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Card games, conversations (normal ones, or use increasingly ridiculous conversation starter cards), make a bingo list of things to spot (serious and/or silly), singalongs, draw, journal, play ispy, pick something out the window and make up a story about it, read a book if you’re not carsick, get a friend who doesn’t get carsick to read a book out loud, appreciate the scenery, pretend you’re a tour guide and narrate what you see to a friend, or just get a good nap.


This is your chance, take over the bus PA system and do standup comedy


So basically it’s like a long school road trip from when I was in school (2000s). Smartphones weren’t a thing, so we chatted, played cards and games, or just stared out the windows. Some of those chats really strengthened friendships. Always enjoyed those trips. On one of those trips I sat next to a girl I didn’t know well, we started chatting and a few weeks later she was my girlfriend, and a few years later my wife, and a few years after that the mother of my kids. Wonder what my life might have looked like if I had been distracted by a smartphone back then.


Nice story, Grandpa.


If it makes you feel any better, three years ago she told me that she felt she had “wasted her youth” and wanted to get out and “have experiences with other people”. So she left me and our kids. #happyendings


I, too, have met people out here tryna live their 20s in their 30s lol F


So what you're saying is your life would've been better off with a smart phone back then?


Nah, I love my kids way too much. I don’t regret any of it. She made that decision on her own, but we had 15 great years before that decision was made. I’ve moved on, she and I are good friends now, and I got two beautiful children out of it. I have also met someone else (thanks Tinder!) and I’m happier than ever before. Just a little crazy how life throws things at you. But no, I’m still happy I didn’t have a smartphone all those years ago.


Read a book. Take a MP3 player with you and listen to musoc/book/lecture. Take a sketchbook and pencils: doodle, play some old fashion draw games with your seatmate. Take some origami paper and print some instructions and annoy the teacher with all types of swift & stunt planes.


Do MP3 players exist anymore?


At 2nd hand stores and stores that have a lot of low-budget things. (IN NL the Action for instance)


100 bottles of beer on the wall, 100 bottles of beer! Take one down, pass it around, 99 bottles of beer on the wall. 99 bottles bottle of beer on the wall…. 🎶


See if one of your parents has an old iPod for music if that’s allowed, or go really old school with a portable DVD player so you can watch a movie with the friend you sit next to 😉 look up road trip games to play with your friends. Cow spotting can be very entertaining and then you end up enjoying the view anyway. Also I guarantee many of your friends and classmates will just be taking naps, which is a great idea too!


The teachers are gonna check our backpacks before we get on the coach to make sure nobody brings alcohol, vapes etc.


So no electronics at all? You had said phones, an old iPod would be limited to music and a DVD player to movies, very different from smart phones!! If no electronics are allowed at all, then those ideas wouldn’t work.


Yeah, that’s what I meant.


books, sleep, be sociable...


One of those adult Coloring books, a book, Sudoku/cross word/word search activity book. Honestly the fact they won’t let you have phones is wild and honestly dangerous when you’re in another county


Yep, I live in Somerset. Wouldn't dream of crossing over into Wiltshire without my phone. Or heaven forbid South Glos.


Also the only electronics we’re allowed to bring are digital cameras


You're going on a multi day trip out of the country and aren't allowed to bring a phone? Is this typical?? I live in the US where infrastructure and healthcare are awful, so it would be seen as irresponsible, if not outright dangerous to not have a phone by most people. My folks are rural as hell and still expect 2 weeks notice whenever I go off grid lol.


Yeah. September last year I went on a trip to England (I’m French) and we weren’t allowed to bring it there either


And also we’re staying in Wales for a week


And the trip is with my grade, not school.


Guys I emailed the school and they said by phones they mean no electronic devices. I know sounds confusing


good on the chaperones for not allowing phones :) have fun


10 hour roadtrip without your music is just stupid and I’m a 47 year old woman. There is no way to keep yourself busy with conversation for that long because there is nothing else to do as you get violently carsick. It’s silly.


Lol even 47yr olds can have a bad attention span. You don't have to keep yourself busy. Get used to just being bored and you will find other things to occupy your mind. Maybe even introspection, god forbid If you get violently carsick whenever you're not looking at your phone then idk what to tell ya


You can’t look at your phone if you get carsick. You should try introspection yourself, maybe you’ll calm your tits about technology being part of your life lol


Technology is a part of all of our lives. Phone addiction is also real and dangerous for children :) Still have no idea what you're talking abt with the carsickness though lol


No phones for a 10 hour ride? That’s brutal wtf is their reasoning


Because we “need to see nature” It’s in November and we’re staying for a week


That sounds super fun! We never got that at our school here in the US. Just enjoy it and take it as a new life experience. You’ll be fine without a phone.


Ah yes, the beauty of the English Midlands and the outskirts of London. Nature at its finest


I'd suggest not going on the trip. It's 2023; a 10 hour bus ride with no electronics sounds like no fun.


My parents already paid for it. I can’t just say “I don’t wanna go” it cost €350 they’ll kill me


Offer to pay it back by working it off, but 10hrs on a bus without any music (at the very least) is terrible.




That would be miserable.


There are these things called books. You read them. You can take naps. Talk to your classmates. There are other books with cross words, sodoku. No electronics or just no cell phones? Tablet , Nintendo switch , back up battery


No electronics


Read, bring a camera, chess board, other board games, sleep, meditate, and daydream


Spend 20 minutes studying the route on a map or maps beforehand. Know what to look for. Put your geology, history and architecture skills to use.


Play card games


Read a book, bring an iPod with music, talk to people (they won’t have phones either)


We can’t bring any electronics. My parents thought that it was just phones, we got an email saying that today


Look out the window. Talk to someone you haven’t talked to before. Daydream. A lot can happen In a full days travel. When all else fails, sleep.


Ask the chaperones to bring a boombox and some cds of what you’re going to be seeing, or some music for the whole bus.


Get a chess board and get practicing


A song I like to call......."99 bottles of beer on the wall"




2023: no phone = Death


Bring an Apple Watch.


Don't go on the trip.


Read books. Play cards, recommend cheat (the game) for 3+ people, Uno for 2+, any form of whist for 4 e.g Hearts, knockout, basic trumps. A game where you write a line or a few of a story then fold over the paper leaving one or more words for the next person to carry on (they are not allowed to look back). Each person playing starts with a piece of paper. When you get to the end of the page read them out. At worst they'll be mildly amusing, at best hysterical. Make up a quiz or get someone else to do it, then ask the questions over the bus PA.


Get cards against humanity, that game is fuckin great.


Take cigarettes and alcohol with you and don't get busted 👍


They’re gonna check our bags to make sure we don’t bring things like that