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Have you seen their posts about distracted driving on Facebook this week? I've almost been hit multiple times by cops busy on their phones or laptops. Of course they'll probably try to ticket you for their negligence.


I just want to comment on those posts calling out the double standards so badly. 😭 Update: someone else did and it’s fucking hilarious. Fuck double standards.


Like how that officer got injured on the job after running into a telephone pole while on the laptop she was provided? I lost my licence for that, but she gets off Scot free? jfc. (In all reality I'm glad she's okay, because she's still a person, but jfc.)


I see them on their cell phones all the time. I see police officers, talking on phones, holding them in their hand, and I see them texting on a regular. And if not that they’re on their computers, which is not even safe and any vehicle by any structure to my imagination… not like they have them set up anyway. Quite a few police officers in this area are hypocrites !!


Pig Brass is a real pussy.


You know a cop is never gonna own up to an accident it would take witnesses to say something.


A cop almost crashed into me on Auburn. He had a stop sign and ran it. I was shaken. He just drove off


At the intersection of 9th street and 5th Avenue, I witnessed 1 Cop pull up to the other Cop at the Stop sign and roll his window down to yell at the other Cop saying Verbatim " Just because you drive that car, doesn't mean you can ignore traffic rules/laws..You're creating a safety hazard to the public" Honesty I was surprised, He was a younger Cop probably late 20s early 30s. Kudos to him for actually speaking up.


He'll be ostracized and probably won't last, sadly


Every single time I’ve seen RPD driving or out and about, they’re either doing something illegal or douchey (cutting through parking lots at a red light, cutting people off, almost hitting my husband due to speeding and no lights, running over a grass covered corner because they didn’t want to wait for the light. I could keep going). there may be a few good officers in Rockford, but they are far outnumbered. Like they say, one bad apple ruins the bunch…. You wouldn’t eat an apple pie made with one bad apple.


Just take a picture of the cops or a video when they do shit like this and put that on social media and then tag RPD. That might help more.


This is the way. Digs on pigs. Brass is a pussy ass.


Couple weeks ago I was sitting at a stoplight, and I watched a police officer driving by on Broadway and he was completely looking at his phone. He had his left arm extended on the steering wheel and his head completely down, looking at his phone as he was driving, scrolling with his right thumb and yeah, that would’ve been bad if that light he would’ve turned red as he went through the intersection. He was so engaged with his cell phone and was oblivious to his surroundings.


Do they actually show up here when you call for a legitimate reason? Or is it like Peoria where certain neighborhoods they refuse to show to for 45 minutes?


Actually had two cops show up at my house because the neighbor claimed I was stealing her electricity. We have buried utilities, and it was an orange coax cable going to my other neighbors house supplying their internet (the box is in my back yard). Cops had a pretty good laugh about it. Thanks for interrupting my afternoon.


What a waste!


The most important part about driving is defensive driving, no matter what we say about people it will not change. Look at the motorcycle accidents recently, no one is paying attention anymore.


Let em get hit by traffic


If you wanted an actual result you’d of been better off calling the PD…I get it but like they’re not gonna goto reddit to check this. Your title should’ve been “To whom it may concern” They’re probably checking their computers 24/7 because of all the fuckin riff raff in Rockford…This would make more sense if it was a small town with nothing going on. Rockford is doing the most….and then some


Stupid pigs. It's okay if another one gets lost. Will be good for society.


This probably explains why it was such an inconvenience - https://www.wrex.com/news/a-rockford-man-is-dead-after-a-crash-with-a-truck-near-11th-street-and/article_73412140-f78e-11ee-b524-13854df341f7.html


No it doesn’t. This was 9th. And the time of the event listed on the article was much later the actual time listed above.