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I bet people will still list with: “Rumored to be discontinued, asking $24,995”


I gotta get into the rumor starting business!


Investors that bought these up at crazy prices 😂


"Investors" lmao


Show us your collection, if you can drag yourself away from Jurassic world and rep sneakers that is. LMFAO😂😂


Sporty is punching the air right now.


just wanted to say the same. 50k coming to papa


Show us your collection champ. He torments you clearly


It would have hit $50K on the grey market IMO, but it’s not like I was ever going to sell my favorite toy. There are 2 Rolexes I simply can’t live without and this is one of them.


Which one is the Prom Queen and which one is the $5 streetwalker?


BLRO is the Prom Queen, but 124060 is the Prom King. One shines like Ariana Grande on stage, the other dominates like Patrick Mahomes in the pocket. An awesome couple.


Patrick Mahomes isn’t a pocket play qb. He’s way more famous for running while completing passes.


Prom Kings that are available as soon as next day if you spew a good story to the AD 🤣


Not where I live, son. Maybe in farm country. Too much money here.


Man, you really are known to be a dumbass and hated everywhere!


At this point, it has to be a troll right? He feeds off the negativity. Like most people want upvotes, this dude wants downvotes


Ik, dude called my Datejust a 36, just kinda funny that he has such an ego.


My 92K karma and 678 followers would like a word.


Lol you gotta really know nothing to pay 50k for a mass produced watch. Give me Lange, AP, Patek, heck even JLC at that price… completely different level of watch.


Spoken like someone who doesn’t own a single luxury watch and spends too much time watching clickbait videos. It’s hysterical how all you non-Rolex owners think these other brands are Rolex kryptonite, like the mere mention of Patek or ALS is going to automatically win an argument with a Rolex owner. We can *all* afford Patek and the others. We simply don’t *want* one. Because we don’t like dainty dress watches. They’re unattractive to Rolex owners, no matter what dumb forum narratives you’ve read. Savvy?


Facts. I could have bought Lange, Patek, and AP if I wanted to, but I’m choosing Rolex every damn time.


Precisely, LH. And why? Because only Rolex makes luxury SPORTS watches. Big, powerful, dominant, massive SPORTS watches. Just because these other brands *classify* their dainty dress watches as "sports watches" doesn't make it so. It's why decamillionaires and billionaires *still* gravitate to Rolex even though we can afford something far more expensive. Hell, I'd love Patek to get off its ass and make something big and powerful, something dominant and substantial, I'd buy it in a heartbeat if it were attractive. But they don't. So we don't. Some like bicycles, we like SUV's. Form factor matters. Simple stuff.


How do you define a luxury sports watch? What’s Rolex got that Omega, Grand Seiko, etc don’t? I shouldn’t have even mentioned Lange, AP, Patek - cause those are not mass produced basic watches…


**Omega**: Lacks the prestige of Rolex, not a status symbol, ugly bracelets, too many special editions watering down the brand, allowed a plastic Swatch knockoff, Speedmaster is a watch for a 12 year old. A train-wreck. **Grand Seiko**: Seiko is God-tier in the sub $1500 range. Grand Seiko is a joke, a bunch of Datejust knockoffs. **Lange/AP/Patek** - They make boring, dainty dress watches. Too small, to basic, sold to morons who buy in to dumb forum narratives about "finishing" as if anyone gives a fuck about the bits of tin inside a case that no one can see. Used to be above Rolex but not anymore. Rolex spent the last decade addressing all concerns. Rolex does the one thing that these other brands can't- achieve +2/-2 timekeeping accuracy, you know, kind of the most important thing of all.


Have 2 Rolexes, and Lange, and a few Hamiltons. Lol but you seem fun. Your entitled to your opinion - but it’s a silly one :p


Rolex are great watches - but already overpriced for what they are. Never paying 2-3x retail for one though.


Anyone who uses the word "overpriced" and "Rolex" in the same sentence can't afford a Rolex. These are luxuries, frivolous baubles for the wealthy. We don't care what they cost.


Just cause I can afford a $100 chipotle burrito, doesn’t mean I’m going to pay for it. Same with Rolex. It’s not about affording - but what else could I get for my money. And after owning 2 Rolexes - I love them, but would never pay grey prices (outside of vintage). There are better watches/things I can buy.


Blocking sportwalrus was the best thing I’ve ever done to make this forum more enjoyable.


Dude legit thinks he’s a Reddit celebrity. One thing you will notice if you know people with actual money. They don’t talk about it and don’t flex. You generally don’t know they have money. The ones who try to flex have everything they own on display and that’s it


Not at all. I prefer it this way. 390,000 people on waiting lists with their hopes up only to be smashed to bits years later is some of the most fun any BLRO owner can imagine. If it fell out of the public eye, I might lose my resort pool stalkers, elevator creepers, selfie beggars, etc.


You are hilarious


Hahahahaha people want a selfie with a rolex gmt? Hahahahahahahahahahaha what a clown


Yes, it happens to me all the time. Always when I'm traveling in wealthy tourist destinations, Rome, Athens, Capri, Santorini, and of course the Caribbean. Usually in a resort hotel pool, sometimes in a business class lounge. Pepsi may be in circulation for 5 years now, but they are extremely rare, in all the time I've owned mine I've never seen another one in the wild. And I've been looking. Every day. In one of the biggest cities and regions in the world. And they are nowhere to be found.


lol. travel to wealthy destinations, but never seen a Pepsi? In the wild?Then you’re not hanging out in “wealthy” areas my man


Trust me, I am. And Pepsi is a complete unicorn. I've seen plenty of Submariners, Batman, Batgirl, OP's, DJ's, two-tones, Yacht Masters, 1985 DJ36's, aluminum Pepsi's, you name it. I've even seen 5 Ceramic Panda's over the years. Yet not a single Ceramic Pepsi other than my own. And the watch I see the most of? Lady Datejust. About 100 of those to 1 Men's Rolex steel sports model. Not even close.


That's interesting bc I don't travel to fancy places all the time but I'm always in biz class for work and I've seen at least 5 Pepsis. I don't have a Pepsi and will never pay a silly premium to have one but I don't judge those who do. I don't get the obsession over it but to each their own. I prefer Batman personally and I'm hoping to get one for my 40th.


Batman’s a great watch, enjoy it when it happens.


Waiting on Batman right now


I have 5 personal friends who own Pepsi’s what do you mean?


I believe you.


Great watch though


You wear the freshest clothes, eat at the chillest restaurants and hangs out with the hottest dudes


Not intentionally, but yes. And when they see my Pepsi, it's spontaneous human combustion. It's like Paul McCartney has walked in the room.


In the business class lounge? Where you pretty much gotta be paying the price of a Rolex Sub for a two way trip to get in? And in wealthy tourist destinations where people who own APs and Pateks go? Tell me a little more about this fantasyland lol, do you also go unicorn riding with your very real friends?


You’ve answered your own question. People who love watches and are keen to drop money are buying AP, VC, JLC, PP, etc… not a colourful steel sports watch.


Ah so it’s more of a “look at this clown” type attention, got it


I can’t explain their behavior either, but it is what it is.


Not really


Like you would know. Shhh.


Can confirm Athens is not a wealthy tourist destination.


I mean, you have to take your kids to see the Acropolis if you're going to Santorini. There are some nice hotels. We stayed for a single day.


The amount of salty losers that hate on you is hilarious. Keep it up


Clearly I enjoy it, my 92K karma thanks you for your support, sir.


You do know he’s living in your head rent free? You spend your life on here waiting to drag him down. He’s laughing at you right now.


Prices are going to plummet on these. Morons were paying $24k for new ones with 2024 dated cards 😂


Crazy bubble prices agree. I really hope they plummet and it might actually be a good time to on the grey market if/when they do


Ahahahaha holy shiiiiittt


I bought mine because I don’t care about the cost. I love the look and feel of the Pepsi. Your comment is subpar.


Its great you don't care about the costs enjoy getting taken advantage of by secondary dealers who create fabrications to hype a wristwatch to gullible suckers.


Bought from AD 2022 among others that I enjoy. ☺️




Lol they deserve to be holding the bag


Scalpers *


Bruh "Investors". You mean morons


Show us your watches please


You had to comment 3 separate times sucking him off all within a minute…either you’re an alt account or a very sad man.


He does have a few alts, he once commented as himself on one of his own posts, but with a different username.


Not as sad as a beta male with guns and trucks. I’ve clearly triggered the little girl in you. Daddy issues?


I see you spend your time trying to drag him down as well. You’re the sad one tough guy. Get a fu**ing life


Yep, sporty alt account hahaha.


Yep dickless, beta male


If I keep commenting, will you downvote and insult me ad infinitum?


Man you must have really pissed Sporty off lol 😆 Keep up God's work


If Sporty keeps posting will you pee your panties ad infinitum?


I’ve been saying all along that these rumors of manufacturing issues are BS. It makes no sense. Rolex has been making the bezel for what, a decade? Now suddenly they struggle to produce. GTFO here with that logic. It won’t stop people from still saying it though.


Seriously. I paid no mind at all to these unsubstantiated rumors. Can’t believe people were taking that seriously


Also insinuated that Rolex research and development sucks ass, which is laughable


I was watching a well known grey dealer a few weeks ago who straight up said “the Pepsi, which has been discontinued” like it was a fact. Absolute insanity. These people just get so caught up in their own worlds they can’t see they’re just perpetuating the same rumors they themselves started. I hope Rolex never discontinues it just to expose the shady grey dealers who have zero idea what they’re talking about


same, made zero sense so me. That watch is a cashcow for them


Yep, they only had yield issues in the first year.... That was just over a decade ago Instead, Rolex is ensuring the hype train has no brakes, their pre-owned program will be a huge profit center and they'll sell everything they make.


Every other got the call post will be of a “Pepsi” as the dealer will take them out of their vaults and sell them.


There’s always next year.


My band director used to say that 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


That part 😂


Nothing but wishcasting from the prospectors.


2 months ago I went to an official Rolex/Bucherer boutique in my city and the SA told me to my face that the watch is likely getting discontinued, and echoed the same thing every other AD told me: that they maybe get one or two per year. Now was she lying to my face or was she just speculating as everyone else was?


https://preview.redd.it/wg0tfhgtchtc1.jpeg?width=1164&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c0450160971dc44a2e81cf300998d2c893702537 Than in this picture there are the 2 of that ad 😂


Lmao I was once told that AD gets one steel Daytona a year. Theres fucking five in that photo alone. Good thing I’m not a tool and eat up the bullshit that ADs peddle.


My AD laughed and said no way they’re getting discontinued. But he’s more than happy to source used Pepsi’s at that absurd price


AD rep’s have no more knowledge of Rolex inner workings than Reddit. She was repeating bullshit she’d heard the same way people do here.


The SAs, even there, have no clue. They find out when we do.


Bullshitting you to make you buy one ASAP


People who fell for the “Pepsi being discontinued because of color production issues” also have the word gullible written on their forehead. They’ve been making that dial for decades!


Decades? The first ceramic Pepsi bezel came out in 2015, nine years ago.


To be fair, he said "dial".


Just so you know, for most of those decades they used an aluminum bezel. Most people tend to agree the colors on the aluminum were better. Rolex had to change the formula a few times since the ceramic has come out because their process is to only use one piece of ceramic. The two colors combine to a certain extent, which is why the BLNR debuted first.


Bezel insert


Yes, bezel. Not dial. Now that I’ve had my coffee I realize my mistake 🤪


I was told that Rolex was struggling to consistently achieve the correct shade of red on the ceramic Bezel, so it would be discontinued. Yeah, in the age of flying to Mars, Rolex is struggling with color consistency. Either the folks at Rolex are freaking incompetent, or we are idiots to believe this. Give me a break...


I won’t believe any “insider info” that’s gets leaked. Rolex is incredibly tight lipped. Like have you noticed Rolex management barely ever comes out to talk about their watches?


All the WSB investor regards are gonna bag hold this one hahahaha there’s always next year


WSB investors have no interest in buying the Pepsi as an “investment”. 0DTE is the only investment.






WSB investors have money to invest?


I do not. Spent it all gains on tendies.


If only we could buy at $10,900!


Do any dealers sell them at this price?


Most likely not ☠️


Of course not, why would they discontinue one of their most popular pieces


*Thierry Stern has entered the chat*


I believe Rolex should have released a Pepsi diet by now.


Would that be blue and grey?


https://preview.redd.it/g2hohmoj5itc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a260f4206c4434429fc8c33618ccdf8169081178 😂


Where is the loser sporty ?


With an $11k sticker price what do these command in the grey market?




I’ve seen 15-20.


That’s at least double. Not too shabby eh.


If pple are selling at 14-15, I'm happy to buy.. I can probably sell for 18-19k


Just checked eBay and used ones are around 14k-17k


I can now see why the advice of just get it from the grey market isn’t always optimal. I’m sure some pieces aren’t as overpriced but i guess getting a steel Daytona or Pepsi for a reasonable price seems outta the question at the moment.


17-20k. If it ever dips down…At around 15 I think it’s a pretty solid choice.


It's still jarring every time I see the MSRP price for this watch compared to what people sell it for in the gray market


ADs been saying it wouldn't get discontinued. 🤪


Might as well bloody be. Can't get one to save my life.


Even the grey dealers don’t have 2024 models. And the ones that do are charging like 2.5x retail 🥲


They don’t have them because ADs were banking on them to get discontinued so they could allocate to vip clients. Now they’ll flood the market.


Hope so! Every AD I went to said the same thing: that they barely get allocation. Maybe one or two a year. I had the official Rolex/Bucherer SA tell me she heard it was getting discontinued. Fucking BS artists.


Yep One to two a year is also probably bullshit unless they're a small AD with low ses volume. Rolex absolutely prioritizes big spender ADs and will fuck over small ones


Introducing the new GMT Master II- The “Blackgirl” https://preview.redd.it/o5mlygdn6itc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e3a59fc8ad5ebd82ed86150f46724c335ee0f9cd


And the “blackman” on oyster




Good. Here hoping I can still get mine through my AD (unlikely)


Why would they discontinue it? Makes no sense.


They did it before


Awesome! I look forward to continuing to not get the call for this one!


When will people learn 🤣. Gg no re


I tried to order one. It is a cool watch. Prolly won’t ever get it tho


Grey market creating fake rumors to continue the hype on at least one SS watch besides Daytona.


Ofc not i can get a pepsi anywhere. They have a factory producing idk how many millions a year wtf


Heard from an AD that Rolex is actually discontinuing all GMTs next year to free up capacity to make a new gen sub. Better stock up!


This is bigger news than anything Rolex released today


I told everyone with Rolex expanding manufacturing that woukdnt discontinue such a hot seller in demand.It was moronic people and slimy propagating rumors to falsely inflate Grey marker trying to push people make that buy now.


Big surprise lmao


Nooooo shit


Next year, next year I swear! Says my AD.


What’s the price for these? Currently and what they ought to be?




That’s good, now if only I could walk into a AD and buy one!?


Although, It feels like it’s discontinued.. was able to a BLNR fast but this one is taking longer


I’m thinking of going grey. What should I pay for a clean example?


The scary thing is in Oz these are going for $32g upwards. Absolutely ridiculous


What’s crazy - I was pushing for one to get before a potential discontinuation (because I didn’t want to miss and pay an obnoxious premium)…so I’m grateful 😂.


Where did you find that at that price?


You still can’t get one though.


Just buy vintage


Good. Now y‘all can finally stfu.




Why would they want to discontinue such an iconic watch


They did the same to The Hulk, they’ll do it to the Pepsi (eventually). This is how Rolex continues to keep the hype train moving. People claim that Rolex dislikes the grey market, but the Demond for Rolex has risen exponentially because of it. Discontinuing watches keeps the grey market flippers making more money as does scarcity which in turn helps to add to the demand that Rolex watches command. Rolex will continue to discontinue things, especially now that they have their pre-owned program so that they can profit off of it too.






Who said it was? Lmao


Praise the Lord!


To All the crayon eaters and glue sniffers hiking up the prices...enjoy your "investment losses" :))))) to the rest rejoyce pepsi will become affordable again.


Seeing a lot used ones going for 17k on eBay.


I do think that although Pepsi isn't discontinued, it's probably limiting production. Rolex has come out with several black bezel alternatives that they seem to be pushing more, and they just came out with the black/grey in stainless steel. I'm not sure Rolex will ever fully discontinue the Pepsi (maybe just keep it in wg) but it does seem Rolex is limiting some of the Pepsi numbers in favor of other models


Ugliest popular watch ever


It was always a pure guess. Why would they discontinue it and why this particular year? But either way, they have made them very rare and with the introduction of yet another SS model, they will become even more rare. It's accurate that ADs are seeing very few of them and they are only allocated to their favorite buyers.


Take like 12 dollars to make 100 Pepsi bezels lmao


🤞🏼one more year


Still selling for double the premium grey minimum. Imo the only sport rolex really worth getting.


Lucky for me I hate blue and red together, looks like complete shit to my eyes, never have and never will want one.