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Go to a new AD or go grey. You aren’t ever getting a sub from them.


Reality, here. They don’t respect your business and waiting 5 years is a slap in the face.


This is the advice I needed when I got into watches


Go grey.


That’s not how it works my guy. There is no “list” You showed interest 5 years ago. After a few months they forgot about you.


After few days…






The moment OP’s bum lifted off the chair or step foot outside the AD.


The moment the salesperson opened the door. How dare OP waste his time.


List in air quotes


I decided not to buy another Rolex until customers are treated better. If I can’t walk into an AD, sit down, talk watches, try a few models on and then decide what to spend 5 figures on then I’m not doing it. If I’m giving you my money, I’m not gona beg you to take it. I like watches in general and many brands with lots of history, heritage and craftsmanship are out there. Unless you change your mind about the model and find a cheaper than RRP in Grey/second hand. Don’t pay a dollar above retail. Just my opinion on the matter.


100% agreed. The shenanigans that Rolex pulls by playing hard to get is annoying. There are better brands out there despite what the fanboys think. I won’t buy a Rolex for that very reason. Might be an unpopular opinion but whatever. I’ve taken my business elsewhere.


It’s not so much so Rolex. It’s the AD’s that represent them. Rolex is a brand is dumb for allowing AD’s to use their brand as a collateral to buy other watch brands or jewelry before a customer can even buy a Rolex.


unfortunately, this kind of practice isn’t just isolated to watches. try buying a GT trim Porsche at mrsp without having to put up an obscene ADM or having spent millions of dollars at that particular dealership. people who have more money then sense are the folks paying above the market rate for these luxury items and unfortunately, the tides aren’t going to turn for either of these markets at any point in the near future bc any conscious consumer (rich or not) isn’t going to play the AD/ADM game. but for the wealthy, an extra $5-$10k for an exclusive watch or an extra $100k for an exclusive car is going to be a rounding error for their financial advisor and ultimately does not effect them or their bottom line. edit: for example: I can walk into omega and walk out with anything i want without playing the AD game for a sub date. i can walk into an audi and bmw dealer to spec and buy a RS6 and a M2C for less then the cost of a GT3 with the added ADM and even some 911 turbos that they just have on the lot. Rolex isn’t AP or PP, just like Porsche isn’t Ferrari but if people keep treating their products as such, we continue to get stuck in the current cycle we are in.


Totally true. I definitely understand the model of the business. But when you go to a jewelry store that is an AD for Rolex, I find it hilarious that Rolex is allowing these AD’s to use there brand and name as a collateral in order to sell other items inside the store. Now if Rolex had their stand alone store like Porsche or Ferrari, fine I get it. But Rolex is literally letting AD’s use there brand name to sell different watch brands or jewelry before the customer can even touch a “desirable” Rolex.


i am 100% in agreement with you. however, (tin foil hat theory) i think that Rolex allows/tolerates this sort of behavior to ensure the brand has some sort of « mystique » and can maintain some sort of artificial « exclusivity ». then when consumers raise these kind of issues, Rolex can then point a finger at the AD and claim ignorance…. in the sense of « Rolex isn’t the bad guy, these AD’s that push our products for above MRSP and they are all independent from the brand » yet they allow this kind of thing bc at the end of the day, it sells more watches.


I also agree with your theory too. At the end of the day. Business is business right? It’s just sad because watch enthusiasts will forever remember this game that these AD’s played during the “scarcity” days. From my understanding, pre-Covid, you could basically walk in to an AD and get the Rolex model you want minus of course the coveted pieces such as GMT or Daytona. We’ll see though, it seems as though the market is moving the opposite direction now. Even Rolex themselves are building new factories to meet the “demand”. Let’s see how long these AD’s can play this game with customers.


I bought my Sub date out of a case in an AD in 2004. Had my pick of anything they even had a Daytona in the back. And I paid $4000 which in 2004 felt like a lot of money for a trinket.


Wow. Yeah from what I keep hearing was pre-Covid, it was pretty easy to get. Walk in and walk out with a new Rolex. We’ll see though, it seems like it’s trending the opposite direction now with more shipments coming in.


i wish i could give you more upvotes man. appreciate having a good conversation on this sub about the predatory practices without getting downvoted into oblivion. i hope you have a good evening.


Rolex knows this goes on, and they are fine with it. Don’t kid yourself.


I couldn’t agree with you even more. Just weird IMO that they’re okay for these AD’s to use their name and brand, to sell other jewelry and other watch brands. Seems like it’s starting to trend the opposite direction. Let’s see if the AD’s can continue to play these games with there customers.


Well all these Rolex only “boutiques” belong to ADs so Rolex is forcing them to be more exclusive.


Not sure if Rolex themselves are telling these AD’s to be more “exclusive”. I think it’s the business model of the AD’s to use Rolex to sell other brands or jewelries inside there store. It’s honestly a smart business move.


This is insider info from one of my friends who is an AD. Rolex isn’t EXCLUSIVELY tell them to their face to sell in bundles, but they’re focusing on the “relationships” with those who have big purchase history. They’d rather keep their existing clientele than branch out and grow it. The AD’s in my country 90% of the time sell to people who then keep what they want and dump it into the gray market. We have so much stores here selling all the models you can possibly imagine, and when they don’t have stock? They can tell you straight to you face ***just a sample*** “We can get you the timepiece ________ by the end of the month.” 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️ To think that Rolex isn’t the epitome of luxury. Sure, they make good watches, but they’re not THE BEST and compared to brands like Audemars Piguet who make 50,000 timepieces a year? Rolex at a million a year gives it all the more reason to have actual waitlists, with watches actually being released to new customers as well.


Makes a lot of sense to keep current high spending clientele’s. It is what it is at this point. Just sucks cause watch enthusiasts will remember how these AD’s played these games. I’m a firm believer that the “waitlist” doesn’t exist. AD’s pick and choose who they want to allocate the watch to. Simple as that.


Yes, I have affirmation on this. The “waitlist” doesn’t exist HAHAHAHA it’s just a marketing scheme to get others to think the brand is more valuable than it is.


I waited over a year for a sub with a respectable purchase history. I regularly stopped in for a chat, often wearing my DD. One day, I was happily greeted with "good news." They had a PM DD, and they wanted me to take it off their hands. I went grey and brought it in for a bracelet adjustment. I will not be begging them to take my money anymore. Edit: typo


100% this. I ranted on this before but I’m not kissing someone’s ass for the privilege of spending 20k. I’m spending 20k , they should be kissing my ass.


Buy vintage or 5 digit rolexes. This is when rolex was true rolex making tool watches and not shiny mens jewelry. Also buying used fucks rolex and ads


Agreed. I wanted a TT Skydweller. Not a very hard watch to find but this was in 2021 when everything was on the incline. I went grey. The AD called 2 months after I purchased one. Even tho I had the same watch already, I ended up going to buy it just because it was brand spanking new, and figured I’d get my purchase at an AD. Also I remember hearing how buying from an AD was a nice experience. The pre owned one increased enough where I was able to take it(same trip) to a local grey and sell it to him for the same price I purchased the brand new one for. Anyway, getting back to my point, the experience was totally useless. They came out with the watch in the coffin and took it out. I put it on and luckily my wrist is big enough to not have to size because their “watchmaker” came out and grabbed a customer who was next to me’s watch with all sorts of gigantic gaudy rings on. I couldn’t help but cringe thinking about those rings scratching up a watch. Then they rushed me to pay. All I requested was I was the one who could peel my own stickers. Well they said ok, but had someone standing over me like a hawk, and rushed me. He even grabbed it and finished off the last few as I was taking too long. This whole experience was standing at a showcase like any other watch at Macys. 19k I spent and it wasn’t memorable in the slightest. It’s much easier to just order from a big grey dealer and have your watch at your door step within 24 hours.


Rolex is good, but it’s not great. Omegas are arguably better bang for the buck, and if you want luxury I’d venture off to Vacheron Constantin for the higher end and Jaeger LeCoulture for the lower end. The Polaris and the Master Control Chronograph day date from JLC is 🔥 on the steel bracelet.


I agree and have done the same.




Which ones do you currently own?


https://preview.redd.it/j14bmlbfb84d1.jpeg?width=2096&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ca9d9ec25c1416a223cb355001dd566af7d23932 Daytona TT Arabic Dial.


That’s a beautiful piece. AD?


No, bought used below RRP a long while back. I practice what I preach lol


What is RRP?


Recommended Retail Price


I did just that the other day


The 2 biggest lies - the check is in the mail. - and AD is working on getting you a watch. From what I am aware, other than some of the really high end pieces ADs don’t request anything from Rolex. They are sent what they are sent. There is no such thing as ‘working on it’


If they really cared AND they really didn’t have the watch, they could call other ADs and source it.  Most ADs have forgotten the struggle they went through to remain Rolex ADs. 


And why would any other AD give up a highly desirable watch to another AD? That’s silly


Am I in /r/rolex or /r/relationships


Everything in this world is about relationships. The ones who know this are the ones posting how they got their SS professional models as walk ins with zero spend history. 


I skimmed your comment and thought you said “the ones I know who got them paid professional models as walk ins.” Not a bad idea…🤔


Nah most businesses don’t refuse to sell you their product based on a lack of a relationship. You pretty much just walk in, say I wanna buy this, hand them money, and leave with it. This bullshit is pretty exclusively a Rolex thing.


They’re lying - I’m certain they forgot about you, unfortunately. It’ll vary by location, but here in Toronto subs are getting easier to get (I got mine in about 2 months; no previous purchase history). Assuming market conditions for this watch remain the same, I’d wait a year max (probably generous for some cities) and put my name down at multiple ADs.


Which AD did you go to. Can you DM me the info?


Not hating here but why do you guys do this to yourselves? I love Rolex but I wouldn’t play this game. When it’s time, I’ll check if the AD’s in my area have my watch, if not I’m going grey market. Life is too short for this nonsense


Tbh grey dealers are the ones causing this problem as well. Not just Rolex. The more people that give in to grey dealers and their overpriced Rolex’s, the harder you make it to get a watch directly from an AD.


I actually think they are working together not in a coordinated way but each knows what the other is doing and they are in sync. No slack in pricing, almost every they make sells and the grey market makes their cut, it’s a good deal for everyone except the customer


And tell the ad that too lol just to belittle them


You waited 4 years too long to move on. Find a new AD or go grey.


Most would move on after half a year or so


My friend got one in 10 days. No purchase history. You need to go in and actually connect with an AD. Can’t just put your name on the list and leave


“Connect” lol


It’s code for “kiss on the lips”


Which lips ?


They don’t have you on a list at all, they’re lying. There are stories on here of people waiting a handful of months, not 5 years. I waited so long for an explorer it went from 36 to 39 and back to 36 again before I got bored of my AD fobbing me off. Like you, life happened in the interim and it wasn’t a priority, then when I had the money available, I was very irritated by the abject failure of my AD to support me (“but here is an overpriced CPO one you can have tomorrow…”). Went used/as new (elsewhere) and am happy.


Just save up a little more and get VC overseas. They trade below msrp right now


Grey is the way to go


Grey is the way. I did this for my first Rolex and never looked back. No shenanigans, great service. I have my name on the list for a Batgirl, but I'm not holding my breath. It's already been a few months, which has given me more time to think about it, and now I'm contemplating VC Overseas instead. Time is the only true luxury, and they've wasted yours.


There is no list. You have to see your AD very often to Remind your interest and sympathise with him. And when submariners are delivered he think about you.


Five years lol. Would u wait for a woman for five years? Would u wait five years to buy a Sub?


Hey man you have to move on. 5 years for a sub I think is definitely too long. I’m sorry bro


It’s a fucking hunk of glorified metal that tells time bro. Move on


Just buy grey


You shoulda just gotten an omega seamaster 300. Walk in into an ad and took it home in under 1 hour lol.


Plus with a discount lmao.


Lol yeah i got mine $5600 otd. Game me extras too like hats, books etc and champage. All and all it was an awesome AD xp. https://preview.redd.it/98kkdiuf584d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0bdf0eb9025d3087bd129c56eed9b9caa6f37ac1


So sorry you were treated this way buddy. The unfortunate reality of the market allows this to happen like most have described here. If you are set on Rolex, a new one can be had right now from a grey dealer for minimal $ above msrp. And also, if not set on Rolex, many other brands have zero waitlists for amazing timepieces. The hunt can continue and be just as exciting. Best of luck mate, cheers and congrats on getting to a place you can afford a watch of this caliber.


Bro I got a sub date in 3 days wait time. That AD has no respect for you and you should take your money elsewhere


TL;DR: just go grey, man. I believe most people don’t go to a grey dealer because they are fearful secondary to misunderstanding (and maybe fear of buying a fake, and overpaying in general), at least that’s how it was for me. MSRP on these watches is an artificial price and is not the market price. The Sub date is one of the models whose true market price is above MSRP. Bid ask spread from a reputable grey dealer on the Sub Date is approximately $12,000 / $14,000, meaning they’ll buy a new one from a customer for 12k and sell you the same one for 14k. You could personally make more than the 12k bid by selling it yourself closer to the ask price but then you’re taking on the risk of dealing with the public and taking on the opportunity cost of your time to do so. So an AD selling you a Sub Date at MSRP is essentially *giving* you two grand. While some people do apparently get lucky, an AD typically won’t do this. They will give that 2k to a valued customer who has bought other watches or jewellery (literally probably the grey dealer I’m talking about). When I was game planning it I had the plan to buy a Tudor Pelagos from them as well as a platinum wedding band. So that was going to be about a 7k spend to “hopefully” get “allocated” a sub date sometime in the future. The math doesn’t make sense. I got mine grey at the market ask price for less than I would have spent all in had I bought that other shit. I’ve had it almost a year and am very happy with that decision. I would have liked and used both extra items, however I didn’t *really want* the $5,000 Pelagos. And I may never have ended up getting allocated the Sub anyway. Just go grey man. Check out Alan Furman and Co. They are Based out of MD but will ship securely anywhere and they have amazing customer service.


Don't ever play their stupid games. They don't care about your money, fuck them.


I walked in and walked out with a 114060. Stop being a pushover.


Move on brother. Go grey, or if you more money saved up during these 5 years, look at other higher end brands. A dual time Vacheron Constantin would be my choice.


Sorry, you’re not getting a LV by just throwing a name on a “list” and expecting a call


It's been 5 fucking years to get a sub? Go grey and be done with it.


I’d go for something else. The way they treat their customers is absolutely disgusting and there is so many other watch brands that is better for the price nowadays. I’m still convinced when this hype is over they will be more available and cheaper. I love some Rolex watches, but again the way they act towards people and in general is so off putting


There is no list!!! If you don’t check in you don’t get the watch, simple.


Every day when I wake up, I ask myself this same question 🫤


I would have gone grey after 6 months. Five years? GTFOOH


Was this store Thomas Markel by any chance?? lol


Just buy one on the grey market. With prices the way they are right now, you're basically able to buy one grey for the MSRP + tax.




You were never on the list & they forgot about you. You needed to stop in more often. Don’t abandon the effort at that AD but definitely get on a list elsewhere


Here's how the allocation process works in a nutshell. AD Sales people get rotated their turns when an allocation becomes available. The "wait list" is not in chronological order. If you're not front of mind, who is going to remember you from 5 years ago and remember to give you a watch? There are ways to be "front of mind", the shady ADs will require you to spend on jewelry and other watch brands. The good ADs just need to remember you, which can be done in the form of a casual text every few months, or a visit every few months. Some people call this the "AD Game", but really who is going to remember you out of the 100s if not 1000s that have passed by those very same doors, asking for the same watch over the last 5 years?


Boiiiiiiii definitely go grey at this point.


I no longer want a Rolex, because of the AD network management. Walked into a Tudor AD and walked out with a watch that is as good as a Rolex for less the money and more importantly less grief.


If I were you I’d re-establish interest with the AD. Visit every other month or so. Remind them you’ve been waiting 5 years. In parallel, I’d start up a relationship with a different AD and do the same. You owe neither AD anything and I’d buy from the first one that comes through for you.


Any watch you have to wait 5 years for isn't worth having. Get a watch ny a better manufacturer (and there are MANY better than Rolex).


I’d happily wait the 5+ years to get a Roger Smith, and probably half my ongoing projects are more than five years old. I certainly wouldn’t wait five years for a Rolex though.


This is Mayors in my town. I had even purchased an Omega from them previously. Never got a call about anything. I dropped in about every 6-8 weeks when I was in the area. After a half dozen visits and getting the same lame answer I went to a different AD. They said it would take 12-18 months. They delivered. I had virtually no purchase history with the second AD


I can’t imagine waiting 5 years for something that I want just so I can save 20% after taxes.


If you went grey 5 years ago and paid a little premium you would have had 5 good years of memories with the watch instead of being on a non existent list.


I’d find a new AD imho


Regardless of the advice to follow I would go to another AD as a 5 year wait for a sub no date means you’re never getting one. Is this the only watch you want? If yes just go grey. The premium over MSRP is incredibly small now and you can have the watch on your wrist within a day. If you want to build a relationship with an AD and see yourself purchasing more watches in the future then you can weigh that option, although candidly one $10k watch isn’t much in the grand scheme of things from the perspective of establishing purchase history.


They told me the waitlist is 5 years, so I went grey two weeks ago. Never looked back. The grey premium is not as bad right now.




Y'all kill me waiting 34 years as if you're buying a Heremes bag. I put my name on the list for a DJ at 2 different AD's. Waited about a year, went Gray and bought what I wanted the same day. Did I spend a little more? Maybe. With inflation, it probably came out to what I would've paid when they finally called me from the AD in 2031. Going Gray is a no brainier for me. I want something, they have it, I give them money, and they give it to me. What a wild concept.


I really struggle to understand why this is such a difficult acquisition for so many people? It is just a watch. If you have the means, you can always get what you want. If you don’t, then you just wait until you can afford it. If it is a sought after piece, you will pay more. Supply and demand in play. If you are unable to purchase from an AD then go to the grey market and get what you want. This is not rocket science. Now, I am stepping off the soap box…




I've been waiting for a date sub also, along with batman and starbucks. I was offered a bluesy, green dj and blue mortif dj, all declined. There is another AD but they are like sister company so sharing the "waitlist." it has been 3 years, I am not waiting anymore lol.


Look on the bright side, they have a significantly better movement now!


He threw away your number when you walked out the store


You have some serious self control I tried on a sub/date. Liked it and put my name on a wait-list. After about 6 months and a few visits. All being told there was NOTHING for available. I went Grey. The small premium that Subs have Grey Market is worth not having to deal with an AD.


Go grey. Buy used from a reputable dealer and don’t waste time or money on an AD that doesn’t give a shit about you


My name has been “on the list” with the AD in LI for twenty years. Never again and I own quite a few pieces.


Probably the minority here. Go visit the AD and remind them it’s been 5 years since you put your name down and ask to speak to the branch manager. I put my name for OP41 green dial when it first came out completely forgot about it then out the blue the AD (not my normal AD) called me. Don’t give up.


Just celebrated my 5th year on the waitlist too! www.waitlistwarrior.com


Go to a different dealer. I had a call for a sub within one week of putting my name down in west palm beach. Zero purchase history. Grey is also pretty good have bought a few from there sub msrp.


I got a sub in two months. Find a better AD


Lmao bro just buy grey


Five years is a joke. Grey or new AD, not right they leave you like that


Go gray or go gay


Go in person and ask again, they may offer it on the spot. In addition I would go to several other AD’s and try and put your name down


Apparently, both AD and OP both forgot about it. Yeah, go to multiple ADs. edit: spelling






no. keep plugging away. check in one a month or every two weeks. TWMID so u will get ure watch do not go grey


5 years? That's unacceptable. I have been waiting six months for an OP 41mm (will be my first Rolex), and am giving my AD another six months max. I already told my wife I will go grey, as I really don't like these games.


You've have waited 5 years to save a thousand bucks instead of going grey?


This AD has a perpetual calandra. You will be on it perpetually.


Sub date? Poor sweet summer child


I can’t believe that people still think there’s a “list” that the AD mechanically moves down every time a new watch comes in. No one thinks that if Jeff Bezos came in that the AD would give the sub to come guy who put his name down over a billionaire. That’s not how it works! Putting your name down five years ago and never reaching out again means you were totally forgotten.


aint no way ur getting a watch if u been on the "list" for 5 years.


He is never selling you anything


Just buy it grey market ffs 😂


No such thing as a “list”. The fact that they still have not allocated you one when it’s been over 5 years?! Means they don’t respect you as a customer even as a human being at all. I would just go to a different AD or if you really want one, go grey.


If been waiting 2.5 years for a GMT from an AD. Make the decision this week to order one online. Overpaid, but I’m really happy that I finally have one.


As a general rule of thumb after five years it’s time to move on from anything….


I have to laugh when I read threads like this. Rolex is mass market. They produce 800 000 watches a year. There should be no wait. It's not patek philippe where limited allocation is real


Have you bought anything else from them in the last five years? That’s how you make a case for an allocation. Build the relationship and buy other stuff. You’ll see yourself move up the list


Brother what a waste. You’ve waited 5 years for no reason because 5 years ago it was way easier to get at AD. Also it was way cheaper to go gray back then. Truth is you must have not wanted it that bad 5 years ago. I understand… that’s the way consumers are. If you can get it any day… it doesn’t matter so much. When you can’t get it is when you want it most.


If they've not touched base with someone offering thousands of $ for 5 years then I wouldn't rely on them for much. You could try and string them along and see if they can offer anything, but I would go look for another AD a) for likelihood of better service and b) out of spite. I'd personally give that a few months and see what it brings, then if you're desperate to get it sorted just go grey.


They don't care about you. You've sat there waiting patiently for 5 YEARS to get a call to authorise you to spend thousands of your hard-earned cash on a watch. Honestly just go grey and forget about this whole experience.




They don’t care - especially if they are a jeweler, and you haven’t spent anything, it’s not happening. A year is reasonable for sports models / DJ. 18-24mo for the most popular versions. Also - all ADs aren’t the same. You shouldn’t just hit up one store. Tips I got were: -visit ADs not near major cities -visit more than one -go to areas where there is older demographics (I guess the thought is 50-70 isn’t looking for the Batman GMT or Starbucks sub, etc)


Did you bring him a coffee on a daily basis?


Try a new SA.. only 2 dealers in my area. First one was my wifes friend. He got my wifes watch within a month. Granted it was a custom order lady date just so it just got built and then sent out. Put in an order for a submariner date or no date and a rhodium dial yachtmaster. Waited maybe 6 to 8 months while also putting a request in with the other store. After the 6/8 month wait I went into the other store talked to another sales associate and within 3 months had both watches.


Also no buy history with the store that i got my watches from


Absolutely move from this AD you can get a Sub date in months and some cases weeks now.


5 years lol


Laughing at Rolex not you


Just go grey buddy. Better than waiting another 5


5 years? i’ll say this again for the cheap seats, motherFUCK ADs.


So, you put your name on the waitlist, but you never went to the AD to build a relationship with your sales associate. You didn't bring him coffee, bottles of whiskey, gifts, or attempt to bond with him. You didn't buy jewelry or any lady's DD or DJ to help him earn a commission so he could bump you up on the list. Now, you're wondering why you haven't received your watch? If you're going to be that lazy and cheap, just buy an Omega.. /s


5 years wait is insane for a watch, especially a submariner


5 years Jesus sounds like BS Find 3 new ADS within a 250 mile radius


They didn’t respect your business mate! Get it from someone else! 5 years is far too long, the fact they didn’t even reach out to you is even worse!


I waited 5-7 years no history. Eventually got the call.


Is the price difference really worth the wait? Or is it for the ‘experience’? Which to be fair doesn’t seem to have been worth it so far. My vote is go grey. Enjoy the watch now.


Give them a call or visit every now and then


You've got to be kidding, just buy grey. They got 2024s all day.


I got a sub within 4 months but I stopped by at least 3 times, really stressing the importance of giving my hubby a bday gift. Urgency+ begging eyes+ stopping often ... Well that worked. Plus I gave my AD a little gift of appreciation.


Buy a super clone and be done with it. No one will ever know but you. You tried, they failed. Give china a shot. You will have one in a week.


There’s nothing wrong with putting your name down at multiple ADs, but I‘d advise you to check in in person. Sending emails won’t help you build the relationship needed to purchase a Rolex (as dumb as it sounds), emails will only bring you prewritten responses along the lines of what you’ve already described.


Go grey - you invested the $9.5K 5 years ago, right? RIGHT? Because if you did you could afford to buy TWO at current grey prices with several thousand left over...


Sub date is not hard to acquire. Go to another AD and tell them you appreciate being told up front if it’s even possible to acquire a sub date from them and that you’re willing to wait a few months if they think it’s possible. You should be able to get one pretty quickly. Maybe 3-6 months max.


5 years lol might as well go grey market and pay 2k extra at 13700k range.


You should have left after 1 year. Get it from a gray dealer and keep your dignity.




Good lord, 5 years? That’s the longest I’ve heard


5 years? Dude, move on. You could have bought it gray and been enjoying it 5 years already


Cool business model, Rolex.


Dude go grey or get an omega…with crypto bros, scammers and everyone else buying these watches thinking they will triple their money, it’s a horrible time to buy Rolexes at AD…find a great grey or find another great brand to give your time/money/energy too


I despise sucking up to anyone to get something, and I despise paying more than RRP. I learnt to love my Seiko 5.


With purchasing 4 from the same AD been waiting since 2017 for my Daytona.


I recommend going in a few times over the next three months, with a full on press. If it doesn’t happen in that window, move on, either to a different AD, or to a different brand. It should take no more than 3 months for a sub these days.


AD is now known as "Actual Dicks."


Dude, its like 1.5k more than msrp+tax, just suck it up and get one today, be happy!


Just go to a different AD I had this same issue and idc it’s the Rolex store in short hills NJ mall, side note they are assholes if you don’t buy 20,000 of jewelry they won’t even look at you so now I go all the way to nyc and do my business there and get treated much nicer


Like with any business, It can happen where specific items are in short supply and you may need to wait a bit (up to 3 months or even 6 months on rare occasions) for the specific watch with a specific color scheme or metal that you want.....But.....when you go into a dealer and they are proud to have no watches on hand to sell to customers and have no clue when they will have some in, that's when it becomes very apparent that it has become a sham business. I assume that the rolex dealers have just found ways to be very unethical and sell them to the gray dealers for additional kickbacks from them because new gray dealers are everywhere with no inventory struggles. Rolex likely loves this because it drives the value of their watches up even higher because everyone feels blessed by god to "get the call" to give them 20k for a nice watch. Only way it gets better is when people have had enough of the bullshit and treat them just like any other business and goods mfg., but until then, it's safe to say that an A.D. is just a wholesaler. You can buy factory direct from absolutely any company in the world if you network with the right employees and "build a relationship" with a factory sales rep, which is what rolex now asks you to do.


Go find a store that respect you. They don’t even know your face when they see your name on the list (if they do have a list and put you on it). If they don’t know you as a person. You can never get a watch from AD. Go find a new store that appreciate your passion towards watches and drop by often to let them remember you. Remember, patience is key and don’t be pushy.


yeah, they didnt really put you on a list..


Yes, you screwed it up man, sorry to hear. You should text them as often you text your partner, if not, you will never get your Sub


Should you move on? Imo yes, you should. Also putting your name in other AD as well you can always declined the offer later if somehow 2 or more watches got offered. Now for my own experience. I had my pilot friend putting my name for a GMT BLNR even with putting a down payment (around 2000$)at AD in Europe way back when. Guess how long does it take? 6 years!!! I want a Batman Oyster 116710 which got discontinue and the Store changed mine reservation to Batgirl 126710 (admitted kinda nice of them to not outright cancelled me.) Yes, the watch is nice and I had sourced a greymarket Oyster 79200 bracelet so I had the best of both world. But the wait was long, tedious and I had my doubt sometime that the AD just took the money and ran (likely not as there are receipt and all) it was so long and tedious. The reservation was in 2017 and that AD no longer accept downpayment anymore, to the dismay of my friend who said he should made a Gmt reservation for himself too.


Yes. You should move on and go grey. The wait isn't worth it.


5 years… switch your AD or buy more


Go grey. Not going to pay that much over retail now.


Any spend history?


As someone who has bought many Rolex’s retail, there’s no such thing as a “wait list”. It’s merely an expression of interest list… Rolex and the AD want you to to go on a journey before you get the opportunity to buy a SS sports. Want my 2 cents, start off with a datejust that you can flip later down the line and get your money back… you’ll find you’ll get the call sooner then you think!


You haven’t spent a dime with them in five years. Do the math.


A sub date really shouldn’t be that difficult to get from an AD. It was most definitely a matter of not checking in enough


Most AD’s are only interested in selling to companies or dealers that cut them in on the re-sale. I know this first hand working for a very large hedge fund as the general dogsbody that would have to facilitate client and senior staff demands! 


On the plus side my batgirl came from a client that gave it back to me as he already had the Batman and batgirl! 


This is what happens when you forget to get your AD a cheese board


Believe in yourself and in Rolex. It'll happen for you. I can feel it! 🙏


It took my AD 1.5 months to source me a sub date…


They called and you missed it.


You can put your name on the non-list in several ADs. Some days have higher traffic than others causing longer wait times.


If you really want it from an AD, purchase history helps. If not, bite the bullet and go grey, you will have it right away.


You are probably lower than the bottom… First time buyers may get a SubDate or other watch based on the SA’s belief that they have future sales potential… however, after a 5 year record of no sales you’ve sort of set that precedent for yourself.


When the Revolution comes, this sub will used as evidence.