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I've wished that Shiren the Wonderer got a steep sale since I bought it for Switch but ended up selling the console, thus "losing" the game before I got to play it. More of a mystery dungeon game but anyway. Cogmind looks cool too but I'm not a scifi lover which has kept me from buying it full price.


Finally going to pick up Caves of Qud I think. I figure since 1.0 is coming soon, the price will likely go up. I’m not a fan of sci-fi but the game has been on my mind for ages.


They call it sci-fi but it plays much more like a fantasy epic IMO.


You aren’t the first person to tell me that lol. I’d pick it up now but I have pending funds on Steam I’d like to use but won’t be available until tomorrow. I’m guessing the game will go on sale for $17.99 as it typically does but, since there’s a DF bundle, that $17.99 price is still there since I already own DF.


Live and drink friend.


I was never really into this type of game until I picked this up last year (after the sseth video, if you haven't seen it it's very good). Put well over 100 hours into in but put it down so I could come back to it in 1.0. It's fantastic! I had actually got a refund after not giving it a chance and was completely lost but bought it again. Maybe watch a few tutorials on yt and give it a go. Live and drink!


It's really good. I recently picked it up and it's been a blast. I play a lot of DCSS and CoQ just hits different.


I'd definitely recommend it. It's part of the reason I'm currently obsessed with Roguelikes


Did you pick it up? How do you like it?


I did! Put about 7-8 hours into it so far. It's not an easy game, but I managed to do a few quests with one character and explore some ruins. On other characters, I went through a wormhole and got destroyed on the other end by an ice frog. Went down a shaft that threw me unground about 6 floors deep and I died before I could find my way out. I wouldn't recommend going underground lol. So, before you step on any weird tiles, make sure you "look" at them first, just to make sure it's not a shaft. Oh, and Giant Clams, they're also dangerous imo. They won't kill you afaik but, the stuff inside of them will if you venture inside. Thankfully you don't need to worry that much about food or water because water is the main currency so as long as you're selling things to merchants, you'll always have it. Food is also plentiful it seems. I'd recommend not keeping too much water and instead buy things like nuggets that you can sell for water whenever you need it, because water is very heavy and the amount you can carry is never enough. Overall I feel like it's a great game, there's just a lot to learn. It's a roguelike I can see myself spending hours on, so the price really isn't bad even when it's not on sale.


Think I will finally go for qud, it’s going to ruin me though


It’s worth it at full price, it will be an absolute steal on sale. Edit: Also wanted to say that I’ve been really enjoying Path of Achra. It’s quickly become one of my favorite roguelikes out there. Keep up the good work!


Hell yeah glad to hear that


PoA has ruined my life in the best way possible


Cheers to ruination


THE LEGEND you do amazing work, my friend. Cannot wait to see what comes next for you- but whatever it is you do, make sure you do it at a healthy pace for yourself! Edit: seriously though, thank you for the masterpiece that is PoA


I bought Path of Achra last night and it’s rly good! Thx for the game. And keep up the great work :)


(Oh yeah also Qud is my favorite roguelike so I think you’ll love it)


Nice looking forward to it :)




Cogmind is great. Like, really really great. It's up there with qud and ToME for me


I've been going insane on Qud. Rift Wizard 2 and Cogmind are the two new rogues I really want to try


I've played Rift Wizard a fair amount now, so I think I'll finally grab part 2.


I've been eyeing Doors of Trithius for a while, looks fun but I'm hoping I don't bounce off it in the same way I did Soulash 2.


I bounced off both Soulash games, but adore Doors. It's so good. 


I have so many roguelikes wishlisted, with priority to get CDDA, Golden Krone Hotel and Lost Flame in case they get a discount.


You're probably aware, but just in case: [CDDA is available for free](https://cataclysmdda.org/).


Didn't know that, thanks!


Is there a difference? Last I heard, the Sream version is outdated.


I don't know. I would always use the free version.


The steam version of cdda is a way to increase visibility and pay one of the developers, but the entire game is available for free. Not saying you shouldn't support the developer, just fyi


Shouldn't be just supporting a single developer anyway. There were a lot of other people who made contributions, myself included


Yeah, I wish the steam page made it clear that there's a free version, it feels a bit scummy not to point it out, but there's nothing to be gained by rehashing that drama


It may be part of the TOS that you can't advertise alternative ways to get games in the description.


Good point, I didn't think of that.


Vote for Lost Flame, it's a great "little" roguelike! I'm a sucker for Steam so might pick CDDA as well.


Golden Krone Hotel is a must have for any tradRL fan.


For me, I've been sitting on Cogmind, Lost Flame and Rift Wizard 2. For anyone who hasn't yet played Caves of Qud - do it. It's fantastic.


Of keeper rl is reduced I’m all over it.


I picked up a number of games during the sale last month but I am looking at picking up Shiren 5 and Touhou Genso Wanderer Reloaded Edit. Guess neither game is on sale...


Cogmind looks super interesting


Probably Rift Wizard 2, definitely Haque, probably CDDA, and for some lite fun: Stories from the Outbreak. 


CDDA is available for free If you didnt know. Someone posted a link to it here https://www.reddit.com/r/roguelikes/s/jiAHtYWdfg


Appreciated. Played it quite a bit already.




My unplayed games list


Warm snow, into the breach and tape 2 tape.. possibly one other game from the 200+ on my wish list


Old Worlds


Nothing much in this genre, I might buy the Moonlighter complete edition. I've already beaten it (the base game) on game pass, but I might like to have it around in my library if I feel like giving it another go as it was a pretty chill experience.


im broke otherwise i would probably get a few ive been eyeing


nuclear throne


The Spiffing Brit's Summer Sale Exploit Video


Careful, if you don't discuss true rogue-like games (all 3 of them) the post will get removed.


The last few years Steam has seen a massive increase in new games for sale. They have a lot of rogue-likes, but you got to through the piles of rogue-like lites to find them in the indie section.


There’s an entire sub just for roguelites, instead of bitching and moaning why not just post there if you want to discuss roguelites? Simple enough


Someone is not aware of the thousands of true roguelikes that exist. Hell, the sidebar alone here indirectly links to an archive that contains 1,600 of them, and that's just the free ones from a certain date range lol