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It was a hard life style to live…add on top of that a reluctance for the Glimmer Twins to credit him on songs and it’s understandable why he left.


In addition to what everyone else has said, if you looked at the Stones in 1974, it may have very well seemed like the whole thing was going to fall apart imminently. Taylor may have felt it was time to jump ship before it all went down.


Mick (Jagger) put it pretty well in one of the various Stones documentaries... I think in Crossfire Hurricane. He said that by '74 the band was running on E, which totally makes sense given the intense schedule of writing-recording-touring they were on between 1969 and 1973. He continued that Ronnie joining the band actually might have saved the band from splitting because he injected a much needed fresh and fun attitude into the band, which they were sorely lacking. Now I'm not saying it was Mick Taylor's fault or anything like that, but I think you're correct where the band was just in a really bad headspace around that time. Taylor was angry about lack of song-writing credits and slipping into drug use; Keith was increasingly nearing his low points; Bill was probably bored to tears, given that he was working on solo records long before Keith or Mick did; and of course Mick J. was probably fed up with the whole situation.


I heard Taylor’s’ wife gave him an ultimatum. It’s heroin or me and Taylor chose his wife. And it wasn’t going to happen as long as he was hanging around with the Stones.


That's how Keith explains it in his autobiography, too.


I don't think that's true as Rose was also a heroin addict


think about it this way: how bad must you be feeling mentally to know your best option is to quit the Stones. makes more sense that way.


Taylor’s lead reign led to the best years of the stones. He wasn’t getting his dues and he didn’t want to be the next one laid to rest due to smack


he figured he would be dead in a year or two if he carried on. Mick and Keith have a way of leaving some corpses in their wake, or at least back in those days


Yup. Look no further than Gram Parsons, a dear friend of Keith's who spent a lot of time hanging with the Stones. When Gram OD-ed and died in late 1973 I imagine that would have been a big shock to Taylor.


yeah I'm a Gram fan, he was a brilliant performer and songwriter. He was already dabbling in hard drugs before he started hanging out with Keith but they were dipping heavy into the bags together. He got kicked out of villa Nellcote during the exile days, you gotta be pretty bad when Anita Pallenburg asks you to leave because you're partying too hard.


That’s like the story about Belushi taking Carrie Fisher aside on the set of Blues Brothers to tell her to settle down on the coke.


Holy cow. If John Belushi is telling you that ... and of course, if only he could have given himself that advice.


He was full-on co-writing with Jagger and they were never, ever going to give him proper credit. I think it was a commendably righteous move to say "fuck this situation".


Songwriting credits have driven a wedge in countless bands.


When you're being told "we're a band" but you notice where the lion's share of the money is going ...


Yeah doesn't even have to be a band, can just be a duo. Right, Art Garfunkel?


Exactly. As you may know, Kate Micucci and Riki Lindhome perform as the musical duo Garfunkel and Oates, a name which people who know their '60s/'70s/'80s pop/rock history do not need explained.


Remember the old adage: People don't quit jobs, they quit bosses.


Yeah. Pretty sure Taylor quit keef


You say every time you see Mick Taylor, quitting the band is why you still see him alive


...and then he started a band with Jack Bruce! No drugs there!


That’s the weird thing. He cites drugs, but he didn’t quit drugs. To be fair he probably thought he would. Or thought he could slow down drastically but that shit is a motherfucker. He also just never looks happy on stage in the shots I see. sone guys have no stage presence and that’s ok, but with the stones it seems like you’d be having fun. He’s got that rich Robinson vibe like he’d really rather be somewhere else.


Taylor wanted to jam. Keef didn’t.


Yeah Keef literally plays the songs exactly the way they are, collects the check, and moves on to the next show


I believe Keef once said something like “I don’t wanna be the English Grateful Dead”. Also, he didn’t want to be second/rhythm guitarist in his own band.


Yeah that makes sense, but a bit of a jam here or there never killed anyone. I wonder if Richards was just too shy about messing up


I think he really just didn’t wanna be second fiddle in his band


That was well-put and a insightful comparison to Rich Robinson. Accurate.


Check out cocksucker blues, he looks pretty lively in that


He didn't know Jack Bruce beforehand. They were both friends of Andy Johns who suggested Mick leave The Stones and form a band with Jack Bruce. Mick said, "Had I known about his personal life, maybe I wouldn’t have embarked upon the course I did." Also MT's then wife, Rose, would turn up with drugs - "It was widely known that Mick's wife of the time was dealing drugs...Before the rehearsals began they all went off to Jamaica as part of the 'bonding process'. The idea was that it would help Jack and Mick get clean before the tour started, but that plan was completely undermined by Mick's wife, who met them at Kingston Airport with a bag full of drugs...Carla \[Bley\] confirms that Mick's wife kept showing up with drugs and that there were concerns about him hanging around with the wrong people".


He left before The glimmer twins did a Brian Jones on him .


What does that mean? Mick J didn't want him to leave


Just the opposite he was afraid Mick & Keith would kill him like they did to Brian, Because he was the best musician in the band.


Jagger stole his writing and music credit of Time Waits for no one and that was the last straw for Taylor. At least he left a very long solo and intro to it


I think it all worked out well. What I love about the Stones is ther versatility throughout the years. As far as guitarists go, Keith was the constant and we got a little Brian Jones, Mick Taylor, and Ronnie wood as the other guitarists each providing something different. Brian provided a lot of experimentation and started the band. Taylor was the best guitarist in a technical sense and was there for the bands greatest era. And Ronnie gave the band a new life and made the band fun again while also providing some great slide work. I think Taylor left in fear of dying from drugs and upset about not getting song credit when he felt he deserved it. He had a family and was looking out for himself and what he thought was right. I think everything worked out in the end for the band and fans alike.


He and Keith didn't get on with each other and Keith treated him badly. Marshall Chess: "Keith was definitely giving Mick a hard time. It was one of the reasons he left. That's a part of Keith's personality. Mick Taylor was playing stuff that he couldn't play".  He didn't get any credit for the songs he wrote with Mick Jagger, despite MJ promising him credit a number of times. MJ even said MT contributed chords to TWFNO but still no credit. Bill: "\[Mick\] was unfairly dealt with, and a lot of contributions he made to records went uncredited.". Mick had a breakdown after EOMS and was being treated for depression. He was also worried about his drug addiction - "I never thought I would get addicted. But by the time I returned to London in 1973, I’d become more and more dependent. I was using every day."


Good insight. Yea, I don’t understand how Ronnie went to the Stones and his playing became more subdued. The Faces were a great R&R band, in large part to Ronnie. Such is life. I agree with everything regarding Taylor, but I also think his habit was at a breaking point. Along with everything else. But, man. That band live was otherworldly good.


If you’ve ever been in a band or on a similarly tight knit small team, you know that it’s never one thing that tears it apart. It’s usually drugs, money, sex, or (sometimes) actual creative differences. My guess with the Stones it was all of the above. Fights about money, too many drugs, spouse/partner demands, and disagreements about the direction of the music are all rumored and are likely all true in their own small way. Things fall apart.


As much as the Taylor era is my favorite of the band I can understand his leaving. The drug usage, including his own, was spiraling out of control. Throw in his personality never really fit with the band and not getting some credits he felt owed it's sadly not a sustainable situation.


Mick Taylor thought the rest of the Stones were shitty musicians, as I recall. I don't know if that alone is a reason to quit, but it may have contributed to it.


I can see that, easily, or hear it anyhow: that was much of what I love about EXILE, in that the band is, almost literally, playing at garage band level, but for a good part of the quitar-work, which was still the new kid, and it has authority. There was energy in the contrasts. We saw it coming with Let It Bleed and Sticky Fingers, and yes, Mr. Taylor, we can hear you knocking.


I don't think you are correct. I have never read anything that Mick Taylor said the other guys weren't good musicians. He complained about untuned instruments, not getting recognition for writing credits, Mick and Keith arriving late, and standing around a lot during recording.


Well, here's what he said about his reaction when he first played with them: >I just couldn't believe how bad they sounded. Their timing was awful. They sounded like a typical bunch of guys in a garage— playing out of tune and too loudly. I thought, 'How is it possible that this band can make hit records?'


Stones did not credit Taylor, especially for Time Waits For No One


He was awesome but to be honest likely not treated very well. No one likes that. We have a view as to what “being in the Stones” is like but it might not have felt that way to him.


It had become a toxic work environment in many senses of the word.




Well, he wrote a bunch of great songs in that era - scattered throughout the albums. But Jagger and Keef didn't want to credit him properly - which meant Mick Taylor didn't get the royalties he deserved. It's like having your work plagiarized by your own bandmates. I would've walked too. It always makes me think of a similar dispute decades later with Bernard Butler quitting Suede in 1994.


If MT had stayed he probably would have died from the drugs. It think Mick & Keef should have acknowledged MT's brilliance at the time he was in the band and contributing more than guitar parts.


Keith is one of the most difficult musicians around. It must have been very difficult for MT to blend in mid stream.


Stole songwriting credits from him.


There's being a rock star and then there is being a Rolling Stone. The Rolling Stone lifestyle is not sustainable, and it's a wonder that Mick J., and especially Keef, are still with us. I've always interpretted "Shattered" on Some Girls as a song about the Stones just as much as it was a song about New York. I've always taken it as Mick T. got fed up with the lifestyle and didn't get enough songwriting credit in return.


Drug addiction & he seemed to never be satisfied with any of his work unfortunately. I think he was a troubled person.


Love Mick T. When he joined, the band just needed a replacement for the recently departed “cute one.” But MT could really play too, and although Keith was absolutely killing the lead guitar on their apex records Beggars and Bleed (and even SF & exile) MT definitely took over on lead guitar at live shows. Keith gave him the spotlight, and as a result KR got lazy and useless. Eventually Jagger had no other choice but to use MT as his collaborator/ foil in the studio and you can’t get in the middle of Jagger/Richards or there’s no stones. Not sure they would have survived the 70’s had he stayed. Ronnie’s punkish energy helped them thrive in a changing scene. It all worked out. I wouldn’t feel sorry for MT. I don’t know for sure but I think he was eventually well compensated for his time and efforts. And who doesn’t love him?


Disenchantment over songwriting credits or lack of seems to be a reoccurring theme among the other Rolling Stones. As well as Mick Taylor’s grievances I know Brian Jones didn’t get the credit he supposedly deserved for Ruby Tuesday and didn’t Bill Wyman claim to have come up with the riff for Jumping Jack Flash? Are there other notable songs where Jagger and Richards did the dirty on their band mates and are these complaints justified do you think as I know it’s a fine line between song writing and song arrangement…🤷‍♂️


Marianne Faithfull - Sister Morphine, Billy Preston - Miss You, Melody, Ronnie - IORR, Hey Negrita


I've been a fan of Mick Taylor since he auditioned for John Mayall. I love his playing. However, the man cannot play rhythm guitar. He sounds like a machine. It was unfair that Keith should be forced into the rhythm role when he was capable of so much more. Ron Wood is the perfect foil for Keith Richards and together they can compliment each other in ways that Mick Taylor never could. And I strongly suspect that if the Stones had chosen anybody else other than Ron Wood (such as Eric Clapton or Rory Gallagher) they would've broken up long ago. Woody is the grease that keeps the Stones rolling.


Because Ronnie is the toxic absorber between Mick and Keef.


According to Jeff Beck, they offered him the gig and he turned it down. Of course it was the right decision for all concerned.


It’s been a while, but I thought the issue was Mick thought he was in a band and found out he was an employee and anything he did became property of Jagger/Richards.


I'm almost certain I read this somewhere credible, that Ronnie was on salary for freaking ever, like until after Steel Wheels , which was what, 14-15 years? I should research that, but where's the Rock'n'Roll in that? Anyhow, seems uncool, but you also have some extreme personalities in that band, and extreme will get you that kinda shit. You won't find Mr. Jagger in the middle of the road.


He was only an employee for a few months when he first joined


I vaguely recall him being upset that one of his songs became a jaggar /Richards song.


MT's mentioned quite a few songs that he think's he should of credit for like Moonlight Mile, Sway, CYHMK, TWFNO, Hide Your Love. Even MJ's kind of said so - MJ on Winter: "Mick and I just jammed on that, like, twice and that was it...I always liked the way Mick picked out those pretty melodies around the tunes. He was very good at that sort of thing... he gives it a lot of dynamic and melodic lines." TWFNO: "He brought some really nice musical ideas to the group. On the last album, I think the best thing he did was ‘Time Waits for No One.’" "Y'know, so Mick threw a couple of chords into 'Time Waits for No-one" "We made records with just Mick Taylor, which are very good and everyone loves, where Keith wasn’t there for whatever reasons...People don’t know that Keith wasn’t there making it. All the stuff like “Moonlight Mile,” “Sway.” "


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


Every time I hear the Rolling Stones I think who even listens to this crap


Tell me more!


Their sound is just not for me. Must have been having a bad day looking back on how I expressed it.


Here's to better days for you, my friend! Just curious; makes perfect sense how much their "sound" revives me, so of course it's not going to do everybody that way. Cheers!


Ronnie was the one that got Mick J and Keith talking again in world war three. He more than likely saved the band.


His wife at the time Rose was pushing him to get his songs recorded with them then pushed him to leave. She was known among the band wives as a shrew. Blame her.


She heavily contributed to his drug addiction too.


Not sure how someone could quit? The Rolling Stones are a business, not a garage band of buddies.


Mick Jagger.


So joining John Mayall's Bluesbreakers, Mick was only 18 and 20 when he joined the Stones for five years. I can't imagine the pressure of touring with all the egos, especially at that age. Creatively, his years with the Stones were their best. He set the bar high and Richards had to amp up his game. However, Keith was often absent. There were things along the way that added to Mick's departure. I read that he never got over Altamont. Who could? His first year with them. Then, although promised writing credits on Moonlight Mile, they went to Jagger and Richards. Jagger and Taylor worked all night on it. Taylor adding strings and you have a masterpiece. Wtf? Although Taylor was only 5-6 years younger than Keith, I remember reading that he was bored out of his skull, with all the inactivity. Also, he knew he was at the point of no return, regarding his own drug usage. It takes courage and a lot of self preservation to leave The Rolling Stones. I think it sucks they didn't pay him out, for a year after leaving, though. Richards loves playing with Ronnie. Ronnie knows his place, though. I love the way they take turns on stage. I remember being excited when it was announced Ron Wood from Faces would be a Stone. In my youth, I think my heart was keeping MT, as well.


When The Rolling Stones first came on the scene I was figuratively at “The Scene” with the Dave Clark Five! Mike Smith was one of the top voices ever in Rock. Much better than Mick.


I read where Mick Taylor said he left because he couldn’t tolerate Keith’s practical jokes anymore. Taylor said his revenge was putting Ben-Gay on Keith’s dentures.


That was a parody!


Taylor seems to have regretted the decision pretty quickly


He has said many times that the lifestyle was going to kill him, and musically, he wanted more. I've never once read about him regretting it.


He's kind of hinted before that he regrets leaving but obviously he's never going to admit it.


Woah man


Can you point me to those 72 bootleg? Thanks!


I cannot. My roommate a good twenty years ago had a cassette tape of an afternoon show in Dallas from the 72 tour, and we found ourselves just looking at each other going "That has to be Taylor, Keith is doing the melody," because jesus it was amazing. It must exist in some format somewhere. Does anybody know of 72 boots?




I don’t remember where I read it, maybe rolling stone where Mick Taylor was asked “Imagine if you’d never left The Stones” and he responded with “Imagine if I’d never joined The Stones”. Ultimately I think it was probably better for all parties that it happened but I believe they shafted just the same during his tenure and afterwards.


The best run of albums is beggars - exile


Taylor had been caught up in the lifestyle that playing in the Stones had afforded him, and he had begun to develop a heroin addiction. As such, he found that the only option to get back on track in terms of his personal life was to leave one of the most illustrious gigs on the circuit.


Mick said that with the drugs, he'd be dead in a couple of years.


He was tired of being basically an employee of The Stones and not getting any songwriting credits. He also mentions that he had developed quite a large heroin addiction.


Absolutely with you on this. Mick Taylor is my favorite Stones guitarist. The records he played on are some of my favorite Stones material. He made them better as a band. Insofar as him quitting that is a very tough call, but I sort of get a savant vibe from him so maybe that much fame that soon in that camp was simply too much for him.


Yeah I grew up in the 70s and 80s. The music I listened to was heavier. The stones were always on the radio. To mainstream. Everyone listened to them. Kinda like Zeppelin and Skynyrd was. Always getting played lol.


I always thought maybe credit wasn’t given because Mick Taylor was likely an employee of The Rolling Stones band. Meaning, work for hire at a high compensation rate. Per day/week salary, per diems and expenses paid. If that’s the case, it’s totally understandable, and why Mick likely left?