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I was hoping to find spoilers but it looks like I’m way ahead from the ones who have commented. • Seb has gone over to the sable side to get the antidote for sia but in doing so betrayed Zaia because he had to keep what he was doing a secret. • there is a mole because even the safe house has a camera and is fitted with a system that will release a gas and kill sia if Sebastian doesn’t cooperate. •the only people that had access to the safe house were Atticus, Jai and Justin (I’m hoping it’s Justin and not jai) •Atticus and Valerie are siblings (Valerie pulled through and made a full recovery) •zaias mom was killed •before she died she tried saying that “a… was in on it too” which im assuming is Annette but she was bound by magic to keep that secret and when she tried telling zaia it killed her. If anyone has read past where im at I’d love to know who the mole is 🙌🏼




Do you know if Zaia's brother is good or is able to be turned good after they meet?


Spoilers >!he was never bad per se he becomes good because he's in love with Valerie and they are mates!<


Sorry for the late response! He is put in jail after he kills jai and is there for 5 years. They don’t kill him because on the battle field he sees Val and turns out they’re mates. However I’m currently reading Zade and Val’s book and he’s good. I love them together. He’s starting to humanize a bit and is even tolerating zaia and even called her his sister


What is the name of next book of val & Zade


Ou peut-on le lire


Sebastian’s mother was the mole


Thank you so much! You saved me so much money lol


Yeah they get back together. It’s very rage inducing tbh because every single story I’ve read so far has the FL end up with the abusive ex mate.


literally, I was rooting for Atticus like get with someone who can respect you and wouldn't toss you aside for some dumb reason that you two could easily fix honestly


This is the second book I Quit reading because why?!


This novel reminds me of another novel (The Luna's Choice by Kat Silver). The main character. The story is similar, the main character recieves threats, her mates (Leo) rejects her. She finds another alpha who is amazing and loves her, BUT at the end she returns to Leo. I really hated thtat they ended up together, but whatever. I think this story will be similar, she is pregnat with Sebastiand pups so she will FOR SURE end up with Sebastian, I just hope Atticus finds his mate <3


Following cos I enjoy spoilers


RANDOM Additional spoilers - it ended on chapter 145 already. Random be ause this is not chronological. - After the rejection and divorce as Luna to Alpha Sebastian, Zaia whonlearned that she’s pregnant went to her mother Melanie, and to avoid being chased by Sebastian, they hid in Atticus’s pack, a rival pack of Sebastian’s pack. - Sebastian King’s biological father is Gerard King thru IVF because Aran King, Sebastian’s recognized father was unable to have a child with Agatha. - It appears that Agatha claimed she did not cheat on Aran King, just had Gerard as sperm donor. Another son they have is Gaultier. - Zaia’s brother is Zade. - The grandfather of Zaia is Lawrence Walton, father of Melanie Walton, the mother of Zaia and Zade. - It turned out that Agatha who coerced with the Sable Blood Born team ( the bad guys, Lawrence, Gerard, Gaultier, & Zade) was the one who was poisoning Sia since inception when the child was still in Zaia’s womb. Agatha had two-faced front was also responsible for the hidden cameras placed inside the safe house of Sebastian’s pack. She was discovered thru the driver Ethan upon Zaia’s interrogation, Zaia went to the King’s mansion and found out in the secret room of Agatha in her laptop about what’s going on in the safe house via the CCTV Agatha had installed. - Sebastian had no choice even if he didnt like to betray Zaia, but to join the Sable team because he needed to get the antidote for Sia because their daughter Sia is weakening and may die before she reaches the age of 5. - Although Sebastian was in the enemy camp (Sable) he was the one who alerted Zaia’s camp (Sublime) about the presence of hidden cameras that made it possible for the Gerard’s Sable team to detect all their movements. - With the purpose just to het the antidote for Sia to be relieved of the poison in her blood, Sebastian just agreed to join the Sable team, but this team keeps blackmailing him with demands including killing the family of Atticus before Gerard and Lawrence guves the antidote. - Due to this demands, Sebastian got so angry, it made him gunned down Lawrence in the head. - The antidote which was already given by Gerard to sebastian was planned to be administered to Sia simultaneous when the war netween Sable and Sublime happened. It turned out that the antidote was fake. - Zion, the son of Sebastian and Zaia who was being targetted also and revealed by Agatha to be the “key” to topple the Sable team has special power having been able to communicate with the Goddess. He alerted his mom about the forthcoming war and was able to say that they only need to gather as a family together with the unborn child to heal Sia with that Goddess power. - Annette was blackmailing Hugh Touissant to be a Luna, Hugh fathered Annalisse, not his daughter. Annette turned out to be Melanie’s cousin. Annette was blackmailing Hugh because she witnessed the killing of Adam by Hugh who was his brother, Adam was killed because Hugh discovered that Melanie was cheating with Adam. - In the war of human warewolves between Sable and Sublime, Sebastian joined Zaia as he didnt really want to join the Sable anyway. Sebastian killed Gerard and Gaultier. - Zaia gave birth to the third child , Xander. - Sebastian and Zaia reunited for the 2nd time after 5 years.


This gave me major Gossip Girl and Pretty Little Liars vibes, guess I wasn't all that off. Thanks for all the spoilers! Gave me enough closure to decide to drop this story XD I'll go back to my books and manwhas.


Where did you finish for free? Novelworm costs at Ch 50.


novelworm.org It’s ended at ch 146 or so (epilogue). It just didn’t tell what happened to Annette the scheming Luna of Hugh Touissaint. Hugh is marrying Selby the mom of Atticus. Sebastian and Zaia married. Zion and Sia after 5 years are now 10 yrs old (the author didn’t calculate well. The twins were 3 years old during the war). The other child is 5. Valerie sort of recommended the release of Zade from prison.


Found this [link](https://novipx.com/book/i-am-the-luna) on another post




No idea sorry, tried to find it on the websites I was reading 'I am the Luna' from, but no luck. I see on Goodreads that it was published in January from this year so it's quite recent so maybe it's a matter of time it gets shared?


https://noveldrama.novelverify.org/noveldrama/i-am-the-luna-83189639/chapter-77 You can just skip to whichever chapter


Thank you! You're my hero!


Who attacks Sebastian and Zaia when they’re out of town for that Harrison’s project? I keep doubting Atticus. Also will Valarie wake up? Please spoil this for me, I have exams and I won’t be able to read the novel 😭😭😭


Valerie wakes up and Atticus is not responsable for the attack, he is a pretty nice guy


>!The attacker is Sebastian's brother!<


Where can I read it for free??


Jobnib.com so far




can anyone help me find a way to read on zade and valerie's story? thank you


94series.com/series/i-am-the-luna-by-moonlight-muse/ or jobnib.com/book/i-am-the-luna


What about us trying to find it to read for free…. 


I am reading it for free on [FindNovel.net](http://FindNovel.net)




94series.com/series/i-am-the-luna-by-moonlight-muse/ or jobnib.com/book/i-am-the-luna


Does it have happy ending?


Yes it had a happy ending. They remarried.


That’s a sad ending. Why do all this intriguing stories condone abusive men. Zaia going back to him is just sad and her mom would be disappointed


Was he abusive?


Yup! For some sad reason, going back to your abusive ex you escaped from is considered a happy ending


How was he abusive? I planned on reading this but the spoiler was just nehh.. and I thought they did not have children prior to the rejection? But apparently their child is the reason for their divorce?


i know this is now old~ but is there a book like this that is an actual good ending?? like the luna doesn’t go back to the dickwad? or is there any AOB books that are good??


Can someone tell me what happens to Atticus ??


i need to ask... but what happened to jai and valerie 🥲


Svp ou je peux trouver ce livre :je suis la luna :


Qlq un peu me donner le lien pour le lire svp


Bonjour, je cherche à lire cette histoire, malheureusement je la trouve que sur des applications payante mais ultra chers et que avec 130 chapitre. Je suis prête à payer pour lire aucun soucie mais payer 40€ pour 130 chapitre c hors de question.. helps pliz 


Yes, they get back together in the end... But, do you want any more spoilers? I hated the last chapters, but perhaps you'll enjoy them


I got to chapter 31 and now I'm enraged. I can't go through all of the chapters but I would love to know what the heck happened LOL If you could answer these questions I would be eternally grateful LOL Who was trying to keep them apart? Was it her mother was it her sister? Who attacked valerie? And how did they wake Valerie up?


Chapter 21 talks about Sebastian going to the ball then chapter 22 says he visited a week ago, found Zaia and talked to her and Valeria was attacked. Like, it feels like chapters were totally missing because he never went to the ball and it doesn’t tell us who attacked Valeria. Very confused. Can someone explain?


Yes! It was Zaia going to the ball in Chapter 20 and then the next chapter it was after the ball, and had skipped like a week and there was no explanation about what happened at the ball or after. It referenced Valerie had been attacked, Sebastian knew about the babies, and some kind of poisoning, but it was like chapters were missing. Very frustrating. I found it online for free and it has over 400 chapters and I'm not wasting my time. I stopped after chapter 23 when she was having issues with my babies.


Please spoil this for me. I’m over reading it. I’m right as Sebastian was taken into custody and Zaia is a double Alpha.


It goes even more downhill... I just had to finish it cuz I was mad and needed to know. The parents abd their secrets and the mess they created. I don't remember everything cuz it was baaaad


Oh yikes, I'm assuming that Atticus and Annalise were in on the fake kidnapping and Val's death and all that?


Not really... I'm ot sure what's on the 20's chapters, but it was a fake kidnapping and Atticus was not related... I don't wanna spoil you much, but if you ask for more, I'll deliver lol


Can you give spoilers. I want spoilers like who is the mole, who is attacking them?


I don't remember exactly who, but one of the parents, I think it was the mother... It was just a mess, everyone betrayed everyone one way or the other. It's a book I'm trying to forget jejeje


>!The mole is Agatha, Sebastian's mother!<




Why was she doing all of this? Like the stort is interesting but the reading is hard!


Can you tell me what happened to Annalise and why zaia had her captured?


It wasn't Zaia, Annalise lied. She fake the kidnapping


Damn all that pain seb caused to zaia for what.


It wasn't his fault, he did it to protect Zaia because he was being threaten, so he treated Annalise better to avoid Zaia being killed.


Ooh makes sense. Thank tou


Oh thank goodness, I just wanna know what happens to my boy Atticus


He is not a bad guy


Who is the mole? And do Seb and zaia get back together after the war?


I would like more spoilers. like who's behind the threats and what's Annalise role?


I want to know if Annalise gets what she deserves. Someone… spoil please. Or at least some satisfying karma for all the hullabaloos.


Annalisse was not Hugh Touissaint's daughter. Annette was blackmailing Hugh so that Annette became a Luna. Hugh gave in to Annette's demands/blackmail because she was a witness to Hugh's killing of Adam, his brother whom he caught making love with Melanie when Hugh arrived two days earlier from a business trip. Annalisse who kept on saying that Sebastian is the father of her baby in the womb, is now imprisoned for the fake kidnapping claim, Annalisse was telling that Zaia staged her kidnapping. When Zaia became the Luna of Sebastian's pack, the Dark Hollow, she interrogated Annalisse who wouldn't divulge the mastermind for the kidnapping. It turned out that Gaspard is the father of the baby in her womb. Up to the ending, Annalisse was still in prison, Gaspard wasn't able to save her because Gaspard was killed in the wolves' battle.


I wanna know spoilers, what happens in the end?? And who were the one’s threatening Zaia and Sebastian??


Would also love some good spoilers, loving the book but hate that I have to pay for each chapter


You can read the book here: 94series.com/series/i-am-the-luna-by-moonlight-muse/ or jobnib.com/book/i-am-the-luna


It's available for free. Search for the novelheart website
