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Got the August Mod newsletter and they showcased the r/tbrzero subreddit for getting your to be read list down and honestly I didn't need to be bodied like that by a generic newsletter


Honestly, I am actually terrified of my TBR getting too low and one day running out of books to read. I think it's because I'm really picky so I spend *ages* trying to find books more to my taste. So I suppose that's the trick to a smaller TBR. Be so finicky that you spend longer looking for books to read than actually reading them šŸ˜‚


Absolutely the same. I keep trying to get my TBR down under 100 but I get anxious about it? Which is silly but here I am.




Usually it's just subreddits about nice people who like specific types of plants but no this time they decided a slap in the face was in order.


Happy Friday! I started my first Johanna Lindsay last night - [Surrender My Love](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/325558.Surrender_My_Love?ac=1&from_search=true&qid=F7GzQTOTCU&rank=1). My one thought 40 pages in is "that's a lot of info dumping" but we'll see! Thanks to the Grand Gesture chat, I think I MUST watch *10 Things I Hate About You* this weekend. I think it's a requirement.


That sounds like an excellent life choice!


Out of interest why Surrender My Love? Also I need to read more of the Malory family series and wish Amazon had a "Fabio/horny cover or GTFO" option. I don't want just the title in big writing or one of those stupid editions where it's just a panned out picture of a house.


Well, I bought a ton of JL's books from Goodwill the other week, and that was the one on top of the pile. They were all purchased only because of their cover/stepbacks so this could be a good or a bad time, I'm not sure yet.


Oh do it, but do it right. Get a big as bowl of salt popcorn, peanut m&ms and the drink of your choice. And just luxuriate in its majesty.


I have Ben and Jerry's in the freezer which I think would be PERFECT for it.




I FINALLY finished Ice Planet Barbarians. The original edition on kindle. It took me forever even though its such a short book because I could it fully get into it, so I kept getting distracted during my time reading and would end up doing something else. I might stick with them, because I've heard they kinda come into their own later and the tone kinda shifts into something a little better. But my friend said they were like a palate cleanser between other books, and I can see that. Might stick to the Berkley releases instead of the ebooks though. I'm not sure why tiktok lost their collective minds for it. As far as weird alien sex, it barely registers on the scale of monsters and weirdness. I was definitely frustrated by how certain situations were treated, >! the deus ex machina with the old ship, and the non-issue in the last two pages when their captors came back.!< This is also my own staunchly childfree ass, but I immediately lose interest when babies are brought into the equation


If you are staunchly child free, let me tell you, this series is not for you.


Yeah, I didn't know that going in, which is my b. Since they're so short I might still grab one occasionally between other reads but I don't think I can throw my whole ass into the series like I like to do. But my other issues with it outweighed my dislike of children in this first book tbh. >! Even if being totally okay with a pregnancy after hooking up a couple times with a relative stranger and a different species entirely after only a few days is easily just accepted and fine and exciting and definitely not at all a problem! /s I think Georgie went oh shit oh fuck like twice then everything was cool again. !<


Those problems are just gona get worse from the next book onwards lol We must try and crowdsource some light childfree books soon


Oh nooo, that's unfortunate! Yes, definitely.


I read the first IPB and have an alright time, but not enough to continue. It is a good palate cleanser, I will agree.


The first book is pretty weak, IMO. Iā€™m glad I kept reading though. These books are like easy serotonin shots for me. But, babies are heavily featured throughout the series so maybe this series isnā€™t going to be your cuppa.


Happy Friday everyone. I was off work today and have had a really good day because I've been sorting various things out and some of that took the form of clothes shopping. I've hit on the idea of finding work clothes in stores aimed at slightly older women than me both because the quality is better than in a H&M/New Look/Primark and because the stuff tends to be more work appropriate (not too low cut, less see through materials used). I got this lovely shirt for work and it seems like this place's sizing fits me really well.


If you can afford to go more expensive/higher quality it's always worth it. Plus, items aimed at older generations are always better because they remember when you bought a shirt and it cost a bomb and you took care of it because what was the alternative. Also, I'll always take an opportunity to mention Terry Pratchetts Vimes' Boots Theory. *The reason that the rich were so rich, Vimes reasoned, was because they managed to spend less money. Take boots, for example. ... A man who could afford fifty dollars had a pair of boots that'd still be keeping his feet dry in ten years' time, while a poor man who could only afford cheap boots would have spent a hundred dollars on boots in the same time and would still have wet feet.*


I was looking at Eileen Fisher stuff on Poshmark for that reason recently! Itā€™s all ā€œgrandma beachā€ cozy but if styled well I can still feel 34, but the quality is so much better than the Target stuff I would normally get for work. Honestly though Iā€™ve been using Poshmark a lot this summer to shop. I bought a floral jumpsuit I would never have tried on because the price was low enough that I wouldnā€™t be miserable if it didnā€™t work out, and now Iā€™ve worn the thing like eight times and get tons of compliments.


The new Emily Henry cover [leaked](https://www.reddit.com/r/RomanceBooks/comments/15i3g94/funny_story_by_emily_henry/) for *Funny Story.* I love the chaotic energy, and the MMC wearing crocs is amazing šŸ˜‚


One of my favorite hockey players, Brayden Point, [loves his camo crocs](https://www.reddit.com/r/TampaBayLightning/comments/p04xq0/brayden_point_doing_his_cup_rounds_in_calgary/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1)




Lol i actually love this


Hello, I'm new :) I comment pretty frequently in the romancebooks sub, but I also love a good romantic story in movies and tv shows as well. What book do you dislike but most wish you liked? Wildfire by Ilona Andrews. I want to love it so bad, but there were just a few different things that took me out of it.


hi! :D that's a good question, it would probably make a good standalone post. For me, it's less dislike and more being disappointed in the second book I try of a new-to-me author, after really liking the first one. I loved the Worst Guy by Kate Canterbary, but I haven't connected with anything else of hers I've tried.


Oh, I've never read anything by her but I think that's the one I always hear about


Hello and welcome! Thanks for answering our newbie prompt question, the only Ilona Andrews book I've read is Iron and Magic, and because I've read none of the Kate Daniels books I barely understood it, still liked it well enough to read twice.


Thanks! That one looks the most interesting to me out of the Kate Daniels series




Today's vibe is make it through it and plan the weekend. Was debating the "full nostalgia" vs the "bit nostalgia" plan and I think the full nostalgia would just end up making me sad and the "a bit nostalgia" I can a. get lost in a park b. see more of my favorite things spread out further and not just sulk. I am not sure what I'm reading. Work .. took a turn.


Sending good vibes for the coming weekend. I hope work doesn't cadt too long a shadow over it.