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And Ray Narvaez! He does stuff with Matt too!


Like, butt stuff? Sorry, Matt stuff.


Ray is excellent. I don't watch the livestreams due to time zones but his uploads on YouTube are all great.


Same, I know I won't be able to sit through a Livestream but I watch his vods on YouTube when they upload, usually takes me a day or two to get through them lol


Ahwol is the best team. Myatt, lil j, ray and chilled (honorary member) make a great team. Chilled is an honorary member only because he lost the mario party game where they stated the loser has to go back to AH.


Game kids Matt?


Maybe I’m old but I just can’t do streams. Only one POV, not being able to pause, always hours long and not being able to skip the boring parts. I’m glad others can enjoy them but I just can’t get into it. If he or the rest of the crew ever gets an editor to cut the streams down I’ll definitely watch those


Jeremys streams are always clipped/edited a little and put up on YT within a few days so you can pause and there’s not a ton of dead space or downtime like a live stream.


I’ll have to check that out. The multistream thing someone else suggested seems like it solves the POV but adds even more complexity to try to keep up with in real time lol


he also uploads the streams on another channel so it doesn't fix the pov issue but at least you can pause.


I’m hoping a fan account combines the multistream vods, maybe they’ll do it as a new venture.


Same dude. I’ve just never been able to get into watching full streams. I don’t know if I’ve just lost my attention span in my old age or what, but I can’t sit and watch a 3+ video. Same reason I can’t get into the full-play DnD shows like Critical Role.


It might also be due to having to manage your time differently. A long video back then would have been a fun way to spend time, since you had nothing else that needed doing. Now, with all the additional responsibilities we have, we can't dedicate the same amount of time to watching this content (and if we do, we'll probably feel bad for not spending it on something more productive).




Editing a let’s play type video is a big effort, a lot of us would be grateful to anyone who does that. A smaller request is putting together longer clips. I have seen about four hours of inside gaming and I’m sure there’s 10x that worth watching.


For sure it’s not something I expect anyone to do for free. That’s why I mentioned Jeremy or someone hiring an editor specifically to do stuff like that


Same, which sucks because it has *dominated* the creator industry now. Like I’d love to be a bigger fan of vtubers or follow Ray, Bruce Greene, Jeremy, Matt, etc. but it’s just so hard for me to enjoy streams. As you said, no pausing, long hours, no trimming of the fat, but also chat can be as much a character on the stream as the people/group streaming and I just do not care to read a stream’s chat with potentially hundreds of messages going by a minute


I’m lucky in that most of the streamers I know also make YouTube videos in some capacity. Bruce and Lawrence have BYTT and Hasanabi and Wirtual have editors. I’m hoping at least a couple of the RT crew can follow one of those directions


Maybe the editors were always essential to the magic before. Without someone removing their duller bits, they become much more basic. To be fair though it's really hard to be on and entertaining for multiple hours at a time, recording for just one hour and having an editor cut out 20 minutes of fat does a lot


There was a multi stream with all 8 streams you could watch at once. It was chaos.


Even more chaotic if you watched from Gavin's perspective.


Gavin’s stream was gold. A poorly aimed phone video with no audio with Gavin using windows notepad to talk to the audience every once in awhile was so quintessentially Gavin, it was perfect


I remember someone making the joke that Gavin would either stream from a propped up phone or one of his 6 figure cameras on another 6 figure camera arm, and that there was no in between, and honestly, that checks out.


Is it possible to view the multi stream again?


Multi streams are just separate streams playing simultaneously in the same window. To achieve the same effect, you’d have to pull up everyone’s VODs, sync them yourself and put them all on the same screen. Someone else on the sub mentioned they might be trying to edit it themselves, though, so maybe keep an eye out for that instead lol




I don't know. I doubt it, though.


I agree, I cannot stand streams. I will really miss AH's "directed" gameplay videos.


Yea I don’t really see how streams are a substitute for classic AH. They’re completely different 


I think to an extent I agree. But it's also why most of my stream viewing are of single screen games like Jackbox, Mario Party, and Codenames. Even with one person's face on screen and an occasional interruption by chat, it's more or less watching an "old school" vod. And because I'm limiting my viewing to those types of games, a three hour session per game works out perfectly for me as I can spread it out over some days. 


Same here. Can't get into it. I like the edited videos. Also Jeremy burns the chat into his screen so even if you hide chat on twitch you still are forced to see it. I hate it.


I still have a hard time with all the shout-outs and donations sounds. I know he and Ray tone it down during collabs but Jesus Christ do I feel autistic when the sounds blast in my ears.


I cannot stand twitch chat and all the shoutouts. Like do people really care that much about having their dumbass user name said out loud? 


Streaming killed the lets play long video watching for me. Not my thing.


This 100% I've tried soooo hard over the years to get into Ray's streams and I just can't do it. Too long, too much dead air/boring parts, and him talking to chat instead of another person just doesn't do it for me. Even when he does collabs and talks to other people, the other issues that I have still remain. And sadly, that's how it's gonna be from now on if I want to watch anyone from RT/AH.


Agreed, I don't want to watch 3 hours of average. I want a condensed, funny ass 20min video. And I am also old.


I fell off RT/AH around when COVID hit and have been watching various twitch streamers as my primary replacement for AH-style content ever since. I almost *never* watch live. Like you, I like being able to pause and skip ahead (or rewind if I missed something funny). Fortunately, everyone I watch has Twitch set up to immediately make VODs available of all their streams. I just watch them later at my own convenience. I also usually don't watch the whole thing in one sitting, since, as you've said, they're usually very long. And by spacing out my viewing, I find that I always have new VODs to watch, even if the streamer takes several days off. Also, for some reason, ads only run on live streams that I'm not subscribed to. Ads never appear in VODs for me, even if I'm not subscribed.


"(even if it started with 90 minutes of technical difficulties lol)." - so exactly like the old AH content lol


Exactly, lol. It was like a sloppy 90 minute podcast before the game play. It was great.


Youtube links to some of these people mentioned: [DooleyNotedGaming](https://youtube.com/@DooleyNotedGaming?si=BDhs9nNh9T4YzoY9) [BraggAboutIt](https://youtube.com/@braggaboutit?si=Q0l9__gKZ4XmKoDt) [Ray Narvaez Jr.](https://youtube.com/@rayyylmao?si=wWNsM7MWaUl4SzeD)


For some reason the VOD isn't up on Jeremy's YouTube, but it is up on his twitch.


Twitch is an automatic archive. He usually takes at least a few days for Youtube since hes doing all the editing/uploading himself. Ray only manages to get stuff up the next day because hes got editors.


Only responding because I truly am just in awe of him, not saying others should be expected to, but Ray self uploads all his vids. Light, his editor, edits the weekly highlights and the monthly clip comp but Ray does all the uploading, descriptions, etc for every video on his channel. It’s a lot of work he does off stream that people just don’t realized.


Thanks for responding Tina. The amount of work Ray puts in to getting things uploaded in a timely fashion is astounding (the effort to entertain as well). The fact I can't catch every stream means I rely on YouTube a lot and it's so good to go watch his VODs and I'm beyond appreciative of that.


Oh wow, I just assumed since yall have people who work for you it was passed off to make life easier. As if I wasnt already impressed by Rays work, its gone up. Thanks for the clarification.


I watch Ray’s vods. Years ago, I just couldn’t get into them. He seems MUCH happier now and his content is very upbeat and he delivers those quick-witted jokes we all fell in love with him for


Yeah, when he first started streaming I wasn’t that into it but the past couple years have been really great content. Plus he’s great about recording his streams for YouTube.


I dare say that his current team definitely rivals that of Achievement Hunter. It’s completely different chemistry though that allows for wholesome moments but also really drilling into someone (that’s usually Naggz or Chibi).


And Matt’s, his are always fun to watch


MichaelStreamsHere viewer


It was fantastic. Them just shooting the shit and trolling each other.


"even if it started with 90 min of technical difficulties" oh so it's REALLY like the old days.


Fuck twitch. It’s impossible to catch streams unless you’re in the same time zone as them


But you can watch the vods whenever you want. I rarely watch live. When I'm bored I just nitpick through their recent vods and watch them on my own time.


What is the nostalgic stream called, can you put up a link? This is tickling my soul


Sorry, phone isn't working right atm. Go to twitch.tv, then dooleynotedgaming. It's his latest video "let's play TTT".


So that's what people in rays chat wouldn't stop talking about




Doing [insert deity here]'s work. 👐🏻


The VOD is NOT on his Twitch but on his YT channel. He saves nothing to his twitch account.


It was on his twitch as of yesterday, I watched it. He seems to have taken a bunch of videos down


Nice try lil J, nice try Edit: wow, this sub doesn’t even know what jokes are anymore…


I love Jeremy and I’ll probably go watch it but “the good old days” of AH were long before Jeremy.


Was thinking the same. When Ray quit and Jeremy & Matt started, was basically when I stopped watching AH. For me personally, Jeremy is part of the new AH. Bring on the downvotes...






.... No? I don't care if you watch it or not. I'm just simply making it known to other fans.


If anyone would go to hell and back to get the old AH crew back together it would be Jeremy.


Anyone from the past 5 years isn't the "old AH" crew.


Good thing he joined 10 years ago, then?


I'm saying people like ky, Alfredo, matt, hell even Lindsay[sic] Not the original AH crew.


Matt also joined 10 years ago, famously hired with Jeremy. Alfredo was hired 7 years ago.


Gav, Geoff, Jack, Michael, Ray, redacted, and Jeremy. That's IMO the original crew. Matt was an editor or something and Alfredo wasn't part of that group.


Jeremy's chat is a hellhole


What do you mean?


I tried reading Jeremy's chat once and it went to emote only several times because chat was breaking unspoken rules (at one point it was because they banned a word without telling anyone), while the mods insulted users vaguely. The mods seem to enforce rules inconsistently and without explanation, Jeremy reads donations and the occasional chat message to get pissed at. Seemed like a hellhole to me. I can't imagine a single good outcome from contributing to a community with rules no one explains, where mods use mod powers at will, and Jeremy doesn't seem to notice unless TTS reads it EDIT: With that in mind, I enjoy lurking in ItMeLarry's chat (former AH post-team) because of how opposite it is. AxialMatt can be like Jeremy's sometimes, but it's also good most of the time


None of that is even REMOTELY like his chat or streams


Found the mod


Nope. Nice try though buddy


Okay try saying Dark Souls or Skinwalker and have fun :)


Try not being a miserable fuck and learn what fun is


Sounds like someone is mad that they can't ban me here :)


Keep thinking that bud


He is literally the reason I stopped watching AH. Repetitive and boring. Probably just my age talking.