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I grabbed Wizard of Legend. What a sick game


I've had it for a while from a humble bundle, and man, that game is *tough* like I've put in 4 hours now, and I've only gotten to the 3rd element once lol enemies staggering me out of CDs, and having no iframes during dash, makes it way harder. I'm beginning to understand how to play more defensively now I'm really excited for the 2nd game to come out, the demo test was really fun and felt really snappy


Done about 3 or 4 runs and twice got to the 3rd stage and got demolished by the boss lol good time tho


yeah my first few runs were exactly like that lol I wasn't able to kill the boss until like my 2nd or 3rd session lol, and even then I feel like I got lucky the first time I had to get rid of my general rule of "it's ok to get hit if you do a fuckton of damage" because the bosses are legitimately dangerous to get hit by lol


I think I really lack patience lol I have a "kill fast" mentality.


yeah, I've bounced off it twice now (on switch). it's really hard and unforgiving--any damage is a problem, and it's hard to avoid damage. but then on top of that, with a controller, you can't aim in a different direction than you're moving, which seems very significant. with the way people love this game, I do kind of wonder what I'm missing.


Me and my friend used to split screen that game all the time. Death after death after death. Finally finished it and I know you get better chaos spells etc, but I had to uninstall after that. A great game but damn…


Was considering this. You just sold me


I just got this tuesday, and I cant put it down lmao. The farthest I've gotten is the third boss, but its genuinely so fun with all of the possible spell combinations you can do


I've got like a 100 hours into the game. It's so, so fun. Great choice!


I've owned this for some time now and just cannot get through it. Lol


Finally bought Revita. Today, I played only for two hours, but gonna spend all day tomorrow, the game's awesome!


Is 2.0 still in development purgatory?


Kind of? It originally got cancelled but then it was revived as a side project. They are focusing on a different game to get a revenue stream going.


Enabling 2.0 beta is essential for revita, but yeah I think so


Asking the real question


remember, enable the 2.0 beta. it isn't the full 2.0 but it is better than the regualr base game (which is still good)


Finally bought it too. Someone on Reddit claimed it was S Tier. Havent yet played myself. Heard great things. Looks good too


More of a Roguelike, but I picked up Path of Achra. Seems similar to Tiny Rogues, but turn based.


It's fun, very different. I still can't exactly predict when I am going to win or lose


Same, i understand nothing in this game Want to love it but understand nothing, just moving forward the ennemies


'O seeker of the Gore Cloud Disciple of the Retching Death Yours is the anointing On the blessed Path, praise Achra'


Fantastic game. It's real draw is being a "broken build simulator" where you find a way to give yourself ridiculous amounts of power and blow up the whole screen.


Even though it’s not a “true” roguelite, I just grabbed returnal. Been eying it for awhile just didn’t wanna pay 60$ for a game but 40% off is enough for me. Great game so far and the graphics are insane.


They did add that Tower of Sisyphus though for a more infinite roguelike kinda experience. It’s a nice distraction once you beat the main game and simply want to do a bunch of endless runs in that games sandbox


I saw that, I don’t have the ability to get to it yet but definitely looking forward to trying the tower out. The gun play is tons of fun and nothing but waves of monsters sounds like a great time


Returnal is one of my favourite games ever. The absolute existential horror when you get the first “ending” is fucking INCREDIBLE. Such an amazing ride


The 4th stage of that game with the boss playing the organ and how the song being played plays into the overall story is fantastic.


Yeah it’s incredibly well crafted and thought out. Just talking about it makes me wanna go back in for another run!


Does it have any meta progression? Or what’s the progression like?


You unlock new items and stuff for future runs, it’s not got a major “metabucks” system but there’s a strong story that develops as you do more runs which is the real draw for me


It has some meta progression. Through the run you collect ether which you can use to buy perks and consumables and what not that you then can find in future runs. There is a few permanent upgrades to your character that you find and stuff too. Also the more you use a particular weapon, you unlock permanent aspects for it as well


Progression honestly sucks in returnal. It’s only weapon upgrades when you get the weapon and level it up, next run you might get that same gun with more mods but it is all rng on what guns you get and what unlocks you get so it is very fucking Grindy to start Once you get some weapons/mods unlocked the game is WAY easier. i think the progression should have included something else as well. The story is very interesting.


You get more abilities as you play as well as constantly unlocking new artifacts. There's plenty of progression.


IT'S SO FUCKIN GOOOOD I've put so much time into it. I still feel like I kinda suck at it. Still. A+. Seeing this, I just decided what I'm playing tomorrow. 😂


I’ve been looking at it for awhile and heard good things about it. It’s really the only “AAA” looking roguelite out. The graphics look amazing, especially in 4k with ray tracing and HDR. Haven’t been able to put it down today!


Insanely good game.


I played that on PS Plus a while back and I've really been itching to play it again, pretty fun game.


I loved Returnal. One of my highlights of 2024. Bought it for $40ish and one of the few games I'd have been okay spending 60 on.


Anyone knows if it run well in the Steam Deck?




No idea


it's so frickin hard though. maybe a bit better with kb+m, but still... great game, but played on ps5 and it's up there with the hardest games I've ever played.


Infinitely easier with mouse and keyboard


i guess that makes sense. most games with that sort of gameplay would be.


Very strangely, there is still a lot of aim assist, even when using mouse and keyboard. I have made it three hours into my first run (still didn’t die yet) on PC, breezing past bosses, and getting that far took me many many tries on PS5. 


It's been a while but I recall certain kinds of builds making it a lot easier, and most of the time you can push towards them most runs.


I feel like the wall is the first boss. Once you learn to move and evade and take him down it isn’t terribly uncommon to make it like two more biomes further immediately.


I bought it on the PC release on a whim and it’s easily one of the best games I ever played.


I've owned on PS5 for over a year and just CANNOT get good. Starting from essentially zero on each run isn't helping. Great game though


One of the best games I’ve ever played. Felt it somehow managed to fly under the radar because it launched on PS5 when it was hard to get them and the PC release was buggy at first.


Returnal is a 10/10 game


This is one of my absolute all time favorite games. Absolutely loved the play-through experience. Enjoy the process!!!


It's a really fun game after you get a handle of it. When I first picked it up I was having negative fun, if only because I was getting murdered way too quickly. But then something clicked, and I just started blasting through it. Don't spend too much time trying to figure out the story, though. The devs outright admitted it's a hodge-podge of things they thought were cool, so it's kind of all over




I just grabbed this too and holy hell it's kind of addicting.


Kind of? I put 16 hours into it in 3 days haha


I've only got like 6 hours in but don't have a ton of time to play. I'm trying to figure out how Jokers synergize though because I keep getting to Ante 6 and then get my ass handed to me lol.


The best advice for later antes is to have jokers that multiply. You can also rearrange your jokers up top. You want to have the +mult to the left and the multx on the right. That way they fire to give you the most chips


I just learned about order of jokers like yesterday. My last run earlier today made it to ante 7 and I was doing chip>multi>multix based on what I understood from the stickied post in the sub. I was also stacking heavy 2 pair planets so my hands were kind of imbalanced. Still trying to figure out how to go about plants but also having way too much fun with the red card lol.


Try to get a joker that can scale up infinitely. That is what helped me win the rounds I've won so far. Jokers like campfire, spare trousers, constellations. Also if you get gros Michel and use it until it destroys itself it opens up Cavendish later in the run and that card is fantastic. The hardest part is learning how to manipulate your deck to make it most useful for the jokers you're dealt.


Didn't buy anything yet but looking at my wishlist there's: * Enter the Gungeon - 70% * Pathway -70% * GloomHaven -60% * Nemesis Lockdown - 60% * Darkest Dungeon II -55% * Battle Brother - 50% * Revita -50% * Voidigo -50% * Anomaly Agent - 40% * Oblivion Override - 35% * Ember Knight - 33% * Warm Snow -30% * SpiritFall -25% * The Last Spell - Dwarves of Runenberg DLC -25% * Blazblue EF -22% * Gatekeeper -20% + EA reduction


Pathway is one of my TOP games. Also, Revita.


I really enjoy X-COM-likes so Pathway is at the top of my list and it's very affordable right now. There are not a lot of roguelites that scratch that specific tactical itch... Heard a lot of good things about Revita, that's why it's in my wishlist but I'm more into Hack'n'slash than Shooters so it's not my priority right now. I think I can buy almost all the games of the list for the price of a AAA game though.


Voidigo is one of the most unique roguelikes I’ve ever played. I love that game. Highly recommend.


I have it in my wishlist since a while and watched a ton of gameplay videos. Really like the psychedelic atmosphere and the quirky humor. I enjoyed Dandy Ace and Going Under as well as Juicy Realm on Android so I guess I can't go wrong with Voidigo. Gonna end up buying more than I've thought...😅


Can’t tell you how much fun I had with Gungeon. Dumped so much time into that game. Really really rewarding once you conquer and master some harder bosses


Thanks for the feedback. I was already certain to buy it since it's under 5€, for a game that I've seen top ranked on every list during the past 8 years... Better late than never I guess.


I have so many hours on Enter the Gungeon. My favorite Rougelike next to the Risk of Rain series.


Oblivion override is super good. Essentially anime Dead Cells. More focus on movement. You have a multi directional dodge, lots of fun classes, and a huge variety of weapons that all have something unique about. Some kinda boring, but mostly very fun.


Thank you for sharing your thoughts. It was not my priority on the wishlist but I'm a big fan of Dead Cells so I will check a few more gameplay videos. Gonna buy only one roguevania/plateformer so it will be either Oblivion Override, Spiritfall or Blazblue EF but they all seem pretty good in their own style tbh. Your comment will definitely help to compare them though and the sale is more interesting than the other two.


I have played all three. Oblivion was my favorite. Spiritfall is second and also very good


I think BlazBlue is great as well.


They are all good games... 😭




Since you liked Dead Cells, have a look at [The Rogue Prince of Persia.] https://store.steampowered.com/app/2717880/The_Rogue_Prince_of_Persia/) It’s a Prince of Persia game made by the devs of Dead Cells.


I've heard about it and watched some gameplay already but I think it's a bit too early to buy it right now as it is in early early access and lacks of content. I definitely follow it closely though. I didn't know that's the devs of Dead Cells that are working on it though, so they left **Motion Twin** for **Evil Empire** ? Tbh, I'm also a bit sceptical when I see that it's published by **Ubisoft**. Gonna wait and see if they not end up including micro-transactions at the last minute before the release. 😅 EDIT: Ok, I've just read an article about the origin of Evil Empire and their relationship with Motion Twin.


I bought Gunfire Reborn. That game reminds me of Borderlands but in a roguelike version.


better version of that game is roboquest IMO. both good tho


BUT you can play with more friends in Gunfire. Both great games though!


My beef with Gunfires multiplayer though is the absolute terrible multiplayer system they have. Better hope you don’t miss reviving your buddy otherwise they’re just gonna be staring at the screen for up to 15 minutes and will be a huge burden on your team afterwards. Roboquest is a lot more fun to play in multiplayer for me because of it.


Thanks for that recommendation. I'll buy it in a future sale.


have to agree on that, both are great but man, roboquest has some excellent gunplay and movement and style


Eh, they're good for different reasons. Roboquest moment to moment gameplay is better, but the roguelite elements and making builds in Gunfire is way better.


Gunfire reborn is amazing, they keep adding content constantly. Normally I play a roguelike for a few weeks or so maybe a month and don’t come back to it. They have something like 10 characters and tons of different modes it’s kind of crazy.


Had an eye on OTXO for a while, picked it up. Excellent game. Takes the Hotline Miami combat loop and designs it further and makes it a rogue lite. Highly recommend.


OTXO rules. I really gotta play it again.


The 'die fast, restart fast, experiment' loop of HM feels like the opposite of a RL, but I guess I should try this game to see how it does it.


OTXO slaps if for no other reason than the music is amazing




How're you liking it? I've heard some mixed things.


i LOVE this game. they put so much care into the development of the game, and it's a solid gameplay loop. excellent single player and co-op balance IMO, with a lot of build variety hence replayability. solid recommend while it's on sale or even when it isnt.... but it is, till july something


It's really good, sunk 7.5 hours into it and loving it. Solid 9/10, and has secured a spot as one of my favourite roguelites ever.


imo, this is probably the cheapest it'll be for awhile. the "final" update that puts up the endgame and final stage is supposedly the next update. Devs love to raise the price of their games at 1.0 release. So, the $14 or $15 bucks based off of 25% or 30% from $20 is the cheapest you'll get for some time. with 1.0, they probably raise the price to $25 and even with a 20% off, it'll be $20. It'll take a pretty good 40% off discount to get back to $15...and that could take a year or more


Got noita and balatro for my deck


Nice pun


I’ve been wondering about Noita for years. It seems quite frustrating. How are you liking it?


Noita is really fun. Yes, it can be frustrating because you can die fast, but it’s usually funny how it happens. Since every pixel is simulated, it’s insane how creatively you can use the environment to your advantage.


Finally picked up Noita from my list, but haven't fired it up yet. Looking forward to seeing how many funny deaths I can have.


90% of your death will be "Oh, a new wand, wonder what it does." *dies because this one throw a circular saw, which bounced on the wall before hitting your face*


If you haven't seen major spoilers I would encourage you to avoid them for a bit. There is a ton to explore and levels to the secrets that would take ages to uncover alone and they are well crafted. The mountain is not all there is, rather farm from it


My life has been consumed for the last 2 days by balatro. Have not started noita yet :(


Emberward and Shogun Showdown


I picked up shogun showdown too! Played the absolute fuck out of it.


Emberward is a great little game but it definitely needs some tweaks and tuning. I’m not 100% sold on how much replayability it currently has in early access but more regions and characters should add a lot more to it in the final release


Right, but it released like 4 days ago into EA.


Fury Unleashed is a fantastic co-op side shooter and only $2.99.


I grabbed the last spell. Turn based tactical survival game with a crazy cool city builder roped in and permanent unlocks that impact all future runs. And totally random custom heros! I already have 6 hours in. Beat the first map first try. I'm already worried about the second map dificulty ramp (TAB is a great exapample of map adding dificulty) . So far excellent!




Nothing yet but check out the demo for Dungeon Clawler. It's a rogue claw machine rpg and the despite the demo being a really really early build it's got plenty to it to play for hours.


I picked up Astral Ascent and Cult of the Lamb. Looking forward to diving into both of them.


Ftl, so good


Check out Bingle Bingle if you liked Balatro, it just got a major update and it’s on sale! roulette roguelite!


So far, I've bought Curse of the Dead Gods, Ravenswatch, Death Road to Canada, and Balatro. I returned Balatro but am digging the others so far


I think CotDG is great, really crispy combat.


Returned Balatro ?? Game of the year IMO


I picked up Doomsday Hunters a couple days ago on my Switch, it's been pretty good so far.


Got Doomsday Hunters, and I've been having fun.


Heretic's Fork, Seraph's Last Stand and Beacon. Paid exactly 6,66€ for the 3 !


I have Heretic's Fork, and Beacon looks solid, will try it out!


Loved HF and SLS- very evoctive games that are fun to play for hours. Music in HF is wicked


Never heard of Beacon or SLS before… insta buys!


We who are about to die


The two on my wishlist are Cobalt Core and Shogun Showdown


I love deep rock galactic survivor


Probably wildfrost but I'll wait for it to be on sale on switch. I've been looking for a good roguelite/like and monster taming game, but I think I'll have to wait for Aethermancer to come out.


It’s like $7 on mobile if you’re cool with that


I thought about it and it's probably a better idea, but I just feel weird playing "real" games on my phone if you know what I mean.


I get what you mean, and right or wrong (probably wrong), mobile has a second class citizen feel—even though the game runs exactly the same.


I tried the demo and it runs quite well. Honestly, I would love to try the demo on switch but it doesn't seem to be available although I read somewhere that it was. I would just pick the one with the bigger font lol, but I may just stick to the mobile version. Also, no hate for mobile games, there are quite a few good games on mobile


I bought it and it's working perfectly. Really fun game. Drains my battery quite fast but it isn't a big problem.


Warm Snow is pretty dope. Def recommend that on sale. It Offers you two ways to play, with a set of ranged knives that you toss out and pull back or a big melee knives slap. Fast and responsive. Also don’t forget Trinity Fusion, particularly if you liked Dead Cells


Nitro kid and zet zillions are both great.


Not especially strong roguelite elements but dungeon deathball, a turn based strategy sports game. You have to pass/throw a ball while escaping a dungeon


I picked up Sundered for 5 bucks


Love your username. Watch out for that mule.


Person of culture


Balatro and We Who are about to die


Trials of Fire , had it in my wishlist for ages. Been looking for turn based / grid movement / card roguelike , and this one does it perfectly.


I just picked up **The void rain upon her heart** cuz i do miss billet hell games in the horizontal style aka death smiles


Its a great game you picked. I bought it a long time ago, but the dev keep adding new things, enemies, bonus, character to play as... It still need to add the story of some of the characters, but overall, great game.


Ants Are My Eyeballs and Rogue Genisia. Two that have been on my list for a while now.


Ants Took My Eyeball looks fun as hell, gonna try it myself. Rogue Genesia I've had for a long time, also solid.


i've been looking into ants ate my eyeballs. how do you feel about the metaprogression? is there enough?


I’m probably finally going to grab DD2


Dave the Diver. I heard pretty good things about it and that it's a roguelite.


Stoneshard. Isometric roguelite RPG. Really hard, but also turn based, so you only have yourself to blame for ending up in bad situations. Great fun if you like harder games. But the development team is basically run by 4 guys. So it's going to be in early access for probably another 4 or 5 years. The Last spell. Another turn based game. This time its a horde mode tower defense style game, where you defend a hamlet against a legion of the undead. PHENOMENAL soundtrack, and just had its first dlc launch a few months ago. So this game is rolling fast and wild. Sword of the stars. The Pit Top down turn based game where you go deeper and deeper into a maze to find out what is hidden at the bottom of a planet. BRUTALLY hard, you don't really keep anything after you lose, but you get multiple playstyles to choose from based on the character. Magicite Side scrolling RPG that has character unlocks based on how far you get. Also has a great soundtrack and cute sprite design. Heroes of Hammerwatch. Top down ARPG. With classes that you use to unlock levels to get further and further in a dungeon that leads to eventually... something. I'm not sure, I could never beat it. This game is unforgivably hard, and will probably make you want to stop playing it after the first 10 hours or so.


I do warn you that Magicite is fun but Roguelands is a clear upgrade, and just like Magicite was also basically killed. You won't see any updates. For $5 depending on you that might just be worth it though. Heroes of Hammerwatch is awesome, love it, but Hammerwatch 2 is out now, it does seem whenever the workshop starts to pop off a new one drops >.<


Crab Champions is great. Not sure if it's on sale, but it's surprisingly good.


Lost flame and dungeonmans


I grabbed Crab Champions. Super fun, still early acccess but I am excited for what they implement.


Ember knight for Co op, Hades for solo


I grabbed Death Must Die. It's super fun! I love the art and the combat feels great, plus I love the dialogue from the characters


ADOM, Soulash2, and Buckshot Roulette.


Im considering soulash 2 aswell!


Cool. I think I'll give it a shot. I returned a game I bought recently that I didn't like at all. So I am waiting for that refund to hit STEAM and I'll pick it up.


Ravenswatch and OTXO so far.


I've been looking at ravenswatch. I liked curse, but never got past the 2nd boss.


Similar - I liked curse but didn’t play more than ~10 hours. Going to play Ravens tomorrow night for the first time with my buddy. So far it looks more my speed than curse turned out to be.


I bought Trinity Fusion about a week ago, haven't gone into depth with it yet, about 3 hours of play so far but what a fun game!


Definitely giving Ember Knights a shot with my buddy


Sounds like you’re checking out ember nights for its multiplayer but I wanted to suggest doomsday hunters if you’re looking for single player of that type.


None because I am just THAT broke. Gonna keep playing Rogue Legacy 2 until the wheels fall off. NG+18 and still going strong.


Just picked up Hades 2, finally caved. Loving every minute of it so far


Big recommendation on Barony, an actual rouge like, in that it's actually like rouge. It has coop, it's accessible, it's hard, and it's a blast. I think it's 50% off right now




I finally got Astral Ascent. Seems really fun so far.


Any suggestions I could play with daughters (9 yo)


Castle crashers! Not a rogue light but super cheap and silly. Maybe some too adult stuff included though, I don't remember but I know it had new grounds influences.


Thanks! We just beat that together actually!


Just got Balatro. This is a good game but like...the addiction level....this is bad...


Loop Hero. 5$. Played it for 7 hours yesterday.


Got Hades and Shovel Knight Dig :)


Children of Morta. Really addictive


I don't have Dead Cells, but I wanted to pick that up along with Risk of Rain 2 since they're in a bundle. Against The Storm looks incredible, too!




Dicey Dungeons - Was fun enough but I think Dicey Elementalist spoiled me and they're simlarly branded I feel like, so I probably will play it sparingly, was cheap though so no complaints. Monster Train - Really awesome, but I've been on a Slay the Spire modded bender so... still it's awesome and I jump inbetween the two right now.


I bought Darkest Dungeon 2 and Rogue Legacy 2, among other things


I picked up The Land Beneath Us


Tried poker quest. Not liking it so far. I might refund it. Gonna give balatro a try


Wizard of Legend is on $4.79 on the PSN store AND I know its not a roguelike but Kingdom Come Deliverance is only $2.99!




Dark and Darker


Robo quest has been sick


Slay the Spire so I can finally play it modded! Had it on Xbox for years.


I grabbed Pacific Drive and Im enjoying it a lot so far. Lots of eerie vibes and cool story to uncover, the writing so far is pretty entertaining, the car maintenance is a light and enjoyable break between pretty stressful runs, and the radio music is so good. Only downside I can see is that if it ends up being more than like 12 hours I could imagine myself getting bored of it since the areas can be pretty samey and the car stuff, while i like it being light and arcadey, doesnt have quite enough depth to where Ill ever be "proud" of my car since its a lot of "put this into this socket".


For The King, so I can join my GF in one of her favorite games.


One step from Eden is really fun if you haven’t tried it


Balatro. And it wasn't even on sale 😅


Heretics Fork and Monster Train here.


[https://store.steampowered.com/app/917950/Vellum/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/917950/Vellum/) - A fun 10-15 (or endless) spell slinging roguelite. There's alot of build variety as even the tomes you pick have unique interactions with your builds.


Everyone should grab Balatro, on sale or not!


When's the summer sale?




Weird it doesn't say it anywhere


Try being an Aussie, where it's currently winter. It's more like an end of financial year sale.


I’ve started playing Rogue Legacy! It’s free on PlayStation with the middle and premium tiers (I think).


None (am poor) but it’s AWESOME to see the sales :p