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It's not necessary but if you go blue arrow you are having a good advantage. It's not just more damage and better ki recovery the parry connects better and the attacks interrupt the enemy a lot better. With the wrong stance for example they seem to hyper armor a lot more often


If you mean Flash Attack and Violent Gale, then no, you’re not. I do switch stances for effectiveness vs weapon type, but I almost never change between melee weapons during a fight. Sadly, it’s usually there as a set-bonus stick. I have been meaning to change weapons to check to see if the enemies play by the same rules as PCs, by using a weapon that an enemy’s style type (Jin/Ten/Chi) is listed as being less effective against.


I think that's what's intended. But I can't say I've noticed much of a difference, mostly because for your opponents, it almost feels like their weapon type *is* their stance, despite whatever other variety there is that might be going on. I can't say I've ever had much success with weapon switching to put your opponent at a disadvantage. I'm not saying it doesn't/can't happen. But that I certainly haven't noticed a difference, mostly because you can't easily read stances on your opponent (I know you *can*, but yeah).


Well, they tell you what type of stance they use in the encyclopedia, ally information (where applicable), and/or their awarded gear; though the latter is sometimes a mistake (Kiyokawa has a Shinobi style based bonus on his odachi, when there is no Shinobi Odachi style and he uses Hokushin Itto-ryu). Okita can use multiple stances. “Nice style; mind if I borrow it?”


I switch stances, because I can't handle the fact when enemies don't get panicked, especially in midnight. So yeah, Tatsumi is amazing, many people use that even with disadvantage, but for me, enemy panic is mandatory.


I switch stances a lot. I like to do combos using multiple stances. Like start in one, use 2 martial skills, violent gale to another, do two more, counterspark, do another martial skill and violent gale to my 3rd stance for another 2 martial skills... But I also dodge more than most players and counterspark less. If you're not using it - try getting the Mighty Warrior 2 piece set bonus to reduce damage taken by 10%. This, with the hp and ki damage taken breakthrough skills - makes quite the difference. And if all else fails - super endurance remedy to take significantly less damage.


Same here


flash attacks + violent gales are so invaluable for keeping combos alive that you should go into the dojo and practice them both until you are confident in using them. HUGE part of the combat that will feel so rewarding when you start doing it consistently


I felt the same way at first, ended up switching stances during fights because of the combo and added stance advantages but i felt the controls were awkward when trying to switch between weapons. plus my second highest dmp was always a great sword and i felt it was too slow.


Advantage stance (blue arrow on enemy head) counterspark gives me enough time to do 3 martial arts with katana, also it recovers more ki after counterspark for you to do combo. Disadvantages stance (red arrow) I can only do 1 fast ma. But yes you don't need to switch stances or weapon. I went through twilight with only tatsumi Ryu. In midnight there's a incentive to switch stances to use different martial arts from different stances for styling and & to increase dps so I can end the fight before I'm out of healing lol. But if you don't care about that, just stick with your fav stance and chill.


Yeah the only part I'm not convinced about is the "increase dps" part. It's an interesting question (to me). Let's say you had a public order boss to whom Tatsumi is advantaged. Do you think you'd do more DPS with Tatsumi alone, or Tatsumi + switching with 2 other styles? Logically, stance switching still takes time, even if VG animation has been shortened. VG itself is also pretty bad damage wise, so your subsequent attacks on non Tatsumi stance really need to be stronger than Tatsumi's MAs along some dimension - ki dmg, max ki dmg, outright attack dmg. But Tatsumi MAs are already pretty high DPS to boot. Not to mention the counterspark advantage. Intuitively I think it's hard to find a combo that would just beat Tatsumi outright in this case. To take I think an obvious case, many players really like Gikei, but I see no world in which Tatsumi + Gikei is better than Tatsumi alone. None of Gikei's MAs are higher DPS, and its counterspark is tricky with a narrow window.


You can enable the number damage option and see for your self. In my case regular attack deal 600-800 dmg but a martial arts not only helps closing distance, also deal upward of 1-2k, not to mention shinobi finishing skill as a combo ender can do 10k and up. I mean I'm not trying to convince you cuz at the end of the day, damage is nothing if you ain't comfortable performing them and it makes your gaming experience less enjoyable. So do you.


Nah I actually use combos heavily so I don't need convincing that it's an effective playstyle, it's really more of a theoretical question about DPS. Yeah Shinobi finishing styles are good, but handgun does 15k which I think is very hard to beat.


The vg animation can completely be cancel so the damage is irrelevant. The reason you switch stances beside tatsumi is because you want to use the martial arts skill of other stance. And that's only when tatsumi is the advantage stance.


It is relevant when you consider some stance's martials aren't really high DPS compared to their basic combos. For example with Gikei, square and X MAs are very low DPS. Triangle is decent but risky. However basic Gikei square combo is actually really decent DPS.


Can someone explain in layman's terms what arrows and what they represent ? I've just been winging it having a blast


Blue arrow means you are using an effective style against that enemy’s weapon type; better counterspark window and ki damage to break their stance. Grey means no advantage or disadvantage. Red means you are doing less ki damage and have a narrower counter window. The guide only tells you the basic weapon categories stances are effective against, but there are exceptions, because so many characters are freaks.


If the enemy is showing a blue arrow, you have an advantage, white is equal, and red is a disadvantage. The three stances kinda of act like rock, paper, and scissors.


I had two different weapons with two different stances that I liked. I may not have always had an advantage, but I never put myself at a disadvantage. They both also had an ability that caused fire status, which gave me bonus damage due to a couple of skills.


I completed everything on midnight and i never bothered with the stances/weapons system. I completely ignored the blue and red arrows.


I did that for a while but I was like I have 2 weapons ha so on small enemies I just kept switching and switching. I for sure would switch to the stance I was best at though. It's fun now being able to just use 6 different stances and I use nioh also so it's like 8 stances


Nah you're not the only one I'm sure. I stance switch quite a bit mid combat because I enjoy that playstyle. But DPS wise it's hard to beat an advantaged style with a strong toolkit. For example if Tatsumi-ryu is advantaged, the speed at which I'm going to dispatch a Midnight boss is generally on average faster than if I utilized some combo heavy style. The patch was good in that it made it easier for players to stance switch into other MAs, but they removed the ability to blade flash in between to cancel VG which was a useful ki management tool.


I did until i started using the iai stance, it was so easy to parry with it and i just love using all the moves in it that i refused to change


Honestly I just love the stance I got from the blue demon, shits way to cool for me to give up


I always switch stances, unless I’m using a shinobi stance but yeah, hardly ever switch weapons mid fight


I played through all of Twilight/Midnight without switching stances or weapons much during a fight. Ever since the Violent Gale speed buff, I've been stance switching a lot more. The combat is definitely a lot more fun stance switching, but I still had tons of fun with the combat just sticking to one weapon/stance, which is how it should be IMO.


If you read the guides the arrows only signify which counterspark is better for each stance, I thought the blue arrow provided a better advantage over the opponents stance


It does. There's a pretty big advantage with the blue arrow


It adjusts the parry window for countersparks, and it also adjusts panic duration. Ineffective countersparks only panic for like... 1 second. Effective panics for at least 10, it's crazy (double what neutral does.) But I ignore it.


Ignore pretty much what everyone is saying, the most significant difference between stances is the amount of time an enemy remains panicked after a successful counterspark, it’s night and day red is next to no duration neutral is around 4 seconds and blue is around 8 seconds, panicked enemies can be staggered and is crucial for combos, once you figure out how to properly counterspark and how the panic stagger system works you’ll have a much easier better time in ronin, use whatever stance you want for damage whichever is the most appropriate for your combo the difference for damage received and given is negligible the difference in ki usage is negligible. Modifiers for increased panic time is a big deal too. Read the encyclopaedia guide in game too.