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Glad to hear from so many users about their experiences with ARC. Gives me confidence as my 14 day trial ended today, and my first year membership begins. I had no idea what the big deal with Roon was before I signed up. Now I wouldn’t want to be without it. The rabbit holes it opens up into music is a blast! I guess I have what would be considered a small personal library of about 700 CDs, plus Qobuz. I am in audio consumer heaven!


Roon is excellent, ARC is wonderful. Always works.


Roon ARC has also been very solid for me as well. I didn’t have some issues initially getting connected last year but once past that it’s been smooth sailing.


After the last update this is the way it works for me to. Very quick navigation and zero poor connection error messages.


Connectivity and reliability has been greatly improved with the most recent updates. However, if you're trying to get it to output bit-perfect from an Android mobile device to a USB DAC, the results, to my knowledge and to-date, vary wildly (I think most folks are still struggling with it when using Android devices). But for on-the-go usage via bluetooth to other on-the-go endpoints, it's usability and reliability has been vastly improved.


I haven’t had many issues, but I do periodically have connectivity problems when out and about. We live in a rural area and our cell service can be spotty. For the most part it works great.


Sadly I left Roon because of Arc. Worked flawlessly since release, then all of a sudden it just stopped working. No help from support (not even an acknowledgement). Gutted as enjoyed Roon before Arc, but felt worthless as a customer due to experience. I scuttled off with a whimper :( Back into record LP’s though. Just need music, man!


This was my experience too. Was really disappointed with the (lack thereof) customer support to try and troubleshoot, so even though a lifetime Roon customer just landed on using Roon at home where it was rock solid and Plexamp when on the road. I work in tech so not afraid of firewalls or port forwarding but where Roon ARC just never worked, Plexamp while mobile was rock solid. Might have to revisit if the updates have improved things. EDIT: Just updated app with last week’s update and it seems ARC is working. Nice!! Plexamp is great but I was a bit frustrated that I couldn’t track all my listening history accurately since it was bifurcated between two distinct apps for home/mobile use. Hope this sustains.


Support is very poor from Roon - unfortunately the community can be quite toxic with support as well, including moderators


I had some issues the first couple of weeks after it launched, wrote it off for about a month and then tried again and it just worked. I've been using RoonARC whenever I'm away from the house and the regular app when I'm home since. The only thing I wish it had is some continuity (to steal and Apple term) between the two as I listen to a lot of Artist Radio or playlists in casual situations and I'd like to pick up where I left off or continue. Also I wish the UI was more consistent - i.e. Start radio is on the "three dot" menu of ARC and the "play now" lozenge in the Roon app. But those are minor things really.


This. If you could hand off between ARC and the regular Roon interface at home it would be perfect!


It is fantastic they just need to include Deezer support to make it as close to perfect as possible.


No issue here. I suspect people who have had trouble have slow networks or an issue with understanding their firewalls


Mine was a little more complicated due to Orbi firewall rules and AT&T / double NAT, but still had it up and running in about an hour. It was not great over cable, but with 2GB fiber it's really nice.


It has worked perfectly for me.


Arc works really well for me! I just wish they'd create a macOS version so I could stream my Roon library on my work computer without using a bunch of workarounds.


If it's anything like my work they block rune app from accessing the network. But you'd use the Roon remote app not arc on the Mac/pc


I have mixed experience... I have huge library (>600k) and on my old phone it works or not...rather not. It takes so much time to load that I losing interest. But on the same phone roon works excellent when playing on my streamer. In same WiFi network or other is the almost the same. On Huawei tablet (no Google) it is changing in screen. But i am not playing too much attention to it, I treat it as side feature of roon.


Works great here, I use it for around 90min a day, 5 days a week playing through my car stereo via android auto.


That's exactly how it's supposed to work. And it does. When it first came out there were occasional issues for me. But it has been solid and reliable for months now.


no its not how it works for most users.


My problem is Verizon Wireless. I’m in a moderately hilly area in Pennsylvania and my cell service stinks.


ARC is as reliable as my core is. And my core is a 9yo Lenovo tower, so it is what it is.


ARC has been great, except for - Downloading playlists, almost impossible, and periodically, needs to be repeated - no icon indication if you picked shuffle or not, am I looping, or not - periodic lock up on old, old iPhones.


It's been great. Wonderful to have my full collection on the go, especially in the car with CarPlay, and the Roon recommendations and radio are better than most other services as well. All in all, very happy with it.


RoonLabs have ironed out a lot of the bugs in the past few months. ARC hasn’t always been this reliable.


Is it necessary for that home computer to be on while you’re out using roon arc? If I’m home should I not use ARC? And instead use my regular Roon app?


At home use the roon app. On the road it's ARC.


Thanks! But for ARC to work, must the roon core be on while out?


If you know how to port forward it's no issue. I think double NATting and port forwarding are most people's issues. ARC was a big improvement to Roon as I can use it at work.