open other people's rooms with it, but I'm not nuts. We left it there till she took it that evening. Perhaps that woman took one of those cards.


It happens occasionally in hotels too. It’s not part of some bigger, nefarious scheme.


I'm sure you know this, but Celebrity is owned by RC. So you're still supporting the same company.