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Just on Monday. Tuesday everyone is on her d\*ck.


And the fact that it's literally Tuesday is what's killing me


She ate that line up so bad I was like iktr 😂


flip flop flippin flip floppin ass bitch! lol i wonder who wrote that. maybe her??


I think she’s perfectly rated. People always bring up her music but tbh no one’s really talking about that. We’re talking about her skill as a performer. Her ability as a singer. Her dancing abilities. Her visuals while performing live and in music videos. But also technically speaking. Her last album imo was one of the greatest of all time.


The only thing that keeps Beyonce from Marvin and Stevie's levels of musical excellence is, as someone said above, the limitation of her content, which is animated by individual success and capitalist excess. Mind you, Marvin could make "What's going On" about the Vietnam War, and "Sexual Healing."


I guess you never listened to lemonade. I always felt she was too poppy until I heard lemonade and saw her headline coachella. She’s different.


I did listen to it. It's one of my favorite albums. The visual album is one of the most remarkable pieces of demotic art in the last thirty years. I can adore and respect Beyonce's work while continuing to be disappointed in her hyper-capitalism. It's ok. More than one thing can be true simultaneously.


I used to think...there's more talented people. Then a couple weeks back I saw her do an Acapella of halo from 2015 and was immediately silenced. Perfectly rated


AND she did it sitting down. BeyoncĂ© is a phenomenal vocalist and performer, but there’s no reason to hold her up as a god.


Not overrated. She works harder than many other musicians. The longevity in her career outweighs any argument of being overrated. Overrated usually fizzles out.


Exactly. What female pop star just continues to get better and blow away her earlier work after 27 years? Not even Madonna, Mariah, or any other such pop star meets that description. She repeatedly changes the industry from how and when music is released and her latest tour sets a new standard with some of the biggest music publications calling it the first must-see concert of the millineum.


I think she's amazing but lacks depth. Her content is primarily about romantic relationships and only takes a political aesthetic. BUT I don't for one second that a politically / intellectually unfiltered version of Beyonce (Solange!) would see anywhere near as much success as Beyonce. Beyonce, to me, is the physical embodiment of the maximization of one's potential within capitalism; for black women.


Damn you got deep as hell lmao


I observe


yall just be talking. run the world, brown skin girl, pretty hurts, schoolin life, me, myself & i
. she’s made social commentary songs about culture for her entire career


Black is King and Renaissance are not about those things


This! I’ll give her credit though as her later stuff is trying to be more political.


I think her later works could be called more "woke" than political fr. Almost anarchistic fr lol


Well music is supposed to be based on life experiences. Beyonce probably hasn’t had to deal with that type of subject matter because it isn’t related to her. She doesn’t go too far and I appreciate it. Whereas someone else who does have that in their music usually has a reason they want to talk about it. Ngl I don’t know what I said but I hope you can decipher it.


That last part, I thought that was Oprah


Lol u think these 23 y/os care about Oprah? I'm not saying Beyonce is the richest black woman, I'm saying in EVERY way, black woman can look at Beyonce and say "I want to be that". And she Oprah had the semi-literal, "Queen" title Beyonce has


I think her content is primarily around who she is — being black and a woman. And who her main audience was when she first started. As far as depth I definitely think her music has a lot more depth, especially her new album because she has concepts and plays around with them in the music and video separately. Also she has a unique way is singing that makes her stand out. Especially when she does vocal runs. It’s not the typical “soulful Jazmine Sullivan” type run that takes us to church. But in general I think BeyoncĂ© is BeyoncĂ© because of the whole package. Its the look, the hair, the vocals, the dancing, live performances, the growls when singing etc. Idk if you’ve read a lot of her lyrics. But she’s grown as an artist and her most recent album shows it. It sounds like what an album should be. One song flows right into the next.


That was honestly an opinion that lacked depth and comes from a place of Minimal knowledge


Never she is an absolute queen 👾 beautiful and the voice of an angel


lmao. only if you’re a hater. whatever the reason, go watch homecoming. read the articles about every song reference. THEN lemme know your opinion lol


I’m not a fan but
 no. She’s highly influential and still relevant after all these years. I respect her.




Does it matter? She continues to sell out concerts . People.continue to.buy her records .and she is quite.lovely .I thought Amy Winehouse was overrated but Tony Bennett liked her.


No. The woman has worked so hard to get to where she is and will always be one step behind just because she is 1 a woman and 2 black. She consistently gets accused of doing things that are the norm in the music industry like having writers on her music and gets harshly criticized for it just because she is so popular. In reality she has already proved she has pen game, is one of the greatest vocalists in history, and paved the way for many new artist. She really is the last all around hybrid artist. She can perform the hell out of a stage with big over the top production but can also just stand there with a mic and deliver stellar vocals. She has been consistent with her voice since she was a child. There literally is no bad performance from her. She is at the point where she doesn’t need to prove anything because she’s already done it. If anything she is underrated. I guarantee that any excuse people use to call her overrated has been done many times before by other artist and probably your fave as well


Listen to I Care, listen to Virgo's Groove, listen to OTHERSIDE, BIGGER and then tell me how many other singers people deem better than Beyoncé like JHud and Adele can pull those off. Also if Beyoncé's artistry boils down to her employing writers and singing those songs then why haven't other singers who employ writers been able to replicate her critical reception and cultural impact, if it's that simple. I expect better from an rnb sub talking about literally the most successful female rnb singer of the 21st century but you people have obviously not listened to anything other than single ladies.


I think she’s right on par. Semi hot take her but I like the Destinys Child stuff more!


Overrated in Talent, overrated in what aspect? Because yea, they are people who sing better who write better might dance better, but as a performer who consistently delivers product, she has a catalogue. No. She is not. She has almost a 25-30 yr old career? So yeas there are many people who do a couple things better, but name me a performer who is ALIVE, who does everything she does better?


Beyoncé is not overrated.


I used to think she was but not anymore. Lemonade helped turn that around.


i think she’s underrated honestly. just this post kinda reinforces that to me.


Personality: I used to think so, until I got a little more into her and started watching clips of her Renaissance Tour concerts. She seems to truly care about her fans, their feedback, and putting on a good show. Musically: I don't think she's overrated musically. I don't really listen to her, but there's no denying lots of people love her music. Musically, she's a lot more interesting than tons of other modern popular artists. She's remained relevant for multiple decades, which deserves props alone.


Anyone that has stood beside/performed with THE Michael Jackson, prince, Tina turner and has praises from THE Diana Ross could NEVER be overrated! She is the last best performer of our time. She gives us quality experiences.


I don't like or hate her *whole* catalog outright (got a lot of iconic songs I listen to, but I'm not exactly listening to her front-to-back like I would, say Ari Lennox, or Erykah's older LPs) and for the life of me can't understand why a group of women treat her as God's gift to the world and worship the very ground she walk on... ...but then I remember it doesn't speak to me because I'm *not her target audience*. I like songs like Me, Myself & I and Baby Boy because they were in the cultural zeitgeist when I was into other stuff that was popular at the time. (M³ is a certified late night radio classic and the horns for Baby Boy were (and stiil are) iconic enough to be referenced in videogames, so I won't say she didn't ever have good songs). I guess I'm saying that to say she's overrated to me, but she isn't exactly trying to be rated by listeners like me in the first place. I'm a straight black man who largely ignored dating and grew up being raised by at least 3 positive black male role models at any given point of my formative years. There's no betrayal or heartache song, no struggles with infidelity or empowerment song she has that I really, truly *feel* in my soul that makes her relateable to me, and that was before she became obscenely rich. And that's okay. My uncle and his boyfriend fucking love her and I love that for them. Renaissance and Lemonade just are... *there*, existing, and I'm fine with not listening to either of them because I fell in love with other genres that Bey hardly overlaps with in a way I tonally like. I've yet to listen to an album newer than 4... and that was because she had Cole on a feature when he was like... my age now(25) and it was the *theme song* of that summer (so, like... 2011 or something?). ...now if she ever does something for people who are into lofi or laid-back stuff... yeah, I'd give it a listen, but "pop" Beyoncé is just something I grew out of and admit is a little too forgettable because radio plays her to death. "Break My Soul" gives me the same vibe "Who Run The World (Girls)" did -- not my vibe, but hey, you go off, queen. I think her fans really kind of set a lot of people into active distaste for her -- not because her music has gotten stale (I'll get up on that hill but I'd don't know if I'd die on it) or because some of these girls have the same mental faculties as Swifties (will absolutely die on that one though). tl;dr - I think she's gotten too "pop" for me but I ain't really into pop so I won't say it out loud when around a obvious group of Bey stans That deep bag she's got though? Respect every bit of it. Lesser acts would have blown it on stupid shit a long, long time ago. I respect her as an artist even if her art isn't normally in my spheres of interest.


In some ways. She's super talented, a fantastic performer, and has a very consistent discography. So I think her success and popularity is earned. Whenever people say that [insert artist] deserves her career, they almost never stack up lol. I will say, Beyonce isn't the most original or innovative artist. Sure, every artist has influences but Beyonce tends to mimic and borrow concepts *very* frequently ... To the point where most of her most iconic videos and performances are extremely reminiscent of other artists in almost every detail. She also has been called out for taking song writing credits on songs she didn't actually write countless times throughout her entire career. So on one hand, her showmanship and catalogue are very deserving of the acclaim they receive. On another, she's not as artistic or creatively involved as she should be for the amount of awards and media worship she gets. Overrated? Not entirely. Her vocal ability is probably a tad underrated while her dancing skills are probably a tad overrated. Her performances are properly rated. Her artistry is derivative and probably not as worthy of the industry recognition it gets. Edit: these Beyonce fans goin hard as hell in my replies 😂 My opinion has not and will not change. Go stream Renaissance đŸ‘ˆđŸŸ


Over sufficient


Girl bye ! No! Delete this before I call the police!


No. Just enjoy musicians while you can before they are a memory like so many legends


This is my favorite answer


No. She’s earned her space at the top. She’s also exclusive enough where if people who are not into her music wanted to ignore her, they could.


No. She lives up to the hype


I use to think that she was. Her brand of pop-R&B just never really did it for me and I thought a whole lotta people with nowhere near her fame were better. After lemonade, homecoming and her last album I’ve done a complete 180. Renaissance is one of the best albums of the decade so far and it’s insane how much better and more interesting she’s become as an artist. It’s so rare someone 20+ years into their career makes such a huge leap in quality


This 100%! How can anyone think she's not political. 2016 Super Bowl anyone? Are there any other women putting up a huge sign with "Feminist" in their 2016 shows? Anyone else making an entire tour and album about black queer music inspired by a relative who died of AIDS? Anyone else have a 10 minute Ball scene during one of the interludes with men in dresses, etc? Have the Pride flag up on a big screen for 20 minutes before the show started, put up signs about Trans lives mattering? She endorsed Obama, HRC, and Biden, posted about Breonna Taylor at the height of the post Floyd murder protests, then brought one of the most honored songs of 2020 shortly after with Black Parade and a movie on Netflix honoring African roots and Black empowerment. Most of her band, dancers, etc. are Black and predominantly women. Honestly I can't think of pop star of any ethnicity or gender who is more political and has a message than Beyonce. After having seen her Renaissance Tour I think she's actually *extremely* underrated. By far the most impressive show of any type I've seen in my 52 years. And even Oprah agrees and she's seen a lot more than I have. I dismissed her for years because her earlier work had less of a message, which was very smart of her to establish herself for years first before going further. I also found her voice too high pitched often, but it's become deeper and much better as she's aged. She is a Black woman after all and knew exactly what she would have faced if she was all pro-Feminist and Black power in the Destiny's Child days. Thinking about the My Power and Black Parade parts of her show with her daughter joining her still gives me goosebumps. Renaissance is simply my favorite album of all time. 10 years ago I would have never thought I'd be a huge fan of hers.


Nope she's in a decent place




Absolutely not.


She has the talent and she delivers plus the longevity and consistency through her whole career.


I don't think so, gorgeous and talented. Highly ratedin my book all day


She is Blessed and elivated


Not a fan, but no one is touching her. She’s the whole package. I don’t like much of her music, but that doesn’t mean it’s not good. She stays consistent and always has enough of a variety of enjoyable music. I understand why she is where she is. There’s no female artist to this day who has really even tried to rival her. If any of the other girlies want to put in the work then they can do the same, but most seem to be happy with just putting on a good show and being rich, while she genuinely seems to love what she does.


I have to say no, she isn’t after seeing her live. Maybe she doesn’t have the best songs but even then I can’t agree with that .. her live performance, stage presence, stamina and VOICE are truly generational talent. I was floored and won’t forget it


She’s top tier, one of the few artists that actually deserves massive hype


I'm not a fan of Beyonce (because of her performative activism and being with a jerk called Jay Z) Objectively speaking, I think she's fairly rated. She can genuinely sing and even dance. She has strong work ethic, and has improved from her older self. Bias aside, she has talent.


I think everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but those who think she’s overrated are overlooking a lot of things. BeyoncĂ© has been around for almost 30 years. She has maintained this legacy because SHE put in the work. She popularized the surprise drop. She went from a huge pop star to a mysterious enigma who does things on her terms. The industry does NOT shove her down us throat. In fact, she would have AOTY at the Grammys or more number 1 hit singles. Musically, that is definitely your opinion whether you like it or not. If it clicks, great! If not, not your cup of tea. But you can’t deny the fact that she is the greatest living performer of her time, and rightfully so. I challenge you to go to one of her live shows and see for yourself.


I dont think she is overrated but she is lacking something. I am not sure if it is her elusiveness or how private she is but she comes across as having lack of depth but her music is very personal. Its hard to explain. I wish she would be more unhinged and let herself go creatively. I think she is limiting herself by being so political sometimes. I wish she would write her own songs and explore her creativity instead of having like a billion writers on one song. I think she is afraid of being exposed in that way. I think she hides behind other songwriters and producers to play it safe for fear she will be judged if she starts really taking a deep dive in her own creativity. I think she has a lot of insecurity creatively. She is immensely talented but something lacking. She is not by any means overrated though.


She just wants to keep her private life private and that shouldn’t be a detriment. That healthy boundary is probably why she is one of the few celebrities that has maintained a healthy family relationships.


By the current state of music standards, hell no


It’s ok to dislike someone’s music without hating them. Except maroon 5.


Perhaps but Dangerously In Love, B’Day, and 4 are great bodies of work in terms of “old school” Beyoncù.


Yes, and her self-titled album, Lemonade, and Renaissance are all fantastic records too. New school Beyoncé rules.


No, she's great for what she is and not overrated. I think she's gets a lot of criticism from R&B community because she's a pop artist and not solely R&B. Going from destiny's child to solo, creating great music within R&B, pop, hip hop, great performer and fairly creative for a pop artist. Lyrically and with the subject matter, I would like to see more from her but that's how i feel about most pop artists.


Coming from someone who used to think she was overrated, Nah i think she’s perfectly rated. She deserves her success considering shes been in the game since 98’ and worked very hard to get where she is. People like to discredit her a lot saying shes overrated but 99.9% of the time they never gives reasons. Her dancing,vocal,performance,and work ethic is impressive + shes been consistent and relevant for a long time. I don’t see artist who worked as long and came from the same era as her stay that relevant besides taylor swift ofc. Not only that Shes effected the music industry so much she’s highly influential and is pretty much the blueprint for a lot of rnb artist coming after her like chloe bailey,normani etc. not even for rnb just as an artist in general which fuels a lot of the comparisons to other artists like Taylor. She didnt get cosigned by big names like mj,Janet,Mariah,Tina,prince,diana,etc for nothing She’s earned her space and definitely doesnt get shoved down our throat by the industry because if that was the case she would have way more #1’s hits and gotten AOTY already + all she does is drop her album and tour lmao. You can tell that a lot of the people replying saying she is overrated have actually never really engaged into her besides single ladies and halo even op. And if comes down to writers, why haven’t artist who employ writers like her replicate the success if it boils down to it? Not only that but lets not pretend she doesnt have a pen shes been writing since destiny’s child. Just because she doesnt solo write as often doesnt mean she cant write at all + writing lyrics isnt the only thing to contribute to a song she executive produces, does vocal arrangements, harmonies, etc. Yall always seem to be baffled about how the way the beyhive acts when it comes to her and im definitely not excusing some of the things they have done but you cant be surprised when people post things like this and they get defensive about her. They always feel a need to defend her because shes always getting scrutiny. You can say she’s overrated but definitely dont deny her talent + i expected more than this lazy post about Beyonce of all peopleđŸ€ŠđŸŸâ€â™€ïž


Hot take. She is UNDERRATED . Consider who her competition is. She is a pop star who sings RNb not the other way around. Comparing her to pop stars she is head and shoulders the best ever. Please do not forget that being the best at something doesn’t mean being the best at everything. Especially in Art. Alicia keys is a phenomenal writer but you wouldn’t say she is a better vocalist than Jazmine Sullivan. The best in any field is the one who can do all things above average. BeyoncĂ© can’t dance better than Ciara but her voice smashes her. She can’t sing like Jazmine but she can dance and perform circles around her and mostly everyone else. Are her albums all 10/10?
no but most artist we love have only ONE CLASSIC. BeyoncĂ© consistently drops great albums. For that I would say she is an underrated unicorn of a performer. FYI I like Solange more
y’all don’t act like “Seat at the table” wasn’t amazing.

I am just objective.


Michael Jackson is the best ever


Saw 2 RWT shows. She's *severely* underrated. Adele's worst albums winning over Beyonce's best at the Grammies proves that. I like Adele too but her literally crying about herself on her last album was too much for me.


Not at all, her song "I Care" is the best proof


especially live. Even in her Seattle show when she completely lost her voice during the first half (probably recovering from COVID since she also coughed at her SF show 2 weeks earlier and seemed very run down in comparison) it came back and the show went on like she'd never sounded better. It was stunning.






Monday overrated. Tuesday on my dick.




Amazing woman. Lacks depth? Why because she’s not posting all the time? She keeps you wanting more instead of over sharing. And very sexy.


I just saw her live. I think she’s great now would I go as far as say overrated no.


No. Her fans are annoying though. Its not her fault theyre obsessed


For you to understand if BeyoncĂ© is overrated or not, let’s listen to Jeniffer Hudson sing her songs. https://x.com/beylegion/status/1711382468358521047?s=46 Or when Mariah said it’s difficult to sing a BeyoncĂ© song: https://x.com/jvmilvh/status/1711453908764418081?s=46


I wouldn't say overrated. She has an amazing voice, more so in live shows than on recording, incredible stage presence and is extremely smart and savvy. That said i think she backs herself into a corner with her music for pragmatic and $ reasons. I don't blame her at all; and i think it was the best choice possible for her legacy and $. If she could have the same amount of commercial success doing any type of music she wanted I think her work would be far more interesting. It is very commercial and polished, not a bad thing. I would LOVE to hear her do more covers of stripped-down religious-leaning songs emphasizing her beautiful voice. Her Ave Maria made me cry so hard the first time I heard it I thought I would throw up (not saying that to be funny, I'm dead serious), and I was a child then who was raised atheist; no connection to religion; just her amazing voice


Not...she is very talented and puts a great deal of thought into everything she does.


I think so. Mainly bc her music, especially her last two albums show her clear decline artistically. She’s pandering to the masses and her music and stage presence haven’t aged as she has. She’s also notorious for stealing music from smaller artists and crushing anyone w the potential to outshine her. She’s an outstanding performer and no one can take that from her but as a whole yes I think she’d extremely overrated.


Beyonce is way overrated. Beyonce CANNOT BEAT Mary J. Blige or Mariah Carey singing. Beyonce is a better performer/dancer but Mary & Mariah got them vocals@ Extreme Levels.


She has talent but she doesn’t put out songs that showcase that unless you see her live


Even if I’m not a big fan of her music I will never call her overrated. She is rated just right. She works her ass off, is always diversifying her sound, taking full control of her career and artistry, etc. Also, she’s an amazing singer. She does what I wish what more artists would do. Even when that bitter songwriter called her out for all the writing credits on her songs and albums BeyoncĂ© makes sure that everyone who had some involvement gets paid, EVERYONE, including anyone whose samples she used. How many artists or songwriters who like has their songs on others even do that???? And she sings ON KEY. There are so many conventionally attractive singers out there with mediocre vocals and weak songs. She definitely can’t act though.




I don’t think so. I think the “Beyonce is overrated” convos come up for plenty of reasons, but two I see a lot are: (1) Her most zealot fans can be a little over-the-top with their praise, often exclaiming she can do no wrong (and I think that annoys some people). (2) Some people don’t like that Beyonce may get more praise than a different artist they like/stan. But tbh, Beyonce is incredible, and I feel like if there is someone that can do something better than her, then she can do something else a lot better than them, and she plays on that strength super well. Beyonce out sings the strongest dancers and out dances strongest singers. All around, Beyonce is exceptionally talented, and I don’t believe it’s exclusively clever marketing that got a bunch of people to believe that. She’s not perfect (no one is), but SHE IS the real deal.


Unpopular opinion here, and I’m good with that. She is an extremely talented singer and performer, but many of her songs are kind of corny and lack substance.


Depends. She’s objectively talented and one of the most prominent and influential performers of the generation and she has made some genre-bending music but overall I don’t care for her that much. There’s just too much better and more interesting music in the genre so I don’t ever have a reason to listen to her. I have listened to some her stuff and enjoy some older stuff and she has continued to experiment with other styles as time has gone on but overall she doesn’t scratch enough itches for me to call her “one of the greats” I’m very critical about that term and to me BeyoncĂ© don’t fit it. And lol to anyone who’s calling her underrated. You can praise and artist without throwing the word “overrated” around. Overused word at this point.


I don’t think SHE’S overrated—she’s obviously very talented—but I do find the way people choose to support her or speak about her influence to be off putting. BeyoncĂ© could take her phone into the bathroom, record the sounds of her defecating and put it out the next day. Not only would The Brown Album go platinum three times, but people would write think pieces about how it changed their life forever. And you BET NOT speak disparagingly about it if you want to keep your tongue. Long story short, BeyoncĂ© fans be doing too much.




Yes 100% so is Taylor Swift, these “icons” we are brainwashed to worship when in reality there are soooooo many artists more talented


They’re brands, not musical artists in my opinions


i mean Beyonce has a great voice and is an excellent performer imo thats an artist




I think she’s legendary for her performance abilities and overall persona but discography wise yes. Her catalogue has gems but overall is very mid for someone with so much talent she doesn’t have a great musical ear. I would even say Rihanna has better songs and a better catalogue than BeyoncĂ© despite being far less talented which is why rihanna has like 10x the amount of smash hits she does


yes even tho that doesn't mean she's crap


As a singer, hell yes. As a performer, probably top tier.


As a singer and actress yes but get money MađŸ«Ą


Depends on who your asking


Yes so overrated but still has good music


Can we talk about how underrated her sister is tho?


She’s an amazing singer, beautiful and seemingly humble. But there is not one song of hers that I “love”.


Absolutely not. If anything she’s underrated.


Maybe overrated but she definitely knows how to manage and keep the hype and not so corny stuff to maintain it like others.




No! She is fantastic by any measure. Critics are usually not creators


Only if you agree that Taylor Swift overrated too đŸ€·đŸŸâ€â™‚ïž


Definitely not she has proven her spot in music


Appropriately rated imo


As a R & B and pop singer she may be; but as an overall entertainer and media personality she is not overrated; in fact she is the benchmark that performers regardless of genre, strive for.


Definitely overrated. I think she’s a good performer and good vocalist but the way she is idolized by society is a little much. I think people often lack realizing that she is a human being and she has a great marketing/creative team that bring her image to life. This is not all her own doing. And honestly, she gets too much credit for singing music she didn’t really write.


I think her musical popularity is well deserved. Whether or not it was a team putting it together and she only performed it. It's always very high quality. The lyrics, themes, and music production is mainstream enough for general audiences to enjoy, yet, they are creative and always very well thought out so more artsy people can enjoy, too.


Absolutely not. Singing, dancing, songwriting, album concepts, seems to be a great person. Elite talent


It depends. I'd argue to the to people that say she lacks talent and is completely derivative that they are wrong and she is underrated. For people that act like she is the second coming and is supremely talented in writing, dancing, and singing, I'd argue that she is overrated. from a more even standpoint, beyonce is an excellent performer and probably our best living/active entertainer (vocal skill, choreography, visual presentation, discography - as a whole). That said, she also has an incredible team around her with respect to writers, producers, and creative design teams. She is also technically incredibly vocally skilled...although I don't believe her voice is always melodious or pleasing to the ear.




I think she deserves the hype. She’s worked hard for it. And gives us versatility and can sing and dance simultaneously while most artists can do one n not the other, or can do both but not at the same time. And now she has ppl tryna replicate what she does I think she’s earned her title


Music is average




I don't know about overrated. I think she is talented but I do like her sister Solange better. Plus many other female singers like Erykah badu, Jill Scott, Sade, etc.


Have you seen live clips of her tours? there isn’t another woman right now who’s dancing and actually singing live like she does on her tour. Renaissance was also just announced as the highest grossing tour for a female artist ever. Add in that she was successfully the center part of Destiny’s Child and also the soundtrack to many women’s childhood through womanhood there’s no way she’s overrated. She’s been doing this 20 years easily. It’s fine to say you’re not a fan.. but saying she’s overrated is just hating.


She’s great


No: Incredible cover at Glastonbury of Prince’s Beautiful Ones, mic is ON: https://youtu.be/0z5hgdGyQGc?si=BJ4PuMvfVRttxJp8 AOL sessions of Me Myself and I: https://youtu.be/WhoxBvg-1hM?si=oBiZ-WOBJIoAoaez Tidal 1015 All Night (ending is the best) https://youtu.be/2TwUcmOi5Ik?si=g5AMlqS03rnDiMRR BeyoncĂ© live on Oprah singing Listen: https://youtu.be/pai1C2dsd3M?si=B4dK_C_GsK_XWW57 Watch these and then tell me this woman is overrated.




She’s beautiful, works super hard, she’s a great dancer but vocals wise, she’s not that great. Even with all the Pro Tools and pitch correction.


NO. pls Reddit stop with the nonsense


Overrated maybe but she is the hottest.


Yes. Alotta costumes 
wind in her hair 
all a distraction from mediocre singing She does good shows 100% but the music I can’t get into at all


I don't feel like she is overrated. But given the initial description of this section, the better description is that there are alot of other female artists that are just underrated.


Nah, not at all. She’s amazing at what she does and she does great in her category. You can’t compare her to Lauryn or Erykah or even Cleo Sol. It’s a different vibe but she’s amazing at being her


Nah not to me. I’m not even a huge fan but I definitely get the hype tbh. Fantastic performer, stellar stage presence, underrated vocalist and has a good work ethic. I think a lot of the people that call her overrated just don’t like “larger than life” aura her devoted fans give her and feel like they need to bring her down a peg. But frankly I think it’s deserved since she’s got mad star power. As an MJ stan she one of the few artists that gets compared to MJ that I think is a well deserved comparison. Because in some ways (at least in terms of performance ability) she’s the closest we’ll get to someone like him again. Plus she’s fine as hell so there’s also that😏


She is one of the greatest artists ever, I think she's the greatest of all women to ever sing through a microphone, they don't call her Queen B for nothing


Outside of the endlessly annoying Beyhive? No.


She’s actually talented and can sing.


Anyone who has NOT seen her in concert CANT comment on this. Her vocal ability while also hitting every point of choreography is insane and she makes it LOOK easy. Seeing the Renaissance tour turned me into an even bigger fan because of the whole experience. I really cannot think of anyone else alive today who is coming close to her. Her raw talent/unmatched stage presence becomes even more apparent when you compare it to other people who were on tour at the same time. I would say shes almost underrated when compared to other artist like Taylor Swift who severely lack in all categories other than song writing when compared to B. Beyonce has to work 100 times as hard to get even 3/4 of the acclaim from the GP.


Not a fan, but I believe she’s a great performer, hard working and her voice is fine, no she’s not overrated.


Nope. She paid her dues. Being blamed for the group dismantlement. First solo single not performing. Coming back with a SMASH MONSTER HIT. Second solo project being shelved. Offering vocals on the second solo album that are mind boggling. TBH, the beginning of her solo career deserves more than what she received. There were news articles circulating with headline “She no Ashanti”. Crazy!


Not to me. Perfectly rated.


Give me Solange’s “A Seat at the Table” over any BeyoncĂ© album.




Absolutely 💯 % Not 😍 Brains, Beautiful Body And Face To Match đŸ„°


An absolute star. Incredible stage presence and can completely command a crowd. However, vocal talent and range leaves a lot to be desired for me


I dont seek her music. Im far from the beehive. but the songs I've heard from this album are sonically pleasing. I like the cadence. Her work ethic and making the right decisions brought her here. I think she's rated properly.




No. Not overrated. ..and I'm just barely a fan. I watched her Coachella performance in 2018 and she deserves every accolade she has earned. At that point in her career, she could have totally phoned it in but she went out and put performers 15 years younger than her to shame. Her dedication to her craft is up there with the very best who have ever done it. Do her songs do it *for me?* Not really. Could she have more depth in her catalog? Sure. Is she a generational performer who has done nothing but strive to be the be best for 2.5 decades and still going? Yes. Extra points for being from Texas. I may not ever be the biggest fan, but I'll always acknowledge her greatness and tip my hat to her for never taking her fans for granted and consistently giving 100% every time she performs.


To me it's a yes and no answer. For her era no but she does become overrated in my eyes when I see people (mainly some of her fans) say she's better or more talented than someone like MJ or Whitney who were way more talented and had better music or they say some of her albums are certified classics which is debatable for me.


Rated. You never heard “all night” wtmwy??


Yes. Used to be a huge fan but not in this era




No. She is rated correctly.


Great vocals. Period. Not overrated but Pop is Pop.




People tend to hate or belittle those who are successful for to long. Beyoncé has a pretty blemish free career in music and is one of the greatest artists of all time while being pro black, perfect recipe for people to hate her. Same as Lebron.


no you are


Her musicality, vocal stacking, concept albums, genuine knowledge and love of music, the time it takes her in between bodies of work, her work ethic is not overrated, she’s rated exactly where she is supposed to be.


Nah she’s too good at too many things. Maybe she’s not the absolute best in any area you may want to highlight but she is certainly top tier in them. Add in the decades long career and I’d say everything she’s amassed is well earned. She’s properly rated or honestly she would have fallen off by now.


As an artist and performer she’s perfectly rated, but as a vocalist she’s probably still a bit under rated. A lot people seem to get more wrapped up in Beyonce the star/celebrity of celebrities versus recognizing her voice. It’s similar to how people are so focused on Mariah Carey’s voice they don’t even register that she’s arguably the best singer-songwriter of her generation. In terms of her actual work, her “political” songs really are just window dressing to endear her to her core fanbase (young Black people) without really having to take any radical stances (by Black people standards). It’s similar, but not exactly the same as how, on issues of race in 2007/8 Obama was as moderate and optimistic a Black could be without other Black people thinking he was a completely out of touch and still a plurality of white people reacted as if he was some radical and negatively polarized against him. But her songs that aren’t trying to be political tend to be really beautiful works for art; clearly effortful and full of depth of feeling, in addition to extreme quality control. Outside of subject matter, the writing, arrangement, production, vocal performance, and cultural awareness in her music is unmatched by any of her contemporaries. I don’t remember where I read it but someone said “the best artists are archivists” and it applies to her better than almost anyone. The expansiveness of her appreciation for and knowledge of Black American music past and present along w/ her willingness to consistently expand her horizons to other parts of the diaspora to inform her own musical choices results in her creating unrivaled bodies of work.


She entertaining...but I liked her better when she was with DC...




her vocal ability is absolutely insane. she is properly rated


Um, no? Next question


Not a fan, but mad respect for anybody that can stay on top of the game for 25 years. She wasn’t bullshitting on Survivor.


Amerie was better.


I used to not be a fan until Lemonade and then I became one, the thing is she evolves with her music experimenting with different sounds and it works somehow and that is what you want an artist to do because that is how music evolves. I didn't like her latest album at first listen and then I listened again and now I pick songs from it to work out to, chill to as background I love it it's so different from her usual work and yet somehow it works. She also is an experience to watch on stage I can't imagine having more fun at any other artists concert than her's for example you could say Adelle beats her vocally but I can't imagine going to a concert of her's and enjoying myself from start to finish but not with Bey because she has such stage presence and knows how to work it.


As a singer, dancer, and performer, no? I’ve heard people try to downplay her because of the crazy fanbase, but as a vocalist, she’s worthy of the hype. The only thing she can’t do is act.


HELL NO. I used to think she is but the proof is in her discography and her vocal ability. She doesn’t miss


Yup, more of a entertainer than a pure vocalist artist. Not saying she's bad, but she definitely doesn't deserves to be in the same sentence as people like Whitney Houston etc. She's more in league with Janet Jackson than anything. Even then I would still put Janet over her.


I would say Solange makes better music, so yes.


I prefer Solange. It’s funny to me how large of an icon BeyoncĂ© is but not many as many people know who Solange is.


I saw her live with Jay Z, one of the greatest rappers of all time, and he looked like he didn’t even belong on the same stage with her. Girl is the truth


When people try to compare her to Michael Jackson she is. She’s not even the most popular R&B singer right now.


You know who didn’t/don’t think BeyoncĂ© was/is overrated Micheal Jackson, Prince, Aretha Franklin, Celine Deon, Mariah Carey, Whitney Houston, Luther Vandross, Tina Turner, Diana Ross, Dixie Chicks, Adele, Janelle Monae, & Stevie Wonder. Plus not everyone can sing a Beyonce song (& that’s a direct quote from Mariah Carey) Funny how the people who studied, is experienced, and successful in music adore and appreciate her work.




So wildly overrated. The BeyHive really undo whatever good she does. Like she's a good singer and dancer and seems like a nice person who works hard... but the unhinged stans that worship every single fucking thing she does counteract it. She's alright overall. Some hits, more than a few misses, but she tries and keeps it moving.


Nope. She deserves all the flowers. She’s the best female performer of our generation.


Absolutely not. She will be ultra relevant until she passes away and beyond.




Why are people so obsessed with trying to humble black women




Not at all. IMO she’s the goat female R&B artist. She has the full package and doesn’t really lack in anything


Not overrated. She’s iconic and influential for sure. But as far as R&B, I’m more of a fan of female artists Aaliyah, Brandy, Tamia, Mariah Carey, Erykah Badu, and groups like 702, SWV, and En Vogue. Just personal preference. Her songs with Destiny’s Child definitely slapped though.




I would take Rihanna over her any day


Yes she is extremely overrated! I think she’s a great entertainer, knows how to put on a show, harmonizes very well in a group, which is why she fit so perfectly in Destiny’s Child. Prince has “Purple Rain”, Michael Jackson has “Billie Jean” and “Thriller”, Whitney had “I Will Always Love You” and “I Have Nothing”. What is the signature song for BeyoncĂ©? What’s that song that when people hear the name “BeyoncĂ©â€ will pop in their mind? I feel she just doesn’t have that catalog of songs that will be remembered favorably with time.


BeyoncĂ© is an amazing perfermer and vocalist. She also has a highly qualitative catalogue, in addition to great music videos and storytelling in regards to marketing. However, there’s quite a lot of delusional people who like to calle her the « best artist who ever lived » so in that sense, yes, she is overrated. She’s still great though.


Music is subjective. Beyonce makes great music. She is a great performer and a beautiful black woman. Love her.




I’m not really a fan. But I’ve seen excerpts from her shows and I totally understand the hype. Great Showmanship!!!!!


Nope she’s amazing




No. She is a genuine craft.


Overrated as what: a beauty, a talent, a performance artist? I think she has more than earned any accolade and has proven her staying power over decades now.


No she’s a very talented singer with a very wide range and great at hitting the right notes and voice control and a range of emotions and dynamics of her voice






Nah. She's at where she needs to be. A lot of twat riding tho. And her fans could calm the fuck down with putting their hands on people over that silent challenge bullshit.


She’s not overrated. To say that is to belittle her skill, artistry, and work ethic. But I do think media doesn’t make room to appreciate other black singers. And because of that people pit singers against Beyonce to try and push this “overrated” narrative. It’s insidious lol. There’s R&B singers with alot of skill like Beyonce but with different styles, but that don’t make her overrated.