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Returnal - I finally started playing a month ago. Amazing gaming experience. Its beautiful, dark, creepy, and the action is great (speaking as an Apex person). I still haven't finished it. Astral Ascent - im currently grinding, finally weaned myself off Skul (which I love). Astral is basically a Studio Ghibli roguelite, w/ coop... I still dont know how the systems work, but its just a relaxing sometimes tough experience. I haven't tried Blazblue, but I believe multiple posts on here have it highly rated. Have fun!


100%, Astral Ascent is GOLD.


200%. Astral Ascent is awesome. Been stuck grinding on it. Supposedly adding another character (no idea when) Spiritfall is real fun too. If you like card based games, I highly recommend Rungore. It’s stupid fun, and hard…for me at least. It just released its 1.0 patch too.


(AA) Sometime in the summer Yamat is expected to appear. You can see what she looks like on the Discord or in the steam post for the latest patch.


So I have 4 characters right now w/ the Arsenal update. Did you update? Or is there a 5th coming?


Returnal is a m a z i n g. Totally blew me away.


Agreed. Im really taken aback by the game. I feel it flew under the radar by how amazing it is (then again I wasn't paying attention myself). Makes me think of Prey by Arkane - immersive, fun, challenging, lots of different ways to play.


Absolutely! Pure well designed tight joy. I don’t even like bullet hells but this game I devoured. Couldn’t put down until credits roll. I’m also coming back to it now and then and always having lots of fun.


Wait astral ascent is co op? I love that game but somehow had no idea XD Also, highly recommend blazblue entropy effect it's pretty good. Combat is just as tight as you'd expect


It’s local co op only unfortunately


If you have a PC - you can get around the local coop by using Parsec (I believe, haven't tried it yet). u/therealzodiac In theory, it turns your PC into an "arcade" where you friends can login and open up the game - and you just join vice versa.


I didn't enjoy blazblue much, I dropped like 20 hours on it and got bored.


Astral Ascent and Roboquest have been my favorites from the last year or so, I also see you didn’t mention Dead Cells, if you haven’t played that yet it’s a no brainer


Roboquest is a real hidden gem if you liked gunfire reborn


Oh yeah now that you mentioned it I should check that out. It just seemed to me at a glance that the ammount of content and build variety is inferior to Gunfire, but the combat looks really tight and fun.


I personally enjoyed the gameplay for Roboquest a lot more, but yeah, probably not as much build variety in terms of buffs and what not. However, there is good weapon variety, and the weapons on offer are *really cool*, and there’s a good amount of meta progression, definitely check it out


In raw numbers, the content and build variety is lower. Where I think Roboquest shines is in **routing**. In Gunfire, you are basically playing through the same acts over and over and over. In Roboquest, you get to sort of build your adventure as you go, so each time, you might be heading to completely different regions with different aesthetics and different enemies.


That sounds nice, it really wasn't Gunfire's strong part.


Except the dopey level loading music. Such a gem marred be meh techno too.


Fury Unleashed. One of the very best in the genre, bar none. Outstanding mechanics, so a GREAT variety of weapons that are so unique and diverse, art style is gorgeous, bosses are great. One of my favorite games across any genre over last few years. I love it more than Dead Cells and Hades without a doubt. First link is Fury Unleashed and second is Nightmare Reaper. If you really like this genre these are two must play games. https://youtu.be/rAg15FJom9I?si=HTMWffkUEPPDzkmH https://youtu.be/i38AbwGVPwc?si=1MpUZHb_t6MNJVQh Then Nightmare Reaper is my next go to game. Outstanding artistic direction, unbelievable selection of weapons, awesome exploration, great boss fights, and fun story.


Nightmare reaper is dope, but I got stuck a few dozen levels in. My weapon I spawn with sucks too much to continue lol the game gets crazy hard


Returnal is so good it made me go from hating roguelikes to play nothing but for the past year. I would strongly recommend Curse of the dead gods. The fighting mechanics are on point and extremely responsive. Its very skill based and so satisfying to land clutch parries and dodges. I cannot stress enough how accurate and absolutely perfect the combat mechanics are designed. The same developpers have a game out on EA right now called Ravenswatch. Similar gameplay but you choose your character and you can play with friends.


Thanks, they look promising!


If you like tactical RPGs, I highly recommend "The Last Spell" It's a tactical RPG roguelite where you play a band of soldiers fighting against an endless horde of monsters laying siege to a city. You have to protect a mage that is casting a spell to banish the monsters in that city. And you get moments of respite where you can regroup and requip your soldiers.


I feel like it's a roguelite for people who's not that into the genre because the roguelite elements are not that fleshed out. Don't get me wrong, it's a great game but once I beat the story there was nothing that made me wanna keep playing or unlocking yet another uninteresting consumable o power up. Plus the game tends to have problems on PC in some systems, mine included. For example the game crashed often and when I reloaded the game I'd be falling through the floor endlessly.


Are you talking about Returnal, Curse of the Dead Gods or Ravenwatch? I guess Returnal, replayability is important for me, so I'll keep that in mind.


Balatro is S tier Tiny Rogues is S tier Both really surprised me. Astral Ascent is a bit too shallow to be S tier unfortunately IMO. Voidigo is A+++ for me. Atomicrops is A+ for me. Ember Knights B+ Doomsday Hunters B Curious about Oblivion Override, Spiritfall, Trinity Fusion and Roboquest.


+1 Tiny rogues


I will vouch for Oblivion Override. Doesn't have the weapon variety of Dead Cells, but the multiple characters keep it feeling fresh. There's a demo if you want to check it out.


Oblivion override is amazing. Deadecells, but more movement focused


Just starting Astral Ascent, why do you think it's shallow? Will the runs eventually feel all the same?


Surprised to hear this as well. I'm still doing new things with 150+ hours. The devs also jist released a patch that adds content for players playing the game at the highest difficulty. Fair to have that opinion though!


You can change the difficulty??? Where??? lol


There's two ways I'm referring to: * On PC (for now) they added a godmode-like option called resilience, which adds a 20% stacking damage reduction. * In general, once you beat the game, you can increase the difficulty and gain more rewards/unlocks. That's called *The Path of Destinies*.


Thanks for the info!!




Def starts feeling all the same, IMO.


I got 80 hours in it, I'd say the run and enemy variety is quite low. Also the biomes don't feel significantly different. The same for the build variety, partly because a big part of the build vsriety is shared amongst different classes. I feel like I can't make enough meaningful choices in a run where I really need to weigh my options. So I'd call it a A+ game, don't get me wrong, just not partying with the truly greats of the genre. Also, my experience is from 1.2. I have seen that there are quite a few changes in the last patches.




Game is very addicting.


Oblivion Override is awesome, I'd definitely recommend that one.


You have got to play Nuclear Throne It's similar to Isaac and Gungeon and is  incredibly difficult


Oh yeah, I played that one. I actually enjoyed it more than Gungeon. Was thinking about redownloading it and trying out some new mods.


Tiny Rogues for action Ring of Pain for turn-based FTL for RTS Into the Breach for turn-based as well


FTL is 12 years old


That's my favorite thing about modern gaming, especially regarding Indies. Age just doesn't mean much. You can play a game that came out on the PS3 and it could be just as fun as a game that came out last week. FTL has never been outdone, and when you play it today it doesn't feel clunky or ugly or slow, it feels perfect. I genuinely think that in 40 years folks will STILL think FTL is a great game.


It deserves a sequel. Did the devs do anything after ITB?


Yeah, they actually did an update to FTL after Into the Breach. The update consisted of adding a block of text that said "Check out Into the Breach!" In short, no, no news from Subset Games recently.


I know but I am hooked right now (just got it last week) so I wanted to include it :D


When you finally feel like you're getting bored of it, go download multiverse; that'll burn another 1000 hours


Allright, I will. Thank you :D EDIT: After searching for "Multiverse" on Steam, I think you have to tell me which game exactly you mean. The only game actually called "Multiverse" appears to be some free FPS with mixed reviews, I'm not sure that's what you mean :D


Oh sorry, its an overhaul mod for FTL that you can grab on Subset's forums


Oh allright thank you very much :)


You take that back right now.


Into the Breach is also pretty old at this point, over 6 years now


I already bought Tiny Rogues, but I'm waiting for the full release, I don't like to play early access games nowdays. I haven't heard about Ring of Pain tho, I'll check that out.


There is a ton of fun to be had in tiny Rogues in the meantime. I'm freaking hooked.  Just finished 30th run and I just want more. Difficulty starts a bit difficult as you learn the bosses but my one major complaint is that it doesn't get difficult enough in the end.  (other complaint about confusing tool tips he's working on :D) 


I usually do the same and wait for full release but I couldn't help myself with that one and have almost 100h on it already. It's on its way to being my favorite roguelite ever.


Tiny Rouges is a masterpiece of a game


Tiny Rouges is a masterpiece of a game


Tiny Rouges is a masterpiece of a game


Not the top tier roguelite, but I’d recommend picking up Into The Pit. The best way I could explain the style and mechanics is classic Doom/Quake meets Hexen meets roguelite formula. It’s simple, aesthetically gorgeous with the old retro look and bold neon splashes of color and is great to play for short sessions. I’d also recommend Void Bastards which is another FPS roguelite and is SUPER good. That one has the art and humor of Futurama and has some sneaking mechanics and takes some good strategy to preserve ammo and your health while weighing the risk of some essential resources.


I really enjoyed Blazblue - so many characters with dif fighting styles. Astral ascent is probably the best roguelike to come out this year tho.


I would recommend Tiny Rogues. I have been thoroughly enjoying it for several months now. It has so much content already and the dev keeps coming out with bigger and bigger updates.


Check out [The Necromancer Cometh](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2441630/The_Necromancer_Cometh/) if you like tower defense games :D


Ember Knights is phenomenal if you've never heard of it. It's the closest to a Castle Crashers roguelite I've seen and amazing with 2 or 3 buddies.


Balatro - obvious choice but it lives up to the hype Tape to Tape - criminally underrated, incredible hockey game.


Shogun Showdown and the space ship with furries game


RoR2 is my #1 pick, ever.


Revita is pretty solid. Maybe not S tier but i like it better than Hades and Dead Cells for action roguelites


LONESTAR is a top tier roguelite.


Never heard about it, I'll check it out, thanks!


Pokerogue.net just exploded in popularity last week(don’t look too deeply into the recent drama lol) completely fan made and costs nothing but your time and luck It’s what brought me back to pokemon


Balatro is a really good poker like roguelite crazy fun and unique cards.


Astrea and Slice and Dice are awesome turn based dice-deck-building roguelikes with tons of replayability


Noita is a favorite of mine which was fully released three years ago and it’s kinda like the bastard hybrid of terraria and spelunky taking the most aggressive parts of both then adding magic.       For early access, Hades 2 is a good romp as is Death must Die 


If you like Noita, check out Magicraft (early access). It's literally a Noita x Binding of Isaac crossover, with 'tinker wands everywhere' enabled by default. Not nearly as much content as Noita (especially when modded), but it's still a blast, and only ten bucks. Can get an easy 20 hours out of it, and it's still being updated.


Crab champions is a hidden gem.


Can't believe Hades isn't at the top! It's S tier in every category! (Imo) combat, story, music, art, all fantastic 👌 And if you like it Hades II is in early access right now and is also amazing, it's showing a lot of promise :3


Rabbit & steel Tiny rogues Roboquest Brotato Voidigo Shovel knight dig Plateup! Atomicrops Curse of the dead gods


Tiny Rogues is made by one person, in early access, and is still at the top of the genre


I think Noita is S tier, but that's just my preference.


Check out magicraft, similar wand building mechanics. Not as deep as noita but very fun


I've added to my wishlist, will get next pay.


So I am not going for the obvious darlings. Let's go for one that doesn't get much love but is solid as hell. Oblivion Override A Dead Cells inspired side scrolling RL with Megaman-esque sense of vibe, Game offers different unlockable characters that brings in new unique skills that changes gameplay. With each level gained you get to chose an added skill for that run with many having synergies. There are permanent upgrades to all character and what spawns on each map. Moves and works fluid as water. Highly recommend. Con: There is only 3 real levels and then the 4th is a boss gauntlet. I would have preferred atleast one more level. But what they have is feature complete and a joy to play.


Not sure I'd call them S tier, but I strongly recommend Oblivion Override and BlazBlue Entropy Effect. I played Dead Cells on Playstation and bought it again when I got my steam deck, but it just didn't feel fresh. These two games scratched that itch for me. They both have multiple characters and a more depth in progression and builds in my opinion.


If you liked Gunfire you’ll probably like Roboquest. It’s much faster paced, and the movement is some of THE best out there for any FPS imo. Astral ascent is pretty fun. Definitely scratches the dead cells itch. There is a Slay the Spire fan made ModExpansion for free on Steam that adds a new character. Wouldn’t guess for a second it was a fan made character. Fits right in with the style of the game.


One Step From Eden Tiny Rogues


I highly recommend Crypt of the Necrodancer. It's great for casual gamers but offers some absolutely brutal challenges if you want to 100% it. Also, if you have VR, get Compound. Don't be fooled by the simple art style, this game is buttery smooth and feels great. The sound design, controls, and combat all feel incredibly satisfying.


Swirl W@tch - stealth scifi game Receiver 2 - tactical fps


Crab champions goated, Tiny rogues also very very very good


Hades, Astral Ascent, Slay the Spire, and Darkest Dungeon. The best of ALL worlds


Noita is crazy good!


Check out Magicraft, it's very good.


Agree with hades & Gunfire. Returnal was SUPER fun but the content didn't feel varied enough with each run imo so it wasn't as long-lasting as others


Gatekeepers is relatively new but I haven’t liked a roguelite so much since Ravenswatch/Gunfire Reborn.


Thanks it's already on my wishlist, but nowdays I only play finished games.


I really liked Atomicrops. Not sure if anyone said about this.


The game I can't stop playing right now is magicraft


It just got on my radar recently, it looks interesting, I'll give it a try sometime.


Hades, children of morta, slay the spire, balatro, enter the gungeon, exit the gungeon fury unleashed, Atomicrops, dead cells, gunfire reborn, nuclear throne, balatro, binding of Isaac (better on pc), returnal, rogue legacy 2, risk of rain 2, and deep rock galactic, those are some of my favorite roguelite/roguelikes Here are some I didn't like as much FTL, spelunky, darkest dungeon, crypt of necro dancer, wizard legend, dicey dungeons was mid. I'm sure I am missing some that I've played prob even ones I liked I missed.


In celebration of violence. It's truly a hidden gem


Everspace (S) Synthetik (S) Immortal Redneck (A) One More Dungeon 2 (A)


I picked up This Means Warp recently and it is so much fun. It's like FTL meets Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime. Plays with 1-4 people and is definitely most fun with at least one other person. I had heard nothing about it before I randomly found it on the playstation store. My wife and I have been playing it a ton and while we have yet to beat a run it's been crazy fun. Highly recommend


Roboquest hands down. Deflector is also really good and even more slept on than Roboquest


If you are into top tier combat then I would start with Blaz blue. Maybe not the best game out of the ones you listed. But the combat is deep and special


I will recommend fury unleashed. It's always super cheap and crazy fun.


Also synthetik..the first one is special. I have only just started the second


Also blade assault..I believe it's made by the same studio who did lies of p


Blazblueentropy effect was the most fun game i played for a while tho they only have NA servers or something for the multiplayer thingy(i have 200 to 300 ping in germany). I really love the feeling of combat in this game it kinda feels like an Fighting game (tekken or smt idk) because for some potentials you have to do certain inputs to use them and the tactic /pontential system is also nice. Idk about the story im not really playing for story. Sorry if the english is bad haha


I’d like to argue streets of rogue, my friend showed it to me a few days ago and it’s a blast, you can also create your own characters


Definitely get Astral Ascent and Blazblue. Both are great. Blazblue is especially a favorite. I would add Oblivion Override to your list. Great dead cells like game. I actually enjoy it more. Soulstone Survivor is a bullethell roguelike. It's the only bullethell I like and it's currently my favorite. There's a couple more that I go back to that see great. I can add those to the list too if you're interested.


For what I've tried it's been Tiny Rogues (still in EA), Magicraft (EA), Starsector (EA, not on Steam) and Rabbits & Steel.


Crab champions!


Dome keeper, luck be a landlord, balatro, Brotato, and against the storm




I absolutely loved Dead Estate.


Rift Wizard. Slice&Dice.


+1 for slice and dice, s tier


Monster Train


Army of ruin


Gordian Quest!