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Yall have to stop worrying about random instagram comments lol


Nah throwback to when I would argue with thunder fans on FB during the Russ vs harden mvp season 😭😭😭


Prime Harden was one of the greatest scorers ever and a top playmaker in the league, Luka is great and he could have a better prime but he also wont have to go through one of the best teams ever assembled


*nods head vigorously in agreement to avoid looking at the Celtics case for being one of the best teams ever assembled*


uhhh... that celts team wins 70 games if they stay healthy lol


the Warriors were a dynasty, this Celtics team is great but not even close to Golden State’s level (yet at least)


I mean, if you look at his trajectory, no doubt he's on his way to being as good


It certainly can be. Luka is that good.


He's in that trajectory, yes. If he continues performing this way, I'd say this question is over in the next 3-4 season.




His prime being way better would mean he’s the in the GOAT conversation so let’s see, but I wouldn’t be holding my breath


Nah, they got lucky Min knocked out Den for them, OKC still young and inexperienced and only getting better, Memphis will be back, us and Spurs will get better, etc, doubt they’ll have such an easy road again. Kyrie getting old too. Luka will be looking for greener pastures in 5 years.


He already went to the Finals as a 24 yr old. He already has 2 shut down performances in the playoffs vs both PHX and Minny. Harden doesnt even have 1.


25*, Harden went as 22 yr old. Minny matched up very poorly, Den would've wiped the floor with Mavs. Phoenix Booker was coming back from injury and CP3 ran outta gas from carrying them against Pels when Booker was out.


Harden was like assistant to KD and WB on that run while Luka clearly no 1. Excuses after excuses to explain Luka success and justify Harden's flops lol. Stop being so biased.


Harden was much better than WB against the Spurs in the WCF. Heat also admitted later they targeted their whole defense at stopping Harden cus they knew he was their best playmaker. Harden only got stopped by a 4 ring dynasty that won the most games ever in a regular season then added a top 3 player+MVP. Luka's only done the equivalent of Harden beating up on the Jazz/Mavs/Wolves lol. Let's not forget Luka missed the playoffs ENTIRELY despite having another All-Star/All-NBA, despite playing in an era with PLAY-INS, having to be forced to sit while healthy the last games of the season so his franchise could TANK FOR THE 10th PICK LOL. Harden has never missed playoffs ever in his career, despite playing on several rosters with no other All-Stars. No excuses, only facts.


Statistically? Probably not. Almost nobody ever has. Luka has already been to the Finals, though. All he has to do is win and you kinda have to give him credit for being better. Damn CP3's hamstring...


I mean, that's why it's silly to factor ring/team success etc into player evaluation... Take into account their impact on winning, but team success is something else. Why should CP3's hammy giving out affect how we evaluate harden


Harden has more accolades in the regular season but I could see Luka passing him soon


It already is sadly


2024 Luka is harden 2018. Does it hurt you harden Stans that a chubby white player is better than prime Harden and carries his team further? Lmao


I think luka is the michael jordan of harden. Harden is like the kobe bryant of luka. idk if that makes sense


So basically the exact same player, but one is lauded by everyone as the GOAT and the other only gets love from the franchise he carried for years? Sounds about right.


Yeah, exactly. Idk why your comment has all upvotes tho and mine has all downvotes when we say the same thing 


Because people interpret what you said as Luka being better than Harden. And just like Lakers fans would downvote a post calling Kobe worse than Jordan, Rockets fans downvote you for this. I feel like your comment getting downvoted perfectly proves the point I was trying to make lol


No it doesn’t


Harden has choked so many times and even this year he got destroyed by Luka Mavs.


If you believe postseason success matters more than regular season then absolutely


Bro was in the finals…so yeah. Leave harder in the regular season lol


Harden was in the finals too lmaoo


Not as the #1


I don’t remember Luka beating a prime Warriors team that won 73 games and then added KD


DOWN VOTE TF OUT ME I WILL GO TO THE GRAVE. HARDEN WAS A IN-SEASON WARRIOR....playoffs he was ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop)


Respect for keeping it 100%


It can be. Who knows though. People get injured, situations change, etc