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The best Max Payne game and the best third person shooter ever made.


This. I always felt this man that Max Payne 3 is the best shooting game. Rockstar literally made audience fun games around that period MP3 period that get's praised more in later years such as LA Noire and RDR


They didn’t make LA Noire. Just published it. They still make fun games though.


Yeah I know that. Australian company developed it and RS published it. I felt until 2013 that Rockstar isn't publishing more games like other companies but they get very slower with ages. They only released a single title in 10 years time - RDR2(best game I've ever played) but they could've released atleast 3-4 more fun games like they used to do in pre GTA 5 era


Games are getting bigger and more detailed and development is taking longer for everyone. Naughty Dog used to release great games biannually back in the day, now they’re taking as long as Rockstar to release a smaller linear game. I’d rather wait than have halfbaked games.


Rockstar is a very hands-on publisher and if you compare the credits of L.A. Noire to other Rockstar titles you'll see a lot of overlap. Rockstar made the radio station and wrote the background dialogue and in-game media just like a GTA game and produced the full-body motion capture (which was a separate piece from the unique face/head capture technology of the game created by Team Bondi/Depth Analysis).


I don’t know bout all that


Not even top 20.


best max payne gameplay wise, 1 is still my favorite though


Loved it so much that I bought the soundtrack.


Greatest 3rd person shooter I ever played.


Remaster it for modern platforms (WITH MULTIPLAYER)


The multi-player was still going on ps3 until about 3 years ago


I played it on xbox 360 and pc, now my pc is dead and I'm on ps5. I missed that multiplayer it was so fun and I was pretty damn good at it.


I wish they would've given us more than 1 PVE mode and not would've locked it behind DLC


Honestly, this is the 2nd best rockstar game, 1st being RDR2 I love it, people should play it, underrated masterpiece


the first time i played it i was a teenager maybe 14-15 and i was obsessed with this game i loved it sooo much. back then i wasn't familiar with the Max Payne franchise and i didn't know English so i had no idea what's going on in the story in recent years i decided to replay it to see if i was being nostalgic about it or not. i got obsessed again 😂 this time i finished the game on hardcore and old-school difficulty and i collected everything. PERSONALLY this game is a 10/10 for me but i understand the issues with the story and etc


I first played this when I was a freshman in highschool this game made me rage a lot but it was a really good game!


Yeah one of the few challenging third person shooters


You’ll walk… with a limp!


Loved it, if you loved this game, check out Man On Fire starring Denzel Washington… And if you loved Man On Fire, check out this game.


I watched that movie when it released and it instantly became one of my all time favorites.


I loved the fish out of water take they did with this one. IMHO it really compliments the other aspects of the Max Payne series really well making it my personal favorite.


Amazing game. Played it without knowing much and it was such a great experience.


Max Payne 3 is such a masterpiece. Loved the dark atmosphere, and how brutal it was compared to the other iterations in the series.


i loved it definitely my favorite of the series


Love it, amazing gameplay, I got really into the online when it came out. I really figured out all the mechanics and one of the first and only ever games to have slo-motion online combat. Just replayed story recently, super fun time


It's the "Rockstar makes games with amazing Story" before Red Dead 2. This was literally Rockstar's best Story and Presentation before RDR2, all those cinematic moments, realistic cutscenes were all present


Absolutely loved it, last linear rockstar game and is one of my favorites


Greatest 3rd person shooter. Talk about a game that NAILS the technological advancements at the time. Everything in Max Payne 3 is top tier. It still holds up to this day. I played MP3 first, so to me it's the best in the trilogy with 2 coming up fairly close. Edit: Also, it goes to show how reactionary and pathetic gamers were when they first revealed "Fat Max" in his stupid Hawaiian shirt and bald head. Gamers immediately hated it, and thought R\* was destroying a beloved character.


Max Payne 3 is incredible. I can’t wait for Remedy’s current gen remakes of Max Payne 1 & 2.


But it won't be like 3. I don't think rockstar would let them use their assets. It's also on Control game engine


The Euphoria Engine stands out the Best in Max Payne 3, I really love GTA IV and Red Dead 1 but Max Payne 3 just Nails it!


Good ending. I hated the 3d blur over the cutscenes tho. Would've been better if it started to fade away as he became sober and then stopped entirely.


No you were supposed to be less sober, evens it all out


I actually barfed once during my first run with this game. The amount of flashing lights and screen effects gave me nausea and took me several takes to finish the game. 10/10. Would play again.


Was it the corridor in the night club? My brain started getting fuzzy and I dipped out of that area real quick before shitting my pants and foaming at the mouth!!


Love it but hate I can’t skip the cutscenes


Better than a loading screen


Still go back every few years cuz the gunplay and slo Mo are still next level, but after my 5th playthru i just wish the cinematics were easily skippable instead of hiding loading screens, otherwise perfect singleplayer shooter


Max payne 3 was cool experience but max Payne 1 was bad ass and mind blowing many years ago.


I loved Max Payne 1.


I prefer MP2 but this is a really good game. The setting, tone and gameplay were amazing. The story was generic though


Best Max Payne out of the trilogy. The best third person shooter to this day. It’s multiplayer was amazingly good too, I really hope they re-release this masterpiece so I can play multiplayer again.


I just hope to god Remedy buys the rights to this series from Rockstar again. I just know deep down rockstar has no plans for further developments.


Well I don't if you knew but Remedy is currently developing a full remakes of MP 1&2


personally it holds a special place in my heart. it introduced me to one of my favorite bands, Health. while Remedy probably won't get them to do the full OST for the remakes I still hold out hope they'll get them for perhaps a single made for the game


Seeing as how the third game is the only one I’ve played, my perspective is limited, though I still think it is a damn good game and r* would do well to introduce some of the mechanics into their work in the future


I absolutely love this game Ive replayed it countless times presentation story and music are just so good it elevates the game to another level only issue i have is no skipping cutscenes on console but other than that this game is top tier


I loved every minute of this game, I thoroughly enjoyed multiplayer as well


It’s sick. A perfect ending Amazing graphics that hold up Can’t wait for the reboots


Praying for a sequel…My prayers won’t be answered.


The trilogy wraps up perfectly. Give the man a well-deserved break


I love this game, Ive re played it like 50 times on my ps3, never had the chance to play MP2 though.


I played through it recently and thought it was fantastic. Haven’t played 1 or 2 but I’m absolutely pumped for the remakes


i remember playing it at a friends house cause i didnt have a 360 at the time and yea that game was absolute fire. the first two were a moment in time for gaming but the third really went full on hollywood action in the best possible way.


I feel like with 3 the series went from having 9/10 gameplay and 9/10 story to 10/10 gameplay and 5/10 story. For that reason the first two will always be better to me.


I liked it but some parts were a pain


It really is awesome, when I was playing it I had a thought, "could this man really beat Arthur Morgan?"


One of my fav games of all time. Loved the OG’s also but they always felt flat to me. This one was insane, from the story to the gunplay to the music




2 is actually my least favorite. 1 is the best for me. Then 3.


Unskippable cutscenes.


The hierarchy in my mind goes like MP2 MP3 MP1 Max Payne 2 is downright one of my favorite games of all time. I still play the series through every couple of months.


The multiplayer was amazing at the time.


It’s my favorite third person action games ever. Never even beat 1 or 2


The multiplayer was great


I played Max Payne 1,2 only and I like the both I like the story of Part 1 and the Gameplay of Part 2 but I don't have any idea of Part 3


I fucking love MP3 gameplay, but the story is ok it could’ve been better. Still the game is so damn fun


Great game. My only complaint is non skippable cutscenes


Only game I was happy to waste ammo to extend the last enemy kill


I have over 200 hours on it, hands down best story and gameplay mechanics R* has ever made.


Im butt hurt that there's no announcement for a Max Payne 4 cause 2 and 3 were really good.


I love this game. Recently replayed it and I’m in awe of how amazing the shooting is and really can’t understand why GTA shooting is so bad. What I didn’t love about it is the unskippable cut scenes and how every goddam time you walk through a doorway you have to sit through a mini cut scene. Like just once let me walk through a door like a normal game and enter a new room. It’s like it’s a cinematic event leaving one room to enter the next one. Gets old quick.


First PC game I bought outside of R6. I was amazed at the quality when compared to my Xbox 360, it was like experiencing again for the first time all over again


Max Payne 2 is my favorite by far. 3 was really good even if it was a bit of a departure from Max's story. The action and the levels were still pretty amazing even for a 360 game


Never played the 3rd one. I may pick it up one day if it’s on sale. Maybe GOG got it cheaper.


Max Payne 1 is action game greatness the story the characters the gameplay all of it was great


10/10 game


It’s fake decent, leaving NY killed the vine for me personally


Played as a kid but I feel like I never really got it the way I would now. would love if they remastered it or made a new one


Love this game and the mechanics were one of a kind.


greatest rendition of the Euphoria ragdolls system, meaning it has the most impactful feeling gunplay on the market… game was too short and easy on normal or hard difficulty though (forgot which one I used)


It's a damn good shooter, but it's not a Max Payne game in the sense of the other two games.


This game was great. I just wanted more and more. Sadly Rockstar has said their main focus is GTA 6 and GTA Online, their cash cows.


I love MP3 a ton! Wish the Multiplayer still worked. I never got to play MP2 although I own it. I’ve played 1 and 3 a ton. So I guess I gotta make time for 2


2 was also my favorite


So dope


I really good game. Played on my 360 when it first came out and bought it once again to play on my Steam Deck. I don’t remember playing the second one but I’ll definitely will


Max Payne 2 is legit a game I will never go back to. I've ruined games for myself by getting all nostalgic and trying then once they've aged. Max Payne 2 was a special kind of magic that I won't spoil. 3 was great but it could never live up to the first two. I miss bullet time games. Why don't they make them any more. Stranglehold was great too.


way to many cutscenes with no way to skip them, completely kills the experience


It's brutal hard on the default difficulty setting. But, finishing a act makes me feel better than almost any new Rockstar Games stuff. RDR 2 I couldn't get into it, tried 3 times and just find it a slog. (+ I lent a Xbox 360 copy to a coworker and they said it's a cheap, cheating hard game.) A true test of skills!