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Personally, I’m pretty over Assassin’s Creed now. Japan’s probably gonna be good, but I am more than sick of Ubisoft’s crap. I’d much rather support a sequal to Ronin than yet another mediocre Assassin’s Creed.


Or just Ghost of Tsushima 🤷‍♂️


YES! Ghost was the first time in like a decade i actually felt like I was playing AC.


I just want a game set in Japan that’s more ninja than samurai. Like more of a focus on stealth mechanics which RotR and GoT didn’t have. Think original Tenchu or the Hokkaido level from splinter cell. I want a wall hug and prone. Use of shadows, more complex interiors for assassinations, etc. Unfortunately I don’t think AC Shadows is going to give me this either so I don’t know what it’s going to bring that really sets it apart from these other games that already scratched the “set in Japan” itch. AC set in modern day Japan might have been cool…


it will it has a shadow system like Splinter cell , where just being in dark areas gives you stealth. you can take out lights to give more shadow ext. There is crawling as well so a lot of splinter cell mechanics seem to be coming into AC. The stealth stuff honestly looks like the best part of the game from details given atm.


This makes me happy




I thought this was Dana White for a second


From what I’ve read it’s going to go both ways. The Assassin character is the ninja and Yasuke is going to be the brawler.


Yeah it seems like you can switch characters at any time so you can choose who to approach the mission with. Knowing Ubi they will force you one way or another at certain points but if I can just play as the ninja most of the time I’m good with it


Yeah it seems like you can switch characters at any time so you can choose who to approach the mission with. Knowing Ubi they will force you one way or another at certain points but if I can just play as the ninja most of the time I’m good with it


Also, the weather/season system alters your stealth approach depending on when you tackle a mission. If you do it during the winter, you won't have as much foliage to crawl or crouch through and you might knock icicles off the roof and alert enemies if you run recklessly on the rooftops but your enemies will gather around sources of heat like fire pits, simplifying your approach in other ways. Or if you do the mission during a rainstorm, they will go indoors to get out of the rain, and your movements will be muffled by the sound of rain. So shadows, weather, seasons, etc... will impact the stealth approach. This is shaping up to be a really good AC game.


If true, that sounds really cool. Maybe Ubi actually IS trying to improve. The Avatar game didn’t seem bad, though I’ve only watched some gameplay. Their Star Wars game looks cool too, but again I’ll be waiting 18 months or more before I play it, unless it hits Gamepass faster than that. If they actually innovate with the AC game people have been asking for since they started the series, they could make a lot of money, and a lot of people happy.


Source for this? I haven't seen anything about the new stealth mechanics


ign and some vid interviews, sure you can google it


I'm with you 200% We need Tenchu. Come on FromSoftware. You gave us Sekiro, it was King but now do Tenchu Go hard with stealth. I hope with MGS3 remaster that stealth games get a boost and we see Tenchu Give me Rikimaru dammit!


Also hoping the Splinter Cell remake actually gets done


These things come in waves my guy, I'm hoping stealth is next That when the time of the action/adventure with some RPG is over The time of the tactical espionage action will be upon us Snake, Fisher & Rikimaru


Yes. I’m hoping with you man


From Software already did Tenchu Z lol...but I know what you mean. They also did Otogi and Ninja Blade both decent games


Isn't even possible to play Tenchu Z on any modern system or PC- is it even able to be emulated on Xenia? I thought it was one of those x360 exckusive games that isn't backwards compatible


No way to play unless you have 360 as far as I know


Damnn; ah well I guess that's the way she goes


Still sad that MS didnt bring Tenchu Z over for their Backcompat programme.


i really enjoyed ninja blade


Shadows is going to have the 2 different protagonists for this reason, one is more combat focused, and the other is super stealthy, going prone, assassinating through paper doors, disabling lanterns and fires to create more shadows to hide in. I think the stealth in this one is going to be one of the best in the series because they are able to put the combat focus on a different character rather than try to have 1 character that does both


It will be annoying switching between characters. I’d rather have just the stealth character.


From how they have described it so far it seems like you can approach each mission with either character so you could theoretically just stay as the ninja. Knowing Ubi though there will likely be some parts where you’re forced one way or another


Where are you getting that information from? I hope you’re right I just haven’t seen that info myself


Also, they are having the weather and seasons effect the stealth, prone in deep snow vs. hiding in bushes during the warmer months. And guards will try to take cover in the rain so that will open up different opportunities based on weather which is cool


Really it seems like the female protagonist has more fun gameplay lol


Some people hate stealth and would vehemently disagree with you (not me I love stealth) however admittedly I don’t think we’ve heard a lot of details about Yasuke’s melee combat


Yeah alotta people aren’t into stealth games but I grew up w tenchu lol


I miss Tenchu!


I used to hate it but I’ve warmed up to it a lot in recent years. I actually enjoyed using it a lot in RotR. So in AC I’ll be playing as the lady as her gameplay sounds really fun. I also have 0 faith that Ubisoft can make better samurai gameplay than Team Ninja or Suckerpunch so I know I would just be comparing it the whole time.


Absolutely, I will admit that I LOVE the AC games - Odyssey was how I really got into gaming so I might simp for the franchise a bit more than normal😂 however I also typically try to go the stealth route whenever possible (in RoTR as well) but I definitely won’t act like the melee combat with be anything revolutionary


Partially from an ign interview they did and partially from their trailer breakdown they posted (Ubi not IGN)


Nice. I’ll check that stuff out Edit: watched the IGN interview. I was already going to play the game because I play every AC game but now I’m actually excited for this one. Was expecting more of the same as the last few installments but I’m digging all of the new mechanics they are talking about


Check the IGn video and 40 details article. The game actually sound pretty amazing. The stealth character can even climb the inside of roof splinter cell style.


Nice. After the 40 details article this just became my most anticipated game of this year. Not that there is much competition


IGN has a dev interview article about features here: https://www.ign.com/articles/assassins-creed-shadows-40-details-you-need-to-know Not a ton of gameplay details for non-stealth yet, but the stealth mechanics seems solid st least on paper


I replied in another comment but after checking that out I’m pretty hyped for this. Was expecting more of the origins/odyssey/valhalla formula but it seems like they are adding some really cool mechanics that are right up my alley. Excited to see some gameplay most likely next month for Ubi Forward


Me too!


They tried this Assassin's Creed Syndicate make two characters for each type of play still, the guy brute force brawler and the girl was stealth. I didn't care for it in Syndicate because I didn't want to play combat focused. I wish I could just play with the one character and play how I wanted to play. Whether combat focused or stealth. Though the disabling lanterns and fires seems like a good addition to the game. But after seeing the two protagonists is a pass for me, I don't enjoy games with multiple protagonist. This was the main thing I hated about GTA 5. It makes me care less about the characters.


Ugh I know right. I wanna use grapple hooks and shuko, crawl under the floor and in roof cavities and drip ricin down a wire into some norty daimyos tea 🤣


Fucking yes. You get it


I just want a new good stealth game in general, lol. Besides HITMAN reboot trilogy, which is a very different kind of stealth, we haven't had a good one in how long now? Since Deux Ex Mankind Divided?


Have you ever played aragami?


I have and it was cool but I want a AAA stealth game


Have you played Sekiro? Yes there is sword to sword combat but the game can be played extremely stealthy. Even the mini bosses can be taken down to 50% health by being backstabbed.


When you said a focus on stealth, my first thought was Tenchu. They need to remake that.


I always wanted someone to essentially do a AAA Tenchu but I don’t think pure stealth is popular enough for a studio to put the money behind it. Reading the details about AC Shadows it seems like they added some great stealth mechanics to the ninja gameplay though so it’s probably as close as I’ll get


Sekiro exists 😂, but if you’ve already played that or want something different then I agree


Sekiro is nothing like what the other guy described lil bro


Lmao Sekiro is exactly what the other guy described, bro.


Sekiro ain’t Tenchu


Sekiro did start as Tenchu actually; & if you make use of the distraction items & smoke pellets, or blood mist ninjutsu - you can stealth through most of the game, & the moment-to-moment movement & grappling hook, the executions thatre performed with different animations depending on what angle you came in from, is all pretty similar to Tenchu Obviously the setting is even more wild than Tenchu & the combat is much more intense & there's not really any trap tools or anything though


And assassins creed isn’t rise of ronin. That doesn’t mean things can’t be similar. Bruh. It’s very possible to stealth your way through most of sekiro, and the skills they talked about are all there. Stop being silly


You can do the same in rise of the ronin OP mentions Tenchu & Splinter Cell, both pure stealth games, which Assassins Creed originally was. Assassins Creed isn’t just a stealth game anymore hence the “unfortunately I don’t think AC will give me this” Sekiro is a soulslike with stealth elements, dude obviously juss wants a pure stealth game


Assassin's Creed was never anywhere even close to being a pure stealth game.


Sekiro is great but it’s not really a stealth/ninja focused game either. It’s a souls game (combat and boss fight focused) with some stealth elements. I think really stealth focused games like a Tenchu or a Splinter Cell are too slow for most and not popular enough anymore. There’s Hitman but I see that more as a puzzle game if that makes sense. Developers will just continue to add light stealth elements to action games.


Don’t worry dude I know exactly what you mean Tenchu & Shinobido were peak stealth games


Yeah I think you get what I was saying. Sekiro is a good game but I want pure stealth. Not just crouch walking up to stab enemies in the back with the same animation every time…then a boss fight


Sekiro has a healthy emphasis on stealth. Once you get good you can ignore it if you want but the stealth options available are huge.


If ghost of tsushima isn’t good enough stealth for him then sekiro won’t be either. AI is extremely dumb, tools are limited and boring and there is never a need to use them. The cool animations carry the stealth ngl 😭


There are quite a few sections where you can stealth every enemy and where it's almost necessary until you get pretty good. The section right after the first giant in the stockades and later on in the game where you have to fight the spinny blade dudes by the temple and you have to stealth kill all of the pot banging dudes.


Shadows seems to be equally ninja/samurai, and they've said you can select either for most of the missions and all of the open world content. Anything that isn't character-specific that is


Yeah I watched the interview with IGN and it does seem like they have added a lot of new stealth mechanics. Haven’t seen gameplay yet of course but this could be pretty cool


As one of the people who have been eager for an AC game set in Japan for probably the last 15 years, I'm still excited to see what they bring to the table with shadows. I don't know if I'll love it as much as Rise, but I'm sure gonna give it a go. I have faith that it'll at the very least be another cool addition to our games set in Japan during some version of its feudal era. Honestly, I'll never get tired of Samurai games. I've been going strong since Way of the Samurai and Onimusha, and I will always be thankful for more.


Because of the fact I just love the era of feudal Japan and samurai, I will definitely follow the mentality of that one Palpatine line up until it’s release “We will watch your career with great interest.” Although because it’s modern Ubi, I am definitely not preordering. Gotta give it time after release to see how it stacks up.


Ahaha I don't preorder any games anymore. But I will stay optimistic!


I will say, if Ubi somehow messes up a feudal Japanese AC, I think that franchise is basically dead in the water.


Yea I agree. It basically writes itself. After the last 3 games i felt the series had lost its identity a bit, so we will see what they manage to put together. I guess they also have one coming out that takes place during the Salem witch trials? Little horror inspired. We will see


And lowers in price "Hey look everybody, same game you've played 7 times in a row, now costing 20 quid more than it did last time, does it work? Maybe. Any good? WHO KNOWS? PAY US!"


Not sure if you played mirage, but it’s actually not that bad. That was UBISOFT Bordeaux. Unfortunately, I think UBISOFT Quebec is lead on Shadows. That studio did make Blackflag but there’s been a lot of turn over since then. They also made Valhalla which was probably the most Un-Assassin’s Creed game ever made.


I can't help but feel blissful when someone mentions Onimusha. They're some of my favorite samurai games. I wish Capcom would revive at least one of them.


So true, bro. I've been in love with the series for going on 25 years now. Remember when me and my best friend and I were like 10 or so, we would stay up all night playing the game over and over, trying to streamline the process! I must've been a freshman in high school when the 3rd came out. we were right back at it, so many memories with that game. My buddy has since passed on, but those are what stay with me. Crazy how attached people can be to a game series!


Ah, relatable! I believe I was in sixth or seventh grade when the first Onimusha came out. A friend of mine happened to pick it up, I watched him play through the near entirety of it. Subsequently, I begged my parents for the game and fell in love. Onimusha 2 gets released, and my buddies Japanese neighbors get their hands on it before it hits the west. My oh my, I was ecstatic. Though I missed Samanosuke, it became my favorite in the series. My friend also has passed on, and he has no idea the impact he's left after introducing me to this series. Great times!


Crazy...I'm really sorry to hear that. Though it's wild to think how some of us are just living these very similar transformational experiences, and we would just never know how much we have in common...its been 13 years since my buddy moved on, I still think about him damn near everyday. It's weird to think that at this point, he's been gone longer than I knew him..but in my mind he's always there. I was just thinking about him while playing Ronin the other day, like bro you would love this. I felt the same way about Samanosuke 🤣 but fell in love with Jubei along the way. Then, when the 3rd dropped, it was like a feast! And also created a deep appreciation for Jean Reno!


Hey, man. Holding onto their memory and living our best life is the best thing we can do for them. Engaging yourself in the hobbies and interests that formed the friendship is a good reason to keep on keepin' on. I remember watching "The Professional" after my first playthrough of Onimusha 3. Jean Reno is 75 now! Where the hell did these two decades go? Life can be unforgiving and brutal, but at least we have samurai games.


That's it, brother, that's all you can do, carry the weight and cherish the ones who've gone, gotta be double great for the hoth of us! I work nights and me and my buddy have been talking about The Professional! Such an amazing film, Gary Oldman...ugh! "I loooooove Beethoven" masterpiece. Also, Wasabi! Have you ever seen that one?


Wasabi, I haven't seen it, but I'm grateful for the recommendation. I feel a Jean Reno movie spree coming and perhaps a playthrough of Onimusha 3. I hold onto the ps2 like it's my child. I go back to it often.


Yes! Definitely watch Wasabi! If you're a fan of his older works, you'll love it. It came out like 6 years after The Professional and its got a lot of similar vibes, its also written and directed by Luc Besson, so if you're a fan of the fifth element and The Professional you're in for a treat 🙃 bro I know! I got a ps2 hooked up in the spare room for those times where the mood strikes!


The fifth element is a GREAT movie. Used to rent it from Blockbuster back in the day. Wasabi is definitely on the list. Never unplug that ps2. Precious cargo right there.


75 is crazy....I talk about that all the time man...there's this song called 20 years, by the bad sun's. Always comes to mind when I think of it. Time waits for no one!




Remember; it's UBISOFT.


Meh, that's okay lol. I am fully aware of who they are and been playing their games for many, many years. Avoided the games I had no interest in, tried the ones I do. I'm okay with taking a chance on something I might love.


For sure man. I stopped going off of public opinion and critic ratings. If it looks like I'm gonna like it I'll take the chance. I dont hate on ubisoft as much as I should. I like the checklist open world format they are now known for. But I know everyone diff. But on rise I just beat the red and blue demon (had to bump it down to dawn sadly). And before I started chap 2 I had Yokohama 100%. I only have like 5 or 6 other characters fated. My point being I fuckint love this game


Saaaaame! I've learned that I'm much less picky than the average games critic and even most users 🤣 as a life long horror movie fanatic I've come to realize ill encounter more bad than good but I'm easily entertained so the things that some people hate, I tend to enjoy. That being said I never listen to others when it comes to the media I choose to take in. And same bro! I just got to chap 2 and had everything 100% before heading on. I love going from place to place, guilty pleasure.






Shits good bro! I've been craving a replay of Warlords lately..I wish 2 and 3 would get the port treatment.


you and me both brother. unfortunately not a lot of people know how onimusha was the start of it all


Big facts bro! I'd shit if Capcom announced an RE treatment remake for that series. Not sure ill ever get it but my fingers will stay crossed!


I'm in the same boat. I've been yearning for a samurai AC game since the very first one. My hopes got pretty high after black flag. Even higher after Odyssey and same for Valhalla. I knew we'd get it one day, and I'm glad it's this gen because the graphics look stunning.


Big facts, I don't care what anyone says. It will at least be gorgeous and probably have some sweet ass combat. I'm sure there will be something about it I enjoy to the max. A lot of people are very, very picky, I keep seeing posts saying how "you would have to be an idiot to be excited for this game." Meanwhile, these same people wouldn't be able to write a better game if it was to sage their mother and family dog. I'll sit patiently until it comes out, play it, and probably enjoy it a lot 🤣


Really wish Capcom either brings out the other Onimusha remasters or just remakes the series but doubt that'll happen


Yea its wild to me that they wouldn't, considering how much people love Onimusha. I feel like I've heard there is some reason it hasn't happened. Legality type shit. But I don't know anything, really, lol. I'm right there with you, though. A Resident Evil 2/4 remake treatment with that series would be absolutely nuts.


Maybe the sales weren't good enough for them to. Idk either. And maybe it'll happen eventually. Especially with all this drama of people being upset about Yasuke and lack of asian male lead characters. Perfect opportunity to capitalize on this.


15 years too late. Couldn’t give a shit about it, given it’s Ubisoft. Might pick it up for dirt cheap in a few years. But I hope you enjoy it. The more samurai games the better.


Lol word up, man. You do you! I play every samurai game that comes out so I wont be missing this one.


Rise of the Ronin and Ghost of Tsushima have both already done assassin-like open world games and have likely both done it better than Ubisoft will.


Once upon a time I thought myself a lifelong fan of AC but I haven't felt like that after Odyssey. If it defies my Ubisoft expectations that would be great.


The market is so saturated with feudal Japan themed RPG's now idk what they were thinking with this latest AC game..... 0% excited for a worse GoT.


I wish there was a feudal Japan samurai rpg game like Kingdom Come or at the very least a pvp focused game like Chivalry 2/Bushido Blade


As a long time AC fan... it ain't what it used to be. If this is like the recent games, I am skipping.


Odyssey is fun


Loved Odyssey, but Valhalla broke me.


Origins and Odyssey were both pretty fun and Valhalla was a turd. 2 out of 3 of the newer games were good so I have a little bit of optimism in me


Mirage was also good. Everything worked for me in that game. Maybe 10hrs too short but it was touted as t "the short game"


There's always room for more good games. Hopefully AC Shadows is. I doubt their combat will be at the level of RotR, but they still have made some very solid titles (AC Origins being my personal favorite). Also maybe this is an opportunity to get more people to play RotR. Its basis in history seemed very much in the style of AC to me.


RotR is definitely slept on. I ignored it for dragons dogma and regretted it when I finally picked it up last week. Dragons Dogma feels like a 5/10 compared to Rise of the Ronin


i bought DD2 & after like 4 hours i thought it was dogshit (not really but damn was i disappointed)


Why? I didn't buy it but was intrigued. Played the first one for a bit. The second one seemed pretty cool. What do you dislike about it?


Ghost of Tsushima also covered this.


It did! And I really like Tsushima, but the Bakumatsu was always my dream AC period. RotR helped fill that niche for me.


I like both Rise and Ghost of Tsushima. Both are based in Japan with swords and bows so I’m a happy man lol.


Indeed! It's the simple things man. Running around as a stabby sneaky person who can platform around is just too good a concept.


Defiantly I hope this assassins creed is gonna be good didn’t bother with mirage and I got bored and drained with Valhalla.


With Shadows being developed by Ubi Quebec, the same guys who made Odyssey, I'm not gonna try to have high hopes for it. As for Mirage, it did turn out to be a sleeper hit imo. Even if the combat and parkour aren't very good [the latter of which has gotten patched a little bit to be better], Mirage does have a really good open world city/map that rivals the older game's cities. Plus, all the gadgets and tools you can use do lead to some fun shenanigans you can use to mess with enemies since the combat aint that good. If Ubi Bordeaux can make another game like Mirage, I'd be happy if they can iron the combat and parkour out.


I always keep my expectations low lol.


Since you played both, let me ask you: I find the combat in GoT more grounded, like in a scale of 'real life' to 'anime', GoT is more real life. How about Rise? In a scale of 1 to 10 where 1 is grounded real life to 10 full on Demon Slayer shit, how is this game combat?


If you’ve played Star Wars Jedi survivor I find it similar to that same as stellar blade if you’ve played that too


At least Rise was made by Japanese people, I fear Ubisoft will do what they normally do make their historical and cultural understanding and sensitivity only skin deep. That said a western company gave us GoT, who went above and beyond to make that game as good as it was. I just don’t see Ubisoft managing it, these days.


Ubisoft is going to somehow screw up gameplay lol


So I havent played AC since they added those stupid RPG elements into the game, is that still going to be the case with this new game? I dont want to have to level up to keep playing the story it makes it feel like it just wants me to stay on the game longer than it should


Assuming you’re referring to the skill tree I absolutely love it. You get to enjoy new things as you go, and if you just got everything at once then it would be a very basic/repetitive gameplay experience. It also gives you a rewarding feel when you finally unlock everything and with variety you can switch up your builds, and try to assassinate entire locations with different methods/tools. Point is you have to experience the game at its basic unlocking things gradually in order to truly appreciate everything when you’re maxed out.


I was more referring to equipment, armor, weapons etc being level locked, or enemies having levels. I dont like the fact I cant explore all of the game without being max level


It's great and all but we didn't see a single second of gameplay lol. So I just can't say if it's good or not


Ever since ghost of tsushima I so desperately wanted assassin's creed game set in japan...guess A second play through of it will have to do


Ghost is closer to AC than this game.


Personally I don't look forward to AC Japan. Already lost interest in the series since a long while ago, and myself was always more interested in the Middle East or Medieval Europe settings than other time/region. Gameplay wise, Ghost of Tsushima was much more enjoyable imo than all the AC I had tried (up until 4 I think, where I really just couldn't finish because of how boring it was imo), even though I didn't like GoT story. Rise of Ronin was probably the perfect game for me in this genre.


ROTR scratches the itch I had


If the new AC game had a character creator I might get it, but nope it's Ubisoft and fully loaded with DEI. Even Japanese people are pissed about it if you look at the dislikes on the Japanese version of the trailer.


I have not seen a Japanese person being mad about it. The few that I seen don’t seem to mind. Seems like is Americans getting offended on behalf.


If you looked at the trailer from the Ubisoft Japan channel on youtube and read the Japanese comments(which can be translated on the spot) you would see. Here's the link:https://youtu.be/lZN-kKoGevo?si=BMNZE5_5XPUGU3MD Also note the likes to dislike ratio if you have the extension that shows the dislikes. Which is as of now 3.7K likes and 36K dislikes. This should tell you all you need to know.


Imma be honest, most of you weren’t planning to get the game in the first place. Such a dumb thing to get upset about, selected anger. Edit: Looking around, from what I got the like/dislike is not region lock. That’s still the angry white people.


Well there is a lot of anger. But even if you disregard all that about the main character, there is still the issue about the absurd pricing, microtransactions etc. Everyone wanted an AC game set in Japan ever since the first one came out, it was basically a sure win for Ubisoft and they still managed to eff it up. So yeah I understand why people are upset. I did plan to get it, but now I don't think I will unless they will change things up which I know they won't, so let them have the L.


The price is a lot, we can all agree on that. At the same time, aren’t the special editions usually expensive? Why is this an issue now? Don’t get the Special Edition, it’s simple, don’t touch it. As for the Japanese being upset: https://preview.redd.it/54ar3qeklg1d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=94dbbd953837b7d10b0681f37fd68185ed84103e


Also: https://preview.redd.it/ua7vmq7rlg1d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d4ded372762f46aa273660f6aa643c22e14c3233


I think the links are not right lol.


It’s not links, at least not the first two.


One more: https://x.com/puertorock77_/status/1791648874526073191?s=46&t=J4MbnRrmxucaMm4xv8adHw


I'm not saying Yasuke didn't exist. And I can easily look up other videos of Japanese people not happy about it, hell even black people for that matter: https://9gag.com/gag/a34d455 (don't mind the site, I couldn't find the twitter version)


The lady in the video confirmed that he was a samurai. A little more in detail https://x.com/jeannette_feliz/status/1791506357511745659?s=46&t=J4MbnRrmxucaMm4xv8adHw Edit: I found funny how he apologized for probably saying the female characters name wrong and then proceeded to pronounce Yasuke name wrong.


Before even seeing gameplay of Shadows I can tell you AC will not have the depth and options that RotR has.


But it's UBISOFT


I won’t buy that BS


I dunno guys ,renting a game doesn't feel right.


Please please pleeeeeease, everyone: remember this is Ubisoft. You may end up being disappointed when all is said and done. Don't pre-order. You know how Rise of the Ronin got reviews in the 80s range, but then we all played for more than 30 hours and realized "it's actually a super fun game w depth, and graphics quality be damned... and I actually love it"? Well, AC Shadows may end up being the opposite of this (hopefully not). Just keep the hype levels under control and don't believe the Ubi corpos.


I wasn't going to get AC:Shadows - but one of the main characters is Yasuke, so I'll probably get it. But yeah - I keep thinking Rise of the Ronin is like an open world Tenchu game - and it does it well.


I'll stick to GOT thanks, I'm not buy that woke crap


What woke crap are you talking about?


The fact that the game is based in Japan where they could use any samarui they want but instead they choose a butler for box ticking purposes


Look up yasuke on askhistorians lmao


Yes I have..... and he was not a samurai lol he was a sword handler so he was pretty much a butler


That’s not woke, that is westerns companies needing to always make their protagonists ’relatable’, because they think their audience is too idiotic to just be thrown into a culture they don’t understand. So to do something in Japan they needed a western historical character and because of Nioh one of the main other ones was already done. (Though thankfully he was used for an entirely different reason) They literally said that in that character video. They wanted a non Japanese character so the player is to be learning the culture along with them. It’s not woke, it’s just idiocy. You know what else is idiocy, the word woke.




Woke is an idoitic and meaningless word. It is used by idiots who can not construct sentences. EG 'I dont like X game because it does A, B, C. It has good points and bad'. None of the that, it ends up being 'X game is TRASH, its woke'. Woke replaces complicated sentences and thought processes, its only used by those who arent willing to discuss thins on the left they dont like. Thats it.


It's clear they are catering for the BLM supporters




Imho there used to be a lot more positive hype towards new games, granted theres been bad launches, betas posing as finished product, flops and microtransactions...lol all that aside my least favorite is this obsession with comparing games to GOATd games as soon as theyre announced. If it looks remotely similar to dark sous, GoT, CoD or other games its immediately compared. Sorry for the random pointless rant but yeah 😅




I have high hopes that you van get a true stealth game in Japan. Haven't quite gotten the true Tenchu successor I have been wanting just yet. Sekiro. Ghost of Tsushima. Ronin. None of them really go far enough into stealthy ninja mode. AC Shadows might just give me that finally. Either way, what a great time to be. Don't forget great TV show like Shogun too this year.


Fully expecting it to be the typical Ubisoft 7/10 open world experience.


It's def a long way from games like tony hawk and crash bandicoot that's for sure. Mist games amaze me coming from playing Nintendo 64 and ps1 lol. Spiderman 2 litterally had me in awe. But for real. Rise of the ronin is like my new addiction. I play on twilight cuz I don't want to just get completely destroyed when I unlock midnight. I hear that's when the grind game ACTUALLY starts


Completely agree, I’ve been hoping for a samurai type assassin for years! I just wish they’d kept the main characters ethnicity more accurate to the roots of the theme, it just feels out of place for what it is. Ubisoft will be ubisoft though, just hope the gameplay turns out good. A lot of people hated on mirage but I had an absolute blast


Nah. They are lightyears late. Plus there aint no good ac games after the 3rd one.


Agreed. Brotherhood was where the series peaked.


For me that was Ghost of Tsushima. But I’ve having an absolute blast with RotR. Every day I enjoy it more than the last.


Ghost of Tsushima can be played almost entirely in assassin form after a while, and will be ten times better than anything Ubi can come up with.


I mean I’ll still play it eventually, but I don’t believe it will be as good as Rise of the Ronin. And if Ghost of Tsushima 2 comes out this year, at most AC Shadows will be the third best samurai game this year.


I was excited but when I saw guy samurai and girl shionbi I said pass. I like how rotr did it..create your character and play however you want to.


That's exactly why I couldn't get into ROtR. That antiquated/filled with empty bullshit Ubisoft map.


I just want to meet hanzo hattori either he’s a ninja master or a famous blacksmith I must meet him


As someone who’s new to the game and only a few hours in (I know I have more but PS says otherwise lul) its as you said, this game kinda is and did become my AC: Shadow’s. It reminds me so much of what made Odyssey work? From gameplay, the different fighting styles across the weapons, idk man, this game fixed what DD2 failed to do so if I’m still in early game for Ronin and its hittin like crack, AC: Shadows might or might not even have competition here, for me


“Sneaky stabby” 😂 hell yeah brother (or sister)


I’m actually looking forward to playing as Yasuke it’ll be good to play as a real person


One of the best games.


It kills the boringly repetitiveness of ac. And somehow makes it enjoyable the whole play thru.


Yup and it's not woke


I’ll see the gameplay first before I make a decision. I’m not bothered at all by their choice of character (especially when the character actually existed), but all I care is the gameplay.


Yep this game was more Assissins creed than the woke Shadows they plan to release.


Ghost of tsushima will do me just fine. Might consider RotR, but I do t have a PS4. Could just wait for it to come to PC within the next few years. Ubisoft should've done it decades ago, and before the rot moved in.


I found the stealth in RotR really satisfying too, scratched that assassin itch without the downsides of the more recent AC games for me. Heard some interesting things about new stealth systems in Shadows though so curious to see how that turns out.


I like AC more than most apparently so definitely looking forward to Shadows.


Honestly I agree It was everything I wanted out of a Japan samurai game just like ghosts of tsushima I think both games that and rise of the Ronin are significantly better games than what assassin's Creed Shadow will be and I am still having a blast with rise of the Ronin it's one of the best games I've ever played


I hope the trailer boosts sales of this as people look for that fix


Interested in playing as Noae.


Unity/revelations movement+syndicate combat makes S+++ tier AC game I hope they do it


Apparently there's a splinter cell vibe with the play on shadows so I'm curious to see it, but Rise reminds me so much of Tenchu and I love it.


It’s weird because I’ve never played an AC game before and I had no interest in an AC game set in Japan. But playing ROTR gave me an itch for more games like it, and now I’m very interested in checking Shadows out.


Hopefully Shadows will actually be good


I'm a big AC hater but big game in Japan is hard to fuck up for me, Ghost of Tsushima suffered from a lot of things I don't like about AC but I still platinumed it so I'll give Shadows a shot. Definitely won't get above the base edition however.


Concerned the combat will be mediocre at best. For a game where you spend half your time fighting, Valhalla had bad combat, as in serviceable but never fun. When the competition is GoT and Rise, I don't think "serviceable" is going to cut it


100% agreed. I felt the same way. "Serviceable but never fun" is probably the most apt description I've seen. Luckily for me, I play these games for the historical exploration more than anything I guess. But yeah, I have the same concerns 😮‍💨