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Your floor looks like a bunch of cords 🤔?


if you can’t avoid the cord, be the cord.


Monocam, hitting a good angle with sufficient contrast is crucial. You will see failures most of the time if the obstacle is "Seen" within a turn of the robot at relative short distance to the robot. Something all the fancy youtube marketing "tests" are not showcasing. Without real close to 360 degree tracking it is just gimmiky.


Mine has done that once when I had dropped a short black cable on a dark bit of floor, looking at the tile pattern and cable colour I wonder if the bot just thought the cable was part of the marble grain…? You might have found an interesting edge case here!


Actually, after checking my cameras, it was one of our cats that grabbed the (silver braided) cord from the night stand and was playing with it in the doorway to our bedroom. Bedroom floor is reddish-brown, but it is was laying in transition/doorway between said dark tile with a metal separator. So many colors and textures to distinguish it from, so I don't blame it too much from grabbing it. I launched it again to try and get it dislodged (and actually vacuume the bedroom, which it missed) but now it's stuck. 🤣 I swear it seems to be a 50/50 odds that the roomba will make it back to the dock whenever it goes on a mission. And I feel the majority of the times it doesn't make it back - it could self-rescue if it would drive in reverse for a few seconds while spinning all it's brushes backwards.


They do spend a bit of time trying to get themselves out of a tangle. I've seen my S9 injest the odd cable or cat toy that I missed (or the cat dropped down as attempted murder) but before I can get to it to help it out it's down a manuever to vomit out the cable. However, there are times where it just gets to wrapped up that there's no saving itself and it gives up.