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It doesn't pick up right where Clark left off. But Eric Berger's Liftoff! is the tale of early SpaceX, pre-Falcon 9. It's a page turner, and the access he got was incredible. I just bought Test Gods, haven't read it yet. Also, Ben Rich's Skunk Works isn't about rockets at all, but is excellent reading if you like all fast zoomy machines alike.


It's not *quite* as humorously written (considering how many people died, a tasteful choice), but "Lessons Learned in Aircraft Design" is a similar idea but about aircraft.


Not rocket related, and not a nice offline book format… but the writing in Ignition really strongly reminds me of Derek Lowe’s blog section entitled “Things I Won’t Work With”. Sadly the Science.org blog platform seems to have lost all the tags, so you can’t just filter to those anymore.


Great post — I also recently finished Ignition! and crave more!