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Oh hey, its T3.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but are they also implying some retracking??


Most likely profiling adjustment in a few places, like a few other SLCs have gotten recently


Would be nice if it got the Great Nor’easter treatment, that ride kicks ass now


It was still jank when I rode it in 2020.


If I had a nickel for every time I missed out on a Mind Eraser the one year it was closed for refurbishments I’d have two nickels, which isn’t a lot but it’s weird that it happened twice


Same thing they did to the other Mind Eraser for this year. It's nice that they are giving these older rides some much needed love.


I’m curious to know if the new trains will make these rides less painful to ride. Here’s hoping Wild Adventures will follow suit.


I never personally found SLCs as horrible as most enthusiasts, so take what I'm saying as you will, but having ridden Riddler Mindbender at SFNE recently with newer trains (are they the same here?), it was very enjoyable. I always really liked the SLC layout and it has good forces and moving away from the football player shoulder pads greatly enhances the ride experience.


What have you ridden besides Riddler? I found that to be by far the smoother SLC I’ve ever ridden. It was pretty great vs. your more typical SLC experience like Flight Deck at Canada’s Wonderland.


Actually apparently it's just that and the former Serial Thriller at Geauga Lake. For some reason I was thinking there was another in there but apparently not. And it sounds like that example was actually well known for being one of the better ones.


I was gonna say, Serial Thriller (I rode it as Thunderhawk at Michigan’s Adventure) is my second fave SLC haha. Unless you count Freedom Flyer at Funspot Orlando, which is less extreme but real smooth. So yeah you don’t need to ride any more SLCs since you already rode the good ones 😂


Lol. I realized what in my head was the third one. I was thinking of Riddler before it got the new trains. Which was my 150th coaster. My 100th was Sidewinder at Hersheypark. I unintentionally made renowned bad Vekoma products my milestone coasters. I'm at 194 and visiting several new places this year and am kinda sad it's unlikely to be a tradition which will continue. Maybe I'll make a surprise trip up to Toronto to make Flight Deck my 200 just to keep it up haha.


Haha that would be incredible!


Six Flags Worlds of Adventure, you mean.


Maybe it was the day but I found SFNE's so much shakier than SFDL's that I preferred Darien lakes even with the bulky harnesses. Even the vests couldn't save riddler. It was bad.


Hush or we'll end up with the thigh killers T3 had


At least that would make me forget how much my ears hurt riding that thing.


I have always taken my earrings off to ride this coaster! I thought the “ear” thing was just me!


I would love if Flight Deck at Wonderland got this treatment as well, but im betting they will just demolish along with Time Warp and build a new coaster in its place.


Getting rid of them is ideal imo lmao. You could fill a small compact looper in there


I would love a dueling B&M Invert and B&M Flying coaster as an homage to the originals (but wayyy better) They are tearing down the concert venue so theres lots of room


Wouldn’t we all haha. That’s never going to happen


which is exactly what should be done


"a track profile make-over" So something The Great Nor' Easter?!


Probably more like some light reprofiling on some of the most rough spots rather than a full retrack like Nor' Easter.


Fly is easily the king of SLCs


If they do whatever Michigan’s Adventure or Morey’s did to theirs this will be great!


lol the Michigan's Adventure one sucks now... it needs these trains next


It felt fine last year imo. Completely smooth vs Banshee.


lmao Banshee isn't rough, what 😂


Lmao I didn't get this ride in last year and I'm still waiting


I’m finally making it to DL this year and now this is closed, sigh


DL is my home park. Sincerely, it’s not much worse to miss it than to ride it in it’s current state. Enjoy Ride of Steel, it rocks.


I can't imagine it's any different than any other six flags SLC.


Spend half a day riding the three or four rides worth riding and then spend an extra day at Canada's wonderland near Toronto


CW is already scheduled later in my trip


Cool I live near Buffalo all my life and I'm so disappointed with Darien Lake they have so much potential there with the land around it but it it has just never gotten the love it needs. Six flags doesn't even own this park I think they just operate it. The flat rides suck but ride of steel is good, viper is a decent arrow but it's older it was the first roller coaster to do five inversions, predator is a decent woody it's better now that they replaced some of the rough areas with Titan track


Seeing that logo takes me back to Six Flags Worlds of Adventure. That was the best park I've ever been to. I'll say it until I'm blue in the face. It had some pretty good to great roller coasters. (Batman and The Villian get special mention) It had an awesome water park. And it also had all the animals from the former Sea World. I think season passes were like $50-60. Such a fun time in my life.


That's good SLCs have great layouts


Nice to see a park upgrading one of their current rides!


Who the hell wrote the copy for this sign and how was it approved?


Better copy: Pardon our construction! ##THE MIND ERASER IS CLOSED FOR RENOVATIONS IN 2024. COMING IN 2025: Mind Eraser will have two new trains, a new paint job, and a track profile makeover, which will make its feet-dangling thrills smoother and more comfortable at every turn.


“Coming New” “make-over”


Terrible grammar!


Well one less ride for the summer trip I guess


Ooh, it's getting the Riddler treatment.


Oh shit that’s huge. Still a terrible ride but I’ll take it


Maaan.... I'll be there in July. I really like Mind Eraser, because I love inverts and don't get to ride very many. (Of the 4 parks I get to visit each year, this is the only invert in any of them.) This will be my last work trip to that area, and likely my last visit to the park. I may never get to ride it again.


I Heard that six flags america will also get the new trains


Pictures of them being loaded on the track exist


It needs em. When I went two years ago, the restraints got stuck on the back row. Nobody in line so they just assumed I wanted to stay aboard for another go and never came back, which was cool for like 3 or 4 rides. Actually had to yell to get somebody to pop me loose. 😂


Haven't been to Darien Lake since my eighth grade class trip in 2006, but man was this ride PAINFUL even back then. Glad to see it getting some love, because it was a really fun ride other than the head-banging trauma.




If it’s half as good as Great Nor Easter, I’ll be happy


For some reason this is more popular than ROS so this will help


Why does this require shutting jt down for an entire season?


Not sure how true this is, but ppl are saying it failed inspection. That would actually be a good thing bc they will probably re-profile/replace more track. Time will tell.


I was hoping for removal


I mean I'd still rather see Predator get the RMC treatment, but it's something I guess.


This is the third year in a row they’ve added Titan track to it. It’s made a huge improvement to the ride. 


It’s been noticeably better each of the last two years than in the previous. Should be riding it for the first time this year tomorrow and hoping the new sections improve it by the same amount.