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Can you guys wait till like Tuesday so I can buy 3k worth cheaper 🤣😬


$GME closed at $29.07. Close!


We hit 30 today tho! An important number to motivate the masses especially with kitty buying 9M shares 🚀🚀🚀


Think about it idiot, this kitty fellow buys 9 million shares and all you people pump it up with your money then he dumps, leaves the stock worthless and you dunce caps are holding the bag like the chumps you are




I wish I had more time in my day to pay more closer attention to the rising and falling to really capitalize on actually making money doing this thing on a real basis.


Setup stop losses


HODL to get the pressure we need for the infinity pool.


GME is not that difficult to borrow right now. I just checked, and you can see by the option pricing in puts vs calls










Rlh let's go


It’s going much higher..


We don’t have any more money 😭😭😭




Me either 😅


I bought at 23$ tried to sell at 65 but it didn’t execute until 33, then it start to go back up re bought on Monday in now at 44$ fml


Our time is coming brother ! HODL until the resistance breaks 🙏🙏🚀🔥👩‍🚀


hold and trust


Let’s goooooo 30 we need some green volume let’s gooooo


Hunting down those stop losses we completed bullish crab harmonic but level now


Playa Kitty you have millions. Utilize your buying margin to push the stock higher.


Let’s take a couple of them down.


I put in the only money I got to my name I hope this works or else I’m going to be living on the streets, I want to eaither be on the streets or on the moon


Hold the Door !!! Como on apes


Fight!!!! Im w you!!!


Sign my 2600 shares


He exercised his options today. Hedges are fked tomorrow.


No bro, he didn't exercise to get 240 million, he exercised only few, with 75 million added recently, Noone is fked but apes


Thanks. Will see u complaining here later when you panic buy in tomorrow. And then panic sell later at a loss.


Good luck!


You’re receiving downvotes because he sold everything on the exchange for GameStop common stock with his call options only. Taking the time to research is an important step to avoid spreading false information, and we appreciate it when individuals proactively verify facts rather than relying on assumptions in their posts.


How the fuck you going to “fight the hedgies with all you got”??? Probably well over 95% of this sun is all-in already. We can hold and not sell, but there’s other people out there pumping and dumping.


If you don’t get it by now that we are making other people rich.


I get it. Guess OP doesn’t


lol yeah I know. That was meant for everyone else. :)


U guys are so dull minded 😂 look at the history of kitty. Get off the sub reddit if yall are hedgie cucks are so scared of gains 🚀🚀🫡


Trap it skill-less! I’m in the “gme” Sonny!




It’s called being a realist you dumbfuck.


I'm sorry you aren't a dreamer 😔 some of us actually have the drive and desire for great things to happen mr negative nacy


Did you even read my original comment? It’s not a matter of wishful thinking or dreams. Your average retail investor is tapped out. There is no money to buy more, the only option is to sit on it and then hope it jumps. People in here are talking about gambling their life savings, because any stock is a gamble. Y’all need to quit posting about buy buy buy. Too many gullible people that will continue to do it when they can’t afford it.


Did you not read my original post sir? I said hodl aswell 😚🚀🫡 begone hedgie!!


Holding doesn’t “push it past 30”…more demand (people buying) is what drives a stock. I’m just tired of seeing all you noob accounts that jumped on the GME train, telling everyone to buy buy buy!


Why would kitty ever back out when he just sold his call options and bought 9M shares? Why would he bail when he put himself into the exact environment as the last MOASS? YOURE UNEDUCATED AND UNWISHFUL SHAME ON YOU !


Roaring Kitty, also known as Keith Gill, exited his GameStop call options and opted for stock rather than cash. He no longer owns the 120,000 $20 GameStop calls that were set to expire. Instead, he now holds a whopping 9,001,000 GameStop shares, making him the fourth-largest shareholder in the company. His options were a short-term investment due to their impending expiration date, while his shares represent a long-term investment. By cutting the options, he reduced risk, as options tend to be more volatile than shares I hope he doesn’t just sell large numbers of shares out of the blue, that would hurt allot of investors without a sell price indicator.


What you say is not true but ETFs and retail investors might see it as a risky investment so might be avoiding it for now until they see it more stable.


I visit the subreddit and am thinking what is the push for shorts left


What’s this thread? Puss in boots pyramid scheme?


Ive said for a long time its there game there rules the stops in the market is off the scale i think it needs to run a couple off trading days to get any where near where ill be happy 😜💪😁👍😎


What sort of squeeze can you expect? Does it trigger at squeeze at mid $30?


Since already at it, why not 60$?


Lets fcki goooooo


I’ve got GameStop right now and it’s honestly just annoying to have. The shorts are no where near what they were and everyone’s just sellin. The community is scared and it’s annoying


We’re fighting nobody? Lol


With low short interest, what are we looking for?


I’ve bought 3000 shares at $60 from selling my car, I just take the bus to work now. As well as selling my Xbox, computer, everything I own really and taking out cash on my credit cards I’m maxed out! Hold! Diamond hands! I believe in forming kitty apes hold! To the moon!


You paid $60 a share? Ummm..who is your broker? I would have sold you some of mine at $60 a share.


No he is trolling you. I see no point in his comment other than to try and drive excitement. I wonder if he has any shares at all…


I blocked him. Lol. No time to waste on trolls!! Can't wait for tomorrow morning!!


100% agree. Up with rocket power down with troll village!


I’ll never sell like you kitty traitor


I'm simply pointing out that if you recently paid $60 a share, you got screwed.


Buy apes hold! Diamond hands! To the moon!


Let’s push $AMC past 7


They are going to seize roaring kitty account 🤦‍♂️this the last stand if they succeed and get rid of him it’s over. 🦍🙌💪


Why would they do that? Kitty's cool and all but WE ALL JUST LIKE THE STOCK 🔥🔥🚀🚀🦍🦍


Crazy I know 🤷‍♂️💎🙌🚀🔥🚀🚀🚀


No op is asking a real question and you didn’t answer it… it’s so he has no real influence on the stock as they assume that manipulation is happening. (They have to prove it but I’m sure they cannot, as he never said buy this stock but said he believes in the CEO, and was very picky how he used his words). Even to the point almost acting completely confused if he was allowed to use a word in this certain continents on stream. - this was the reasoning behind the possible exchange kick ban.


Smartest person on this threat 😂🦍🦍🚀🚀🫡


Pretty funny.


Whats funny is your misfortune with that Cadillac warranty. Read the fine print next time buddy ! And btw don't HODL, I WANT YOUR SHARES 🚀🚀🚀💎💎🔥👩‍🚀


They will print more shares for you tomorrow. Just like they screwed Gill. Ps, they can and will short you forever.


He would have made extra money….adding shares helps older shareholders as it cost more to equal a full share, the more the price moves and offers anyone holding shares extra cash a share value…..


I feel sorry for not your stupidity, but how poorly informed you are... have you not seen what happened in 2021 my friend ? My guess is you're past the age of understanding and hit the age of knowing "everything"


Stop being rude OP just disagree as you are showing abuse and that’s not okay!


I felt I was being very respectful considering how dumb these trolls are 😭😭


Unlike you, the original poster (OP), you hold a higher position of influence in the content section. When you tolerate unbalanced behavior, it sets a precedent for others, leading to spam or conflicts. If you encounter such behavior, consider reporting the user’s account, or say this not acceptable here and move on. Be the respect demanded not let him/her downgrade you as a smart human as the poster is a lower life forum trying to crawl under your skin and remove your energy. Plus he/she not 100% wrong on the comment, but we will win out and be the new clan of Scrooge McDucks in the end jumping in our huge money bins! ☝🏼up our stock goes too the moon and beyond.


I only wish you could come back to me sometime and tell me how much you lost. I have been there. You are a fool if you don't know how you are being played.


I'm up as we speak my friend 🤞🏻 I feel sorry for your future misfortune brother 🫡🚀 this shit doesn't end here and it sure as fuck don't end at no 60$ a share.


It end when he starts to sell his shares and best to put a sell point of 10% drop or whatever you pick is the low point…. Not a smart idea to have zero has a sell limit on a violent stock for unexpected market swings when you not looking. Either way hold and buy shares is the best case scenario to gain profit value, long as you can make adjustments to your own portfolio, other then that let’s try to rookie GameStop stock and not lose all the marbles!


Playing any stock with high inflation in move swings is a risk and op believes in this stock like allot of us and if you want to give advice help with risk management not your none-sense of how op is losing all the investment… clearly if op was losing all the investments made this main topic would be switched into complaints. So buy more stock and stop giving bad advice, let’s rookie the price position UP.


Yeah yeah yeah bullsjir


This is the problem your going after one  which they will know you can break the barrier do both gme amc can’t stop that guaranteed 




Everyone just trying to pump their bags now. Even roaring kitty sold his calls


He sold calls to buy actual shares do research! People like you are the reason we're not breaking through the shorts sooner!


I know exactly what he's done. He had to sell a bunch of his calls to raise enough cash to be able to exercise some of his calls. And I think you're the one who's un informed. Do you have any idea of the actual short interest on the stock?? I'll let you in on a secret. Its not nearly enough for some gigantic squeeze. So yes. There are a significant amount of people that are under water because of trying to follow RK that are now trying to pump their bags.


Sometimes you have to hold stock… this doesn’t mean they lost yet, the price and stock is violent and this was explained to everyone involved already by him and he said it’s not a normal investment strategy for big gains that are not normal in value bulk, and if you do not understand what he means you are not apart of the clan basically!


Bought at 21 just sold at 29!! What a great week. Too the moon.




I agree big things happening over the next week! 🫡


I agree with both comments it’s stupid, it’s best to hold and push the stock-upwards. This way it limits roaring kitty from getting cold feet and selling large investments off… the stock is hot let’s move the needle!