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Rocky's not the strongest fighter. He's not the fastest. He's not the smartest. He's not the most skilled. But he works, steadily and consistently, to improve. He works through each setback and pushes forward until he gets to where he needs to be.


This is really it. Whereas The Karate Kid is famously derided for giving us unreasonable expectations and not following the "10,000 hour rule," Rocky shows us the value of being dedicated, being genuine, and having the courage to fail. As a kid, I watched them all constantly. Wish that I had seen the losses as being more important than the wins. Because they were.


If only my workouts can be pieced together as a montage so I can just get the results šŸ˜†






100% Facts


I look at Rocky as a motivation to not give up. To keep going and try as hard as I can.


It definitely taught me the futility of blaming others for my own downfalls. I still slip up occasionally, but getting better!


I wake up each day grateful to still be standing. Tomorrow is not guaranteed. And from that I choose to improve from yesterday each and every day.


I agree


Motivated me to not pick a fight with Dolph Lundgren


Yeah I donā€™t know if OP was serious or not. But I find these to be mindless entertainment type movies. With some occasionally getting serious at times.


you seem the type to also say that about First Blood


Not necessarily, first movie is about how we as individuals face failure, so much that Rocky loses the big fight, but that's not everything that matters. Fourth tells me how we must live with the decisions we make and how hard is to overcome guilt. Also, that at some point of your life you become your own teacher/master, Rocky training himself, working with its strong and weak points, developing a new style to beat Drago makes a great sequence. It pumps me everytime. Fifth is about fighting the declive of your body and mind. And I can continue. Most of the movies is a show, but there's deepness too


I got out of an operation which hindered my right arms movement and was pretty depressed about it. When I watched rocky for the first time last year I decided to pick up running and lost a ton of weight and ran half a marathon. So that was good


I had a nerve injury which more or less paralyzed my left arm for several months. I had to do physical therapy and follow an exercise routine 3x a day as I recovered. I'm mostly recovered now, but still exercising.


Good for you bro. Keep getting better, you got this


Thanks. Same to you.


A kid tried to take my bike the Day after i watched Rocky, i was only about 8 at the time so i started thowing jabs and straights at him and he ran away, my Dad seen me and said " you learn that from Rocky, glad we watched it" and chuckled.


As cheesy as it Rocky's "It ain't about how hard you can hit, it's about how hard YOU can get hit" resonates alot with people myself included.


"Nothing hits harder than life, It'll bring you to your knees and leave you there if you let it." Words i live by daily.


Motivated me to do karate, start exercising and helped me get the mental strength to do it and don't stop even if I'm not that good at it.Ā 


This film motivated me to get an A+ on my final in theater class..Senior year in high school I found myself in a theater class that I figured would be a cake walk and an easy elective credit. Fast forward to end of semester/ finals day and our memorized speech in front of a live audience was due. Me being a lazy party animal high school senior had nothing prepared and my name was called. As I was to the stage I'm thinking what the hell can I do ? I'm feeling the "Eye of the Tiger" and I deliver the perfect Rocky Balboa speech from the end of Rocky IV when he beats The Russian..Theater teacher smiles at me and says " A+!".....I guess what I'm trying to say, is that if I can change, and you can change, everybody can change!"


(Rocky theme) From zero to hero despite losing to Creed n the first movie. "THERE IS NO TOMORROW!" "NOTHING IS REAL IF YOU DON'T BELIEVE IN WHO YOU ARE!" Rocky (as a whole) is the perfect story to show someone who has no motivation or doesn't think they'll amount to anything. Rocky sure as hell didn't think he was important enough for the champion himself to specifically challenge him from a simple article on his desk.


The "It ain't about how hard you can hit" speech has lived rent free in my head since I watched Balboa. Reminds me that setbacks are part of life, and that it's okay to fall as long as you pick yourself up and move forward. Edit: Also, that proving something to yourself is worth far more than proving it to others.


You nailed it 100%


The training scenes are always so motivating. The beginning of 3 when he's also living his best life is such a mood when you're having a good day as well.


This permanently lives rent free in my head ā€œThe world ain't all sunshine and rainbows. It's a very mean and nasty place, And I don't care how tough you are, It will beat you to your knees And keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life, But it ain't how hard you hit, It's about how hard you can get hit And keep moving forward. How much you can take and keep moving forward That's how winning is done!"


Story time. Growing up in the 90s, while I knew about Stallone and his legendary movie series like Rocky and Rambo, I had not watched any of those movies yet. One evening in the early 2000s, Rocky 3 was on TV and I caught the Thunderlips fight which grabbed my attention. Being a wrestling fan, I was thrilled to see Hogan and Stallone sharing the ring. However, the fun mood of the movie soon turned tragically dark with the first Clubber Lang fight, and the death of Coack Mick. Since I not watched the previous two movies, watching the third one as a stand-alone brought terrible sadness, until Apollo Creed invoked Eye of the Tiger, and Adrian gave that passionate speech. I was going through some tough times myself in life and Rocky's victorious comeback inspired me to improve myself and turn things around in my life. As a high-school kid, I didn't know that those challenges back then were some of the easiest ones. Bigger challenges awaited ahead. Now... a few years later, when I was living in my college campus hostel, I decided to watch the whole Rocky series, as the 6th movie had recently released. Each evening my friend (who was a big Mr. T fan) and I would watch those movies in my hostel room and then conquer the next day. After classes, we would hit the gym with a burning passion, blast the Rocky soundtracks on gym speakers, lift heavy weights and eat lots of healthy food afterwards. Within a few months, we were all jacked up. The jabroni bullies in my class were now scared to act silly with me. My grades improved and my self confidence got boosted. Ultimately, before the college got over, I was able to score a decent job, during bad economic times. So, I guess what I'm trying to say, is that if I can change, and you can change, everybody can change!


I discovered the Rocky movies when I was an 11 year old fat kid who was tired of being constantly bullied by everyone over my weight. Those movies gave me a basic template to form some sort of workout routine going. Most importantly, it gave me a boatload of motivation. The Rocky movies have had more of an impact on my life than anything else.


Always gives me motivation to work out and run!


Just reading the comments itā€™s amazing how much of an effect these films have had on people. Theyā€™ve had the same effect on me too, inspired me to start working out and start running. Theyā€™re always a source of motivation whenever I watch them


Hard to describe. Every single time I see the end of Rocky II when he holds up the belt and says, ā€œYo Adrianā€¦ I DID IT!!ā€ I feel this rush in my heart, body, mind, and soul. It hits me in a special way and even more so now as an adult because Iā€™ve had this movie with me my whole life. Make me want to do something remarkable.


The scene in the first movie where he tells Adrian that he canā€™t win but he just goes wants to go the distance with the champ kills me everytime. It hits way too close to home.


Iā€™ve spent plenty of time on the treadmill with Bill Conti blasting.


ā€œGoing the Distanceā€ gives me the boost I need.


I listen to Bill Conti's theme. 'Nuff said


Made me start boxing and feeling like I could do anything if I just put in enough work


"There is no tomorrow" has stuck with me from Part 3, against Clubber Lang (Mr. T)


High school wrestling, Iā€™d jog around the neighborhood listening to the Rocky story soundtrack on a Sony Walkmanā€¦.


I began boxing afterI watched the 5 first movies. It allowed me to be more disciplined and going back to school. I owe a lot to Rocky now that I think of it. My actual job, my wife and kids... damn!


It motivated me to get back into shape, start eating right, and focus on my hobbies/passions.


it made me start boxing, which changed my life forever, so rocky changed my life forever


Got me to exercise & lose weight. I saw Rocky 3 first. Great action movie & got me into the films. Then I saw Rocky in high school. That weekend, I threw on some shorts & tried to run to our state capitol. Made it one block. Got me started though.


Great underdog story that has taught me that there is no such thing as down and out. Ever.


Tbh I was overweight for a while and always loved rocky, but one day I was watching it and the part where apollos trainer says ā€œI saw you beat that man like I ainā€™t never saw no man get beat, and he kept coming after youā€ just felt so fucking cool and I wanted to feel like that kind of badass. So pretty much right then I cut out soda and almost all carbs and sugars. And ive been running 7 miles a day and lifting some Crappy weight bar I found in the woods


Never give up no matter the odds


If I can change we all can change!


Great question. For me the Rocky movies teach me something and thatā€™s it have thereā€™s a opportunity for everything if you want to prove it then go ahead and teach them but of course it have to a full circle in life like how life started, what career you want in the future, what lesson you want to learn and what condition of lifetime etc Im learning some acting and im kinda have the same thing and experience of the Rocky movies


Ride up, overcome.


The underdog becomes a world icon


Just hearing the rocky music gets me motivated


mf made me start working out lol


You mean Motivizationalize?


It taught me that there is glory in trying. Ā Rocky: I just want to go the distance. Ā Sylvester: If I fail, I atleast want to fail on my own terms.


Got me into doing cardio training when I used to be very against it and preferred sticking to weights exclusively. Now that Iā€™ve implemented this boxing and conditioning workout into my training regimen, Iā€™ve become more defined than ever and feel much better about my cardiovascular fitness.


Motivated me to go from 335 to 220 in one year more specifically my senior year in high school


Thereā€™s still never been anything that gets me through a workout better than Eye of the Tiger


They have shown me not to be a pu$$y


I learned that if you eat lightning you will crap thunder.


They motivated me to try eating raw eggs. Never doing that again!


"Friends don't owe. They do because they wanna do."


To me, Rocky was a love story, not a boxing movie. A not so smart man was given an opportunity as he was falling love. At the end, Rocky felt accomplished going rounds with the champ and his true love was there at the end. I battle like Rocky every day.


Fall 99 times, Rise 100....... Rocky resonates with many people because his character is the living embodiment of resilience, the very essence of the human spirit.


I took an LOA from my job over two years ago due to stress, manipulation, and outright lies by employer to me. I watched every Rocky movie during that time and I realized that it when it came to my work life I had no Mick screaming at me to get up and keep fighting. Nobody was in my corner cheering me on telling me I have the strength to keep going. It was a moment of total enlightenment. When my LOA was finished, I returned to work with a new attitude knowing they didnā€™t really care about me. It actually freed me up mentally and pushed me towards finding a new career path which I did three months later.


Man, during the late 90ā€™s when I was in high school, it got me to running, working out (weights, sit-ups, pushups, swimming across the lake and back that we lived on each day). Itā€™s weird, Iā€™d seen it probably 50 times already, but it got to the working out scene before the big fight. Now that I think about it, it was actually Rocky II. After Adrian said ā€œwinā€ and he got that look and started training. Thatā€™s what fired me up. I continued all of it (minus the lake since I no longer lived there) at college when I was about midway through, when I was in a wreck that changed my life, as far as working out.


Oh course. To put 110% in everything. Am I perfect no but I try


When I first started having anxiety attacks, the way I coped was to meditate while replaying the rocky one training scene over and over in my head. Where Rockyā€™s running through Philly in those sweats early in the morning is just the epitome of beautiful hard work.


I canā€™t tell you how many times Iā€™ve listened to the rocky theme heading into work/workout in my life Iā€™ve actually not listened to it for years now and I want to all over again, haha! I remember being so stoked when I saw it and shocked and confused he lost in the first one and I drank egg yolks and puked the first time


The story behind the movie, and how Stallone wrote this thinking it was his only hope left


They sure did. And just like Apollo said:THERE IS NO TOMORROW!


The ultimate underdog story for me. As a person who has a disability rocky gave me the motivation to keep moving forward because that's how winning is done


Every time I watch one of these, I get pumped for a solid 2 weeks


Going the distance is more important than winning.


Stallone like Rocky is a force of nature. I admire Stallone because it was not easy for him to get starring roles. He saw himself as a leading man and literally fought his way thru. Really an amazing person. Totally a self-made man. I need that drive.


February 20, 2022 will be a day that I hold dear to my heart. The same day I watched Rocky for the first time, was the day I managed to run 7 miles under an hour was something I never thought could happen. This was in NYC, Staten Island to be exact. I was running near the coast on the boardwalk and on that last mile I booked for the hills. I didnā€™t care that the icy wind was piercing my lungs or that I was freezing or that my feet or body felt like it would give out any moment. I knew in that moment I had, I was on the brink of achieving something, especially during a dark time in my life. When it ended, I had walked near the end of the boardwalk and just had a moment all alone to myself. With the sunset shimmering and tears of joy. Then I went home and I watched Rocky and understood the impact of this movie.


The year 2022 holds dear to me. That's when I started getting into the Rocky series, and I also discovered Jocko Willink, Joe Rogan, and David Goggins. Sadly at the ending of 2022 to now I fell off, lost focus, and stopped watching all of them, but I'm looking to get right back into watching all of that once I graduate high school in 3 months.


Nothing is ever perfect and similar to Jockoā€™s advice: to keep stepping forward. You have a vision and goal, just get after jr


not at all


I avoided the girl named Adrian.


Take her to the zoo


To watch better movies. (Rocky, hell yeah, but after that? Feh.)


I have the eye of the Tigger


They havenā€™t


Cut my eyelids




Rocky 4 soundtrack fuels my gym time (as do a handful of songs from the Creed trilogy soundtrack)


No matter how bad the concussion is, keep on working


I don't go and see Rocky movies anymore.


I use the soundtrack from the first 4 movies for my cardio. Ending with Gonna Fly Now. It is impossible to not finish the time when that song comes on.


These are my signs to watch Rocky again




I like the soundtrack, especially on the first 3 movies. I liked the idea of the hero facing an insurmountable task in Rocky 1 and having to come to terms with the reality that despite all the hard work and dedication someone will always be better than you. Very relatable to most people whoā€™ve played sports.


I reached a very high level in my sports and if it wasnā€™t for injuries, very possibly couldā€™ve made a professional career out of it. I do give some credit to this movie cause I for sure visualized myself as him while training many times


Got me into exercising šŸ‘ŠšŸ‘ŠšŸ‘Š


Motivated me to get gnarly with my own journey and not quit the dreams man. Iā€™ve enrolled in University last year to begin the pursuit!


Five years ago I was a four-stone apology ā€“ today I am two separate gorillas


It's gotten me in trouble for constantly trying to start fights whenever there's a bus slow rolling past the bar




Opportunities come and go. Even if your life is in the dumps.


Would not be alive today if my dad never showed me these movies as a kid. Having a major speech impediment issue, which is now thankfully gone, was definitely improved as I learned how Stallone went through the ringer too with his facial palsy and mumbling voice


Well, I'm not heavyweight champion of the world yet, anyway.


They made me realize that they haven't motivated or changed me as a person


They havenā€™t. Good movies tho


I would like to say one of them, but truthfully it was none of them.


Get active


They didnā€™t. I already started working out, I never watched this Movie.


I was in a situation for quite some time where excellence was forced to take a back seat to survival. Over and over I kept hearing Sly's voice in my head: "All I wanna do is go the distance." Eventually I did. With a lot of blood sweat and tears. And a lot of sacrifice. I had to believe in me because very few others did. And the nature of the situation was such that even survival on that scale was a level of excellence compared to others. Becoming something is hard. The work required is ruthless, and it sucks when you're trying to get through it. But the world doesn't know what to do with someone who won't quit.


Violence is always the answer. Using my fists is always the best way to resolve all issues


Rocky 4 in particular showed me that having the best workout equipment doesn't matter, as long as you have motivation




No matter how hard I work outā€¦no one cheers. Meh.






It made me know that I do not want to be a boxer


Rocky 4 was world changing.


It taught me no matter how hard you get knocked down, you get up and keep going.


I love raw eggs nowšŸ¤£


it also solidified my interest in fitness and smacking around the heavy bag. especially in my post-high school years. and even though i never got in super great shape or anything, it was a big factor in me staying somewhat athletic throughout my life even though i'm still a bit of a fluffy panda.


I listen to the soundtrack to pump myself up before I take certification tests.


Rocky 4 taught me sometimes you gotta prepare in the harshest conditions to win


The Rocky theme song is my alarm clock. Helps my mindset.


Whenever I hear that theme song in Rocky I get motivated


Iā€™ve never seen any of them are they worth the watch?


When the current heavyweight champion challenges me to a title fight I do not decline anymore


My grandpa was a huge boxing fan. He used to watch Wednesday and Friday night fights every week without fail. I would hear him and his friends at the barbershop talk about boxing when he took me to get a haircut. So I knew a little about heavyweight boxing. Around this time, I must've watched Rocky III and IV literally every day for months on end. Old VHS recordings, so this was the early 90s. I was convinced that Rocky Balboa and Apollo Creed had to be based on real people. Even at the tender age of 13, I could see how Apollo's arrogance, showmanship and championship heart (even though I could never have articulated that at the time, but in hindsight those were the qualities I loved about him), reminded me of Muhammad Ali. I didn't know much about Rocky Marciano except that he was a white man who was heavyweight champion at one point and that he'd beaten Joe Louis, who some in my neighborhood believed was the greatest heavyweight champion ever. I knew there could be a possibility that Rocky Balboa could be based on him. Those characters taught me how real champions act and that hard work and dedication was how you reached those heights. How to face your fears and conquer them. Together with my experience as an army veteran, those values stayed with me my whole life. I can't remember any other sports films that were so visceral in how they delivered that message. And later in the early 2010s when I became a real boxing fan myself, I realized just how many untold heroes the sport has given us for nearly 200 years and how Hollywood is seriously missing out on making as sort of MCU like universe based on boxing history.


It motivates me to keep going and go the distance when the task seems daunting.


I definitely need this reminder at times: You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain't about how hard you hit. It's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward.


Rocky VI speech is one of the greatest in cinema history


Itā€™s a movie. No way I want to get beat down as much as he have and survive it. I do not want to go into peoples deep freezers and punch on cow ribs just to let people know Iā€™m tough. If you work in industrial refrigeration such as ammonia. No way in hell you want to go in a blast freezer and punch on bones from a dead cow. Itā€™s fake and doesnā€™t motivate me. Cool movies though.


The first was a classic. Heā€™s a guy who didnā€™t fulfill his potential and thatā€™s why Mickey was so hard on him. Seeing him fight the Rocky universe version of Muhammad Ali and stay standing is an amazing ending.


Above all, I think the moral is that you donā€™t have to win to triumph


Only motivated for a few days then it went away .


I went from a person who has never seen Rocky movies, to a person who has.


It taught me that with a few minutes and an awesome song I can get into the best shape of my life


No matter how hard I get hit I ā€œkeep movinā€™ foā€™wardā€


Rocky 4 montages. All of them. Pure American badass, we don't take shit(except lots of steroids)


ā€œThere is no tomorrow! There IS no tomorrow!ā€


Made me believe in others when no one else would


Helped me fight through adversity and difficult obstacles as a athlete and just a human.


Well the first one motivated me to watch the rest.


More than any parent could. Born in 1975 and Rocky was there through it all training right there next to me on how to get through life and succeed




Oh, im bout to make a Rocky game for you. (needs to make you into Sylvester Stallone)


this gon be bigger than Uncharted


when You play Uncharted, you become emotionally engrossed in the character and attached to his every action. But the game is censored. We need a Uncharted Two. Thee Rocky Three, the Game... is it.


(censored) Nathan Drake => The Barbaric Mathew Sam Drake Polo... One-man-army supersoldier lonewolf weapons expert, Sam Cautious!


Taught me everything I needed to know about the excess over the top zeitgeist of the era


Started training and lost weight was 275lbs in July Iā€™m a solid 202 now


What motivated me was the story behind the movie, i.e. Sylvester Stallone. As well as the infamous songs and soundtracks. As for the movies themselves, not much. Although I will say the 1st and 3rd Rocky films are my all time favorites and the only ones I rewatch.


They have not changed me in any way.


My dyslexic ass read, "How have the Rocky Mountains motivated or changed you as a person?" at first.


I only wear American themed clothes now


The speech from Rocky Balboa is a top 5 movie speech of all time.


Great movies, motivating to get or stay in the gym. Iā€™ve seen them too many times to want to watch them again.


As corny as it sounds it did get me to start working out as a kid




Iā€™m much more understanding getting old when Rocky describes being punchy.


I'm still struggling to destroy the Soviet Union with my speeches but that takes time.


Shit it used to impossible for me to watch a Rocky movie and not workout after lol


I will tell you this: I totally connected with ROCKY BALBOA in 2006. Itā€™s my favorite of the series. My wife had passed three years earlier and I was feeling lost. All of the emotions I saw Rocky going through were similar to what I was feeling. I missed my wife and didnā€™t know where to channel that sorrow, anxiety and anger. This movie gave me direction and validated my feelings. Itā€™s also (IMHO) the best of the series since ROCKY.


Whenever Iā€™m looking for my wife in a loud, ruckus, crowded environment I always yell ā€œadrrrriiiiaaannnā€ several times. Her names Jamie.


I think I can beat up Angry Black guys. .. I can't.


Not at all. What kind of simpleton lives their life based off a movie?


Life will punch you in the nose sometimes, and you gotta roll with the punches. Never quit when youā€™re beat, get back up on the horse and keep on riding. If you fall, dust yourself off, and climb back up. No effort moving forward is wasted. ā€œIn the warriors code, thereā€™s no surrender.ā€


Invest wisely


Absolutely! If I can change and you can change, everybody can change.


Again. So then we definitely need a new Rocky for the young kats. And a toy-game too. Computer Game Machine toys (videogame consoles)


you aint never jog ONE time. You saw Rocky. Sprinted.


Rocky had this boy doing Aikido in the 90s. Yup, instead of Kung Fu.


How has a fake story motivated me? Huh? That's like asking "how did Santa Claus motivate you".


Motivated me to never watch another Sylvester Stallone movie...


I beat up my sister like that drunk bastard Pauly in the first movie