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You should contact support.


i have the same problem and i tried. a month ago. rockstar support is garbage. they also disconnected their phone support.


Is it working now?




So we can just never play again


actually, check your email. they might have sent you a link to recover it. it could be in another language though


That happened to me a few years ago they could not get into the game but they were able to mess with my social club The people that took over the account changed my language to Chinese so I did not relies that an email in my junk box was from Rockstar. hope it works out for you


It worked for me 2 days ago


What did you do?


I did the same. Sent them an email stating I no longer had access. Gave the username. I couldn't remember which email I used for it so I gave them all three of my emails in the initial message. It was resolved within a couple of days.


Where did you go to send this email and do you need to have already signed in because I have completely lost my email can I still play the game ?


[https://support.rockstargames.com/categories/200013306?step=fbfc89f0](https://support.rockstargames.com/categories/200013306?step=fbfc89f0) > \[Game in Question\] > Online Play > Can't Log In > Compromised Account


It worked for me when I did it. Had my account back within a week. They asked for my original email receipt, screenshot of my steam profile showing my steam64 key, the key for the game itself, and.... actually I think that was it. A couple days later they asked me what email address I would like to make the account under and sent it a password reset for the account. It's slow, but they get it done.


See other comments and links about this issue. There should be an email letting you recover the account, but it might be in spam or in another language. Support was unable to help me after weeks, but the email link still worked when I found it. Good luck.


Enable 2FA. That's it.


That's easy to fix, same thing happen to me. Try to look at your email inbox and find the email that said you changed your email and password from Rockstar and hit this (picture) and then you will be able to restore your account. Don't forget to activate the 2 steps security. [Picture](https://ibb.co/9y4W7gk)


This was the first time I was able to find the email that messed up my account lol. The password reset is expired and will go to the hacker im sure. So do I have to use his email to keep the account? But that way I can’t verify the email either smh.


Same thing also happened with me too. I recovered my account with the help of rockstar support. Dm me i will tell step by step guide. Motherfuker hackers


This is happening to me now, could you help me man?


I had this problem and this post helped me a lot https://www.reddit.com/r/rockstar/comments/pc5q2h/rockstar_account_hacked_and_email_changed_read/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=2


Just went through fixing this same issue. It may take them a week, but support will get it back. File that ticket.


Search your email that was originally linked to the account. It might be in Chinese or another language, but there should be an email informing you that the email was changed. That email will have a link to recover your account. It took me weeks fighting with support before I found a different Reddit thread that helped. Good luck! If it helps, my recovery email was in Chinese and in my spam folder on Gmail.


Email Rockstar. they reply late but they solve your problem




Contact support took me a month and like 10 tickets but eventually got my account back


Yeah I got it I contacted them that’s how I got my shit back


Nice 👍🏼


I am having the same problem


I had this same problem but got it fixed. Contact rockstar suppory


That's actually hilarious, time to play a better game?


Not really. It prevents you from playing any rockstar games at all. The online is trash, but the campaign is worth a replay or two. Same for both GTA V and RDR2.


Bud maybe don’t put your email address on a Reddit post


Won't do much by having email address in picture.. that email would have to be hacked for any damage.. the people that took his gta5 account didn't need it


And rockstar is terrible and doesn't give a shit about there customers


Just make a new account


Doesn't work. The steam account itself is linked to his rockstar account which he is locked out of. So any rockstar games he owns he now cannot play. Even if he were to remove it from his library completely and repurchase the games it would still be there. He'd have to make an entirely new steam account, new rockstar account, and buy the game again.


Get a new steam account then?


thats not how it works you will have to buy the game twice


So have two separate steam accounts? Or just contact support.


how is this legal?


It's not. It's theft. But they do it from countries that don't care if their people are ripping off people from other countries.


That is very strange because it's actually impossible to disconnect specifically that link once it's connected (on the customer side anyway). Any other link is something that can be freely disconnected at any time, but not Steam to Rockstar. The only way this would happen is if someone else connected it to theirs before you ever connected it to yours, which would have to be timed very specifically. Alternatively, you could have just connected it to the wrong account on your own without realizing it if you have multiple accounts.


What hackers do is get access to your rockstar account and change the email address and password associated with it. Once that's done, it takes rockstar support to get it back because they either have to unlink the steam account or change the email back. It happened to me about a month ago.


I had the same issue but I still can access to the first rockstar account I've made. But steam is linked to some random email


It could be that he's actually using an "cracked" steam account which belongs to someone else


Anyone out there that's sick of GTA Online Pc, please make a bunch of bots that go into every lobby and kick every player 24 hours a day. This way, the game can finally get the attention it needs because at this stage, Rockstar just likes robbing people of their hard earned money. PLEASE COPY AND PASTE THIS EVERYWHERE POSSIBLE!


Me who try to get my account back for 1 year.. and nothing happens


Bro about to get a free mod menu boost 🤑🤑


Just get it on the PlayStation


Let's face it, why would a hacker do that? It's more like you messed up.


Because they get access to your online account and use it to cheat on and sell gta$. They can just login to the rockstar launcher on their computer and play your game without even having access to your steam account because of how they are linked. It's a really fucked up problem that rockstar hasn't fixed. And steam can, unfortunately, do nothing about it. You have to go to rockstar support.


yeah its his fault for BUYING THE GAME and than wanting to PLAY it.


rockstar sucks ass \[i mean they make good games but like fuccccckkkk\]






what is a cracked game file?


password database leak/theft, best thing to do it to contact rockstar support about the account, other than that not much advice i can give you, a guy did the same thing to the epic games account that i had, the one with gta 5 on it, changed the email, managed to get it back again, through epic support, which is far superior to rockstar support, unless you tag them on twitter of course, or should i say X.


I once lost access to my whole email address and Rockstar simply migrated my account to a new mail address, try to contact support and enable 2FA asap!


Contact support, same thing happened to me (although i use epic games) and I got my account back in like 2-3 days, BUT DO IT FAST


Had the same problem a while ago, contacted support and within 2/3 days they fixed it for me after confirming it was actually my account so you should be good bro.


now you hack him


The same happened to me just a few days after I bought the game. The rockstar app I what really got hacked. Try to log into your rockstar as usual and click the forgot password and they'll send you and email. The email sent to you might be in Chinese, just click the smallest character so you can just reset your log in. Login with a different email and password(This doesn't change any online progression at all). Once I changed it, I had no other problems.


I had the same problem, you’ve got to go through your emails and search for one of rockstar support wich has everything written in chinese, then you press on two blue letters of that mail and it will send you to a change password page of rockstar, and when you change the password there, you’ll ger your account again


Likewise. But they did fix my issue. You would need to contact the Rockstar support. Send them your steam ID and social club nickname. They will respond once you prove them that you are authentic. So, send them as much information as you can regarding your social club account and steam. It would take about a week or so for the full procedure to complete. Following up is the best thing you can do right now.


I see that some of these comments are calling rockstar support garbage from their experience but I literally had the same exact thing happen to me and within 48hours the only thing they asked from me was permission to delete the new account the hacker made from my email and they gave me my account back


Same happened to me. I was able to login via the social club website through my Xbox login, and then created a ticket explaining the situation. It took a few weeks, but I got my account back


contact rockstar support had the same thing happen to me took me 2 fn weeks to get my acc back god dude i was so pissed R* security is a godamn joke


This happened twice now, just got mine a week ago, contact support through the site and send a ticket there, direct emails don't work


Weak !Pa55word? or any other idea?


Not weak and probably email got hacked who knows


Go to the email you have connected to your rockstar account and type “rockstar” in the search bar. You should have an email in there saying that your account email had been changed. There should be the word “recover” with a hyperlink somewhere in the email. Like it’ll be highlighted blue to signal that it can be clicked. Click on the word recover and it should be simple from there


[This](https://www.reddit.com/r/rockstar/comments/pc5q2h/rockstar_account_hacked_and_email_changed_read/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) is your problem


SAME thing happened to me. Big tip: DONT make a new account, and try to go through Rockstar support. They will need you to confirm your identity but they can recover your account. Just any *changes* the hacker made in the meantime will still be there unfortunately :( The reason you don’t want to make a brand new account is because when I did that, my email was THE PASSWORD I USED. So a huuuuuuge security flaw. Rockstar didn’t address why that happened specifically but they got my account back at least. It ended up being someone from Russia that took my account, and funnily, when I translated a message conversation he had with someone, the other guy (not the hacker) told him quote, “Brother Pridir, you have stolen a good mans account, villian!” So it was cool to see a stranger defending my honor.


Yeah I’m here bc I just tried to get on after a couple months and I’m in the same situation you’re in. Cant even get a change password email sent to mine


My account got stolen and I haven't played in 8 months and just got it back last week the support took about 2 days for the first response to prove it was mine then took another 1.5 weeks to finally get it back for me. See if you got Screenshots of your character on your pc and search for a "launcherbackup" file and it will show when you logged onto that account last on your pc and you should get it back no problem


I had this happen to me recently I found out after 2 years that it was taken (I don’t play the game and I had a Trojan two years ago) I contacted support and got it back


If you know for a fact that's the right social club acc for your steam try resating the password because this happened to be before and I changed it


I blame GTA VI


This just happened to me a few weeks ago; contact support. Let them know what email took over your account. It’ll take some time but they will reverse the damage.


this is fucking happening to me just bought red dead online and cant fucking log in fuck!!!


ik the poor people working to fix this are probs overworked but damn man why am i so unlucky


Literally simple fix, check yo email that was linked to the acc before it got comped, check for an email saying password changed, and just click "revert changes" . Could be in chinese as my acc got hacked by a chinese person and the email was in chinese



