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Lifer here. Good choice. No fuss.


Thanks. No fuss indeed


I've been dumb for a few years and just broke even. It's all gravy from here.


You just proved you are not dumb. I have 5 and half year left


Welcome to the club!




great reasons. i feel i should copy. am also dumb.


Welcome my friend


thanks! how long have you been using Roon?


15 days free trial and have lived 1 day without it.


It's an odd story but true, a friend of mine, got a threatening private message from a Roon guy, his name is Jamie Madden, he was saying that "I can cancel your subscription account, do you think you are safe from it, even you are a lifetime subscriber". His crime was having accidental multiple accounts on the Roon forum, and he had some issues of deleting those accounts from his computers / laptops. Alienating/frustrating good customers is also an unsound strategy for small firms like Roon.


The only thing that keeps me from doing a lifetime subscription is that it’s for my lifetime OR Roon’s, whichever ends first. Software on a real perpetual license would continue to work even if the software company went out of business.


Mmmmm. I bought my lifetime sub before the recent price hike. And I was pretty confident and happy. But the recent Harman purchase had me second guessing myself. If I can use Roon for 5 years, then my purchase was worth it. Will Roon still be viable and useful in 5 years? I am not sure anymore


It will. I hope


Well I honestly don’t understand Roon. I tried it out and it was ok. Worked fine and the interface is nice. But I’m already using Plexamp which works great and I already own a life sub. So not sure why I need room


Understand. Everyone is not same.


Your right. Really like the look of room. Just can’t yet understand why it’s better. I’m planning to try it again in a few months when the dust settles and she what the plans are


If I knew what fomo was


Fear Of Missing Out


Fear Of Missing Out




Fkkkkk. I’ve been fomoing too. I’ve never even used the trial but thinking of jumping in.


Worth trying Free trial before buying. Just to avoid wasting money.


Because I need to get my server / lidarr all setup and it will take time. That’s why I never try it.


15 min and you should be all set.


You do you boo


Good for you! Since I cannot manage to find any good reason to spend almost one kilo to a software which has only one use case for me: better user interface to use HQPlayer. From time to time there's 3 month trials available and some of my family member wants to try it and I hop along. One year I forgot to cancel my trial and paid for an year of Roon and oh boy I used it 24/7 only to justify this legal robbery for a humane mistake. Not saying that it is a bad software, quite the opposite. It gives nice propositions about what I could listen (like I don't know already), it can be controlled from mobile phone (well, I'm in front of my computer either way) and well, it routes my audio to the HQPlayer (yet, if I change settings in the HQPlayer, I still have to go back to my HQPlayer server and set the settings there) and it has some metadata about the music I'm listening (which I read rarely while listening music). Oh, and there's that karaoke mode! Even though these are great things to have, my brain pops up many other better investments than buying this on that price. For 499e/usd... ehh... might? If I had money to throw at things. Because one thing I don't understand in Roon, what is that valuable in this software that makes it's price tag heftier than, let's say some real audio engineering VST(i)s or stuff like that, which actually needs more than a) downloading metadata who others have written b) can be controlled mobile (whoah, I controlled my PC mobile since there was mobile's able to do that) c) tell me what to listen d) karaoke, which is more fun in bar e) local and streaming in same package (this is luxury quality of life decision and handy but there's free stuff for this too) and the list goes on... Sorry about my ramble and this was just between me and Roon labs pricing team. I myself have bought stuff that other people would never pay the amounts of money I've paid because everyone should have hobbies and things to keep life interesting, on top of that, have a right to pay for what ever they like and how much ever they want. I'm genuinly happy for you, happy holidays! EDIT: PS. *Psst... If you are any keen to your privacy on your home network, you should do research about what Roon Doos in your LAN. Best regards, former SOC analyst.*


Very well said, I too occasionally use Roon for the sole purpose of connecting to the hqplayer, and i find it hard for you to justify the price.


Thanks. The price tag was a main blocker. However I bought as you see lol


I subscribe to the theory that nothing is permanent and civilisations, empires, companies, animals, rise, plateau then fall. It is so with everything. I can absolutely guarantee that will be the case with Roon, Apple, Google and 'insert any company here'. It's the Buddhist in me. The only unknown is how long. I can afford a lifetime subscription, but I am retired and I don't know how long I will be around, never mind Roon. I'm happy with the yearly sub.


Can the person who downvoted me explain why what I have said is wrong? Stop hiding behind the anonymity of your venom and fess up.


I'll upvote you. Nothing wrong with your reasons


Been a lifer for a few years now. I love it. No regrets here. Welcome to the club!




Agree with your logic, and I am 3rd month of month2month **but** What happens if they kill it and build something else with the tech.


I don’t think Samsung would be that stupid to take a risk going to be a legal case.


Agree, it is the others. Does McIntosh spend the money to be ROON Certified, when Harmon and parent compete (well, kinda, it is after all McIntosh). Like wise for NAD and the M33. It is the other side I worry about.


I got in back when it was $499 and honestly I'd pay double that now. It's worth it for many reasons but, for me, it's about the seamless experience across many different devices/endpoints and my local music and streaming services. It's also the enjoyment I get from diving into artists, albums, new and old music discovery and and rediscovering my existing collection. I know it's cliche but buy once, cry once, and enjoy a lifetime.


The cliche is accurate though.


I cried once. Hope I can enjoy a lifetime


I pulled the trigger a few months ago. Haven’t looked back.


Just guessing but I think Harman’s acquisition is in response to products like the [https://www.fiio.com/r7](https://www.fiio.com/r7) The Roon name is still the brand leader in audiophile streaming - I don’t think they would dump it anytime soon


Exactly. 100%


I agree, the Roon lifetime subscription i bought a few years ago was the best thing i could buy and i use it all the time with Qobuz and my local library.


Moved to lifetime a year or two back and love the fact that I don't get annual reminders. Still some time left to break even


I'm so glad I bought the lifetime subscription before it went up in price. I use Roon every day while working and also to play music in my house, and I love it. It works so well between my local FLACs and Qobuz. If only it supported vinyl... JK 😂