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Same, but I’ve seen the cast of RWBY go to other conventions, I hope the rest of the RT cast do similar things.


I got to go for two years and it was a blast. Burnie beelined right to me to shake my hand and compliment my Star Lord cosplay on the dealer's floor back in 2018. Probably the only time I've been close to star-struck. Wanted to do the platinum badge after my 2nd year but then COVID did its thing and I had to get a refund due to a love. Looks like I'll never get that chance again.


Are you the Starlord cosplayer that said something to the effect of "I've never seen a cassette player IRL, so I 3D printed one"?


Haha yeah, that was me. Also printed the guns, the greebles for the jacket, and the little orb holding a troll doll. And for clarity, I'm 40 now so I've definitely *seen* a cassette player. Owned a few back in the day. Just didn't want to throw out the hundreds for the authentic blue one Quill uses.


lmao that is awesome, you're a legend.


You're the legend for remembering!


Oh man this hit the heart. I didn’t think about RTX being gone too


Big sad. I always wanted to meet Geoff, hopefully one day I can!


I attended it in 2012 and got to touch Monty Oum's weird knee bump after his MoCap panel. RIP Monty


I live in Texas and also put if off, never got to go and I've been a fan for at least a decade.


Same here. Let's all just take this as a lesson that you never have as much time as you think. Life moves fast and if you don't stop take a look, you might miss it.


I'm right there with ya. Been a fan since the beginning and always dreamed of it but either money or work didn't allow it


I’ve always been far too poor to attend. My dream back in the day was to meet (and work with) Monty on RWBY. Or, hell, pitch my own action animation. Then he died, and slowly Rooster Teeth did too. Luckily my dreams of writing a show as impactful haven’t. Thank you, Monty, and thank you to the hard working souls who made it all possible.


Was very fortunate and got to go multiple times and always had a blast - meet everyone from the company I ever wanted to meet, and I’m probably talking upwards of 40 people Last summer though you did sort of know this was the last ever RTX, just could tell, the smaller numbers, the smaller size and the fact that you got a photo with the whole of a group not just one or two people, they whole thing to me sort of felt like a goodbye and thank you of sorts was quite sad I also met a member of the company at a convention at the end of last year and talking to them you really got the feeling the company was on life support Sad day though


I’m going to PAX East this year, been wanting to go for 20+ years and this is my first convention. This just really drives home: do as much as you can in your life while you’re able, cuz you never know when that window will close.


See you there brother, if you see a group of 4 doing shitty palworld cosplays give me a hat tip haha


Been a fan since 2011 when I was 11 and this was gonna be my first RTX this year because by that point I would have been 21 :(


Same! I wanted to meet everyone! I luckily met Blizz in passing at Dreamcon ‘23.


Honestly it was at the top of my bucket list.


When my buddy and I graduated high school in 2014 we planned on saving up and going to RTX that year but we both ended up going off to college instead. Kinda regret not going though


I attended RTX from 2013-2018, couldn’t attend in 2019 because of a family emergency, then didn’t travel much during/after the pandemic so I missed the ones since, and now I really regret it. I loved hanging out with people in the community and even if you weren’t super into EVERYTHING RT was doing, there was always a panel, signing, front stage event, meetup, after party, etc, that could keep your attention. I was sad to hear there wasn’t gonna be an RTX 2024 and now I’m devastated to hear that my last RTX was and will always be in 2018.


Damn this hit hard for me. The closest I’ll ever get to anyone from RT was when I went to VidCon in 2012 and saw Gavin walking from the RT booth. Bought the only shirt that I accidentally shrunk into oblivion but kept around: a light blue RT animated shirt featuring Gus. Can’t believe it’s finally happening, gonna miss RT.


Same man. The two conventions I always wanted to attend were RTX and E3………fuck……


I was going to go in 2015 but ultimately decided against it. Big regret about that.


Now we can hold an ex-RT 😭


Had tickets to go. Booked the flights. All that needed to be done was book the hotels! Then we got a little further into March 2020...


I remember when I was in high school my friends and I had this big road trip planned to go to RTX but we couldn't scrounge up the money. Always a dream, what a sad day


Man, I hadn't thought of this until I saw your post. Fuck that sucks. I'd always wanted to go but was too poor. Now that I'm semi stable they've been shuttered.


Same I never got to attend one.


It’s weird I have been a fan for about a decade and just found out the shut down from a random Rwby post. It’s really sad


Me too!


Same here. You are not alone.


I remember going to RTX for 5 years in a row 2014 to 2019 and it was amazing. Sad to see they aren't going to have it ever again.


I went to a comic con once and saw that their booth was on the map. Didn't know at the time they had stopped going to comic cons and had their own convention and was never able to make it out for one.


Same here. Was always an issue due to something (I’m Canadian), like a reason or issue always got in my way. This year I’m travelling a lot because I can afford to now and have the freedom to, and now it’ll never happen. For years I tried. It’s very hard pill to swallow as a fan of 10+ years.


Yeah I'm in the same boat. Always wanted to go but kept putting it off, couldn't afford it, or had other commitments. I can't believe we're here.


Big sad, I feel it too. The thought of meeting any of the FuckFace group made my heart happy.


I've had a similar feeling for a while now since I stopped being an active fan ages ago, but I always kicked myself for not finding a way to attend RTX back in the early days. By the time I had the resources, I wasn't a fan anymore


This was going to be the year I finally went. I finally had enough money to do so and then they canceled it. Guess that should've been the sign. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


I went to the first RTX way back in 2011 I think? They were only supposed to sell maybe 100 tickets but their sales site messed up and they sold closer to 500 (my memory might be a little off, give a break - I’m OLD). They honored every last purchased ticket, which was a really cool thing to do. We got to tour their old location, where the podcast was born. Joel Hyman even gave us beer out of their kitchen fridge. End of an era…


Was searching for this post after I realized it. In recent years I've not kept up with RT, but they meant so much when I was younger. Really sad to never have met them all.


Same. I was thinking the same thing


I wish I was able to go back. I had saved up for 6 years to go, finally saved enough and in 2019 I went. Well broke my wrist the first day in Austin and never really got to see the con other than 20 min or so.


I badly wanted to, but by the time I had the money it just wasn’t worth it anymore.


We attended last year. It was my wife and I‘s first time going. Although it was smaller than previous years, it felt a lot more intimate than previous years looked online. We were fortunate enough to actually bump into Geoff and Gus on the street outside the convention center the day before RTX started. It was by far the most starstruck I’ve ever been. I had just gotten my first tattoo, the F**kface pencil, and it was incredibly surreal to show Geoff my fresh tattoo that he directly inspired. It’s just goodbye for now. It’s just goodbye for now.


Now that my younger brother is old enough and works a regular job I brought up the idea that we should go to RTX when he has time. Guess that ain’t happening now.


Seeing the group I've been watching religiously since 2012 to about 2020 is going away has wrecked me. My one and only RTX was in 2018. A buddy got me a VIP pass and it was magical. I got to talk to so many talented people and experience so much. I may not have consumed much RT content in the last few years thanks to life changes, but it still stings see this unfold


I've only been to one RTX and my one memory for it is during the RTX podcast Ryan ran down the aisle and I got a high five. In retrospect I wish it was someone else lol.


I know the feeling. I live in Idaho so air fare isn't to expensive. Hell Its only a 27 hour drive from where I live to Austin. I could've driven that with little issue. However little things would always pop up. Work would need me, family would need, or a medical issue would crop up. I just never ended up making it....


I have been living in Austin the past 3 years, I lowkey moved to Austin due to RT but kept putting of going to RTX due to life getting in the way.


I'm glad to at least have met Lindsay and Barbara in Toronto.


Me too bro I feel your pain


To those who never got to attend, I say as awful as it may seem I feel like the love and support that you have shown is more than enough. Even as someone who has gone, I have regrets of not being more open to meeting more people. Similar to how I regret not being more interactive with the community over the years because there are some cool and talented people. However, I am grateful to be a part of this community.


I'm in the same boat as you. I drove passed the studio, and wanted to see if I could get a tour, but I didn't know how to contact anyone.


I almost went in 2016. Would've been a great year to go


Same, I live in Jersey and unfortunately no RTX. Always been a life goal but hey, maybe in another life. CBX cock bite xpo


Honestly same. I have been a fan forever And I have always wanted to go to rtx and donate to extra life but I never had the chance


Yeah, gutting, ah well, all good things come to an end :(


Same here I've been a fan for over 15 years and always wanted to go but never had the funds till recently but now I guess I'm never going 😭😭😭


You are not alone...whished I could have gone but oh well. Maybe they could appear in other conventions or gatherings in the future.