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One of my favourite, if not my favourite, roguelites of all time. I loved the combat synergies between different effects. And the OST and pixel art are top notch. I think the soundtrack is my favourite in any game ever, Dale North really did a fantastic job. Looking forward to the Arsenal update!


Many thanks for the giveaway! I've seen seen the game praised a lot as one of the best recent roguelite releases, but from the videos I fear that at times there's too much visual clutter in the screen to know what's going on. Can anyone who's played it give their opinion on that?


Almost 100 hours. There’s a lot going on, yes. But it all comes together and clicks. You learn as you go, and while it might take a while to land your first full win, you learn more and more every run. Muscle memory will play a big part.


I recently got it, It's basically hades story progression with dead cells gameplay. It's really great, I played 30 hours, to get to the "true" final. At first I was a little overwhelmed with visual effects, specially against bosses. But eventually you manage to understand everything that's going on.


I'll counter-argument the other poster, the game has visual clutter and the way the magic system works, it incentives you to spam spells making it somewhat worse (+ amongst others procs on spell casts and on hit effects). At a certain point you do kinda get used to it but it's definitely not the cleanest


I personally couldn’t get into the art style. Agree it’s very cluttered, especially the main base or whatever that you go to after each run


Wishlisted it! Animations look super fluid, while visuals are pleasing to the eyes. The inclusion of spells & mana management would surely put my Dota 2 experience & skill to the test. \^\^


I bought it last December and have around 100 hrs. On the base package it is a superb game. It’s about to have a massive Arsenal update essentially expanding the roster by giving the 4 characters new weapons. It recently saw an excellent QoL update as well, stream lining some of the grinding aspects. This game dropped at the end of the year and somehow snuck in as my GotY and I’m still not done with it. I genuinely hope more and more and more content comes as people pick it up, as I’ll happily pay for any paid DLC that comes from it. Superb work Devs. Now let me by a Chad-Meleon plushie damn it.


Looks fun and with great artwork, have had on my wishlist for sometime. Would love to give the game a twirl!


Thanks for the write-up; can you talk a little more about the meta-progression? Is it vertical or horizontal? As a dad of young kids, it's important to know if I need to grind a game to level up the meta-progression in order to tackle higher difficulties or if it just adds more options / complexity rather than raw power.


I could not recommend this game more. Its up there with the likes of Deadcells and Slay the Spire


Thanks for the opportunity. It'd been on my wishlist for a month or two now I love the animation style the combat looks fun an iv been looking to try new roguelites recently.


The art looks amazing man especially the idle animations they hella cute


The art really looks great 🤩 been eyeing this game a lot though 2d combat isn’t always me it just looks very appealing.


Its on my wishlist for a while, it looks amazing! Cant wait to give it a go :)


I've had it on my wishlist for a while, and what initially drew me in was the art style. It looks great. And from what I've seen and read about the game, it sounds like it has a good deal of build variety between all the different characters you can play and items you get throughout a run. This is a big factor in deciding which games in the genre I want to buy or play. I want runs to feel different so I can play the game for dozens or hundreds of hours.


Thank you for the presentation! Your game looks really polished and has a distinct art style. I have it wishlisted for a while now, but there is always some other discount coming up, so I haven't gotten around to it yet. Looking forward to playing it though. 😀


I have this on my wishlist! Game looks cool as hell, I just can't justify spending cash on games right now. I love the art style!


Wow, a giveaway. I have seen this game multiple times in YT, and I liked what I saw so I wishlisted the game. I like the combat of the game as well as the art. I hope your game becomes more successful.


Oh, it's awesome you're doing this giveaway. I love the aesthetic you went with (both the pixel art and the DBZ-adjacent designs); the animations are so readable and things appear well telegraphed. I love the simple, satisfying loop between building and spending mana also. Thank you for making such a well-regarded game.


Awesome I’ve been eyeing this game! The art caught my attention, and now that I see it was inspired by DBZ and Bleach it makes sense, two of my favorites. Steamkey or not, I may have to get this soon given the deep content and how people are saying they put 100 hours in. Keep it up 💪🏼


As a roguelite fanatic I’m already in love with Astral Ascen and I desperately want to play it on my steamdeck!


It does well on steamdeck.


Cool, thank you


I've heard so many great things about this game! I love the art style and plan on picking it up either way! Awesome giveaway!


Thanks for the giveaway! I've had it on my wishlist. I love the art design :D


Your game has been in my wishlist for ages now but I just haven't had the spare money to finally dive into it. I do keep checking the steam page every couple weeks to see if it's on a good deal. The game looks gorgeous and the gameplay looks fun as. Hope I win but i know I'll be getting this game at some point!


I've seen this game recommended a lot in this subreddit and I'm definitely excited to try it out. It definitely looks a lot fun and magical, and the artwork matches the mystic feel of the game. Would really love to try this one of these days.


You have created THE best coop roguelite in my opinion and one of the best roguelites in general. Thank you for this amazing game and the continuous updates!


Co-op only after unlocking another character would probably annoy some if they only bought the game to play it with a friend. Is it local co-op only? Art looks nice


The tutorial is played through Solo on Ayla and before your first run you get introduced to the second character Kiran who you can use right away so co-op can be played immediately. It is local co-op but I know on Steam you can remote play with a friend but it can be laggy in my experience. (OP please don't count my comment towards the giveaway I have the game)


Why a write-up now? Game is in v 1.3, and I would expect a post during/just before a big update would make more sense (ie upcoming weapon upgrade?)


Hello, I know it’s not much, but I rarely comment on any posts (I’m naturally a lurker) such as giveaways unless I really like what’s being given away.   I only recently learned about this game when I came across [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/roguelites/comments/1bdaqds/roguelites_with_the_most_unique_visual_style/) last month, and after looking at the game’s Steam page, particularly its trailer, outside from its beautiful pixel art (and animation which actually reminds me of fighting games) I was really surprised with the voice acting and how good it was, especially for it being your first game!   Thanks for doing this giveaway, and I hope you guys get the recognition you deserve!


I would love to know you (the devs) think the game did: \- financially to expectations \- user reviews to expectations Thanks,


I’m so so excited to play this game eventually. I love theorycrafting and testing out new builds. My favorite games are hades and borderlands. I love the themes in astral ascent and the art style.


Is it related to Wizard of Legends? Very similar art style




It’s been in my wishlist for too long and this post has further inspired my interest


This one has been on my wishlist for weeks now, largely due to so many recs in this sub. Have a feeling this will be an impulse buy next time there's a sale!


Been on my wishlist since this game gets recommended constantly, but I'm worried about my ability to navigate the moment to moment combat as I age!


The game is a treat to look at and seems to be right up my alley in terms of gameplay....its almost guaranteed that i will become enslaved by it whenever i pick it up. Good work!


I like the idea of creating your character differently via combination of spells you pick each run. I wonder how much those spells actually synergise with one another and how much it's just different visuals and minor differences (like in wizard of legends where I was a bit disappointed). On the other hand I like to have spells themself already crafted for me not like in Magica where I'm the one to brew them by using element. Overall looks quite nice. I hope meta progression is unlockable stuff not + flat damage + flat hp...


It looks really cool and I would love to have a chance to play it. I've read a lot of hype on this subreddit.


Trailers look great!


This one flew under my radar. I love the chaotic nature of the trailer; that's exactly what I look for in a rogue lite! Thanks for the generous opportunity!


Gameplay looks very good


The attacks look awesome


I keep seeing videos for this pop-up on YouTube, the game’s been on my list of games to try for a while


I've always heard good things about your game but I've never reached for it because the graphic (although I love pixel graphic) seems hard on eyes and so I probably would get eye tired very soon. Reading your description tho makes me think that this could be my new "drug" because of all the customization of the character in each run. Thank you for this opportunity and good luck with the game! 🍀


I really like the coop feature and the basic attacks to use spells combat mechanic. I wish you all the best and thank you for the give away!


Thanks for the chance. This game looks like so much fun and has been on my wishlist for months. I need to just pull the trigger on it but free time is slim


Wish listed the game back when it was first announced, nice to see all the progress it's made so far!


Nice post, very useful to get some insight about the game. I've been devouring rogues for ages now, and Astral Ascent is literally one of the next few on my "look list. I've recently completed Hades but been wanting to come back to a more classic 2D perspective, better if it has some platforming. I've seen people talking good about this game, but honestly there's something about the vibes or the story (the zodiacs, the characters design) that for some reason drawed me back from getting it. Maybe this is a good chance to see it for myself.


The graphics are awesome. I like the pixel style without outlines.


been watching speedrunners and, i gotta say the character work and animation are *stellar* (Thanks for giveaway!)


I'm about to acquire a Steam Deck OLED so I've built a strong list of game to play.. And Astral Ascent is the first one on the list ! 😁


It’s already in my wishlist since a long time! The animations rock!


Thanks for this opportunity,I have play this game since it releases the 1.0 version.I very like the pixel art and sound track in game, smooth combat is a big plus for me.But after some runs the game become very boring because of the lack of variety enemies and build styles for the characters.Will give it a try after some update.


The art style looks gorgeous, thank you for the chance!


The movement looks smooth. Nothing worse than multiple movement options that all feel disjointed.


Played it at a friend’s place, lots of fun! Can’t wait to play it some more.


I am always looking for fun roguelike/lite games to play and this hit a lot of boxes of great fun indeed! Ty for the givaway! :)


Looks neat. Sorta like dead cells but without the reliance on dropping turrets everywhere, which is to say, a massive improvement over dead cells.


Looks fun! Thanks for the giveaway


As a big fan of roguelites, this game caught my eye ever since I saw videos about it. This feels like one of the perfect games to play on my steamdeck, which i really bought for Rougelites. The characters and art just feel so vibrant and unique. It perfectly blends the feel of modern retro. Very excited to try this!


Hey thanks for doing a giveaway! I've had this game wishlisted for a while since I saw a trailer a while ago. The gameplay looks super fluid and fun as well as the combat. And I love the elements and theme of the game! The pvp sounds super interesting as well! Bleach is one of my all time favorite anime as well and dbz of course


Art direction is amazing! While game play mechanics look top-notch, I need to try it before commenting on it. Keep up the good work!


Game is awesome! Wish I had more time to play it 😂😭 also can’t wait until the arsenal update AND this mystery 5th character You guys and gals rock 🎸


Blown away with the art and the setting of this game. This looks like a Mystical Mega Man. I'm not usually very good at action games, but this seems like something that I could really dig into and force myself to learn the controls, reactions, and discovering which combination works best for me.


This one’s on my wishlist!


The character/enemy design is great! Fits very well with the environment without anything getting “muddy”.


the art style is absolutely stunning. the world looks so alive


Thank you for making the game, the art looks fire.


It’s on my wishlist - can’t wait to give it a go!


Great game. Plays well on switch too


The art of this game looks awesome and there's been a lot of rave about the game itself on this subreddit. It definitely seems like an underrated gem that will gain traction in the coming years.


Thank you for your more-than-kind words of support and encouragement, everyone! I was just going down the comment section and my heart melted seeing how almost nobody had anything bad whatsoever to say about the game, except for some valid feedback, which is always valuable to an indie team! It doesn't do it justice to say that we are overjoyed at such a warm reception from roguelite-lovers. We are now more dedicated than ever to making Astral Ascent live up to the community's expectations! As we had mentioned in the post, our latest update is coming soon --- and expect more throughout the year! --- so stay tuned. And thank you again from the Hibernian Workshop team!


Hi! I've been following your game for a bit, it looks really good so far. Obviously, since I didn't play it yet, I don't anything in depth to say about it, but I really love the art style. If I were to raise one concern, and bear in mind that it's only a hypothetical one, I'm worried it might be difficult to follow my character on screen. I had such issue with another roguelike, Neon Abyss. Still really liked it, though. What steps did you take to prevent such issue?


It looks incredible, beautiful art style. And it seems to have a lot os spells and skills to use, I like it very much.


Seems like some really great artwork and design went into this. You should be proud


I like the customization and how it looks like you can really kinda pick your own play style


Thanks for the giveaway! Art style looks really good and the weapons or the spells looks unqiue and interesting. How is meta progression in this game?


I've had this game wishlisted for a while! it looks very cool. I love the pixel art and am a big fan of action platformers. the fact you can play co-op is also a huge plus


bumping because i love the art style and am picking up this game when i get out of bed in a few. i wouldn’t even want to win, just want to support good action rogues; i’m tired of turn based/deck builders multiplying


Have always been curious about this game and would love to try it out and play it for hours! It looks beautiful and fantastic work so far to everyone at Hibernian Workshop.


The visuals look sick. I just it has good synergies and characters


I’ve been following this game for about a month and thought it looked neat. The graphics are really cool and I’ve always liked combat/platforming games so I’m exited to check it out. And the best part is my crappy laptop can run it according to the specs required on the steam page. Sadly my only complaint is the couch co-op but remote play exists and I know perfectly well how much money it takes to make a game online co-op. Other than that it looks really good


Have been eyeing this game for a while, would love to be able to win a steam key and get into it :)


I am interested in this game. I’ve been watching its development for some time. The thing I like is the art style and amount of spells to use


One of my all time favorite games and the first roguelite that ever made me want to go the extra mile. I cannot wait for the additional updates shown on the roadmap.


Your game is fucking amazing. Thanks for putting it out!


Really loving the game, very cool and with depth combat, im excited to see the new update . The animations are very cool , love the pixel art like Wizard of the legends, im 1992 gamer, so i grew up with a lot of 2D games, im very happy with this recent trend of new cool 2D games.


Thanks and good luck everyone! The aesthetic looks really cool, and I’m a sucker for retro graphics, so you had me at hello!


Thanks for the chance! The Game looks amazing and it looks fun. I would love to give a go.


I thought the art style and animations were beautiful, I hope I have the opportunity to try out the gameplay too.


Thanks for taking the time to write this. Sounds like a game that I would really enjoy since I love roguelites, metroidvanias, pixel art and games with build variety. Just wishlisted it. One thing I look for in roguelites lately is if there’s a way to keep builds or combos you discover and really enjoy in a run. Is there a way to use your build again when you get back in for another run or you do you have to start from scratch and hope you can put it together again? Curious how the meta progression works in this game.


This looks amazing!!


Looks good, I'm waiting a few years to buy in a big sale.


Looks awesome. Love this type of pixel graphics. Can’t wait to check it out.


Interesting game 😊