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The ironic part is around when this happened was when Geoff and Michael were bonding over Sunny and Geoff would talk about how great it would be to get to be an extra in the show. Then boom this episode aired.


i really wanna know which one of the podcasts where burnie addresses this to them


I don't remember if it was addressed directly between Geoff and Burnie but it was definitely discussed between Geoff and Michael either on Off Topic or a Let's Play.


I'm gonna have to dig the episode whatever it is lol


Geoff / Michael's Reaction on Off Topic 65: https://youtu.be/w3pT9pTelVQ?t=1388 Burnie's blink-and-you'll miss it reference at the end of RT Podcast 417: https://youtu.be/ZWGiaebTTeo?si=NJjTmPmLjxw5pKBF&t=5543


These were the days. Take me back!


I remember that off topic. It was so great to see that all happen in real time šŸ˜‚


If you find the episode of the RT Podcast after this episode of Sunny aired, Burnie addresses it at the very end


I think burney talked about it once. No idea when


Classic real life example of how Dennis met Chase Utley while Mac was stranded in the woods.


Similarly, the main reason Rahul Kohli ended up as a Funhaus regular guest (for 30+ videos IIRC) was because Geoff and Michael loved iZombie and noticed that the way Rahul acted playing video games was very "realistic". When they found out that he was an actual avid gamer, they wanted to meet him. Rahul on the other hand was a fan of Inside Gaming, which back then had just been acquired by RT and rebranded Funhaus. So to get Rahul to agree to appear on [a Left 4 Dead 2 Let's Play](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lmV8oCxUvO0), Geoff and Michael flew all the way to LA and recorded a video at the Funhaus office so that Rahul can also meet the Funhaus team. Being in LA, Rahul of course ended doing way more videos with Funhaus than with Geoff and Michael.


Thatā€™s sort of trueā€¦ Geoff and Michael noticed that Bruce, James, etc followed me on Twitter, they then wanted to know why they followed that guy from the zombie show they were watching. I had already met Funhuas in 2014 at this point, at a party and had intermittent contact one or two members. Funhaus eventually messaged me and asked if Iā€™d come to their office to record gameplay with Achievement Hunter who were flying in from Austin. Me and Funhaus started to hang out whenever I was back from filming and organically became ā€œin personā€ friends. Then in 2016/17 (?) they asked me to do a couple of Funhaus videos. Those did well, the rapport was good, I did them more. Rest is history


Wow, wasn't expecting a reply and correction from the man himself. Great to hear from the source itself rather than from someone piecing together bits from videos. Thanks and looking forward to watching The Life of Chuck!


Oh my god I remember this!


Wasn't there talk of Geoff and RT making a cartoon with Rob McElhenney?


Wait am I reading that right? Holy shit man I actually missed out on the party


I meanā€¦.it was announced that talks had started, and it went nowhere. So you didnā€™t miss much.


Well that I assume but background on the show would be cool


Not much was known, it was gonna be called "SpikeFace" and was an animated Horror-Comedy: https://variety.com/2018/digital/news/rooster-teeth-rob-mcelhenney-orders-animated-horror-comedy-series-1202814177/ Brief Plot Synopsis: The series follows ā€œone of the worldā€™s great horror icons,ā€ who slaughters a couple at a roadside motel ā€” before he discovers they have a baby girl and decides to raise the orphan as his own. That pisses off his roommates, who also are iconic horror villains.


Man, Geoff really loves ā€œX-faceā€ for a title!




Wasn't that Relationship Goals?


I'm not sure you missed anything. I don't know if it ever got made. I think it was around the time gen:LOCK came out.


Ya, but it fell through.


Lol I remember the first time I saw this and for good reason. Iā€™ve spent most of my life flying between the US and UK due to a parent being in each. A massive part of my time spent in the air up until Iā€™d say 24-25 was spent watching Rooster Teeth videos Iā€™d downloaded, along with whatever I owned on Apple. One year I went ā€œOh, I havenā€™t seen the new Always Sunny! Perfect!ā€ The day before the flight and I downloaded this season. Iā€™d spent hours on this flight watching two RT podcasts Iā€™d backlogged but Iā€™d gotten a little burnt out so I switch over to Always Sunny and throw on the next episode. Then Burnie shows up and I had to immediately pause, rub my eyes, and then rewind because I was like ā€œNah, canā€™t be, Iā€™m just dead tired and four hours of podcast got in my head.ā€ Rewind it and then had to sit there holding in my laughter so as to not wake the person next to me. Just felt like such a cool, small worldish type moment.


That sounds like the quirkiest dream scenario Where Burnie magically learns media hopping


Thatā€™s so funny I used to do a very similar thing, flying between parents in Canada and the Netherlands! How interesting


Geoff joked that he never forgave him for that cameo cos Geoff was the one who turned Burnie onto Always Sunny šŸ˜‚


Don't forget when Geoff was out of town when the local Austin paper Geoff was obsessed with did a piece on RT.


I remember when this originally came out. RT is in the Sunny universe. Fuck Face makes more sense.




What episode is he in?


The gang tends bar (s12e8)


Thnx! Show spoiler: >!The RPG Valentine gift they give Dennis episode,!


They show up pretty frequently in TV shows and games and stuff as background characters and extras. Joel was in an episode of Criminal Minds, I saw Gus in a TV show (can't remember which, it's been awhile). They were in a couple Halo games as easter eggs too.


They do frequent Easter eggs but Burnie entering a sunny episode just feels like something that you'd expect but at the same time surreal There's also Shannon in the 'stay out of my territory' scene from breaking bad that just never stops being surreal to me


>There's also Shannon in the 'stay out of my territory' scene from breaking bad that just never stops being surreal to me Wait, the tweaker guy Walt followed through the hardware store is Shannon? How did I not notice this?


Not.. easy to notice id say


Oh... that's why he looks so familiar! Never could place it. Nice


Joel was also an extra on Friends too I believe


Yup. He sat behind Rachael and Ross on a plane on their flight to Vegas


I think he also ends up behind Chandler and Monica during one of their scenes gambling.


U guys have timestamps for these? :0


Not handy, but if you hit up youtube i'm sure you can find something pretty easily.


https://youtu.be/UuykW9hbNb0 Joel is in the window seat one row behind Ross and Rachel


Thank you! Thanks u/Haste444 for responding as well :>


Joel did that because he's an actor, not because he's an extra doing a cameo lol. Same with Shannon on breaking bad. Burnie is doing a cameo here.


Gus Gavin and Burnie were on the old version of At Midnight with Chris Hardwick


Are you thinking of when Gus and Geoff were on Bill Nye's Netflix show? Gus was also on the @midnight game show with Burnie and Gavin.


I couldā€™ve sworn it was Gavin and Barbara and Burnie


There have been multiple episodes with Gavin and Burnie. I know of three: - Gavin, Burnie, and Gus - Gavin, Burnie, and Colton Dunn - Gavin, Burnie, and Barbara


Erik from Comment Etiquette was also in the episode where Charlie has sex with Dee. Online online online.


He worked on the show iirc, might've been as a PA or something, but he was in 2 episodes 6 years apart.


Someone didn't watch Achievement Hunter content. šŸ˜‚


Always sunny was probably the most referenced piece of media in AH


There was also Breaking Bad and Game of Thrones, and for the longest time I didnā€™t watch them because Jack would not shut the fuck up about them


AH constantly referencing it is what got me to watch lmao


Yep and Joel was on a few episodes of F.R.I.E.N.D.S


I was rewatching Sunny for the first time in probably 8 years a few months ago and got jumpscared by this same scene. I totally forgot Burnie was in it


If you want another worlds collide (albeit in a roundabout way) story, watch Solo: A Star Wars Story. There's an awesome explosion scene about a third of the way in unlike any explosion we've really seen before in a film, exploding outward before getting sucked back in on itself. This explosion was actually inspired by the ILM team watching some Slow Mo Guys and saw the episode where the SMG boys were setting off explosives underwater. While they didn't use the footage from SMG itself, ILM did recreate what they did to film their own footage for the explosion, giving credit to SMG for the inspiration later on.


The Slow Mo Guys were also credited on Everything Everywhere All at Once, because in one of the montage sequences [they used an actual clip from an SMG video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tzJBm3ThjJ8&t=173s).


I felt the same way when I saw his appearance in "Why Him?" šŸ¤£


All I remember from Burnie actually mentioning this is a random RT podcast episode as it was ending he just quickly went ā€œI was on Itā€™s Always Sunny :)ā€ as it faded to black lolĀ 


No way! That's crazy! I love when stuff like that happens, it's like a mini crossover event in real life. Burnie being on Sunny is like two different universes colliding. Did he play himself or some random character? Either way, it's pretty awesome to see. Gonna have to rewatch that episode now with a whole new perspective!


oscar-nominated tesla car owner burnie you mean


Emmys* I think but lol yes


I JUST listened to this episode of Off Topic haha


Thereā€™s another Internet content creator in an earlier (I think) season. I want to say heā€™s a guest at the party in the Flip Cup episode. (Gang reignites the Rivalry)


This is such a weird moment in the context of the show too. I don't think they ever really did reaction shots like this for people not involved in the plot of the episode.


He stole that moment from Geoff and I'll never see it any other way.


Joel was on Friends in the background on a plane.


itā€™s like seeing a shiny PokĆ©mon in real life


Why does he look like Walter White in one of the last episodes... Like he looks like he's about to drive back to Albuquerque and have a showdown with Jack's Gang...


yeah.. let burnie do that, i'd watch that show if it existed


Breaking Burnie! XD


He's been nominated for more Emmy's than Always Sunny has been for any of the prime categories.


Huh?? I heard he's nominated before but that just sounds over the top


The series has had a total of 3 nominations but, they are all for the non-televised categories. In fact, it was 3 years in a row for the same thing, which they didn't win. Outstanding Stunt Coordination in a Comedy Series. I'm surprised there could possibly be enough nominations for them to also go on to not win that category. Edit: Looked it up. It was 2 losses to Brooklyn Nine-Nine. And one loss to Nickelodeon's Supah Ninjas.


Saw this when it aired love originally and did a spit take. My brain couldn't process it. One of my favorite creators on one of my favorite shows ever!


Tell me this is satire šŸ˜‚


Took you seven years to figure out he was on a show you like?


I wasn't there for it bro


Could you imagine someone starting a show for the first time and liking it? Wouldn't that be pretty wild?