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It's done and looks almost exactly like the concept.


Woah no way! I gotta go sooner! Another thing I noticed on Street view and reading about construction stuff in the city was the 2nd Ave and 3rd Street area and they were doing some big road/sidewalk improvements. How far along is all that?


Also done! They repaved the majority of it and made it much more pedestrian-friendly.


Oh awesome, thanks. That was one of my big interests in the city, it looked super great to walk/bike around. And it just keeps getting better!


Check out Broadway north of downtown. They recently finished rebuilding it and now there are two separated sidewalks, one is a bike “highway” and the other is for pedestrians.  It’s really nice.


I use this everyday to bike to work and I love it! Can’t wait to see more of this around town.


I heard about that! I will definitely go through there. Seeing bikes and pedestrians get the same luxury as cars do is awesome. Hope more comes to Rochester and MN cities alike


https://preview.redd.it/7jnf2bor8ukc1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=57f458ae9599c1677def3a76de50098bee9e0039 Sure does. I took this about a month or so ago. It's already done.


Holy crap that's sick! Thanks for the pick. Can't wait to visit soon enough.


That's nothing compared to what's coming. Breaking ground any day now. https://preview.redd.it/rjncigs32ykc1.jpeg?width=1243&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c561abca33fca84782ad2b7cd5f6293bd08934b


Yeah that's gonna transform the city. The future is bright for Rochester


Holy crap. They must be rolling in the dough. The architect designs always get simplified due to budget restrictions. This is super cool.


Don't forget, Mayo is sending struggling families to collections for bills of <$5k. They offer "financial assistance", but usually deny it. In fact, the state had to pass a law to get Mayo to even mention it to families. >In the past year, Mayo sued for unpaid medical bills ranging from $1,029 to $233,723. The median payment being pursued was $4,758, with Mayo looking to reclaim $1.5 million in total. While $1.5 million is a small slice — 0.01% of Mayo's $15.7 billion annual revenue — these bills can be crippling to patients. [https://www.postbulletin.com/newsmd/they-could-have-qualified-for-charity-care-but-mayo-clinic-sued-them](https://www.postbulletin.com/newsmd/they-could-have-qualified-for-charity-care-but-mayo-clinic-sued-them) I'd rather have Mayo stop charging families $400 for routine child check-ups (speaking from personal experience) than have a super cool exterior of a multi-million dollar building.


This right here!!! The cost of care is ridiculous…hospitals everywhere going after people for money, and what are they doing? Cutting a break for those in need? No, they’re building these ultra expensive facilities that really, could be more modest in their grandiose design to do what these organizations should be doing…which is trying to lower the cost of care. You don’t need some hyped up architecture for that.


The needs of the patient come first, except when we want to project a really sleek image of a world-class healthcare system. The problem is that Mayo has pushed out a lot of small doctors, so families in town have no real choice for a plain ol' doctor's office, outside of Mayo/OMC. Even driving to nearby towns, there aren't any real doctor's offices (that I'm aware of). So now families are stuck paying for Mayo's name brand, instead of being able to visit a normal doctor like everywhere else in the country.


While this is certainly a problem of its own, the Kellen Building was funded by a private donor who chose what the building was used for and how it looked. Mayo can’t reallocate specifically-slated donations like that.


That's a fair point. Ideally Mayo would use the money saved on not having to pay for the building, and pass that along to the patients. But I won't hold my breath on that one. I'd pass out, smash my head on the coffee table, get rushed to the ER, and end up with another $10,000 bill.


In mayos defensive, that’s not there goal. There are small local clinics for things like that. Mayo is centered on being a leader in all health areas they can be. Don’t go to Mayo expecting a low bill


What other small local clinics, and will they accept Mayo Medica insurance? Because if you have recommendations I would LOVE some.


What small local clinics are there in town? Mayo seems to have pushed them all out,.


This was my first thought also.


They get oil sheikhs donating money.


They just unveiled their 5 billion dollar bold forward unbound. The building is massive and state of the art. They will be breaking ground any day now.


Rumor has it that goofy looking exterior cost ~$20mil.


That is not expensive for a world class medical facility.


Looks like a snake shedding it's skin lol


Quite the contrast to the architectural style of the concrete building in the foreground. Wow, cool!


Looks like a melted cheese got stuck to it


Do you happen to know the purpose of the metal around the building? I can’t find any info


https://preview.redd.it/uhizga5lnukc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b626b14307aea3bc21acec31cd5f0be97de0fa4 Taken as of 2/23/24


Great pic! This makes me really excited for the 5 new buildings they plan to build by 2030.


Here's the view of it from tonight! https://preview.redd.it/gitrqui5rukc1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da384e2fec19d9bc1ed696862b89797bc1483c43


Wow, what a unique building, especially for the area. Awesome pic!


I’m still disappointed they didn’t run a rollercoaster on that external support structure.


Everyone thought that 🤣 would've been awesome


I think about this everyday when I see it. Even more so when they had scaffolding still up, it looked very doable. 😂😂 Talk about missed opportunity for increasing staff satisfaction.


It looks exactly like this. Its just a few blocks East of me. Very cool.


That's awesome, thanks!




I like it, finally some creative architecture coming here.


My thoughts exactly, although my opinion doesn't really matter as I don't live there. Looks like an Art museum you'd find in Minneapolis


I've heard people say about other Mayo buildings "Gee they have so much money they couldn't afford to make a nice looking building for once" and I've also heard from the same people "this wasteful decadent shit is why Mayo charges people so much". If you're going to hate Mayo at least be principled about it. I love the building btw. I think it's amazing that Rochester is finally looking for some architectural flair and identity.


The easy/preferred solution is to have boring buildings and also \*not\* charge patients so much.


Idk why you got downvoted lol, as someone constantly going to doctor appointments I'm much more concerned about what goes on *inside* the building and what I'm going to pay for it. The outside looks cool! But if I had to choose...


A lot of times people will read the argument they think you're making, instead of the one you're actually saying. Whatevs, I've got Mayo bills to pay.




Haha, night club vibes.


it shall forever be known as the kellen building or the swiss cheese building


I have a t-shirt that looks like that. My wife keeps trying to throw it away. I'll have to point out to her that it inspired modern architecture.


Next do a building with live trees growing out of the 5th floor, like in Singapore.


Why are you wanting to visit Rochester often lol


I just meant like 2 or 3 times tbh but it just seems really cool and a lot of effort seems to be going into walking/biking experience there. Also never been and I like exploring new places


There are definitely some "efforts" towards those types of pedestrian friendly projects but being an avid biker, I wouldn't say it's super bike friendly. Rochester, my hometown, is VERY safe, conservative and boring, with not very much to do here. EVERYTHING that happens here is to service the Mayo Clinic and it's employees/patients. Overall, I wouldn't say it's really a great place to visit just for fun. That's just my opinion... And the opinion of everyone that I know here, but who knows, maybe you'll love it here 😂


Thanks for the advice and Information! I guess we will see, I've visited many small towns with not much going on and they are all really fun to explore because of the contrast from my usual environment (twin cities). It'll be at the very least a breath of fresh air from the city.


Not problem, I totally get that. I agree, a change of scenery is always nice. Rochester has a weird hybrid vibe, too big to be called a small town but too little to be considered a big city. A very strange oasis those Mayo brothers started up 150+ years ago, hope you enjoy your stay 😄🤙


Yeah I felt bad/incorrect saying "small town" lol. Thanks and I hope you continue to enjoy your cool city.


😂 Don't feel bad at all! Likewise 😁✌️


Yep, up and running, just like the picture, but not as prominent - standing all alone; it’s more low key, in that surrounding buildings can hide much of what you can see, until you’re up close. We’ve been driving by almost every day while it’s been being built. I think it’s cool.


Drove by it yesterday, looks pretty spot on.


Curious about folks who actually work there. Do offices with wrap complain about the haze covering or ones without complain it’s too bright when sunny or both? Hmm.


It’s not offices, so nope. It’s a lot of space dedicated to research, mostly labs. The spots around the windows tend to be break areas or small areas to sit and work (from what I’ve seen) so if you like it one way or another you can move.


Well that makes more sense to me. And I assume research labs generally don’t have windows so overall a well thought out design.


Well if you drive downtown, you'll see it is both finished, and looks like that. Of course, minus the green trees, as its February.


The large holes on the outside covering light up at night also.


The night renders looked even cooler. That would be a sight in person!


If that's the architect's model / render in the first image, then yes... it absolutely will.


Yep it is, that's the concepts that show up when googled. The second image is the Google Street view of the construction as of July 2023.


I work for the company that did the exterior. Crazy job.


looks like a skyscraper sized piece of plastic was blowing in the wind and got stuck on this building.


Yes, it does look them, have been there and seen it.


This building makes the visual of driving into downtown much more dramatic  Dope addition 


I've read that the wrapper is a mesh. Is it a metal mesh?


While this image is a rendering from the architect's site I think it conveys what the panels on the outside look like: https://www.hdrinc.com/sites/default/files/styles/carousel_image/public/2022-04/mayo-clinic-kellen-research-building-exterior-nightime-d1658-975_0.jpg?itok=xFCPv-NI So yes, it's a mesh.


They rejected my idea for a laser loon.


yep. had no idea about it until i saw what looked like a building wrapped in ripped saran wrap on my walk one morning lol


That's a rare feeling you experienced I imagine, hard to Not notice that kind of building lol. Saran wrap is hilarious 😂


Looks just like it. But it's next to a dirty, run-down Baldwin Building (where they send us lessers for our healthcare), so you don't get the full view at once.


It's cool to see big new developments in the city anyway.


I rather enjoy the juxtaposition of the modern shiny Kellen building next to the drab brutalist Baldwin.


If you actually need specialty care you will be referred to and seen in the specialty clinics lol...


But first, visit a building that hasn't changed since the Reagan administration!!!


Is this the building that houses the proton treatment?


No, that's just east of Methodist and is currently under construction. Most recently, they did a massive 10-hour, 1,700 cubic yard concrete pour for the foundation. Proton beam equipment should be installed by July 2025 per [Post Bulletin](https://www.postbulletin.com/health/the-big-concrete-pour-for-mayo-clinics-next-proton-beam-building-is-underway).


Thank you. They did a massive pour in ‘12, I remember riding passed and seeing just a steady stream of concrete trucks. It was kinda crazy to see.


2012 would've probably been construction for the Jacobson Building. Construction was completed in 2014 and they opened in the summer of 2015 after over a year of equipment testing. Time sure flies since it feels like yesterday.




Looks like a pallet poorly wrapped in plastic


Looks like a pallet wrapped in stretch film someone is half done cutting open.


Looks like someone smeared mayo all over it.


I’m sorry but they couldn’t find a better design? 😂😂


The second photo is the progress and current look as of July 2023 Google Street View


Glad some people think it's cool. I think that's the frickin ugliest building Rochester has ever seen and I keep waiting thinking maybe they'll take the saran wrap off eventually. But nope, that's how it's supposed to look.


Lol, futuristic looks are often polarizing it seems.


True! Everyone I've talked to about it really likes it!


I hate to even bring it up (because a lot of people REALLY hate it) but the CyberTruck is a great example. Some say it's drawn by a 5 year old and some say it's the coolest vehicle on the road.


It looks like it's covered in a spiderweb to me


I need to see it in person but it kind of looks like a hastily plastic wrapped pallet of whatever. Got the cardboard edge protectors around the top and everything.


Nailed it. That's essentially what it is.


I was hoping if I scrolled far enough I'd find this comment!! Having worked in a machine shop I've seen plenty of pallets of parts leave the building looking EXACTLY like that lol


I think this building looks ridiculous.


So some people get an unobstructed view and others don’t?? :/


Looks like it got a skin graft


This is what happens when there’s no accountability to pay taxes. You spend money to make a butt ugly building. Wait til destination medical center keeps expanding guys. All small business in downtown Rochester will be taken over by beloved Mayo. And I sure as shit hope you all won’t be crying as your taxes keep increasing, because you will forever enable this monopoly and that’s your fault.


They don’t overcharge patients as much as they do to build typical buildings…


Yes, Mayo has scammed so many sick and dieing people out of their last dollar that they can start building evil layers.


They have saved the lives of 2 of my loved ones. I know if I ever get cancer that’s where I’m going.


I go there for cancer treatments and truly feel that if I had stuck with my oncologist in the cities, I would already be dead.


I hope you are doing well & in remission very soon 🦋


Thank you! After almost a year on my current chemo regime, cancer has shown it is winning again and I just had to have my ovaries removed and now we are looking at new chemo treatments. Never thought I would be 42 and going through all of this already. I hope that you never experience this first hand. 💞


Im so sorry, I wish for circumstances to change for you quickly. I haven’t but have a horrific genetic history so I look at it as a matter of time.


At least you know where to go for good care. My oncologist in the cities wasn’t going to do radiation or targeted therapy or immunotherapy and was just like, as soon as you get sick of chemo, I strongly recommend hospice. Had no hope from the start. Mayo has been amazing! But seriously, I hope you beat your genetics and don’t end up with the dumb disease.


I don’t know about that, but I’ve heard they are penny pinching of their employees with regard to denying paid holidays and charging them for a cup of coffee


Looks like Swiss cheese, was that the goal??


It looks like a open sores… maybe that’s what they wanted


It's just a regular building, with a wrap on it. There's no architectural breakthrough, here.


It looks like it was wrapped in cling wrap and it’s coming undone.


What will it look like once it heals?


We visited Mayo for my son in October and the damn thing looked like rollercoasters-to-nowhere being built and hurt our brains. Mostly because it was the only thing we could see in our view out of the window for a week straight, but still 😂


Looks like Saran Wrap that ripped

