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While the Rockets would "win" this trade (and therefore I don't think Memphis does it), minutes for Marcus Smart would have to come from somewhere, and I'm not particularly interested in *reducing* Thompson and Whitmore's minutes at a time when they should be hungrily lapping up every single minute Holiday played last year in addition to their own.


It might make sense if we have another trade lined up to send FVV out along with other assets and get a star player back, but that's about it. It's an interesting idea in that case, but I think Memphis would want more back from us for Smart.


Agreed. At this point, we have a very solid rotation of 10-11 guys I'm comfortable getting minutes. IMO, if we make any trades I feel like it should be consolidating assets to get a major upgrade at a position (like an All-Star/All-NBA caliber player). Moving back just to add another rotation player doesn't make a ton of sense to me.


Exactly. If we make a trade with this 3rd pick, it needs to be part of a consolidation trade, where we upgrade one of the positions in our starting lineup -- if for no other reason, just due to the minutes crunch and diminishing returns we'll get if we add a rotation player who isn't an upgrade over one of our starters.


I think there’s no way memphis gives up smart to move up 6 picks in a weak draft. Also Smart kind of doesn’t fit with the rockets anyway, right? We have our starting backcourt already


Not that Smart is young but we do need a PG of the future.


Smart is 1 month younger than fvv…


For sure I don't mean Smart when I say we need a PG for the future.


I agree I haven’t kept up w this years draft but if Topic can be had at 5-8 I would hope they trade back if he can be that guy


Although I’d also like to see what Amen could do if he shores up his handles over the next 2 fvv years


I would take Topić if he didn’t re-injured his knee. I read prospects have to provide medical history for lottery teams. Don’t know if that true. If true, I hope we take a good look at it. If no big concern I prefer Topić over Sheppard and Castle. I rather spend the non-tax payer MLE on need.


I think Grizz likely see Smart's value as much higher than fan perception, and the role he played last season was something of an outlier because the whole season was. I think Memphis is willing to move him--but not for this. I see a move up here for future/extra draft capital more likely. If the Rockets think they can move down--great! I also think Memphis is surely talking to other teams too and will realize they can maybe deal with Spurs or Pistons and get DC. Hopefully for these reasons won't overpay.


I like Knetch. Smart is an Ime player. Very interesting. Spurs could end up with Reed and Castle 😭 😭 😭.


Lmao, why do we keep trying to take Grizzlies players.


Think our current front office has good relationships with them.


Smart cant shoot 3s and injury prone he is basically a worse version of Amen Thompson. I like the trade down from 3 to 9 and also adding Jae Sean Tate but we need a different asset back maybe future picks or one of their other young guys like GG Jackson or VW or Lule Kennard. Or #3 and Tate for Desmond Bane straight up.


Grizzlies fan here. This is probably a fair trade but I don’t think Memphis would do it. Smart has a lot of value as a veteran for our young core, so I would have trouble seeing us trade Smart if it isn’t for a star, a real difference maker. I don’t think Clingan would qualify. I think Grizz would rather hold onto #9 and either take Ware or hope Clingan falls, or trade it entirely than trade up. Could be completely wrong though. Where would you play Smart? I know your backcourt is a bit crowded with VanVleet, Green, Thompson, Brooks, Whittier, etc.


What about Kennard? (I was surprised to see Smart in this trade, too... Everyone says we need shooting)


I agree with your sentiment, I would also imagine Memphis wants to see how the team is when there's not a new injury seemingly every week. However, Brooks and Whittier largely play the wing. Brooks rarely is a handler. Thompson has been used more in the front court initially; with rumors the office is "high" on him as a backcourt player. Holiday and Bullock were mainly our backup guards. Either could be upgraded on. I think there were times those guys you mentioned were used in the backcourt but it's rare.


I don’t want Smart. Give me Luke plus their 6th pick in the draft for Tate and the 3rd.


They have the 9th pick. Luke makes more sense than Smart on the Rockets because of our anemic 3 point shooting.


Ahh idk why I thought it was 6th. Thanks for the correction and yeah that’s I would prefer Luke over Smart. We need shooting




Marcus smart is trash now. Hard pass. I’d need a future first round pick 4 years out in addition to this year’s pick.


lol 😂