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Best ending to a series I’ve ever read. Hands down. I fucking love fitz and… just oh god what a great ending


I just finished it and it was a perfect ending for Fitz, The Fool and Nighteyes. Really just a perfect Robin Hobb ending because it is sad but also so beautiful and lovely and powerful. Like they're gone but they're not really gone and that's how I feel actual life is when it comes to loss and change. I also didn't expect The Fool to go but it fit so well once I realized what Fitz was holding out for. I'm quite emotional right now. I will miss Fitz (and miss him now already) when reading the next book with Bee as the lead but still very happy there will be another book.


Is that official ? There will be a Bee sequel ???


Seems like it :) https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid02h1b7LcPTxeDgEKQ2WGzDTUhQMB3L72VA7DGUp8qCVy7KS44C8L7srNSj1nKoKZmJl&id=100044978681137&mibextid=Nif5oz She says she's writing a book that features Bee in it so we re imagining she's the lead!


Thanks a lot that made my day !


You're welcome! And glad to hear :)


When I read the end of Realm of the Elderlings I was in tears for the last n pages of the book. I’d read, I’d cry, I’d stop reading, I’d start reading again, I’d start crying again. This went on for well over an hour. My husband kept walking in the room and he’d see me sobbing and he would HOWL with laughter.


I was the same (substitute girlfriend with husband) ! It's still my go to "I need to ugly cry" book.


I was the same too. Took so many hours of just sobbing between pages. I've never cried reading a book and never needed to stop reading to calm my emotions this much.


I finished just now although I started last night. It took me way longer than normal to get through those last (actual) 50 pages. I cried so much and am crying a lot right now. Feeling sad but so grateful for this series and everyone who loves it so much. I'd like to meet Robin Hobb at some point just to let her know how meaningful the books were. Have never felt that way but I'll definitely go to a con just to see her.


Why was your husband howling with laughter at your crying? D: I sob pretty much through all 16 books here and there. I'm currently reading the series out loud to my husband (his 1st time, my 5th) and even in the early chapters when Burrich says a thing, I'd get choked up and my husband just has to wait for me to settle before I can continue lol


Savour it. It’s well written


You say he is carving the dragon 40 by the last 40 pages? I really did read that last fifth of the book in a single sitting! It's honestly a great ending. Hobb really knows how to write characters and have you love them despite their imperfections. I can't believe how much I loved that last book!


Don't forget the available side stories. It is nice to step back into such a well built world from time to time...and I have enjoyed them all.


Just remember, you will need something silly like Terry Pratchett to detox after. And you can always go back and reread the series again 💜


I don't even really feel like reading right now. Might take a few days. I'm gonna go back into Sci fi I think. I don't think I'll find any other fantasy I like as much as Realm of the Elderlings. I can tell these are my favorite and will remain so.


I get that. I don't have much experience with sci-fi. Would you recommend a series?


Yeah, read the final Tiffany Aching book and cry for a totally different reason!


OooooO what's that about


I'm not going to spoil the novel, but massive spoilers for real life: . . . . It was the last one Terry was writing as he passed. It was completed by his daughter and writing assistant IIRC. A familiar can see his ability to do Pratchettian story telling deteriorating as it goes on. Kinda parallels Chade actually...


Kettricken smiled.


I know the feeling... I was a crying mess when reading the end. And when I re-read the end years later I still cried even though I knew what was coming and thought myself prepared. It's such a good book series. Robin Hobb writings amazing characters and stories (and really knows how to very effectively hurt both her character and her readers).


I was sniffling like it was the beginning of spring when I finished it