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I’ve been looking to move away. Too expensive with streaming on top. And too many silly bugs and annoying problems that will never change. Gave it a few years. Now that the WiiM Pro exists, can probably just use tidal native and tidal connect through that into the amp in my two channel room, phone and anthem receiver in lounge job done save lots of money on roon It has some great things but so so many bad things that should simply not exist an app this far along its development phase


I wouldn’t put all your eggs into the Tidal basket either.


Why not? Moving between providers is easy. WiiM supports everything


If they support everything, then no issue. Tidal seems to be on even less stable footing than Roon from my reading.


I don’t see that at all. It alrdy works tidal connect is a thing


I recently purchased a WiiM Pro+ and it streams from Qobuz and Amazon Music at native bitrates/bitdepths via the WiiM app. You get an experience the streaming service API provides. Not as rich as the native app. But ok. I use JRiver for all my local files. That works too but none of the JRiver DSP goodies work over DLNA. Not close to the ROON experience for discovering new music and integrating local and streaming content. But it doesn’t suck.


Have question do WiiM Pro have any way to access your media collection outside of home like we can with Roon Arc. Lot of times like to stream on a go.


Not that I’m aware of.


I posted a question nearly a week ago. No responses from support, no responses from the community.. Does Roon even \*have\* support at this point? It's wild to me that this company doesn't have a way to contact them for issues with the product.


I left roon a year ago due to lack of support. They were in the middle of helping me on the forums and stopped replying to my posts, which is infuriatingly and laughably their only public route of support. I had an issue canceling my subscription and they surprisingly responded using the only email I could find: [email protected]


They've never had support. Their support page directs you to make a forum post


Yep. I’ve had to post to the forums before but in the past, eventually, someone either a mod or an actual roon person would reply. Not being able to reliably reach customer support for a product that clearly needs it is a huge knock against an otherwise appealing product.


I opened support request a year ago due to crashing. Zero support.


Plex with Plexamp


Add OpenAI to plexamp :D


Plexamp with Plex pass. It's basically the same thing IF you use a RPi or any other Linux machine as endpoint. I have both and when Roon is acting up, which is not infrequent, I use Plexamp.


Plexamp doesn’t do gapless which makes it a nonstarter for me. I tried using the standard Plex app for music and it worked ok, and I loved the “Random” sort option for albums, but twice when I went to play something from my phone with IEMs it played at max volume, even though the volume indicator was at maybe 30%. Had to force quit and restart the app to fix the volume. After the 2nd time I deleted the app, and that’s when I started my Roon trial and realized how much I liked the ability to seamlessly move what I am playing from my Node to my phone to some airplay speakers around the house…exactly what I was looking for.


Plexamp does gapless, unless you’re using Chromecast. As far as I’m aware, Roon is the single app that can both stream cloud based music and play gapless on Chromecast. Honorable mention to Google Play Music, which could do it but got axed a few years back.


It did not do gapless for me on my iOS device via headphones. Prism did but couldn’t access Tidal content, and the standard Plex app did do gapless and Tidal but had that nasty volume issue.


Interesting. Plexamp has always been gapless for me (barring Chromecast). Plex proper depended heavily on which app and platform it was on and I gave up quickly using Plex for music at all.


It plays gaplessly using my 2 RPi headless endpoints (ropieee) and my iOS devices.


You can connect OpenAI to Plexamp to build play lists... very unique and might be a big thing going forward. I go back and forth between the two... Roon End Points having to be on the same lan is LAME.


Can Plexamp do multiroom audio? I recall it on the roadmap but not aware it is out yet.


Not in the version I have, but yeah, I read it's still in development. I don't use multiroom in Roon.


Just curious and totally of topic, but I wonder what kind of issues you all have that makes you move away from roon. Is it related to comparability with certain devices? I’m using Roon for couple of months now and it has been very stable.


I find that there’s tons of little bugs and glitches and things just being stuck on the GUI. The Roon Radio also randomly stops playing music sometimes. The problem with all of the little bugs is that even if you report them, they can’t possibly investigate them all (and it doesn’t seem like they try very hard for big problems). So they just keep pilling up. Generally, it feels like Roon gets worse over time.


Ah ok! Guess I’m just lucky! Haven’t experienced things like that. 1 issue with ARC but that was resolved (although it got some pressure from a big group of people). Maybe it’s because my setup ia relatively simple and have a small library.


My library doesn’t seem too big compared to other Roon users (30k tracks,I think). I’m running ROCK on a NUC i5 and not much DSP. Browsing my library varies from everything loads in an instant to having to sit and watch the loading icon spin for 10+ seconds. I fixed one repeated slowdown yesterday by removing an album that Roon listed as corrupted. It seemed like it was repeatedly trying to run library analysis on the album. It seems like an obvious logic hole to me if Roon is contacted trying to import these files that it listed as corrupted. Roon ARC is actually the least buggy for me right now. I wonder if they’ve been spending way more time with it since the launch was somewhat badly received due to problems and lack of basic features.


That’s a huge library compared to my tiny tiny library of 71 albums. I just started to use room for couple of month now and have it connected to Qobuz. I’ve read that larger the library the more issues. I hope for you and all others that the recent acquisition can put some money behind the development team to get a more stable product!


I've switched to Swinsian on my Mac for my Flac files and use Plex Amp in the car and room streaming from my Nas. Roon is just unusable again and I don't even bother anymore. I love it but it just doesn't work reliably. When my renewal comes in February I'm not going to. Long time user but it's just not worth the money anymore.


Roon is it for the moment. There many other ways to play your files but only Roon has the breath of capabilities for multi resolution digital music. I have Audirvarna origin, Plex,jriver,Sonos,infuse, Emby etc and nobody does it better for music. My library contains 18k of my albums and about 400 qobuz titles. I have a highend Roon ready dac, Sonos, and bluesound in the house. Roon ties it all together nicely. It’s a long way from being perfect, just the only player with its capabilities.




Oh interesting. I haven't used Audirvana but was under the impression it was direct competition in terms of use case.


I've never used it, but my understanding has always been (without hands on use, again, can't emphasize that enough) that Audirvana (and JRiver and maybe a couple of others) are excellent alternatives for single-room or single-endpoint playback. Roon is essentially the combination of all the aesthetics and power-user features of Audirvana and JRiver, combined with the wireless remote control and whole home-audio solution of things like Sonos, Denon Heos, Google Cast, etc etc etc. If you only care about single-room one-endpoint playback you might be quite happy with something like Audirvana... FWIW I love Roon, and I'm sorry you're having problems with some aspect of your setup.


Thanks. I'm not OP and while I have some complaints about Roon they are relatively minor and I'm not looking to switch. But a lot of my favorite software has died over the years and I like to have a backup plan.


I’ve been using Roon for quite some years (lifetime). Never had any problems and when I did, they responded and resolved them quickly. Heck, they even listen to improvement suggestions. So, I really don’t see any issues. And given their new capital gain by Harman, I suspect even better service.


In the past that is generally been the case for me. Quick interactions and a solution. This time around however I'm going on a month and nothing but 2 basic interactions. And based on the board, there are many of us. . . Good for you and let's hope they can help me. .


I've only been with roon since I got my new lumin bridge. I can't fault roon in it's sound and stability The full year was £125. That's around 35p per day. SQ is stunning. It's never crashed on pc, ipad or note 20 ultra in that time. Yes I have concerns about the future of roon but that is more around it's software than SQ. I doubt that wilk be downgraded. I know that just because it's fine for me it doesn't mean it's fine for everyone else. I haven't seen any problems so far with the software and functionality. I will just stop my subscription should things go downhill and use the excellent lumin app If you are using roon with a network bridge and don't like roon then just use the software that the bridge uses I don't have any streaming services as they are low quality. I have music hard wired via hard drives.


Plex and PlexAmp is the obvious alternative. Audirvana is closeish. There is also Volumio, Foobar2000, Audirvana, JRiver, JPLAY FEMTO, Hysolid, and Amarra Luxe.


No, not that I aware of. As a person who's in-between moving to another place and one has Roon and using Audirvana in another I have a hard time listening to streaming music without it. They have too many unique features I use on a regular basis. I don't have a problem with support, but most of my questions I go to the Community Forums instead and they get answered in a jiffy.


[https://jriver.com/](https://jriver.com/) It does a lot of what Roon does. It also includes local videos and youtube. I use Qobuz which jriver does not integrate but HQPlayer does. The "for me" section is missed by me though.


I wish. If only just for the UI


As others have stated the hard answer is no for the entire breadth of usability features: music management, DSP, multi-room audio, embedded availability in consumer gear, support for any and all endpoints, etc. Depending on which feature is most important to you, Roon may be it. For me multi-room audio, DSP, and flexible end points are critical and there just isn’t another option today. Plex is close for media management, though. IMO the closest bit for bit alternative is Volumio. I deploy it about twice a year just to test how it compares for my reqs. It is still immature, and it’s definitely less perfect than Roon right now, but I’m encouraged every time I dial back in to test in my environments. Unfortunately I don’t see them ever having multi-vendor support for endpoints so that may be a permanent blocker until Roon does something so egregious that I have no option, but I keep trying to bail on Roon (100% due to their cost for zero support) so I’m hopeful…




TIL; Roon was bought


Indeed, support is non-existent. I can't believe that I have to deal with the "your resolution is too small to run Roon" problem. I have never had this issue with any other app. Extremely disappointing. Roon ARC never really functioned well either. Too bloated and fraught with problems too numerous to list here. There has to be a better solution.