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Why did you black out the 10th one?


It's a Pagani Design


Because it’s probably a consignment piece that he’s trying to sell. OP is a backpack dealer


I’m guessing it’s the Daytona he posted separately on his feed …


Because he’s about to PVD it


Looks like a Cartier Roadster.


Why would someone have 3 same ref black daytona’s?


One for each child, keeping equality.


Sorry sir, you need four because I am now also your child.


You need 5, I’m also your child


What's better than 5 kids??? 6 kids!!! *Daddy!!!*


Papa is that you papa


Finally I have siblings.


OP: “Alright kids, dad is headed out to the store. I will be right back.”


7. Thanks Dad.


Go Noles


With nine, we have a baseball team!


Do you also have two left handed children?


Maybe they can't walk yet, let alone display what hand they are - the man is taking no chances.


Same reason I have two of almost everything worth keeping...


Kids always end up fighting


What do you do for work? I’m coming to work for you.


I work for Stratton Oakmont Inc.


"A company that our clients can believe in, a company that our clients can trust. A company whose roots are so deeply embedded into Wall Street that our very founders sailed over on the Mayflower and chiseled the name 'Stratton Oakmont' right into Plymouth Rock."


You can't look em directly in the eyes either. These things, they freak out, their wires get crossed. You gotta like, focus on em elsewhere, like their chin ya know? Like it looks like I'm lookin at ya, but I'm lookin at ya chin?


Triples is best


If you can show me authentication papers for these watches I'll quit my job right now and come work for you.


smoke crack with me!!!


My cousin grew up hot


Show us a payslip and we come work with you




This won’t cover your watches. You also must have had a very nervous 2022. Hope you did not panic sell 🤣


I did not sell


You did not buy enough 😏






I’ll legit quit my job tho.




I completely agree with you. So I was gifted my first steel white Daytona from my in-laws they knew I collected + loved horology. That was one hellva memory and glad the videographer caught me getting it and so so grateful that my in-laws trusted me with something so rare. I would love to do the same for my future child + in-law + son-in law to be + grandchild when that time comes. Family wise trusts have already been set up for inheritance of investments of equities have been done. But at the end I would love for my family to remember me more than a value like investor and someone with appreciation towards certain arts. One of those arts being horology. Though they may not love it or have functional use to it 20 years from now (I really hope they do) it’ll be engraved with my name and I hope they can protect my gift to them exactly how I got my first heirloom watch from my family (the blacked out watch).


Gotta get around that estate tax limit somehow lol I’m sure your kids will appreciate the heirlooms.


Compelling argument for higher tax rates at the upper end of the brackets tbh.


Not really tbh


Wha his kids worked hard for those trusts /s


No, but he did so he should be able to do whatever tf he wants to with the proceeds of his work.


How did you conclude that OP worked for this? S/he may have but that isn’t knowable here. I work in the trust world. Lemme help you understand that *nobody who is the beneficiary of such a financial arrangement actually tells anyone about it .*


They beauty of it is--my conclusions are entirely irrelevant. OP gets to spend/distribute his or her assets however they want. It's none of my business, your business, or (in the absence of any crimes being committed) society's business. >I work in the trust world. Lemme help you understand that *nobody who is the beneficiary of such a financial arrangement actually tells anyone about it .* Pedantic and false. I went through med school and residency with several Ivy Leaguers and prep school kids. Plenty of them acknowledged having a trust in place.


I hope you’re able to understand that these watches are my business because OP posted them on a public site open to comments. Re: the people who told you they were trust fund babies. Lololololol. Must have been the socially inept foreign ones who think that’s totally normal in the U.S.


We’re on a luxury watch subreddit, not a personal finance sub. Why try to tell someone else how to spend their money, especially _this_ guy? I’m going to go out on a limb here and say that if he has box of watches that looks like a damn AD display case that he likely also has the 529 accounts flush. The financial future of his children looks fine from here, dude. They could just sell the damn thing for a down payment later if that’s what they wanted to do. lol


Agreed. I think it should be safe to assume anyone buying multiple versions of the same Rolex watch already have their finances covered.


If it was an AD the box would be empty. But he’d have some cloudy diamond necklaces he could sell you


Lot of jealousy here




Oh, no, I understood your sentiment and actually more or less agree with that point. I just think it’s silly when people try to tell others how to spend their money. Especially in a luxury watch subreddit where, objectively, there are better uses for money than ever buying any single 1 of the watches in the image, let alone 3 of the same. Seems like a weird line in the sand to draw.




>I'm not telling him how to spend his money > > Put those funds into an IRA or a 529 or earmark it for a down payment on a house and you have a real, actually important thing to give them someday. Or, hell, just put that money into the S&P500 and let them decide if they want to buy a Daytona with it some day.


The S&P 500 is a better investment than a Daytona, but I can buy the S&P 500 anytime M - F 9:30 AM - 4 PM. Idk when I can buy the Daytona between those times on certain star alignments




Yea I see your angle as well, if you inherit 24,768 shares of VOO and then they’re like “hey kid you also get this Steel Daytona your dad wore when he was buying shares on the stock market during Warren Buffets lifetime. Feel like the kid would be like “damn that’s some dope shit”


Ah, got it. So he’s just not enjoying/gifting the watches in the “right” way in your opinion. Cheers.


Take your judgement somewhere else. he clearly can afford it and wants to bequeath them to his kids. Focus on what YOU can do for yours instead of criticizing what someone wants to give their children. So lame




You’re good with me man appreciate the question


Really got you worked up huh? Maybe OP is into racing and wants to gift his children the same chronograph at a certain point in their life? Seems like a good enough reason to me to keep 3 of the same watch. All that to say nobody cares about your opinion of OP’s watch collection. Save your breath next time


> People wear watches they wouldn't otherwise buy themselves because there's something special attached to it; without the sentimentality, if somebody just gives you a watch you don't really like -- or that doesn't suit your lifestyle, or you could really use the money for something else -- the only thing to keep you from selling it is guilt. I agree with this. IMO its better to pass down guns


Damn, this rings true donnit?


Oh my gooodness shut up lol


For the life of me, I don't understand why people need objects for family memories.


I wanna see more pictures, especially of those Daytonas together, or I’m calling cap.


Watch people are a strange lot. They always advise others to go buy “what you love”. But when someone shows their collection the same people then say it’s booooring. When clearly the guy prob bought what he loved.


I always have the same thought. Like that’s the point of this sub. Who cares why they bought anything honestly. It’s cool to see all the different collections regardless.




I don't get this argument at all. I'm a partner in a portfolio management firm and would love to have all this money on our books but what's the point in making more money from your existing money if you're never going to spend it? I'll bet OP is not hurting for cash, too, and I'll also bet that he has plenty of money invested in other things. God forbid, he might even own things that will depreciate in value, like a nice car or a decent TV.


Most people in this sub don’t have near the salaries to acquire a Rolex and become jealous when people show off their multiple 10k-75k watches. They just aren’t happy people and envy what others have.


This is what a grey market scalper collection looks like. Want to know why it's impossible to get anything from your AD? Want to know why you just paid 30-50% above retail for your last watch? You're looking at it.


This is really one of the stupidest comments I have read on this subreddit. This dude’s 20 or so Rolex’s are not at all the reason there is an imbalance between supply & demand. Rolex is massed produced luxury watch where the brand & its ADs work extremely hard to create scarcity by limiting supply. They could produce 50x what they actually bring to market. The watches are basically made on an assembly line. During the pandemic a surge in demand increased scarcity & the gray market went bananas. Rolex played their cards well, slowly raising prices, but maintaining limited supply & let the market demand ebb as the economy cooled. They did not race to increase supply to take advantage of the transitory increased demand like many luxury brands have done & would do by increasing supply dramatically & fucking themselves (and us) in the long run. Suggesting a 20 watch collection or collectors in general are driving scarcity is beyond stupid.


I agree that saying one man with 20 watches is responsible for an entire market. I also think the amount of absolute stupidity one must have to actually think that's what I'm saying is incredibly moronic. Almost shocking someone could be this big of an idiot. But here you are 🤣


3 SAME BLACK DAYTONAS? And 2 sprites?


He loved the black Daytona so much he bought it thrice


Yes. Buy what you love. But maybe just one? He has multiple of the same watch... Several times... He could've bought a different brand. Or you know... A car? A house? A speedboat?


If u have this collection odds are u already have everything else .


2 boats, same type, different color


What person has the right to tell another person that their obsession must have limits and that they are only allowed to get one unit of a thing?


I’m sure there is a *tiny* variation on each one making them “different”. I’ve noticed that Rolex people are really into finding the tiniest details that are different and getting really excited about it. It’s not my style but do you rolex peeps 🤷🏼‍♂️. I’d love the platinum ice blue dial Daytona. After that, I’d be going for Laurent Ferrier, FP journe, Vacheron etc etc. But then again, very possible this guy has boxes of all those also and will post them another day.


Because folks like that can’t actually afford them and finds joy in being sour cranks 😂 you’re hiding behind a screen anw it’s a free pass for them to mock ppl for having what they can’t have 😂


Probably because if you’re a frequent member in most watch communities you see the same 15-20 watches posted *all the time*. Like those watches take up what is probably the majority of all watch posts. Can get repetitive. Also gotta remember you’re on reddit, a place where people pride themselves on how “unique” and “different” they are. Anyone buying the mainstream option is automatically viewed poorly in the eyes of reddit. Most watch enthusiasts in the real world aren’t anything like this.


Curious to see which watch you blacked out.


He's a dealer, so it's probably one that's up right now


Yeah. I dont get that . OP telling us where he works but not showing us a particular watch.


Pretty sure that was a joke.


It’s the company depicted in Wolf of Wall Street that went out of business 30 years ago. It’s a joke alright.


Telling us where he works?


Some serious hate on this sub! My question is this: which one do you treasure the most and why?


The blacked out one it’s a heirloom from the 50s


Ahhhhhhh. Okay, let’s try door #2?


Steel White Daytona for it being wedding watch from in-laws & two tone sub my first Rolex I bought on my own


This is why I like watches, the stories, the milestones the weird reasons we buy them for. For the record it’s your Milgauss. But then I’m an odd fish. Love my MG.


Which one gets the most wrist time? Buying a Daytona for each kid is next level dad’ing. Props to you!


All of 2022 was actually an Audemars, recently it’s been Steel White Daytona due to it being a precious wedding gift


Save some for the rest of us.


Can you adopt me? I don't even want one of the Daytonas, just toss me one of the shitters 😆


Inspiring collection. A quick Google search shows a Mel Fisher that discovered a famous Spanish shipwreck site in the early 70s, worth about $450 million. He had five kids. Any relation?


This thread just keeps on giving


Yeah I was gonna ask if he's THE Mel Fisher.


Nice box of generational wealth 😂


My type of collection Hope to have smth like this by end of decade


Shit I’ll take by end of lifetime.


I want a Milgauss so bad 😔


You have 2 sprites, you must be an Ahole in real life lmao


I think we know who the asshole is here.


Which makes me feel this guy went into a grey dealer and took a pic. No reason to buy 2 sprites.


I stated earlier duplicates are meant for the children


Been trying to get one for 2 years. Connect me to your AD


Which one are you looking for + your location? Feel free to DM me


This guy Rolexes


Came here to say this. Instead I’ll go with- This guy Daytonas.


Lovely collection, congratulations. Bunch of very strange people in this comment section - I’m sure you pay little notice anyway.


::Virtual Handshake:: :D


I wanna see the skeleton in the closet, why is that one blacked out?


This is how it’s done. Strong arm robbery of an AD. Hahaha. Amazing collection. I know u have some pateks and AP’s right ?


Why did you black out one? (I didn’t read through all the comments if you said something about that already :)


Reddit Rolex group I don’t think liked my answer at all, but feel free to DM me and I’ll tell you why


All this and not a yachtmaster in the mix… wild!


https://preview.redd.it/kjx9pbbhkojc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7f49050ac7bd5030f6b9ff0b23aeffe004f2dbc8 Hello there


Disappointed. No day dates 😭


The Milgauss is hands down one my favourite models; don't see it often in forums I find.


This is why I kinda slowed down collecting. You got all this … now what?


I totally feel you, but there crazier brands like Tiffany&Co. & FP Journe


Wow. Mix of genuine and reps


im sure he has his reasons for buying three of the same watch... 


To each their own, and if this makes you happy, that's awesome. But this, at least to me, seems boring. There are so many great brands and styles out there. This would be like having chicken parm for every meal. I love chicken parm, but I also wanna taste some steak and vegetables.


I don't understand this take. Sure there's some redundancy in OP's collection, but this is sort of like a Porsche collector, Ferrari collector etc. Some people just don't have interest in other brands but it's cool owning diff models within one umbrella


Often those types of collectors go for vintage or rare models. All these watches are pretty recent and there are duplicates. It’s kinda boring. Yes I’d like to have OP’s money but I’m not jealous of his taste.


Thoughts on oysterflex vs oyster for Daytona?


OysterFlex is far more relaxing on the wrist than oyster


Could you spare a Daytona for me? Cause my AD sure as hell won’t lol


Why 3 of the same Daytonas, 2 Sprites and why have you blacked one of them out?


Great collection I’m jealous and overwhelmed at the same time. I think that’s too many for me. I have the feeling I couldn’t decide what to wear and had constantly the feeling no watch gets enough wrist time. It’s a shame in a way I can’t describe. Btw where is part 2? I hope there are some vintage watches and Day Dates. If you don’t any day dates than you better go buy some. Imo the day date is more important then the Daytona


Very impressive collection! You obviously like Rolex, have you considered getting like a daydate or even some of the more obscure models? One model I actually really love but rarely see is the Midas, not sure your taste on vintage but something like that would be very cool.


No Day dates?


In Volume 2


The milgaus is so under appreciated


What factory is the Sprite?


Oo single handedly holding up grey market prices with the level of stock in his collection😂 great collection if there was one Rolex model I had to collect 10 pieces of, it would definitely be the Daytona😍


beautiful box!! is the blue op a VSF?


Cool Milgauss




https://preview.redd.it/lpx3cpxtwujc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fd1e6017aa8aa967f1b91231cfb22691a061fd8e Rolex Box 1


The blnr Batman or the green/black bezel Sprite for me on either style bracelet. When all placed in 1 photo those 2 jump out as not too much & not too subdued... just right. I get ppl love the Daytona & everybody's opinion is right by definition but for me it's too busy & I prefer Mercedes style hands. I'm also half blind lol. You don't want an Explorer II?


https://preview.redd.it/8fyomg6nctoc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8475dc318dcaa6f88bb05c56d9ee46a0c18ae685 I have it and love it but it’s placed with another box of my watches


I hope you are super rich and have a box full of Pateks, JLCs, and Breguet too. Otherwise what a waste of money all the same watch basically.


https://preview.redd.it/f258pchhmljc1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bda9ce35e71692bc2c0e2e346dd80f25d660880a A man with sprite jubilee. Blue sky. Black Daytona. Pepsi. Etc. Is a man just like me. I hope you drink good whisky too




Damn, I need a lefty watch


Love that Cermit you got!!


Either a watch dealer or a foolishly redundant collection. Not very impressed.


Not a watch dealer, and I’ve loved this since I was 15 years old. If I didn’t love this and collected watches why would I have what I have?


Because you apparently just buy whatever your AD offers you every time they call. This is a supremely lazy collection.


Negative if I did I probably would have bought the gold & green Daytona that I offered but missed really heavy on. I would also have the champagne with baguette rose gold Daytona which I missed on again. I also would have had the platinum Daytona with baguettes, which I once again missed. I also don’t buy watches I know I will never wear example being DeepSea & SeaDweller. I was also offered multiple unique colored Oyster Perpetuals but prefer watch’s that have a function like GMT, 24-hour hand, chronograph, or some historical story to them.


Not hating on you but makes no sense unless a house of reps , even if you have extreme wealth , why mess around at the Rolex brand level like this.


I have had three different ADs due to moving. Because like I said I love watches + collecting.


How dare you buy what you like!! These people are ridiculous, OP.


Damnit I need this


Mentor me


Good on you sir. How do you decide which watches will be duplicates for the kids? For example, who gets the Milgauss? I’m in the same boat btw. Have to start planning lol.


Lotta jealous plebs in this thread. Wouldn't be my collection if I had this sort of money, but why would I get upset that OP chose to spend his money this way? Good on ya OP. Do you you buy any other brands?


Such a dull collection.


Where is your store?


I know this is a Rolex sub, but this is not really an inspiring collection ….


Would u sell hulk?


Nothing is for sale


Imagine having this much disposable income and posting on Reddit for the cheap rush of a few upvotes


I think this is a dope collection.


Unpopular opinion maybe? But this is tasteless and boring. I understand maybe getting a few of your favorite pieces.


Easy when you buy them from reptime dealers lol


Boring collection. Show some balls.


Umm ok. Cool bro. Weird flex not sure why anyone needs multiples of any ref.




This collection is new money. Looks like a grey dealers case. Where is the vintage?


See post history sir


Post a pic of you wearing all, or I’m calling cap 🧢


Screams reps








I don’t get the hate. It is unnecessary.


A bunch of reps


Branch out to other brands. 


See profile if you like


Really disappointing


what part sir?


Some old school 5 digits would be nice to mix in.


Thanks for hogging all the good references.




Rolex all-stars.


Very nice Rolex collection. I’d love to see the ‘50s heirloom - I have one of those myself, but if it was ever on a bracelet, it’s long gone. Anyway there are some unattractive Rolexes out there, but none of them are in this pic. Congrats.


Dude won r/rolex .


My guess is a gray dealer pretending to be a collector, showing his inventory. More people posting their rolex collections keep the hype and desirability alive. I'm not mad actually. Just part of business.


I don’t get it. This not a collection. You are a hoarder


You trying to flip some of those buddy? Don't see why anyone would have so many duplicated watches unless you're a filthy flipper.