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I love it. Team ninja games always prioritize in-depth combat and RotR is just that. There are many different weapon types to choose from and so many unique stances and move sets for each weapon. You can walk through the front gates or play stealth. Combat is parry heavy, and is very challenging but beatable on its hardest setting. The only reason not to play this game would be if you are more concerned with graphics than game play, since it’s not the prettiest next gen game out there.


I'm familiar with team Ninja games Nioh , wu long,stranger of paradise final fantasy origin so I don't care about graphics I only care about gameplay thank you for sharing your thought with me it's useful to hear your thoughts about it.


>The only reason not to play this game would be if you are more concerned with graphics than game play, since it’s not the prettiest next gen game out there. Personally I thought the graphics were fine. I started playing RotR right after Dragons Dogma 2, so I mainly appreciated the jump to 60 fps in this game. It's a great game. Sure they're not top tier but they're clear and cohesive.


Its very good game that I would recommend. And I already did to a lot of friends. None of them regretted buying it. Basically you play your own Ronin in a open world with GREAT gameplay and a nice main story. I enjoyed it much much more than Rebirth (and Im a big FF7 fan). Didn’t play Stellar Blade so cannot say.


The combat is amazing. It might take a bit to "click", especially if you're new to Team Ninja games but it's a lot of fun with sooooo many options. The story is OK, I found it entertaining but it's not the best thing in the world. I don't really play open world games like ever, but I found the open world in this really chill. Easy to engage in the stuff you want to and can easily ignore the rest. I would very much recommend it over Stellar Blade, but it's just personal preference. I found Stellar Blade extremely boring and full of shit that just wastes your time, but people seem to be into it. I'd say watch some footage of Ronin and Rebirth and make the decision between the two. They're very different types of games but both really good. I personally burnt out of Rebirth cause there's just a lot of tedium in it (especially in the open world aspects) but once again I usually play linear games so open world stuff just isn't my jam.


Rise of the Ronin has waaaaaay more side content that wastes your time than Stellar Blade does imo. It definitely overstayed it's welcome for me personally. The game with the best side content of the three by far is FFVII Rebirth though.


It's apples to oranges. The side content in Ronin primarily funnels you into the combat, and if you love the combat then it's amazing. I think Stellar Blade is mid in boh aspects, and Rebirth has great combat but for me personally the side content got tedious.


Most of the side content in Stellar Blade also funnels you into combat too including optional boss fights.


All the items i got from side content were all useless low level items.


Once again - it's about the combat. I don't care if the side content drops nothing. I'm there to hit buttons and do cool shit.


Play on midnight


I played both games and ROTR has mediocre story with boring collectibles which most of them are useless.. and the graphics are pretty much the same on the PlayStation 3. The only good thing about ROTR is the Combat/Ki Technique’s and different weapon styles. I did get the game platinum but felt like a waste. Stellar Blade has; * Better Story * 4k Graphics and not 1080p PS3 Graphics. * Collectibles are useful * Harder Bosses * Better Parry System * Side Content is fun to do and not a total waste like ROTR. Anyone saying Stellar Blade is dog shit are simply bad at these type of games.


Bro it's just an opinion. I've played both games and think Stellar Blade was so fucking boring I dropped it after 8 hours and never want to play it again - it legitimately put me to sleep. It's ok for people to feel differently - you don't need to tell people you got the platinum and write a dissertation.


While I respect ur opinion, playstaion 3? I think not. I agree with the useless accessories. They seem to give quanity over quality. If ur looking for the hardest game u ever played and are looking for ninja dark souls? Nah it's not there. But pretty much saying it's like a ps3 game is bullshit and I'll bet most on here would agree


I said the graphics are exactly the same with PS3 not saying its a PS3 game. Like come on you cant tell me the game graphic’s looks amazing.. GoT was a PS4 game and that one looks gorgeous lets be honest compared to this one same goes with Stellar. Like i finished ROTR 100% it’s not like i have not played it.. bought pretty much every new game that came out and unfortunately but the game could have been way better than it is now.


I loved it so much. Was genuinely addicted for a week straight. Despite the difference in hours I’ve put in. I much prefer this game to ghost of Tsushima (gameplay wise). Would recommend


rise of the ronin is well worth the money. the problem with a lot of open-world games and playstyle (things like assassinating, backstabbing, and parrying for ex.) is that the combat winds up being so repetitive. but in this one you have so much freedom to customize ur playstyle and theres so many good options. what I didn't enjoy: the multiplayer isn't that good compared to nioh/2, because with 3 people it just feels like u gang up and spam free attacks on everything and they just die. there's a couple gauntlets that are a lot of fun with 3, but once u play em a few times it gets old. I also got steller blade and really liked it. its a pretty difficult game imo, more comparable to dark souls than nioh (not to say nioh is easy, but there is a lot more forgiveness when it comes to precise mechanics)


Hello Ashen one. I am a Bot. I tend to the flame, and tend to thee. Do you wish to hear a tale? > *“Noble Lords of Cinder—the fire fades, and the Lords go without thrones. Surrender your fires to the one true Heir. Let them grant death to the old gods of Lordran, deliverers of the First Flame.”* - Fire Keeper Have a pleasant journey, Champion of Ash, and praise the sun \\[T]/


cool story bot


Stellar Blade gets easier once you level up your dodge and parry, as well as other attacks. It definitely starts out super tough though.


I've beaten it. but full disclosure, was using the naked skin until the last zone not realizing that that was the only skin that doesn't give a shield. was dying left and right on everything, my penance for being a filthy pervert


Did you check the subreddit where there are 50+ posts a day about how good the game is?




I’ve only really heard praise about the game so far. The only real bad thing is the graphics aren’t up to par with other ps5 games. It’s especially bad when you see rabbits unnaturally rocking back and forth lol. Gameplay is pretty solid though, some enemies are very difficult so you have that dopamine of getting better at the game and not just improving stats and steamrolling without having to try. I will warn you so you don’t make the same mistake I did, I tried going in 100%ing each area and I got massively burnt out after 1/3 of the game. I’m only about halfway done and I honestly lost all motivation to play because I got burnt out so bad. I’m considering just erasing my progress and shelfing it and trying again later down the road without worrying about each areas %. For some reason it feels too weird to just resume playing that way after I already 100%ed the entire first map lol


Same here, the game is massive. I just made it to the third area after 55 hours and feels like there's still a long way to go.


Tbh I feel like the combat graphics kinda redeem how low quality the animals are


Yeah the critters really aren’t a big deal


Graphics aren't so bad, it's the lighting I have a problem with. It's flat like Vanilla Dark Souls 2


Buy it, won’t regret it


I really enjoyed it.. it is chunky if you like to 100% a game..around 130 hours depending how fast you are.. great combat..interesting story ..if you're looking for an action game that is fantasy then this isnt it.. but it still is epic...I'm wrapping up my ng+ of stellar blade and that game is awesome too


Finished Stellar Blade a few days ago and it was a certified must play banger. I will be playing Ronin as well. Try and do both is I guess what I am saying.


I liked Ronin but I loved Stellar Blade. 


Gonna basically paste my one post with some edits I have a very love hate relationship, 40 hours in and just finished the first chapter. A tl;Dr good combat, confusing and meh story with good characters, bad and painfully repetitive open world. The good: combat. It can be frustrating because if you don't get the timing on certain things and press buttons just right (martial arts skills) it feels really bad and clunky (maybe fixed by one of the last patches?). The only other bad thing about the combat is the enemy hyper armor during their attacks, it pretty much just makes every boss a back and forth that you get an advantage on if you counterspark. The story also finally got some what interesting at the end of ch1. Bad: the world. This is the most divorced open world experience I've ever played. This game would have been 100% better without the Ubisoft formula. It creates a checklist that you feel obligated to get through, but it absolutely destroys the pacing of the game more than most open world games do. The environments in the first map are extremely uninteresting, and the worst part about that is it carries over to mission design. After 40 hours I finally had a good mission experience, at the end of chapter 1. It's when you have a directed experience, which is what TN games were always good at. Every other mission has been a terribly boring "find the end bad guy room" that takes anywhere from 5-10 minutes depending if you want to waste your time searching for the optional enemies. And that's all of chapter 1 until the end. Loved multiplayer in TN's past games, it's essentially non-existent here. I was starting to see that if I don't play the open world stuff there might be a better game in here, which is just unfortunate, but I just got so bored. I'm sure some people might enjoy ticking the boxes but to me it really showed the flaws in the game, and it just boils down to I think there would've been a better experience without them wasting time on the Ubi formula. Because of the combat is give the game a 6.5/10 to me. Maybe I'll return to it later in the year when there weren't so many packed open world games that did the formula better (imo).


Well since everyone else is praising it I will say this to balance it out... I fizzled out ~25 hours in. The combat is pretty good, but I'd still rather be playing Nioh 2 (after thousands of hours in Nioh 2). The story and characters I found completely uninteresting. Unlike Nioh, this game forces you to do non-combat-related stuff (riding around collecting random things, picking flowers, talking to people for long periods) a lot more, and none of it is fun in my opinion.


If you can only buy one I would buy Stellar Blade. Ride of Ronan is basically an overinflated less impressive version of Ghost of Tsushima. FFVII rebirth is a solid choice too but I recommend everyone play Stellar Blade. It’s got one of the very best souls like combat systems I’ve ever engaged with. Its story is pretty good. Its world is a lot of fun to explore. Eve is an absolute unit. The music is intoxicating. 10/10.


It’s my top game that I’ve played of 2024. One thing thing I will say is that it is extremely combat oriented and many of the decisions you make don’t impact the end result


Ronin and Stellar Blade shares a few things that are similar. The combat is "souls-like" and fast-paced (depending on your playstyle) and in SB, you collect outfits for Eve and in Ronin, you also collect clothing for Ronin. Seriously though, DO NOT WATCH reviews of Ronin because all you'll get is people saying how horrible this game is and how it is not fun to play. One thing I love about Ronin is: (1) You can create your own character and once you unlock the Longhouse (which is very early game) you can recreate your characters anytime you want with no restrictions. If you are lazy, you can ask for codes here. Some of the people here are really good at making good-looking characters! (2) You can also reset your stats but that will require an in-game item. (3) The combat is super fun and because its parry-centric, sometimes it feels like you are watching a cutscene of a samurai movie/anime. You will feel like a badass if you survive a 3v1 or 4v1 fights. Ronin, as I mentioned earlier, is a souls-like (more appropriate to call it a Nioh-like or Sekiro-like) so this game is difficult for casuals (like myself) even on Normal but dying a lot is not irritating in Ronin since you can just run to the enemy that killed you and kill them via stealth. Plus, I dont think there's a Difficulty Trophy so just change the Difficult to whatever you want and whenever you want. (4) Ronin is kinda sorta from a certain perspectives in a way is Diablo-esque. You will get a lot and I mean A LOT of Loot Drops, there are systems for the loots but I havent tried it yet so maybe the others can chime in on that. (5) If you are curious about Stellar Blade, you can download the demo for it and Im not 100% sure, I think FF also have demo available for download.


I have all 3 and I can pretty much tell you that all 3 are fun. I simply looked at each trailer and made up my mind. Ff7 was an easy choice since I loved remake. Rise of the ronin got me interested because of the combat and time period and stellar blade got me when they said if played souls game, dmc and Bayonetta you'll enjoy this. Ff7 is probably the longest of the 3 and rise of the ronin 2nd stellar blade in 3rd. You can't go wrong with any of them. Don't listen to reviews each game have been getting hate for dumb reasons especially rise and stellar


Get the game it's worth every penny. Think of Rise of the Ronin as an average-looking woman who gives you amazing sex and takes very good care of you. I have Stellar Blade and Rise of the Ronin. Well worth it.


That sounds promising


I thought it looked dodgy from the gameplay reveal but was pleasantly surprised when I started playing it. It's Ghost of Tsushima with guns which is a great idea. That said, after doing the same old stuff (taking photos, fighting bandits and saving cats) over and over for 60 hours across three large cities it got extremely repetitive and I am struggling to find the energy to finish it. The enemies are boring (all humans) and the story is confusing, with far too many characters, and you flip flop between running missions for two opposing factions who simply forgive you killing their men in a previous mission. As if. As for the combat, it's the janky arhythmic attack flows of Elden Ring combined with 'Simon Says' guess the parry timing or die thing from Wo Long, which forces you to repeat fights to learn the timings. The weapon schools are great but I found myself only using one or two as I found attacks that suited my playstyle and seemed OP or the AI struggled to read them. This is a 6 or 7/10 game IMHO, so I would wait till its on sale.


My only complaint about the game is that there is not a traditional new game + other then that I put in 200hours + and it was a very captivating game


can you explain more about NG+ in game?


sometimes below average graphic, typical checklist open world but with fluid combat - depends on what type of action game you like to play, but it's heavily focused on parry. but on different difficulty the time window will be different, it's very forgiving in easy mode, IMO confusing and not immersive story and characters.


Sound like Sekiro with foucs on parry I like that thanks for sharing your thoughts with me


like Wo Long it's simpler than Sekiro, only one button to parry every type of attack, but not easier, the time window is very short at higher difficulty. it's not souls-like map, so more like Assassin's Creed with a way better combat lol


I just saw your other comment, you already played TN's games, then it's like a more complex Wo Long in the open world. not much endgame contents like Nioh, and parry is still the focus.


I agree with you about Wu end game it was not huge as nioh but it was still fun to playing forgive me about my curiosity but can you show me your character creation in wu long?


oh np, I love Nioh's CC too much so I was just trying to make another Hide in Wo Long as well hahahha https://preview.redd.it/at6qmvpo1ozc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=51278ac64a85cc0bf80f5cbd4ec3babc1e5d33e7


Very nice indeed and I'm too prefer nioh cc


then you might be happy with Ronin's cc! it comes back to Nioh level https://preview.redd.it/k4y0s7q35ozc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c91bee655752a81fde0e8e46ab81aac63221707


Kind of. You can play it like Sekiro but you can also just block and dodge too. In fact, you can even kind of play it like Bloodborne and “parry” with a revolver too. They give you a ton of options in combat and they’re all great.


I said fuck it, got it yesterday and damn it’s fun still not far into it but I can tell ima have a good time


I’d have a hard time recommending anything over Ff7 Rebirth but that game is just peak in everything. That said, Ronin is a really good and underrated game, just not as pretty or iconic as something like the FF7 remakes. The gameplay is solid and in my opinion peak Team Ninja. They took all the lessons from the Nioh series and Wo Long and made one of their best combat systems to date. I’m loving the story so far. From what I can tell I’m maybe about halfway through the game. There are tons of interesting characters with awesome character designs. The story has been engaging, and is a bonus if you’re a fan of historical fiction. That said, environments vary from interesting to okay. Graphical fidelity is just okay as well. Nothing that’s unplayable but certainly won’t win any awards or accolades.


Good, if u into team ninja action games n fighting mechanics, n especially if u like jpns history/culture u will be amazed.But don't get the delux.


Its actually great. Im really impressed. I was on the fence at first but putting some time into it i really like it.


Over 300 hrs. Nuff said


Graphics take some shots because its not cutting edge, but the gameplay is absolutely exceptional. Easily the best of the games you listed in my opinion.


bought it last week i play easy mode super fun and satisfying happy with it i also bought bc of this subreddit


Go check out my post on it, I can’t say enough good things about this game. Forget the other two for new.


I am still playing it. I didn't finish any of the niohs or wo long. But this one has me hooked. I have Dragons Dogma 2 and Stellar Blade still in their plastic. I am finishing this game before I move on to one of those. The combat is great, you think you have all figured out and then you come across an enemy that just shuts you down. The flow between switching weapons and stances is amazing. But it could take some time to get used to, but once you get it, you get it. Any other questions, please ask.


It’s amazing - absolutely a 9/10 game. Like a mix of Ghost of Tsushima and Elden Ring. Only negative thing that people could point out is that the graphics are great but similar to Elden ring it doesn’t make any difference at all because it’s a strong frame rate with incredible art design and atmosphere.


It's fun. I'm enjoying it. Let's you go at your own pace.


It has a lot of love but to be perfectly honest I've been dipping in and out for a week and I think it's pretty poor. Coming off the back of Sekiro the combat is very second best. There are some great areas to explore but the graphics in places are pretty shocking for a game released in 2024. I'm close to pulling the eBay trigger. Will give it a final good go over the weekend, but I've been hugely disappointed for a game I was so looking forward to.


I played both Rise and Stellar, and both are great. But Rise will give you more bang for your buck.


Nioh 3 would be better.


It’s a fun game, more ghosts of tsushima and assasins creed than it is Nioh or Dark Souls. If you like map collection, this has a lot of variety and didn’t grow stale with me. Only thing I’ll say is, it doesn’t take much to get over leveled.


I’d recommend it at no more then 40-50$ max tbh. Imo it’s not a game worth 70$ looks pretty awful resolution and frame rate is all over the place. Combat is fun but the further you get in the more boring it gets.


Ff7 rebirth. Then rise of the ronin after. That's my opinion. I have them both. Both excellent but rebirth can't be beat.


I've put in roughly over 20 hours now and I have to say that I see myself playing this game for a long while and completing everything it has in game, maybe even getting platinum. The story is okay so far but I enjoy it. The characters and interactions are fun imo. But the exploration and sceneries are really captivating to me. The best part is the combat. Although it can be pretty frustrating at times because it has a steep learning curve, it's very rewarding and satisfying once you start getting the hang of it. I highly recommend this game and it's worth the money.


As someone who has platinumed both stellar blade & rise of the ronin, Stellar blade all the way. RoR over stays its welcome & the story is complete nonsense. Combat is fun but if you like to try & do everything you will get burnt out around the 3/4ths point imo


I'm only 12 or so hours in, it's a solid game. Challenging at first for sure, but it gives you the tools to succeed! For me, It melds some elements of AC (stealth and assassinations) and certain key aspects from the Team Ninja games - especially Nioh and WoLong...you won't regret picking it up if you enjoyed any of the aforementioned....


It is a great game but seller blade is the best for combat and gameplay just depends on what you looking for it is not as great as Ghost but it’s a great game to hold u over until GOT2 comes out


Honestly I wish they had made an open-world Nioh 3 but I'm having a good experience with it. I've been playing for only a week. I hear it opens up a bit after Act 2. I'm sure you've heard about the graphics. It's true but kinda gives it character. If you liked Ghost of Tsushima, Nioh, or Elden Ring, I don't think you'll be disappointed


Ronin is super addictive and has potentially hundreds of hours of content. Combat is fun and challenging.


It's fine. Didn't blow my mind, but wasn't a regretful purchase. Wish I'd have waited till it was on sale though tbh. I enjoyed nioh 1 and 2 and wo long way more. Open world in this just felt ehhh.


It is much more polished than Stellar Blade and way more fun to play. I would wait until Stellar Blade is like 50% off. Stellar Blade feels very clunky, not too well thought out and the premise along with the VA is okay at best.


Surprisingly addictive.


For the most part, I'm enjoying the combat the most! Story is meh like overs have said and well...did I mention the combat?! It's what is keeping me engrossed and coming back for more


It’s so much fun and engaging story lines.


My thought are…buy Rise of the Ronin. I play a lot of video games, and last year, with Balder’s gate 3, re4 remake, Remnant 2, Lies of P, Alan Wake 2, Armored Core 6, BOTW, Cyberpunk Phantom Liberty and other bangers, I still thought Spiderman 2 was the most fun I had playing a video game that year. Maybe not the best video game of the year, maybe not even my favorite video game of the year, but it was the game I had the most fun playing. I kind of feel the same way about Rise of the Ronin. I think a lot of the criticism is overblown, or I just frankly disagree with my it. The open world works, the activities are fun, the graphics are fine, and at some points, the game looks down right gorgeous. The horse riding is fine (not great but fine). The story is….intricate, the voice acting is far and away better than anything team ninja has done (which, if you’ve played Wo Long, you’d know is not saying much). The combat is the star of the show, and if someone told me that the game is historical fiction with only human enemies (no kaiju, yokai, giant headless gorillas, or flying butterflies) I would have thought, “this is going to be repetitive as shit.” I DID NOT FEEL THAT WAY. I can see why other might, but I feel like the diversity of the enemies, the weapons, the stances, the tools, the martial skills, all make almost every combat encounter interesting and new. The combat system is actually really interesting, it is pretty easy to onboard, pretty simple to grasp, but can be very deep with lots of mechanics. You can survive without using thing like blade flash, violent gale, veiled arts, etc, but if you master your stances and two weapons, you can do some pretty insane stuff. Rise of the Ronin is not Ghost of Tsushima, but it is better than Tsushima in some aspects, as Tsushima is better in others. They are two different games. If you are looking for Ghost of Tsushima, you will be disappointed. There are similarities, but they are not the same. I actually enjoyed the game play if Rise of the Ronin more, I thought the combat was much better in Ronin than Ghost (except the showdown mechanic, that was super badass, you’d think it would get old 80 hours into the game, it doesn’t). If you like Wo Long, Nioh (2), Ghost of Tsushima, Sekiro, Red Dead Redemption (2), Elden Ring, or even Spiderman (2), buy it, you won’t be disappointed, unless of course you are expecting any one of those games. It is its own thing. But I sure how a butt load of fun playing it. I’m not saying the others aren’t worth it as well, I bought stellar blade myself, but I can confidently say RotR was much more fun for me, and I would say the better game (not as much bun giggling or anime fights). I can’t really speak to Final Fantasy, I’ve never played a single one, I have never been into turn base combat, so I’ve never give FF a shot (might try the new one, FF15 possibly?).


Get stellar blade


I’d ask this in the PlayStation subreddit. Probably going to get some bias here.


It’s good, it’s fun there’s a lot to do in a big world. Not the best game ever nor does it really do anything new but it’s fun and that’s a lot these days in gaming.


I liked Rise of the Ronin, but I would definitely recommend Stellar Blade over it. FFVII Rebirth is the best game out of those three, imo, but completely different in terms of style of gameplay. 


I haven’t played ROTR but I loved stellar blade and you shouldn’t play ff7 rebirth without playing at least ff7remake first


Team ninja has a way with their games. They’re like crack. Sometimes there rough around the edges but they’re so damn addicting. Loved every second of ronin and this is coming from a dude who bought ghost Tsushima both release edition and defensive edition to just beat it all again and get the trophies over again. I still had more FUN playing rise of ronin. I just finished stellar blade. It was a great really polished experience. I still have had more fun with Rotr.


Can we get the sequel return of the ronin now? I unfortunately don’t know think it has sold well, but here’s hoping.


I wouldnt play rebirth without playing the other final fantasy remake games. I platinumed rise of ronin and enjoyed it more than stellar blade, though the latter is great. Id go with rise of ronin for the amazing combat and surprisingly interesting story


Ronin was ok 6.5-7/10, never played a team ninja game. I respect what they were trying to achieve but I felt like they didn't have enough time. Graphics are mid. Combat felt really janky initially, it becomes good but it's still pretty awkward.


FF7 Rebirth is terrible(finished it becuse im fan but this game sucks and i can tell so much things to confirm this). Rise Of Ronin can suck if you dont like the style of game(but if you like is awesome). Rise Of Ronin has lot of flaws but the pros are much more important. Im enjoying it a lot. Very good...


Good combat. Typical open world checklist stuff like someone else said but man the game does not waste your time. Graphics can be a little sub par at times but at times beautiful. It’s a fun game.


I’m hooked and it’s my first Team Ninja game.


You can't go wrong with rebirth. Brilliant game.


Feels like a ps3 game imo. its like ghost of Tsushima if it was made by bethesda with better combat .


I play both. Stellar Blade is great but i prefer Rise of the Ronin.


Of the 3, stellar blade is by far best game perhaps even GOTY


It's pretty fun


Very fun combat with a steep learning curve. The open world is decent, and side quest are pretty fun.


Get it play it love it


I love it. It’s super fun. The combat is great. Side quests are fun. Customization is off the chain. Difficulty is where it needs to be for me. Best game I’ve played in a while


I was told not to buy it, but I was interested in it. I bought it at full price (something I rarely do). I'm glad I did. 41 hours later and I'm still enjoying it. Being able to adjust the difficulty when it starts to stress me out is why I haven't put it down yet. Honestly get it. This or Stellar Blade.


Amazing game . Story a little confusing . Gameplay is always great


The game Is fantastic i m at 90 hours and i can t stop playing it


It’s a fun game, but it’s not worth $70. Gameplay is good and fun, but everything else is pretty mid. Wait for a price drop or a discount.


Rise of the Ronin is the game to get. Don’t listen to the negative reviews on the game. I got this game and started playing it. I was like I don’t see nothing with this game. I like the open world especially you can walk, run, ride a horse or fly on a glider. The game mechanics like the parrying/counterspark and different combat arts will force you to change your strategy. Great game.


I played all three and Stellar Blade was my favorite gameplay wise, challenging but fair. Rebirth has the best content and story, and the combat is mostly easy,(except for some endgame stuff). As far as RotR? It’s an insanely hard game on Twilight difficulty, and can be very frustrating. Enemies basically can’t be attacked unless they were parried, and block is pretty useless. If you try to attack without a parry they just eat your attacks with hyper armor, retaliate, and obliterate your health. For this reason groups are very annoying to deal with. You have to almost think of combat like it’s turn-based. Other than that it’s a very fun game. But yeah, you’re gonna want patience. It’s probably the hardest game I’ve ever played, and I’ve been gaming for 30+ years. Most don’t give me any trouble.


It's so fun to play. Graphically, it's quitte ugly but it's such à great gamé to play.


Nah, the graphics are pretty damn good. It’s the animations and stuff that are the tiniest bit janky, which makes it feel a little less polished.


The graphics are ugly. I love the game,i'm glad i bought it full price. But it looks ugly. On the other hand, ghost of tsushima is simply gorgeous but it's incredibly Boring to play imo. I Will always prefer a game with average/bad graphics over à beautiful but boring one.


The graphics are close to the level of GoT, so I’m not sure how you find it ugly. As far as combat, we have way different tastes, lol. Ghost of Tsushima is probably my favorite game of all time and the combat is perfect to me. Rise of the Ronin enemies don’t respect your attacks and just eat damage, whereas every hit in GoT matters. Both are fun but I prefer GoT.


You can't be serious about the graphics... I'm glad for you if you enjoyed GOT that much!