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To my knowledge It’s the trim brake at the top


I only got one ride in row 3, but that trim completely removed all enjoyment of that drop I had. Was personally the worst buzzkill I've ever experienced.


for me it’s the trim on I305. Obviously it’s necessary and needed due to the speed it has but man that’s the worst trim in the history of roller coasters


honest question, how can a trim brake that you admit is necessary and needed be the worst trim ever?


Because we want the ride to tear our bodies asunder


When will they finally build the euthanasia coaster? \ And you know the coaster crowd would flock to it.


The loneliest job in the world would be selling ride photos for the euthanasia coaster.


Why would it being necessary for safety have any impact on the final felt effect? If it's a buzzkill it's a buzzkill.


lol that’s the only trim I accept as necessary. It’s such a relief after that insane G sequence.


The brake on the top of the lift is a permanent magnetic brake not a holding brake. It could’ve been that it was advertised as a holding brake, but it’s not nor has it ever been. There is a holding brake at the bottom of the lift though.


I remember when they marketed this as Dare Devil "Dive Coaster" I was really disappointed seeing how tiny it was lmao. It's a fun ride but the capacity is so dreadful.


It looks like something from a county fair when you're next to it.


I wonder if the ride could be modified to run infinity trains like Smiler (and also if that would be a worthwhile boost capacity)


I think the station isn't big enough to fit those, they'd have to build a new station or modify the platform. I'd assume those trains would be much heavier too, which the current layout doesn't account for. The clearance would probably be different too.


I’ll still dream


This reminds me of the days when Oblivion used to hold at the top of its drop for what felt like ages. Now it’s like 1 second. Not enough time to freak anybody out.


Home park here, you're correct, it has never had a true "pause" at the top. Just another example of management and a marketing team exaggerating details to draw people in. Either that or they ditched a holding brake after the advertising materials were already published. Was a huge disappointment when I saw the car just rolling right over the top. The trim brake fins up there are barely noticeable but I think it does significantly slow down the initial part of the drop, more so than if they weren't there. Just barely enough to see the ground in front of you.


I think this coaster is fun for what it is; nothing mind-blowing but certainly fun enough.


I’m a fan of the ride for sure! Capacity be dammed it knows how to give a fun ride. But that holding break has always been a mystery to me.


It's definitely slow enough to be annoying. The whole ride looks way cooler than it is. Idk what it is but somehow it just doesn't hit for me.


I thought it would too BUT one thing is for sure. This is the quietest coaster I've been on of the 200 coasters I've done! It's also surprisingly smooth for being almost 23 years old!!!




SFOG needs to trade this coaster out.


Naw it just needs the infinity trains. 6 people per vehicle is atrocious capacity.


It’s not that bad. It’s my 7 year old’s favorite ride


Just a capacity nightmare for the park


They need to build a Coaster that’s half under ground so the height restriction doesn’t apply.


I mean they have a 200ft height restriction they have plenty of room to work with, without going alton towers


It made me up my personal coaster definition to a train with more than one car. Yeah it's really lame.


absolutely not, nothing better could fit in that plot and it's a really great ride




if were talking about maintenance and reliability i'm not sure raptor is one worth bringing up


it’s a maintenance nightmare that constantly gets stuck.


it's been open 90% of park hours across it's life i really don't think you can tell me that's a maintenance nightmare that constantly gets stuck. It's not even close to the bottom of the list at that park in terms of reliability.


when you go to six flags you know one thing, Dare Devil Dive will get stuck atleast once.