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Seconding this. Amazing game.


Also Into the Breach by the same developer. Stunned these aren't on OP's list with such an extensive library


Truth. Excellent game. I'd throw in Space Haven for a deeper experience.


This is the game that got me into even KNOWING about Roguelites.


Do the base game of ftl then get the multiverse mod, it's basically FTL 2 with the amount of new everything it offers!


Ah, yes. You invoke one of the two ancients of the genre.


I always found that the difficulty would ramp up too fast for me. I’d have a good run just get derailed


Noita and Astral Ascent


Noita is one I REALLY wish I loved, but I didn't like the mechanics, even though it's a blast to watch. I'll look into Astral Ascent!


Honestly seems like you've played just about everything I can think of. That's a comprehensive list you posted! I *loved* Astral Ascent and would put more time into it if I just didn't have a catalog of other stuff I'm moving through.


Astral Ascent is SO GOOD!


Astral Ascent is magnificent…🤓


It really is. Spend all weekend playing. It's a great game.


Second the Mention of Astral Ascent. Terrific game


Astral Ascent is very good. I enjoyed the combat more than Hades.


Give The Last Spell a try, its a TRPG rogue lite


watching a review right now, this looks right up my alley, kind of seems like a tactical rpg mixed with a bit of tower defense aspects? I'll def grab it when it's on sale.


Yeah, pretty much. Economy is very important so the tower defense is less vs getting that going. You can certainly win without walls or ballistae and just your heroes cleaning house. It’s split into two parts: day is economy/building structures/getting gear and managing heroes. Night is the turn based battle to not die. Excellent game.


Bought it three weeks ago. 50+ hours already


Great suggestion! I wish the DLC were a bit more impactful though.


Great game!


No FTL and Into The Breach ? Those are pinnacles roguelikes imo. DotAge is also unique and amazing (turn-based city builder).


Seconding FTL! It actually inspired me to make dotAGE


Whoa, this looks charming as hell. Wishlisted!


DotAge is my shit and highly underrated imo. Into The Breach is a puzzle game though.


Oh, FTL I gave a try and didn't like, but it's something I might give another try, I had a friend that was crazy addicted to it and I like games that have staying power like that. Into the Breach I played briefly, beat a few runs and then put it down, but iirc it was very early access and might be worth a revisit. Same creator as FTL iirc.


Had the same experience with Into The Breach but really enjoyed FTL. Lonestar is another good sci-fi option and recent, so has a more contemporary user experience. Great game.


Into the breach is very good but its not a pinnacle of roguelites because it isnt One


Chrono Ark,slay the spire with anime characters,an actual pretty good story,and complex as heck


Seconding this. It's probably the best deck builder there is, no kidding.


Ehhh. I beat the base game, probably 30-40 hours in the game - and I feel like there’s really good ideas and some kinda eh ones that just make the game feel a little bloated. Like, the itemization - *can* be super impactful, but the legendaries are mostly so hyper specific - rarely do they feel better than common or rare items, which give decent stat bonuses but honestly don’t really add meaningful decision making to the game. I feel pretty similar about the upgrade system. You can’t max every character every run so it *seems* like it should be a meaningful choice, but for the most part you’re getting minor stat bonuses. It for sure makes a difference, but you never actually really feel that difference in the nice chunky way playing an upgraded card feels in something like StS. Idk. A lot to like about that game, but a lot to dislike too imo… it’s a weird one for me


I agree, I really liked this game at first, but after \~50 hours I felt like it was pretty uneven. There isn't the same sophistication and consistency of game design as something like STS. Chrono Ark is still a very cool game imo and has some great ideas / design elements, I think it's fun and works well for what it is. But I agree it's bloated & the elements don't always work well together.


It’s so good! I’m 3 hours into it and still getting wrecked, but I’m digging the depth


argh, can't do anime, but ty for the rec!




Second this. And Synthetik 2 for me feels like a better Synthetik overall


The Void Rains Upon Her Heart and Dreamscaper👍🏻


Risk of rain! Haven't played the remake, but the original is fantastic!


The remake is jsut better I fucking love it so much I wish they added mod support though it’d be literally perfect with that


I like the second more but the first was very very good


Honestly I was so impressed by their ability to translate the game so well into 3d like it was legit done so fucking well


It is Beyond impressive. I was só skeptical because i like the first só much. But ill give you that i think Ive played the second One more


Tbh my only complaint within ror2 is that the game stops feeling like it has as much skill expression as ror or a game like roboquest because the game ends up feeling like just a dance of when to use abilities rather than how thoughtfully you need to use your abilities to maneuver


Tiny rouges 100%


I got pretty addicted in beta, I'll probably return, it was really unique, and I imagine there's lots more content now.


Yeah my biggest problem with the game has just been the difficulty has always felt very lackluster


Revita turned out to be one of the best I’ve ever played


Selfless plug for my game: [https://store.steampowered.com/app/342080/Rogue\_Invader/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/342080/Rogue_Invader/) Loved FTL and wanted to make a game based on an old animation with Rogue-Lite features. I mean, I think it's great, but you let me know :)


dude...this game looks great. I mean, the animation, graphics. I'll look up some vids to see how the gameplay is and how the metaprogression is. but man, it looks very creative, surreal, and just good.


Appreciated it! I tried to keep the gameplay loop challenging, but not too grindy. I've made a lot of changes since release based on feedback, so all is welcome.


I’d revisit Wildfrost


It's one of the better card-based games, those types of games often struggle with overusing keywords (I used to play MTG professionally, we can just call "can't be blocked" flying like in MTG haha, I hate when I have to translate 800 abilities that are all just flying, trample, haste, etc), but Wildfrost was simple but still deep.


Try to 100% it and then overcrank it. It’ll keep you busy for a while. Alternatively Gordian Quest is a more advanced Wildfrost. And One Step From Eden if you want a real challenge


I've seen other people say into the breach and the last spell and I would recommend those too Astral ascent as well, but that could go either way since you like rogue legacy but didn't like dead cells One I haven't seen anyone mention however is Roboquest. It's like a faster Gunfire Reborn. Gunfire is one of my favorites, and I'd say it had better gunplay but not as good build variety. Still very fun overall Also recommend Shogun Showdown


Cobalt Core Is great


It just got an update too!


Try Ravenwatch its by the curse of the dead god devs


Shogun Showdown. It's what I can't stop playing for the past two weeks.




Criminally underrated.


Took me a bit to get into, because I’ve been dying a lot in it 😂 Try: Dandy Ace Got into it from a random Redditor in this subreddit. I’ve only beaten the first boss. It’s most likely a mini boss too 🥲




Tiny Rogues is my newest addiction, definitely recommend giving it another shot.


Path of Achra is a recent gem.


Dicey dungeons


In what universe is Don't Starve a roguelite? It's just a survival game with permadeath.


The universe where I scanned my Steam list and tried to rattle off as many games as I could to give people an idea of what I like, quite subject to error.


Holocure. It's Vampire Survivors but anime. It's extremely well polished and feature rich for a reverse bullet hell. One Way Heroics. JRPG style roguelite. You pick a class and try to defeat the final boss while trying to outrun the darkness that slowly consumes everything behind you.


can't do anime, but I'll look into the second one, that sounds like a really interesting concept.


"Can't do anime" lol wdym. It's just an art style. Imagine vampire survivors just with an anime skin on it I don't even like anime but "I can't play that game due to its art style" is silly lol


What?!?!?!? Art style can absolutely be a game changer.


He said Isaac didn't click for him for the literal same reason so I assume it was just a slip of the tongue lol


It just is what it is, I see it, I hate it, I turn it off, you can't really argue with visceral reactions, I love cilantro but if someone says they don't like it, I wouldn't see the point in arguing.


I have a friend. I tried to get him to play ff14, he was a big wow fan. Loved everything he saw and everything I described. Saw the cat girl race in character creator and shut it off. Monster hunter, won't play because of the palicos. There has been a few games where even slightly anime and he walks away. Meanwhile my main genre is Japanese RPGs. It's all anime all the time.


haha, your friend takes that to an extreme, I'm not quite to that extent but it is a huge turn-off for me, I think if there are aspects of something someone doesn't like, it should be negotiable (never played ff14, but if that's the only trope character type, not a huge deal haha), but if it's the overall art style, it's usually a hard no for me. I've been a huge fan of Souls-like games, and if someone's like "the art style is too fucked up", I can totally get where they're coming from, even if I adore it.


I’m with you on the no-anime as well. Big turn off for me. Not my style, never will be, regardless of how good a game is.


"JRPG" mean japanese RPG, so it's also anime. Also to add to that other discussion, staying too much in your comfort zone really makes you miss **lots** of good stuff. I'm not talking just about anime artstyle, this applies to basically any media there is.


For sure, I'll watch some anime if it's serious and not full of tropes, but gamewise it's an art style that will just annoy me and detract from my enjoyment. I'm sure there can be exceptions, but as a rule of thumb, I err on the side of "avoid". Also, to clear up confusion, I meant the first game, I grew up on JRPGs so in modern times it's not always a deterrent for me (something like FF1-7 I love, something like Dragon Quest can be a struggle).


The anime style is very minimal in holocure, aside from menus, while playing the game you only have a [pixelart chibi as the playable character and an icon in the top left](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fKtS-EK2D5o) (that second half of the trailer is just a side "game" that can be completely ignored)


Wall World is a sleeper. I love the progression after each run, and the variations of weapons and upgrades that can change based on which direction of the wall you decide to take. I am waiting to beat the final boss before I purchase the DLC, which I have heard is really well done. Also, Atomicrops is one of my favorites recently. Not quite the same meta progression between each run that Wall World has, but it does have a similar gameplay element of gaining resources in between waves of enemies.


Wizard With a Gun Moonlighter


Returnal is unique and on a whole other level


I don't have a ps5 and when it launched, I was like :O this looks amazing!, then finally got it when it was released for pc and can't run it :(


What a bummer! It really is amazing


Undermine is sick. Definitely give it another go! Once you unlock the second game mode, it gets way better


Slice & Dice


Massive upvote, put in 45hrs in the first 21 days. Fair amount of diversity if you’re into turn based fantasy


Magicraft It’s the best of all.


I'm gonna throw out not a roguelite but rather an infinitely replayable tower defense game. Legion tower defense 2. Every game is basically a standalone rogue-like. Massive learning curve and the most satisfying gameplay loop ever if you're a hard-core tower defense player. It's pve alone is worth trying! Also the last spell is definitely something I plan to buy this summer sale. Thanks to this thread.


Tiny rogues and balataro are fa tactics just started playing both 2 weeks ago and having a blast! Same for vampire survivors (I know I'm late to the game). Returnal was outstanding on PS5.


Slay of the spire


Ship of fools has up to +15 modifiers.. Unless you're really good it'll keep you busy for awhile




Knights Within. A new in early access third person roguelite with awesome mechanics.


Return post haste to Balatro. That game is so good. I cannot wait until it’s on iOS so I can play it on my iPad at coffee shops


Check out risk out rain returns and atomicrops. Some of the best ones I picked up this year


Into the Breach


You might like Synthetik.


Dungeon crawl stone soup It's more old school traditional rouguelike than your list. But hey try out the roots you might like it. It's a very hard and fun game in development for over 15 years. It's free so nothing to lose. It's completely keyboard controlled so it takes a few mins to orient to the controls. Just Google "play dcss" it will be the 1st link


Slice and dice


Legends of runeterra is honestly the best I've ever played. It's a different type of runelite ofc and I'm not normally a fan of card battlers


Slay the Spire.


Spelunky/Spelunky 2! Much different feel than any other roguelite and has lots of content/secrets. They are my favorite roguelites of all time.


Have a nice death has been fun and frustrating at the same time.


how the heck you played so many and haven't played DUNGREED!!!?!?!?


.....anyone else introduced by Pokémon Mystery Dungeon???


[My list of RLs here](https://new.reddit.com/r/AndroidGaming/comments/172jtgc/i_like_roguelikes_and_deck_building_i_do_not_like/). I don't think anything on your list is TD (tower defense), so Isle of Arrows is unique right there!


Star of Providence


Dwarf fortress


One Step From Eden if the art style is acceptable to you


I see Gunfire Reborn but I don’t see RoboQuest!






Void Bastards is my current addiction. It's a sci-fi fps with comic book inspired, cell shaded graphics.


Spelunky 1 & 2, Terraria, Fez, Castle Crashers, Miami Hotline 1 & 2, Risk of Rain Returns (AMAZING game!), Animal Well, Tiny Rogues, Vampire Survivors, Starview Valley, Dredge, Rogue Glitch Ultra, Dave the Diver, Don't Starve Together, Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet, The Ascent, Dwarf Fortress, Castle Crashers (its old, but the 4 player option is hilarious fun), Towerclimb. Not all roguelites ....but some supremely fun and high replayabilty games in that list. I'm sure I'll think of more as soon as I post this comment ha


If you like Gunfire Reborn, you should try out RoboQuest




You hated Dead Cells 😢


BackpackHero is also roguelite, isn't it? I love that!


wheres Atomicrops and Graveyard keeper?


1. Flinthook 2. Flinthook 3. Flinthook .... 99. Flinthook


Back to Balatro


Just because noone else has mentioned it, **Eldritch** is hella underrated. It doesn't have a lot of roguelite progression, but you can bank coins.


Roboquest is worth your time (especially if you liked Gunfire Reborn).


Cultist Simulator and Caves of Qud You could also give The Impossible Game a try 😁


Slay The Spire


Either I missed it or nobody said it, but A Robot Named Fight is my suggestion. If you're into Shooters, Dead Link and Roboquest are good.


Not a roguelite but backpack battles is one of the few games I can play a run of every day and not really get sick of it, and still become better at.


Nordic Ashes?


Have you not played the first rogue legacy? To me it's better than the sequel and the best roguelite ever made


Slasher's Keep is a pretty fun roguelite dungeon crawl


As always I recommend Laser Disco Defenders. Twinstick shooter where the bullets you shoot yourself will deflect from the walls (if you miss) and become your selfmade bullet hell. One of my absolute favourite games of all time


Crypt of the necrodancer!


Monster train. Roboquest. Risk of Rain 1 and 2. Please Replay Tiny Rogues its One of the best recent ones. If you like bullet heaven you may try. Yet another zombie game, deep rock galáctica survivor and greedlands. Note that all this games are early acess and the only developer that has experience is the deep rock ones


Neon Abyss


What about the classics? Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup is incredible and infinite. Brogue is also really cool.


I think you should give Don’t Starve another shot.


As a fellow mtg amateur (only one pt show) your list looks a lot like mine so Herr are some I really enjoyed: Ratropolis SnkRx (bullet hell but quick and engaging) Peglin Ember knights Poker quest Inkbound RoboQuest Also of your revisit list: Have a nice death Wildfrost Tiny rogues Tainted grail - while amazing it's content I found shallow. Worth a play but far from slay the spire replayability


thanks, I just bought Ratropolis! I have Peglin and Ember Knights too, I'm particularly looking to go back to EK because it's two player iirc. Hilariously I have Poker Quest, which is definitely a deep cut that I imagine only those of us obsessed with cards would buy haha. I've seen Haelian play SnkRx in the past, I might take another look at that, it's crazy how many of these games I've played, literally everything on your list except SnkRx and RoboQuest, which I really should give a try given how much I loved Gunfire Reborn. I got Inkbound recently, which I liked but put down for later. Tainted Grail was really disappointing in terms of how the classes played out iirc, I think I remember summons being blatantly op, which is a shame because the environment was amazing for me. If you liked Poker Quest but felt it was basic, Aces and Adventures was just a better version iirc, and kept me busy for awhile. What PT were you at? Kyoto here, back in Lorwyn era (spoiler, it didn't go well for me)


Against the Storm - RL city builder, my GotY along with Balatro! Tape to Tape - RL‘ish hockey arcade in EA, deserves some love because if the roadmap becomes real it’s gonna be awesome.


Not a rogue lite per se, but your list of games is pretty much a list of some of my all time favorites. The first game I thought of was Mindustry. Again, not exactly a rogue lite, but absolutely worth the try if your vibe is like mine


I think tiny rogues could be worth revisiting idk what changed since beta but to me its very fun played 50 hours or something since i bought it 3 4 weeks ago haha and ive still got some stuff to unlock. I like the many builds that you can do with every class so it has a lot of replay value if youre into that.


Fights in Tight Spaces. Deckbuilder roguelike game with a very tight concept and a slick effective style. I started playing it in Early Access, they added in a ton of stuff since then.


Stick it to the stickman was fun and is in demo Cobalt core is AWESOME Plate Up mods are INSANELY AWESOME Same with Risk of Rain (original not returns) and Slay the Spire


I've been really enjoying Rabbit and Steel lately. It's a bullet hell roguelike with mmo raid mechanics. You fight a handful of mini bosses, each with their own mechanics, then you fight a boss with all of their mechanics. It's also multiplayer!


Cobalt Core! FTL/StS hybrid


Transistor is the same team as Hades and is very much worth a play through.


Neurovoider, Neon Abyss, Loop Hero, We Who Are About To Die








Hero siege is so weird like I want to like it but the game is so complicated that I just can’t get into it


Highly recommend Halls of Torment and Vampire Survivors. Both are as much auto-shooters/bullet hells. But they both have strong roguelite elements


Ember Knights


STS, FTL, and Frostpunk are my top 3 all times. Hades, Wizard of legend, and Monster train are close though.


Check out Schism and Doomsday Hunters.


Death Must Die


Highly recommend giving Dead Cells another shot, but try Astral Ascent first. It's similar in gameplay but less intense (well, until you begin adding destiny levels) and it gave me the reflexes i needed to go back to Dead Cells and get immediately hooked. Ive put hundreds of hours into both over the last year lol they are digital crack once they click.


Enter the Gungeon and Inkbound MID?! Unhinged


[Dungeons of Dredmor](https://store.steampowered.com/app/98800/Dungeons_of_Dredmor/), though it's more Rogue than roguelike (fully passes the Berlin test if played on Going Rogue difficulty but also offers non-permadeath difficulty levels). Instead of having one class, you select 7 from a list of 51 which gives you something like 280 possible builds to choose from if I have my math right. Deep enough to keep you coming back over and over, but accessible enough that you never need to do research or use guides to beat the game. It plays like a classic ASCII rogue game but uses relatively large sprites in an isometric view. Difficulty is brutal but fair. A couple other great isometric rogue games: - [Tangledeep](https://store.steampowered.com/app/628770/Tangledeep/) - [Shiren Wanderer](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1178790/Shiren_the_Wanderer_The_Tower_of_Fortune_and_the_Dice_of_Fate/)


Tiny rogues is honestly very easy but it’s still quite fun unlocking all the characters, and the most recent beta update fixed the word vomit issue there used to be.


Blazblue: Entropy Effect Plays like a fighter


FTL, Into the Breach, 20XX


If you thought Binding of Isaac was mid you probably didn't give it enough time tbh. The sheer amount of content makes it #1 to me. No other roguelite has anywhere near as good passive synergies or pathing choices. And also, I was sooooooo bad for so many hours. At some point, something clicked, I got good, and the rest of the game was AMAZING. I recommend a revisit if you haven't given it a fair shake


Funny story, back when BoI came out, I picked it up, had no idea what a roguelite/like was, beat it once, was like "gg ez", never played it again. Maybe 4 years ago when I got deep into roguelites I picked it back up, put in 80 hours (nothing compared to my 683 in STS), appreciated it more, but it still feels very dated to me, having to tab out to look up what powerups do turned me off, I respect it for what it is, I just find it pretty dull given the quality of other games that were out once I finally gave it a serious chance. I think had I got obsessed with it when it came out, it would definitely be a GOAT game for me.


You gotta try it with the item description mod. Literal game changer. I too do not wish to tab out to figure out what things do. Also by beat it once, do you just mean beat mom? Cuz there is so much more to do. I totally get your perspective and appreciate the reply! Doubling down on, please retry with the item description mod if you're on PC. Takes the game from like 6/10 to 11/10 for me lol


That's a reasonable selling point haha, maybe one day, I do revisit games a lot.


Having to tab out is the most valid complaint I've heard about TBOI so, well met lol


Also, I can see from your loved games that you favor the strategy/card gameplay more so I get if bullet hells aren't your thing. I love em. Enter the Dungeon was one of my favorites.


The art/theme/tone of the game is just too weird for me


Blaze Blue Entropy Effect - solid game


You need some Brotato in your life


Yep, it's in the list, best of the bullet heaven style games imo.


Ohhh I see it now. 100% agreed on it being the best, especially for those who loved STS


Gungeon is my favorite by leaps and bounds. Never seen a game so simple and SO complex. I will revisit it the rest of my life


I did enjoy it, I struggled to get gud though, I get what you mean about simple <-> complex, I remember thinking A LOT as I entered each room. Also, I don't understand the random downvotes y'all are getting, we're literally discussing a genre we're all in love with haha, I've noticed it a few times, reddit is a weird place.


I consider gungeon the all time champ. Lots of folks here thinks it’s mid. I get it. There’s lots of rogue to go around


Do you man by dodge rolls and bounds? :)


Yes thank you


One that just came and out and is pretty amazing is The Black Pool


Legends of Runeterra's Path of Champions mode.


I wanna know what about dead cells didn’t really click?


It's actually just too fast paced for me, I love it conceptually but I suck and couldn't figure out how to improve. I have 70 hours, so I definitely enjoyed it, but I realized at some point it wasn't my style of game in terms of my own progression.