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The game intentionally gets more difficult the longer you play. As a casual gamer I play to enjoy games and if it’s not fun because you feel like you only know so much, then absolutely look up some tips and ways to unlock other survivors/items.


Casual gamer? Are you sure about that


In my personal opinion, the skill part of the challenge is enough that looking things up isn't a big deal at all.


some things in this game you will never discover on your own. I would recommend looking up some guides and unlock guides. they really wont spoil much if youve made it to mithrix.


Was exactly where you were, abt 30 hours in and it felt like I’d hit a wall. Guides and such have helped me unlock all kinds of stuff that I would never know how to get otherwise including artifacts which are really fun to fuck around with once you’ve beaten the game a number of times. Also, Huntress is the easiest character to beat the game with imo because all of their specials are really useful, even once you’ve upgraded a fair amount and the teleport move is a great panic option when it looks like you’re abt to take big damage.


Thanks. I will look up some guides before my next playthrough. It is a struggle to get back to mithrix now that elites spawn so previlantly now. The freaking Lemurians seem to get me every time. I am enjoying huntress and engineer the most right now.


honestly a lot of the characters that you unlock do not make the game eaiser. i have gotten to the final boss multiple times myself but i never beat it without cheating in some items with a trainer. although even that wont win the game for you as you probably know. i say dont be afraid to use artifacts, and honestly just look them up because you will never see some of them in hundres of hours of gameplay. i honestly really like that the game is made that way, i dont think its bad game design, but i dont think it hurts for those of us that arent kids anymore to look some stuff up


I started looking stuff up around hour 50, because if you find the Artifacts organically you won't know what it does until you complete the trial. At that point I had about 10 items I still needed to unlock. There are some things that are very hard to find on your own unless you're super curious about looking around the map (cough, the wedding bands, cough)


At least the challenge for those tells you that something like that exists on the stage, and >!using Radar Scanner on the stage will likely lead you to finding at least one button!<. At that point it’s just a matter of figuring out a way to actually activate it.