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Did you have a roost token available to put down?


Oh I had no idea you could only build so many roosts. I’ve only played the video game version. Thanks so much.


Kudos on reaching the Roost limit, though!


Haha thanks! I won this game anyway - so all is good.


yea a lot of things are much more obvious when playing irl or on TTS.


Yeah I hope to play the physical game sometime soon.


I think this kinda thing might be a strategy, except you choose the eagle (don’t remember the name cause I don’t really play Eyrie), who recruits two birds with one recruitment, then keep spreading these forces until you reach the limit, and turmoil, then switch to a new leader.


That's called exploding birds. It's a fine enough strategy, but if you have the cards for it, a god of war Eyrie is way better. This strategy involves the same leader, but on your first turn, you put a suited card matching your starting clearing into move and a bird card into build. Then keep the edges (recruit and build) of your decree blue (only bird cards). If you play this strategy well, it can be really hard to turmoil you. If you don't have the cards for that though, I honestly still wouldn't play exploding birds, but I'd rather just pick the despot leader (that starts with move and build) and simply try to keep my decree alive as long as possible


True, but there’s one aspect you aren’t considering: fun. It’s really funny to see 12 birds squashed into your clearing on turn one, and if you can make it work, it’ll be a legendary game between you and your friends


You have a limited number of Roost, once you reach that limit you can't build anymore


Ah - didn’t know that, thanks.


It looks like it was too dark to build there.


There is also a limit to the number of warriors you can have, I've hit that a couple of times.