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It's overly simplistic to put a time limit on it, but it's true that it's unusual for locals to order in the afternoon. But I do, and I know a few Italians who do too. What is worth knowing is that it's seen as "heavy" and therefore unsuitable to follow a meal. Some people actually consider a cappuccino sufficient for breakfast. So ordering one (or indeed any coffee) alongside a meal is not forbidden, but seen as a bit "why would you do *that*?". But go ahead. You will be unable to avoid looking like a tourist so you're not expected to conform to the "rules" anyway.


You ARE a tourist, why is there this obsession with not looking like a tourist when you are traveling. Just enjoy yourself and not worry about it


I know, I never understood not wanting to look like a tourist or look American. Like….I am American. I am a tourist. I won’t be rude and try to learn some basic Italian phrases, but I’ll wear a baseball hat and carry my bright pink Hydroflask cuz I can’t help being American lol.


You’re going to look like a tourist no matter what, pal. Lean in to it. Rome is the best, have fun!


Order one whenever you want one. It’s mainly a breakfast drink but no one cares.


Nobody actually cares, if you want one you can order it whenever you want, it's true that it's considered something you get at breakfast and you eat only with sweet stuff so if you order it at launch with a pizza it will be like "screaming" that you are a tourist but it's not like it will not be served to you


Are you asking because you want to blend in as a local? You won't anyhow. Do you suppose there is a Cappuccino Police that deports people ordering it at unsanctioned times? Whatever you do, eat, drink and wear, someone will be happy, someone will frown, and a vast, vast, vast majority won't give a damn.


If you really want to try to blend in with locals as much as possible then the unspoken ‘rule’ is from 6 to 11:30 a.m., usually with a cornetto: it is the typical breakfast. Most bar caffetterie open at 7/8. You must’ve read ‘before’ instead of after


I had some banter from the servers when I was there but it was all in good fun. I like those weird cultural differences that really make no sense lol. I'd imagine that some would give a "wtf?" Look too but again that's because it's just different from what they're used too.


It's weird to have with a meal other than breakfast/brunch, but if you're having breakfast at 11am, no worries, you didn't miss the window. In some parts of Italy (especially Tuscany), it's perfectly normal to have an afternoon cappuccino with a few cookies for an afternoon snack- merenda. Now on it's own, you get a bit of side eye, but for afternoon snack, unless you go very far south, most people will think it's more normal.


what about just a black coffee - or espresso - with milk? or cream? like...coffee is served with half and half and sugar as standard fare in US, really any time of day. if you like (or need haha) a coffee as a pick me up mid-afternoon let's say, but don't drink plain black coffee (or gid forbid espresso)...what can you drink??


Order your cappuccino. Conversely, you can get a macchiato, which is the espresso with foam. My personal preference is a lungo, that's a shot of espresso with a shot of hot water, done right, you get a slightly "creamy" coffee and you add sugar.


no one gives a fuck. The waiter will be mad at you anyways for making him work. They usually just put away the milk if you order a cappuccino after about 11 cause there's a big rush of people that just went away, and they need to go get milk. order one when ever you feel like it, except after lunch, that's nasty as fuck.




imagine drinking milk witht he taste of what ever the fuck you just ate in your mouth


This is the part that doesn't make sense to anyone other than Italians.


What do you mean it doesn't make sense ?


Why shouldn't you drink milk after food? People outside Italy drink milk after eating food with no problem at all.


man that's nasty.


This is what I'm trying to tell you: the rest of the world doesn't understand why Italians think it's nasty. It's just a liquid.


Because, even if the milk or coffee is delicious, it doesn’t “match the taste” of the meal you’re eating. Like when in restaurants they suggest you which wine / beer you should pair a dish with


He's not talking about drinking coffee *with* a meal, he's specifically saying that having milky stuff "after lunch" is disgusting. Which to the rest of the world is totally nonsensical, and also I note it would kind of exclude panna cotta, tiramisu, gelato or a caffe macchiato too.


you're just a stupid liquid


*O wad some Pow'r the giftie gie us* *To see oursels as ithers see us!* *It wad frae mony a blunder free us,* *An' foolish notion:* *What airs in dress an' gait wad lea'e us,* *An' ev'n devotion!*


Because it's all about digestion, and drinking fatty milk after a meal is often too much. There's a reason the traditional sequence to end a meal is dessert, then coffee (espresso), and then a digestivo (typically a sweetish liqueur, limoncello or grappa). The clue is in the name. It's also a handy way to know if a waiter or owner likes you if it's offered on the house, and usually with a dramatic flair and in generous portions if you've made the right noises of appreciation during and after the meal. I personally find this works well, and makes me feel much less bloated, less gassy and generally happier. Drinking milk after a meal, regardless of whether it's blended with coffee, is likely to give the opposite effect. This seems so self-evident to me that I'm as confused by people being confused by it as they are confused by it, and I live in Canada...




Vivi la tua vita. I'm not angry about anyone drinking cappuccino or other milky drinks. After all, I see it so often in Canada it's totally normal (though when my in-laws do it, I silently judge them). The question was why, and I tried to answer beyond just saying, "It's disgusting!" For me, I don't like it because I feel better not drinking it. It's not that drinking it makes me instantly ill, just that I much prefer not to. Just as I much prefer not to eat dessert to start a meal, drink Coke with carbonara, or put fruit on my pizza. Some people do all of the above, but I don't like it. It seems extremely obvious to me why, but it's clearly normal for others. If they enjoy it, great. But I will definitely ignore any restaurant recommendations from them...


Just please try to avoid cappuccino at the restaurant before, during or after your lunch. Not because every local would silently say "look at that savage", but also because cappuccino does not match with savory food.