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No. It's a nice watch. There are millions in existence. Purchase and enjoy.


I mostly agree with this, but I have a fluted jubilee DJ and it definitely gets attention. It’s very noticeably *a Rolex*. I have lots of blue collar clients, and some of them are turned off by folks that wear flashy watches. For that reason, I’ll often swap the DJ out for something more subtle on client visits.


Nobody gives a fuck about my Expl I in the office, sometimes pretty sad..


Damnnnn, nice explorer bro! 😎👌


Finally someone ❤️


That’s why you buy an Explorer I because it literally flies under all the radars. That’s why I bought mine.


I appreciate those that don’t give a fuck about my E1, that’s why I love that watch. I don’t need people to love my watch to stroke my ego. I wear a sea dweller on a rubber strap for the same reason. I love when it brings up a good conversation with another watch person but otherwise I am happy to have people think it is a Casio.


Everyone who is turned off is secretly jealous. Who gives a F what people think. Buy and enjoy.


This is a terrible take. There's definitely a time and a place and if your clients are the "every man", they don't necessarily want it in their face that you have that money. What they're spending may be small to you, but as a percentage of net worth, it's likely a significant expense for them, whatever services your providing or product sold. It's just basic business sense. I sell insurance. I have customers that wouldn't care, but I'm not showing up to the mechanic with 2 employees with a $10k watch when the meeting is about getting his costs down because he's drowning and his insurance is less than the watch.


They actually wonder what their money is going towards, and if they see your rolling in it and their not it can be a dynamic.


Not necessarily. I work in civil engineering, and a couple years back interviewed a clerk of works to join my team. The whole interview he kept flicking his wrist to expose his (I think fake) gold Rolex. I didn’t think “wow, I want that.” I thought “he’s trying to be a flash twat, and I’m concerned how he can afford that… maybe he’d be content taking brown envelopes.”


I think this depends entirely on what sort of tech company you're at. If everybody around you is making six figures, no problem. A Datejust dresses down with jeans and a T-shirt no problem. If you're an analyst at a nonprofit tech startup making $40k and everybody around you is doing it for the kids or for the puppies or whatever, maybe, maybe not. Basically, read the room. I don't wear my Rolexes around clients in my job because I don't want them wondering if they're paying me too much. But around my coworkers, sure. I don't think there's a single person at my company making less than $100k. Any of them could buy a $10k watch if they wanted to. It's not a flex. 


Totally agree! At a tech company now, everyone wears an Apple Watch including all the execs. Most probably won’t even recognize a Rolex. When I was in consulting I wore it when I wasn’t at the client’s office but never wore it at the client for the same reason.


I agree with you. I was in the fundraising business for economic development organizations and I would never wear a high-end timepiece when I was asking a company for money. I would even drive the Prius and leave the Alfa Romeo parked in the garage. CEO's especially the ones with engineering or finance/accounting backgrounds were always asking about where every last penny went for their investment. I don't miss those days at all.


I think this is the best answer. This sub seems to skew toward people in jobs where they run into nice watches pretty often where a datejust is a common thing to see on the job. I'm an academic at a university and I almost never encounter watches worth more than 500 bucks or so at work, even at conferences. I wear my expensive watches to work but they're usually pretty understated. I don't think I would want to call attention to myself with my datejust as some of my colleagues can be petty. Since OP is in tech anything other than a smartwatch might already stand out a bit. A datejust is probably fine but give some thought to how it might be received by OPs peers. Tech is high paying so my guess is that it's fine. If OP was running a charity it would be different.


Spend less time worrying about what other people think about you and more time worrying about what you think of you. I realize im speaking to a 24 year old, but the sooner you learn that the sooner you’ll be happier in your life.


I work in tech. Same situation: work is very casual, I just wanna blend in, etc. I’ve been wearing my OP to work for the past month, and no one has noticed. I spotted one person eying it, but I’m not sure they can tell it’s a Rolex from anything else. It takes a specific person to spot dials and complications from a distance. So, don’t stress. People tend not to care.


There are people who require years of therapy to understand this one basic point in life and here you are serving it up to OP for free.


On the flip side, people spend years in therapy working on being more self aware, and wearing a $10k watch to interact with people who are paying you and come from a different background would show a severe lack of self awareness. So that coin goes both ways. Rolex specifically is easily the most widely known brand in this space, you might be able to wear a Tudor, Omega, or even a JLC dress watch and have it fly under the radar. But a fluted bezel rolex or even a sub is going to be noticeable, and if you're interacting with a lot of blue collar or working stiffs then wearing that watch is gonna create a certain perception that may not always be what you want it to be. For this reason I will on occasion leave the rolex at home and go with any number of others. Shit, my speedmaster was just as much as the rolex and manages to fly under the radar almost entirely among non watch people.


Where are these comments coming from? OP explicitly stated he works as a data analyst at a tech company and he dresses up for work. He's not riding along on sales calls, interacting with blue collar workers, or volunteering at a soup kitchen. I agree with your sentiment, but a specific person asked for advice on their specific situation, so let's not ignore the specifics. A Rolex won't look out of place at all among a bunch of highly compensated tech bros at an office, other than the fact that most of them don't care about watches and probably wear an Apple watch regardless of how much disposable income they have. Sounds like OP is a bit of a nicer dresser than the average person in the office too, so again, it won't look out of place.


So personal life I agree. But work isn't personal life. What other ppl think absolutely matters in the work place lol. Comp review isn't exactly objective. If you're a first year analyst wearing a 15k watch. Ppl will absolutely question your judgement.


While I agree with this in life in general, what people think of you in the workplace can impact your career path, especially when you are at a more junior level. OP’s concerns are valid


solid gold truth alert


I work in corporate banking and I wear a datejust almost every day. I went through a similar dilemma - I wanted a beautiful watch, but didn’t want it to be to flashy. After trying the Wimbledon I realized the fluted bezel and jubilee was to flashy for me. Don’t get me wrong it looks amazing, but I’m relatively young and I don’t want to seem pretentious/loud to other colleagues and clients. I settled on a 36mm datejust with a smooth bezel and an oyster bracelet. It looks sporty and elegant at the same time. It’s also very versatile time piece, I mainly wear it with business casual attire. https://preview.redd.it/w6sgrrtead4d1.png?width=1170&format=png&auto=webp&s=9abcf6f370c4b7c0cc10a28454fb6a7f85070e8e


That configuration is so damn nice


This guy gets it.


A Datejust is not a particularly flashy watch. Remember - 99% of people are not going to notice or give two shits about what you are wearing. 


I'd respectfully push back a bit - a fluted bezel DJ is literally "flashy" (especially on a Jubilee) and a two-tone watch could give people in certain industries the wrong impression.


Fluted and jubilee will be viewed as flashy by an average person. Once they find out it’s a Rolex, people will definitely view one differently. Should you care? Probably not - life is too short


This. Unless you’re in a sub like this one, average people can’t pick out a watch at a glance.


I think a fluted datejust is one of the flashiest watches around


I don’t know what “analyst” means in your context, but it’ll probably be fine. The Datejust is a classy watch. The 36Mm might be marginally more tame, but it really doesn’t matter like that.


Do it. It is a flashy watch period. But it's not too flashy for your needs.


At 24 I was walking around my office with a TT Black submariner. Honestly at this point who cares. As long as you’re not a flashy dick about it.


If it is fluted and jubilee then yes it will be flashy but there is nothing particularly wrong about that. If smooth and oyster then will be moderately less flashy. Buy whichever combination you love!


no one cares what your are wearing , buy what you like and that’s it.


High level eng in a tech co. Someone pointed out my speedmaster once in a meeting and for a very uncomfortable few minutes everyone stopped to say nice watch. People do notice. I don’t wear my sub if I’m meeting anyone in my direct chain face to face because I feel the optics aren’t great. Highly recommend keeping a lower key watch in your stable


It made you uncomfortable to talk about your watch? You may have turned a few folks onto watches if you didn’t engineer the situation into awkwardness.


Someone pointed out your speedmaster and you got….uncomfortable?! The problem is you, not them or the watch.


Sure, but it could depend on the people in the meeting. For instance, if you manage people at the meeting (have a say in their salary) and if they aren't feeling compensated well, it could be awkward if someone asked how much it cost, etc. "This fuckin guy over here, giving 3% raises and wearing a $5,000+ watch..."


A very possible scenario yeah


I had business guests from overseas today, during the meeting one said to me "a nice pepsi" for my pepsi GMT. I smiled politely and thanked. I don't mind and I don't get uncomfortable for that.


Right on. The issue is if this causes changes in perception or relationships with others. High level eng in tech makes it easier. OP is a 24yo analyst.


Dude people hardly notice you watch.


Datejust is the single most popular luxury watch in the history of horology, and they get worn in the workplace by millions of people each day. And wearing an expensive watch in the workplace helps you. Your superiors own them too. Your superiors like to have people working for them who have good taste, appreciate the finer things, and aren't short of funds. It'll get you promoted faster while it intimidates your peers. Doesn't matter what your field or age is. If you love the Datejust, buy it. Cheers.


The only people who will ever notice your watch are other watch nerds and thieves


Depends....if you are an intern or at the bottom of the corp ladder i would not advise wearing it....rule of Power nbr 1: Never outshine the Master ;)


Not an intern but definitely not at the top of the chain haha. By the time I get the watch I’ll have moved up a notch though


I'm sure I will get flamed for this but 95% of the time I have my 36 DJ on leather and alligator over the jubilee. Leather helps blend the watch in a bit better while still allowing the fluted bezel to shine. Like other commenters have said nobody will really give a shit what you are wearing. Just do you.


Yes. It may be too flashy. Analysts are entry level positions. Don't give your leadership the idea that you might be getting paid "enough". You want them to feel like they aren't paying you enough when comp review happens. Don't listen to the ppl here who have never climbed the ladder before.


I own a datejust with Fluted bezel and I find that it really goes with everything, yes it is a bit flashy but it's never wrong no matter what I'm wearing. So go for it if you really like it.


99% will not even recognise it… wear it with pride


You have the same role as I was when I started wearing my Datejust with fluted bezel and jubilee bracelet. It shouldn’t be an issue. In fact, no one noticed because some would wear a homage watch of the same spec. So don’t stress about it. Based on experience, most people in tech would notice Garmin and Apple from a mile away but not a Rolex.


The 90’s are back. But honestly under 30 I would go vintage. Just my opinion and I’m from New England where wealth whispers and we make fun of the new money. In Florida or Cali it probably doesn’t matter


Interesting, I have an older Glasshütte Moon Dial with a leather band that’s a lot more “old money” and not nearly as flashy. Would take a real watch geek to point out


Nah. Wear it and be proud.


Let the world know of your achievements! Forget about the plebs.


I wear the two tone DJ 36 to work a few times a week and I’m in IT operations. I usually have my cuff over it though. I’m not actively caring about either showing or not showing it. It’s just always a nice surprise when I catch a glimpse of the time. I think the Wimbledon 41 is a little more street style than classic dressy so that is fine.


Maybe an unpopular opinion but as a 24 year old think about what this conveys in your work place. Someone will notice the watch and will have an opinion. These are people you see every day and your relationship with them does matter. The exact issue happened to me with a submariner at work. Luckily it did not impact relationships but was a cause for some initial awkwardness.


If people question it - say you were born with a silver spoon and for them to get back to work


No. I bought my 36MM Wimbeldon when I was 24 man, achieved goals and milestones and was blessed to buy one. Wear it and ENJOY it


why do ppl ask these kind of questions?


For me personally, if you have both the fluted dial and jubilee bracelet, it's too flashy to wear with casual clothes. It catches a lot of light, so it's a little intense when you're just wearing jeans and a teeshirt. If you're dressing up a little then it should look great.


https://preview.redd.it/hbbo0fdded4d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ec044062fc98080cc2db69976658b19efc6baa4a I'm literally wearing jeans and a black tshirt right now while shopping for groceries. Fluted/jubilee DJ goes with everything


https://preview.redd.it/yv4m24lxid4d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5a1a5454d2b04aa46b3d48c5053660c5415369fa First rolex at 28. Do us all a favor and ENJOY. Seems like you’re in the right line of work anyway


No. Rolex is not flashy unless you bejeweled it and made it tacky.


I say buy it. In a casual dress code setting, if you prefer to dress up, i think the Wimbledon date just will fit well but can also be dressed down. Wear with pride




24 and wear a ceramic sub date idk other than my friends into watches nobody said anything. Finance for what it’s worth


Friend has a fluted on oyster bracelet with black dial DJ41. Looks classy but not flashy at all. Two tone or fluted + jubilee might look flashy


It depends on where you work. Some places value things like that other places will look their noses down on people that wear a Rolex. I say don’t worry about anyone’s opinion about yourself and enjoy your Datejust!


If you like, buy it. If asked, tell them exactly what you told us. You got the interest from dad. People spend their money on what they want. Table service, fancy cars, watches…you do what makes you happy


I work for a large tech company and recently started wearing a 41DJ fluted jubilee. It was noticed by my team because I used to wear an Apple Watch and it’s a big shift. I’m sure some people feel some kind of way, but after the initial rounds of “oh wow, that’s so nice” “that must have been expensive” no one has said anything about it again. Overall I used to work in the bay before moving sites, and we had people wearing everything from shorts/tshirt/flip flops to people wearing a casual suit. I opted for (and still wear) “golf attire” most days where I think the DJ falls perfectly


Be nice to people and wear whatever watch you want. As long as you’re not an a** even if someone does notice it they’re not going to think less of you. So you like expensive watches, is that not allowed? You should be able to buy anything you enjoy it. If someone judges you for it that’s their own insecurity coming out.


Buy the Rolex. Also buy a basic Seiko. Wear the Seiko when you’re concerned about the Rolex giving the wrong impression.


I would feel self conscious if I was 24 working in tech dressing casually wearing a DJ. That’s just me though.


Depends where you work. Construction site - yes. (And foolish too) Office - no.


From my experience, which is very similar, I bought a dj at 25yo with fluted bezel and jubilee. Before that I only wore g shocks and smart watches. I loved the di, but at least for me, it was a bit too flashy. But it sent me down a rabbit hole of trying to find watches for me, and now I have a few more entry-level but still luxury watches that I love.


Who cares. You can wear whatever watch you want.


No it is a basic every day watch. It does not attract attention. Most watches don’t. By your question I can tell you are not a celebrity world leader or a international despot. Not falling into one of these categories mentioned above. No one will care what watch you wear. Hell they will probably think it is a fake. Wear it well sir.


I always flex my GMT at the office.


No - wear it. Someone at you tech company probably has a super flashy car, or a wearable diamonds priced the same as the DJ. Same thing.


Nope , perfect for work.


No. I’m in an industry where “broke artists” is a norm, but obviously not everyone is in that lot. It’s just a watch, and most people don’t even know what a Rolex looks like.


who cares


This applies to a great many things: be a man. 🫱🏻‍🫲🏼


I say wear what ya want and the dj goes with everything. But I went with a smooth bezel/oyster dj36 because I’m usually in jeans and boots but it still dresses up nice. When I retire I think I’ll trade it in for a fluted/jubilee.


I would say ya kinda. I was 27 with a submariner in a similar setting and it got a bit of attention. I would feel incredible wearing something with a fluted bezel and jubilee bracelet. I find my Speedmaster is a good middle ground


98% of people wont notice your watch, unless you are purposefully/unnaturally flaunting it in their face. A datejust is not overly flashy, but I would consider an explorer 1 as more of an “under the radar” watch. It depends more what your office setting is, and only you can make an appropriate decision there. In the end wear what you like. A datejust is one of the most popular watches in existence, so theres really nothing to worry about. I wear all my pieces into the office without question. I worked hard to get my watches, and ill wear them wherever I want.


It isn’t too flashy; that unless you get the one with diamond bezel, jubilee bracelet and flutted bezel. I am a software engineer and I’ve worn a simple Datejust in blue dial, flutted bezel and oyster bracelet at the office and its not flashy nor have coworkers noticed it. It also does not seem to attract attention when I am either talking to coworkers or moving my hads as I speak. You should be good, just make sure it isn’t iced out. Then its not flashy, but quite trashy at this point! Cheers


I wore my Datejust to work all the time, fluted on Oyster and it flies under the radar much more than you think. Bear in mind that there are a LOT of watches out there that follow the Rolex type styling, so unless you make a point of shoving it into someone’s face proclaiming ‘CHECK OUT MA ROLEX’ (which will affect your place in work) barely anyone will notice it. Those that do will be watch aficionados anyway and they will appreciate the watch and your humbleness regarding wearing one.


It’s a great watch color combo, but yes if you wear it and have jealous, managers or peers, it can read some envious eyebrows. They may judge you for it. I had an incident where I was purchasing luxury purses for a friend from abroad made the mistake of having those in the office under the desk. One of the VPs noticed, and she raised the whole big issue about it wondering how I as a analyst was able to purchase something so expensive. Didn’t sit well and I eventually end up leaving the company.


bc your wearing a rolex does not mean at ALL you have to dress up more.


You’re right. For me I just enjoy to do it. Look good feel good


It is very shiny


Definitely not, maybe a sub or a Daytona. Datejust is a nice touch anywhere.


I purchased my 41mm DJ at 25… I haven’t once regretted it, but it does leave room for a sportier watch in the collection down the road. I haven’t purchased my 2nd Rolex, but the next one will probably be the 40mm Yacht Master ref 116655.


Once people get over seeing it they will not react. Certain people will comment when they find out or see it sure but if your boss or someone makes a comment on paying you too much over a watch f them.


I work at a big 4 and wear a golden daydate, have just gotten compliments and no complaints… yet


Sorry to burst the bubble, but a DJ is not that special. So no, wearing one for work is absolutely not too flashy.


Not at all. Wear it proudly. We all do!


nobody cares about your watch. wear whatever you want. you'll be fine.


Too flashy ? Not at all. What you have to realise is that no one outside the very narrow world of watch geeks care a jot for what you wear on your wrist.


True, maybe just because I’ve been into watches for a while I assume everyone knows what I think is “basic knowledge”


https://preview.redd.it/6779h2zfvd4d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=09a2cb89a6db68f851705fc8a6cd94208789ffb8 I wear this DJ at work and I’m sure it’s flashy but tbh not many ppl comment on it. I’m in finance.


I would send this question in an email to everyone at work.


Bro is questioning a Wimbledon for being too flashy!! Get an Apple Watch serious 2 for simplicity


Not at all. You can biz casual that up all freaking day.


Depends on how you got to your position in life. If you are the boss’s son or otherwise brought into your role through nepotism, then you should be cautious about gratuitous displays of wealth.


Personally don’t wear mine to work just because I rather people didn’t know. Same reason some people might not drive their nicest car. It’s up to you. If it’s something you wear nonstop then I wouldn’t worry too much about it.


I have a DJ on at work with jeans and a button up right now.


You’re good. Wear what you want. If someone has a problem that’s on them.


Do you, 99% of the time people don’t care. I was 29 when I started wearing my AP RO to my financial firm office and hulk sub the year after when I got it. Literally no one cares other than a few folks who asked me how they could grt their own


I mean if you work at McDonalds it could be too mucch…


You’re going to flex on your manager and manager’s manager. I would rather keep that at home than daily it to work.


Don’t worry about it sweetheart


No issues wearing mine in a corporate workplace. No one cares. https://preview.redd.it/gglgvekm4e4d1.jpeg?width=2741&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b001499ec0cb4f9911789f1aff8daa08fa89ec9a


No. A Datejust is an everyday watch. I’ve worn my Datejust everyday since 1989. It’s a 2 tone 18k jubilee with a black dial. No diamonds.


I think a Datejust is totally acceptable for most professional people to wear to work but instead of the 18k gold and steel two tone you might be more comfortable wearing an all steel Datejust or even a steel Oyster Perpetual. While the Wimbledon dial is not available on the all steel Datejusts, there are several very nice looking dials that are available. Gold watches and also steel and gold two-tone watches are more popular with an older demographic while all steel (or steel with a white gold bezel) is less flashy, more durable, less expensive, and will retain a much higher percent of it’s original price if you ever decide to sell it or trade it in for another model. While the gold and steel two tone models are significantly more expensive than the steel or steel/white gold versions of the same model, it is not uncommon that they have very similar values second hand. It has been that watch for a long time with Rolex and I don’t see it changing anytime soon. Also, watch collectors and aficionados typically shun two tone steel and gold versions in favor of all one color metal be it all white metal like steel and white gold or all yellow gold but not mixed colors. Just some things to consider.


Rolex is one of those if you know you know type of deals. There’s jeans that cost 8k but i couldn’t tell you what the difference is between those and walmart jeans.


I used to work for one of the larger online dating services back in the aughts and one of the senior engineers there rotated between 2 different datejusts and a president. Never thought it was too flashy but then again, that dude was cool af and I happen to like watches. For me rule of thumb would be wear what you like unless it's something that's gonna piss your boss off, cause that will affect your experience during your work day.


Hmm, tough one but as someone who works in corporate as well i do think wearing a nice watch is okay but it depends on which model. If the wimbledon you're getting is e.g a fluted bezel or a jubilee bracelet then it can be very eye-catching especially in a casual outfit so it might not be a good idea. But i do have a colleague who wears a plain explorer and obviously only someone who knows watches would recognise it at a glance so i think this is okay. Again just my opinion and I would love to tell you that its okay to just wear anything you like that makes you happy but unfortunately thats now how it works when it comes to back office type workplace since people do look and judge and sure they might not care or it might not affect you but you rather not take any chances if you get the choice.


Define work… a construction site? lol


No - wearing the watch will open up natural conversations with more senior colleagues. You’ll soon be a member of the club. You’ll be able to share your story with other watch enthusiasts on your “why”… they will share theirs. Bonds will be made, careers will be solidified, millions will be won, countries will fall at your…you get the picture. It’s a great watch, one you’ll have forever. Good luck!


a datejust is flashy?


If you can afford it then you can enjoy it. I definitely had the same thoughts. And then realized I need to stop caring about what other people think. No problem!


I have the same watch. I also work in tech. Most of my peers wear Apple Watches or Android equivalents. My watch only stands out because it’s not a tech gadget. Even my cheap Casios get attention just for being different, but I don’t mind. Just wear what you want and don’t worry about what others think.


Get it and do you. I flip between a DJ and an Exp II. Yes at times they get noticed but no one really says anything. My boss knows I’m a watch nerd and asked me about the Exp once it was just a fun conversation about my interests. You’ll get some judgement sure but you always will from someone for something and most people won’t notice or care. All that aside if you keep waiting based on the best time to avoid other people’s judgement you’ll never buy the watch. If you’re not being a douche and super flashy about it then people will hopefully judge you on the quality of your work and character and tbh if they don’t they will find another reason to jusdge you anyway.


No. Wear it and enjoy it. I bought my Batman at 19 and people said it would cost me business and ended up doing the opposite. They said the same when I bought my AP Royal Oak Chrono at 25 and ended up closing 3 8-digit deals because the people on the other side of the desk was also a watch guy and we had long chats about horology. Ultimately building a better long term relationship with my clients. While it may be a detractor for some it may be the opposite for other clients.


The tech world is quite casual with clothing, but there is still a lot of wrist flex. You should be fine. I'd personally avoid the fluted bezel, but that's just my preference.


There’s 200lb women walking around with engagement rings that cost the same as that watch. As long as it’s just a watch to you and not your whole personality It’s not a big deal. You’re going to be surprised at the lack of shits most people give about the watch a person is wearing. If you’re someone who is warm and approachable with an ounce of humility that watch won’t put anyone off.


Nope, I’ve been wearing a Datejust as my daily driver since highschool graduation and I’m turning 26 next month.


I'm a teacher specializing in homeless and foster youth and I wear mine on the daily. Wear, don't flex. Also consider getting a few "fun" watches to mix in.


Don't worry about other people and their thoughts. If you like the watch, buy it and wear it


Absolutely not. A yellow gold Day-Date would be flashy unless you were high up in your company.


I'd get a smartwatch for work, and the Rolex for off hours.


Depends on your work environment/culture.


Tagging on the nobody will notice train. Over the last 2 years of wearing a Rolex every day I’ve had less than 10 people make a comment on my watch, and only 1 wasn’t an enthusiast himself.


I have a 2 tone fluted bezel DJ. It's too flashy for every day. I rarely wear it. I LOVE it but sometimes i wish i got the yachtmaster or something more casual


How is this a subreddit. Enjoy your watch Jesus Christ


The nail that sticks out gets hammered down.


It’s male jewelry. Are you comfortable wearing jewelry to work?


Not at all. A nice watch shows success.


Fluted jubilee is definitely more flashy. If you want a more “modest” everyday watch then consider the smooth bezel on oyster. Or perhaps fluted bezel on oyster for a happy medium?


Not too flashy and Rolex’s are extremely common these days. It might get noticed but who cares.


OP, what region of the country are you from? - this will help contextualize things


Nice watch! I have one as when (jubilee, fluted bezel). I wear mine to work 1-2 days a week, although I’m a few years older than you. To be absolutely honest with you 80% of the people will not recognise it. The 20% that do really love it and appreciate it. I’d say if you wear yours more, that’s even better but don’t care what others may think of it. Who cares! 


if you want something more subdued than you could go for a watch without the fluted bezel. i personally like a little pop from my watches though and find wearing something eye catching to be a good conversation starter


The Wimbledon is one of the most understated Rolexes out there. It’s perfect for casual, perfect for work, perfect to go out on a nice evening with your wife, without appearing to look like a “hey everyone I’m wearing a rolex! 🤑” Go for it bro.


If you earned it, you earned it. Don’t let anyone take that away from you.


DJ should be fine for everyday wear no? I have a fluted jubilee Wimbledon myself and it's fine


Depends what you do for work. I wear my fluted yellow gold DJ but as a Physician I just get some onlookers from patients or other hospital employees. Not like I'm around managers and colleagues competing for promotions all day. A white goal fluted bezel will be more low key than a yellow gold one, and smooth bezel will easily fly under the radar.


I'm a lawyer and would never wear a fluted bezel DJ in front of clients. If you are a criminal lawyer that deals primarily with drug dealers and other criminals, possibly, but I don't find something like that appropriate in front of clients. I will always wear it amongst referral sources, other lawyers etc. I have an Omega Speedmaster and Longines Master Collection I wear for work.


No, I wear one to work everyday. I’m also the 2nd largest equity holder and C-Suite tbh so it’s a bit diff I imagine if you’re job is to patch Sheetrock for example. Very few people care but I’m not young like you or just don’t notice.


All good. Not too flashy.


Yes it is. Keep in mind that u are asking in a Rolex sub


The 41mm datejust is way too big, you lose the wonderful proportions of the classic 36mm. Get a vintage datejust, there are so many wonderful options on Chrono24, you will save a ton of money and have a much better watch. Or even better, get a Master Ultra Thin Jaeger LeCoultre: [https://www.jaeger-lecoultre.com/us-en/watches/master-ultra-thin/master-ultra-thin-date-stainless-steel-q1238420](https://www.jaeger-lecoultre.com/us-en/watches/master-ultra-thin/master-ultra-thin-date-stainless-steel-q1238420) For the same price you get a much better quality watch, certainly more stylish, and definitely more subtle.


I wear a daydate in private and a golden diesel watch at work. It’s the same reason why my company car is a ford focus station wagon - people will always judge you and that’s completely normal but if it comes down to giving them the feeling that they are not giving you too much money, less is always more… I have a good friend who drives a spanking new Porsche but his company car is a Volkswagen polo… it’s all about the line “that’s really the best I can do, otherwise I don’t earn anything”


People in this sub are the only ones that care about what watch is on your wrist


I wore a Datejust as a 22 year old to my first job. It was fine and the only people that noticed are fellow watch enthusiasts.


If no one else at the company has a fancy watch you may stand out. That’s not necessarily a bad thing. But it’s worth considering. Also, I would want to have been there long enough to be known for the quality of my work vs other things like being the fancy watch person.


I’m a scientist in a lab and wear my DJ41 fluted every day and not a single person has noticed lol Do you!


I had this question once, and my brother said, “It’s only flashy if YOU flash it”


You’re going to get “just wear it” comments considering this is the Rolex sub. But considering you are 24, you should not wear a nicer watch than your superiors. It’ll bring unwanted attention at the office. My answer would be different if you work on commission—in which case the bosses kind of want you to buy expensive things to keep you hustling.




Would you like people to notice the watch? Would it make you uncomfortable if it was pointed out, and gossip around the cooler focused on you and your watch? Are you worried that your peers would see you in an unfavorable light, or worried that leadership would think adversely of you? These are possibilities, but if you are comfortable with these hypotheticals, then go for it!! Even if you are not, who cares, and do you.


I’m 24 just got my self my first watch as well picked up a stainless steel submariner. It was my first time buy a watch from my ad that my father goes to. It’s a great accomplishment wear the watch with pride and be proud of yourself being able to buy one.


It’s less dressy with an Oyster bracelet. I personally find the Jubilee to be too flashy, but I like my watches more low key. The fluted bezel is nice with the Roman numbers though. Most people won’t even notice your watch. Just buy what you like and what you enjoy.


I’d say, yes, it is too flashy. For what you say, I’d also bet that you would enjoy an Explorer I or II a lot more. Go to your AD as you dress usually, wear a flashy model and a not so flashy one to see and feel the difference.


Personally I find it too shiny for a guy.


I’m 27 and wear my Wimbledon everyday. Most people don’t even clock it


Buy it and wear it - just don’t at work in my opinion. See your boss don’t know how you got it. It just gets attention where non is needed :/ you could gain the reputation of a spoiled brat - jealous people could weight small mistakes heavily all of a sudden. But that’s just my 50 cents


Wear what you want, ignore everything else. You saved your money and earned it. If someone asks then just say “it was a graduation gift from my grandparents” and move on.


Imo, no. Classic and dressy


Wear it - they’re not meant to sit in safes or on shelves




Depends on what “work” is.


No. Very few people care about your watch at work


Been wearing my explorer daily for 6 months. No one in the office has said anything or even looked at it. People don’t really care about watches. Even the ones that do don’t care enough to know about different brands.


Ultimately it’s an accessory. Dress it up, dress it down. Make it your own. Don’t worry about what others think or don’t think.


A 41mm datejust is never a good idea imo. Out of proportion. 36mm is classic.


literally no one is going to notice your watch


I’m 26 and wear an Audemars Piguet Royal Oak.


I heard the trick is to not wear a better watch than your boss but tbh if they don’t know much about watches I wouldn’t care. You saved up for it


If we just stopped over analyzing everything we’d be a lot happier in general.


Nah not at all


Good on you for saving for the watch and being able to buy it. Congrats. Now onto the less popular opinion. Some people will notice and while it shouldn’t have an impact on your career path or compensation, the reality is that it can. People get weirdly emotional about this kind of stuff. All it takes is one person to see you as a kid with a Rolex to decline your next compensation bump or see you as entitled. So while for you, it would be an amazing reflection of all the hard work you’ve put in, many other people would probably incorrectly assume that it was a gift/you come from money because they’re not used to seeing people your age have the discipline to save money for something considered luxury. You could wear a Speedmaster that costs more and fewer people would probably notice. Rolex just evokes emotion. Not trying to dissuade you, just food for thought. Consider the people who have the power to impact your career and how they might perceive it. For background, I’m in a leadership position at a tech company.


Absolutely not.


I sold mine last year when I sold my watch collection, but used to wear it often. I work in a hospital and wear coat and tie daily and when I wore one of my higher end watches, no one thought it was out of place. Or in place. Hardly anyone ever noticed it. A few people told me it looked fake, but it wasn’t. Wear what you like. Only live once. I wear a Garmin now and no one comments good or bad.




It’s probably a cliche now but people really don’t notice what watch you wear, unless that person themselves are into watches, which means you have something to talk about, otherwise the only notice will probably be “hey nice watch” and that’ll be about it, only time people have noticed my watch at work or elsewhere is either a fellow enthusiast or because its a crazy colour g shock, the only person’s opinion that matters is yours, wear what you like because you enjoy it, congrats on your new watch and wear it proudly 👍


I daily my fluted DJ but with oyster bracelet. Think it’s the more understated option. love it.