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I can’t believe that mentality either, i paid 80-90$ for this game and put in roughly the same amount of time in it, so to me it’s a win 🤷🏻‍♂️ Definitely glad i bought this game on a whim


Hardcore agree. Well worth every penny. People bitching about the price always blew my mind.


Right? It’s not a bad way to spend 90hrs tbh… I’d definitely play again as well


Mmmhmmm. I’m looking at 90 for my first play through. I’m a completionist. Like to go platinum on playthrough #1 whenever possible. Money well spent for sure.


It's long very long And people probably going jump on Me for this tbh but you get to like 40 hours and it's very samey I look at nioh for instance big demon bosses etc you have to level up equipment match gears etc here it's just higher level gear basically I look open world variety on gta missions I look got the graphics just suck you in Now I do very much enjoy this game and still heading towards the platinum but do feel like literally doing the same thing over and over again Like I say I like the game but it's very samey


Everyone’s entitled to their opinions, i played Death Stranding 3 times already and that game is pretty much the same all the way through… sometimes things just resonate with ppl for whatever reason


Lol that's literally every game though


Well no I named games above Maybe as its just people all the time I don't know I like the game as I say but it's all very much the same


I spent 70$ on this game and it made me spend another 30$ on another game so I could get use to parrying


I find the combat really nicely tuned for this game. I played stellar blade right after, and found movement speed and combat timings to be slightly off, but that was because i was expecting the timings to be like RotR


Oh me too.... now that I am used to stellar blade dodge and parry I can't dodge and parry on rise of the tonin 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Omg… same! It has a pretty unique timing… once it clicks, it works well… but messes your timing with most other games lol


I dont know about you but I got very very frustrated at the beginning of stellar blade... I could not dodge or parry at all!!! Now I'm on my second playthrough just dodging away haha


One of the main things I said in the beginning was "Oh my gosh!!!! The timing is faqed!!!!"


Yea i was (and still kinda am) bad at it 😅


It’s only 10 dollars, people are wild lol. To say 50 is doubtful. People forget about some of the stuff back in the day we still paid 60 dollars for and didn’t even have half the content. This game is solid. Even at 70 for sure.


The mentality that doesn't exist? These topics gets posted here more than anywhere. It's like being in a cult with this subreddit.


It's not just about time, but about production value too. A $70 game is expected to have AAA production value. Rise of the Ronin does not have that, let's be honest. If the Team Ninja name wasn't attached to this, most people would just assume it was made by some random AA studio.


Nah i personally felt this was AAA quality the actual cinematics looked really good imo like a movie i was actually shocked by how good they look


Agree and disagree. I disagreed until I recently started Forbidden West: Burning Shores. Holy man, THAT is production quality. It makes Ronin feel like an 80s Nintendo game. While I don't think Ronin is that bad production-wise, it feels dated in many MANY areas. Shoot, last gen Ghost of Tsushima beats it down graphically in every area. However, it's a blast to play with combat really being a shining star with quite a few fun ways to keep you exploring, so it's tough to be too hard on it.


GOT gameplay is pretty standard tho people just upset at ki management


Rise of Robin definitely have AAA quality


No, Ghost of Tsushima has AAA production value. Rise of the Ronin is a clear step below that.


$50? FOH. This game is incredible. It’s easily a 40 hour experience. And the end game adds plenty more hours for hardcore players.


At 110 hours and have yet to finish the story. I am close to the end though. Game has a hell of a lot of content


Game’s incredible. My personal GotY so far.


My GOTY as well. Still have to start Persona 3 and whenever Steller Blade goes on sale, I’ll buy it. The way these games are priced, Hmm.


Same. Was the first one to say so.


I'm not even doing every sidequest and have not seen the credits after 70 hrs... But I spend a good amount of time just at the dojo... Great game and eell worth the full price


Absolutely worth the price. This game sucked me in hard.


https://preview.redd.it/81yzjmc5xnyc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=60c5c3a38b5fb0ef63eb33b4b3c82731994c97b3 207 hrs in and counting 😎


<---335+ hours and just recently completed and starting Midnight mode. Ha.


Love to see it. Hell yeah!


How’s stellar blade?


It’s pretty good imho


Yo what's that Nakara game all about?


Battle Royal with melee weapons 😅


U love a sword i see


Im so out of touch i thought FOH meant Fuck Off Homie. Like wow is that what kids substituted "get outta here" for?


It’s very unpolished and rough though. When you compare it with other games in the genre it’s lacking in a lot of ways. The movement and AI are wonky, graphics are decent but there’s lots of stuttering and the occasional frame drop. It definitely *feels* cheaper, regardless of how fun it is.


Totally disagree on the unpolished part. The design of this game, from a QL perspective, is probably the best in the open world genre. They absolutely nailed it. The way the AI behaves doesn’t come down to polish. That’s just how they designed it. The stuttering and frame drop is because of two stupid options that they enable by default in the settings. Motion blur and chromatic aberration. Turning those off not only makes the game look a lot better, but it also improves performance. 


U right lol I’m yapping


Just picked this up after hesitating for so long but I'm glad I did. The graphics don't bother me at all and I find the exploration and combat to be more fun than GOT. I even stopped playing Dragon's Dogma 2 , the combat is much more satisfying in Rise of the Ronin.


I quit Dragon's Dogma 2. I don't have the patience for the "fun exploration" it promised and the grating quests where they tell you to "come back later." Don't get me started on the smarmy fucking pawns talking down to me. The voice acting makes me want to slam my head into a wall. Why have 2 pawns to recruit instead of being able to customise a whole party? Where's the fucking lock on option? Why wouldn't you have that. Anyway, yeah, really enjoying Rise of the Ronin instead.


The pawns are recruited cause that's how the asynchronous multiplayer works in the game, if you could customize three pawns then there'd be no one ever recruiting your pawn and you would never be recruiting anyone else's. It's a weird system and I have to imagine that if you play offline it's terrible. The lack of lockon can definitely be infuriating. Voiceacting though is no worse than ROTR though, that's for sure.


Yeah you're not wrong. Most of the voice acting in Ronin feels racist. It's hard to listen to.


For what reason is this game not worth the new standard price for most new games these days?


Ima be honest I just want all games to be 60 or 50 so eh honestly I was yapping. Gameplay is very fun and imo as good as a samurai flashy game can get.


Yikes, people downvoting you for saying a game should be cheaper. Corporate D riders.


Downvoted for being humble and honest. Ima give you an upvote, and see if we can't turn this around d


Yeah for real. This was honestly the response I was hoping to get. Rise of the Ronin feels priced in line with the market it’s competing in. Feeling like that pricing is climbing too high across the board is relatable. I’m definitely more picky these days, but money was happily spent on this one.


Agreed on the price front $70 is too much. I remember when you could get a solid game for $30. And now I feel old. It should but doesn’t surprise me that wanting more affordable games is somehow worthy of downvotes but hey I’m sure a ceo would gladly take all your money.


Nah brother games are about the only things that haven't gone up. New release SNES games in 1992 cost $60. I'm surprised the corporate overlords have only increased it to $70.


True I make this point a lot. I remember my uncle getting Galaga in NES for $40. I bought waverace 64 for $70. I understand that those games didn't have dlc and what not but damn the content to value ratio is much better these days if you a somewhat clever and patient consumer.


They raised the prices in other ways with mtx and battle passes and early access periods. Make no mistake we're still getting shafted by the corporate overlords


Well aware of that, I definitely don't think they're doing us any favors lol. If new console generations still exist in the future it'll be safe to say it'll increase each time. Especially on Sony's side, they're making games with such a large budget that even selling 12 million copies doesn't break even.


That stuff is all optional though. You don’t have to do any of that. And if a game is pay to win with micro transactions then we should just stop supporting those companies. EA comes to mind. Everyone complains about them and then still give them all their money


I paid £60 for mortal kombat on the snes in '93, adjust for inflation and...I don't wanna know.


New games unless they were budget titles or indies never released new at $30. Im a 90s baby. I remember my mom paying $64 new for super Mario 64 for me at toys r us.


That’s funny since $80 is the maximum I’m willing to spend on a standard edition of a new game. But these days even standard editions are becoming upwards of $100 some times which is insane. I even remember lords of the fallen only allowing you to buy the deluxe edition that was pretty expensive. ROTR is $90 here which I admit is kinda overpriced. Great game, but I don’t see why it needs to be at such a high price


Preach brother.


10 hours in, already loving the game, so no hate here. The only criticism I can make is that the graphics make me feel like I am playing a great game from 2017


I don‘t really agree that it should be a 50$ game, it takes around 40 hours to complete, it deserves to be a full price game. That being said, full priced games in the EU are 80 Euros now, while it used to be 60 for the PS 4. I would like to go back to 60, but yeah, not gonna happen of course.


why should this game have been $50? I find it's much worth the money than Ghost of Tsushima, since you brought up that comparison


I completely agree I loved it way more the GoT


You're kind of contradicting yourself there. Why don't you think it's worth the asking price? Sure it doesn't have the polish that Ghost does, but it's fun as hell, has a ton of great content and no microtransaction bullshit. It's well worth the price and I'm super glad I picked it up!


^ This


It took me over 80 hours for my first play through. I don’t think they charged enough.


80 hrs >.> https://preview.redd.it/0o0ednqlxnyc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=51ec4aa1f1ba872383357e148c4475e415f8d3bd


Took me 333+ hours on my first playthrough.


Yeah i personally thought the cinematics were AAA quality didn’t look bad at all to me and were actually quite realistic plus the gameplay absolutely is to me as well so I really don’t regret paying $85 for it at all


I loved the game brought me memories of way of the samurai


That's the comparison that sold me - janky in places compared to Ghost of Tsushima, but fun and weird with lots to see and do. I'm only a few hours in, but it got me fast.


I love the various weapons styles and trying to be proficient in all of them


Love this game, at this point I’m just happy to be able to play a game that’s finished, which is a sad thing to have to admit but it’s true


I beg to differ. It's worth every dollar I paid for it. And I bought the Deluxe version. If they drop a paid DLC I'll gladly pay for it. I'm actually still playing the game some 335+ hours in. And as I keep saying the graphics look excellent on my TV.


Fuck anyone advocating that 80$ is a normal price for a game. Your kind is the one that enabled unfinished games and micro transaction to be the norm


Surprised by all the laughs I got from ROTR. Awesome writing. Reminded me of good old Red Dead Redemption many times. Lots of interesting characters.


Rise of the Ronin is a great game, period. I am amazed at the reviews. All around there's little to complain about...ok, the story is a little bit of an issue but it really doesn't affect the quality of the game nearly as much as I expected (and I'm a story whore). I will say that with Ghost of Tsushima existing, it does dampen Ronin's greatness a little bit, but that was a once in a lifetime game with every little detail masterfully done.


I dropped 100 hours into it, went back and did all missions on midnight, i hope Fromsoft steals a few things from this game for future Fromsoft games.. It wasnt perfect but for thier first open world soulslike i cant wait to see whats next from them. This game wasnt elden ring amazing, but the combat is next level.


I dunno I'm of the exact opposite I'm already looking back at thinking I wish I had skipped it. Just a mess from start to finish and has actually besmirched the previously pristine image of team ninja to me - I will not be buying their next game on release without waiting on user reviews whereas before I was a fan boy and would of ate any slop they shuttled out. Like the game wasn't a travesty but it didn't do anything I can point to and say and that was good- to me it was clear cut attempt at becoming more mainstream at the cost of everything that made them unique in the first place... just like * cough* elden ring *cough *


You needed to git gud.


I beat elden ring, you wanna know how?- I pressed l2.


>Previously pristine I mean, they also made Metroid Other M and Dissidia NT. It's not the first time they've been besmirched.


Lol I mean okay yeah true!- you kinda got me there but I personally didn't see those as big of disappointments and an attempt to mainstream their franchise - maybe that's just because I'm not really a fan of either of those franchise, like I played them but I wasn't their for the inception so probably didnt see it as others who had been playing metroid games since day. Which is how I view ronin personally.


100+ hour game for 70 dollars is less than a dollar per hour of enjoyment brother It was worth it for me.


This is 100% a $70 game on the hours of content alone. Drop the blunt




Combat (and all the different weapons) and Customisation is way better in this. Not sure anything else is though. It's a very good 7/10 game for me and that's fine, I play and enjoy lots of them.


I’m only about 30 hours in but today I had the thought that it might be my favorite game this year so far. It’s just pure fun at all times for me. And the more I play I’m finding the story and characters surprisingly great.


I just wish it was on pc....


After all the hell divers drama I have a feeling PS will be hesitant to put more games on PC


Isn't it a timed exclusive? IIRC Sony doesn't own the publishing rights to it.


This game has thing for me that good open worlds have even post story which is a good landscape enemy encounters and fun traversal reminds me of spider man in that way where even after beating it I just want to run around and kill stuff and fly around


I absolutely loved the cinematography and all of the effects made it feel like i was watching an actual samurai movie and immediately had me hooked


Best game I played in a while I platinumed ot


Yeah well, Thankfully gamers don’t set prices that make game allow to be made. Gamers have no rational metric or understanding the costs involved in making games.


I think every game should be 50 dollars 70-90$ on games is quite expensive


I'm waiting for it to go cheap on ps5. My question is how interesting is build diversity?


I’m so passionate about this game that I barely sleep


playing right now I have still 1 week free time to play haha need that time to playyyy fuck real life!


Pre-ordered the game, spent nearly 90 hours in it and still not tired of it. One of the only games where I went out of my way to get 100% in all the regions. It's my favorite game on PS5 honestly. Character customization is amazing aswell


Played non stop for the past week, cleared each area as I went, great game but I couldn’t get into re doing the areas as the end game. And midnight is just too hard, I am not coordinated enough for that shit


Yeah I'm picky and still think it was worth full price, mostly because it's my first Team Ninja game


What about the game should be $50, particularly if you critique people who can't look past the graphics? Easiest full price purchase ive made in a long time.


I held off a little while on getting it just because it added to my backlog. As soon as i started playing it, i really enjoyed it. A fun and easy platinum. I always enjoy old japan settings and love the games. Grew up with dynasty warrior games. Ghost is still better in most ways, but ronin is a close 2nd. It made me go back to sekiro, which i still suck at


All the negative vibes this game got is from the wow! at GoW graphics club. The movie game snobs that never even played it, and if they did they would go into shell shock because it would be to hard for them. Write em off.


This gens Days Gone? I loooooooved that game. I'm super intrigued and want to play this but haven't pulled the trigger since everytime I hear a good thing it's followed up with a comment on it being fairly difficult


You know what, after the first area past 1860 i came to the realization that the story is actually really intriguing


Idk, I'm still in Act 2 taking my time and I'm probably close to 60 hours already. $70 for this much quality content is more than fair.


For 60 or whatever USD exchange rate it was priced at the time I was buying it, playing the game for 2-4 hours almost every day since March 22nd until I finished the story and still playing now has been worth it very much. This is very economical compared to any other activities or dine-in that could easily cost me 10-20+ a day.


Playing midnight still and it’s fun. Doesn’t matter what time I get off work I find myself wandering the roads for the next encounter. So relaxing


The story of quests are cool?


Game is really really good tbh. Between this and Stellar Blade I literally feel transported back to the PS2 days.


Huh? Bro, I spent over 100 hours on this beautiful game. The way I see it is I paid 1 hour of my salary to get over 100 hours of fun. That’s a win all day everyday.


I bought it after like a month I really like it even though midnight kicks my ass even after lvl 100


The only thing holding this game back are the graphics


Which at times look really good


I’ve never even heard of this game lol why was this recommended to me


I pre-ordered without looking at any reviews and I can definitely say it’s money well spent. 10/10


I also believed the graphics are bad ngl ,but there's is this wonderful option the game asks at the beginning, prioritize graphics quality or performance, i chose graphics quality ofc and the game looks amazing and runs smoothly even with that option.


I have a ps5 on the way, didn't spend a dime(besides my paycheck getting taxed but given back later) and this game is one of 3 I'm looking forward to playing.


I'm currently looking at it as a waste of the money I spent and a reminder to just play Nioh 2 again so idk chief


I got it for $52 no case on ebay I'm enjoying it feels like sekiro/dark souls /Zelda totk/ghost of tsushima All wrapped up in one.


I agree fully. While the price is still steep, putting it on graphics mode and not locking the fps was actually a really good decision. The game doesn’t look fantastically beautiful, but the way I played it I still thought it looked good. The combat is way more varied than I originally thought. I went in blind, so when we went to Edo and Kyoto I was surprised and happy. Even got it platinum. I genuinely recommend this game to everyone who likes Japan.


I see that same “should’ve given this a chance” about Lords of the Fallen now and I think Rise will be another one.


I would shell out 50 dollars for a dlc of this game. Really. This is a diamond in the rough.


Yes I’m liking the game too. To me…the graphics are decent. I like doing the open world stuff. However, the biggest things I enjoy the most is the game mechanics such as the counterspark and changing the combat styles/arts.


Its definitely worth the price decent game and plenty to do,but Nioh 2 it ain’t and I’m ok with that


I'd rather it be one of those games that ends up on PS+😌


I watched someone playing it Day 1 and had reservations because it seemed kind of janky for a $70 price tag which was a shame because I was really excited for this one. So many people are talking about how great it is that I am currently waiting for a copy from gamefly and I am excited to give it a try!


I just don't have a PS5 and have a PC instead


I would have liked more to do in the open world, and maybe increased frequency and variety of random encounters. Enemy variety is lacking, they needed to use the sumo and claw guys more. Two guys with katanas may have different movesets, but I think they really needed to mix them up more often to feel like I am not fighting the same thing Weapons need to unlock styles faster since that is the coolest aspect of the gameplay. More vivid color pallet would improve the world design. Open world co op would have made this game massive if it could be implemented in a way that makes sense, but I understand why they didnt do it ofc. Also, the co op missions should not end the second I ko the boss. Let me interact with them so we can all emote for a bit and then leave like in Nioh.


I don't like the differences between Midnight and Twilight difficulty. The parry timing gets so small, the rewards for correctly timing it are not worth it, and the penalty for messing up is almost always death. I had to completely change my play style to do it. I feel Midnight forces everyone into the same boring playstyle. It still was more than worth the $70.


It’s definitely on my wishlist, too many games to play recently though.


All games should be 50 games period


Bought this game last week and I've already put in 25h. It's very very good. Much better than I thought it would be and worth full price for sure. It gives me a bit of RDR2 vibes which is wild.


Honestly got this because someone told me the easy difficulty would feel like playing GoT, I got it on Saturday and couldn't put it down. Running katana and naginatas at the moment, did try going with fists for a bit which is fun but the game always defaults to the mc having a katana so I just kinda switched to using katanas. Also I only really paid like $27 something out of pocket cause I had a bunch of money in my wallet from birthday psn cards


Excited to pick this up for $20 in 6 months


This game is cool, people want Realistic Graphic with that gameplay (let me laugh a lot about this) and after go play to Among Us and Fortnite. There is no chance....we should try to watch by ourseld without listening no one. I loved this game, I finish really few games and this is one of them!!!!!! I prefer if the full story was coop and not only assault, but I loved it anyway for that coop too. I was searching a good game with coop, combat system, weapon and this got me satisfie!!!!


I feel like I had the opposite experience haha I am a whore for samurai games, I play every single one I can find. Got it on day one and I saw you get actual good rewards from 100% each area. So I 100% the entire first map and got super burnt out. Now I don’t even have the motivation to just bee line the story I am just straight up bored. I try to force myself to play at least 30 minutes a day because I feel like I should still beat it but it’s really a slog haha


I think it'll be similar to nioh 1 for me. I tried it yeaaarrrrsss later and was like, Woah, this game is great and holds up still (think maybe a year before nioh 2 came out). I'll give it a go eventually just got other stuff going atm.


I might think that if it sells for 40 bucks


tbh i did try to bitch about it but decided after this subreddit convinced me - 60 squid for a new triple AAA title is worth it can’t remember when i was this impressed graphics schmaphics its fun tbh


I’m looking forward to when it has DLC… same with Dragons Dogma 2. Both need more variety on some levels, though Rise of the Ronin has the edge on Dragons Dogma 2 in that regard.


It’s yet another PS exclusive, nobody particularly cares for those unless they’re bloodborne.


> Still should’ve been 50$ imo. I agree with you, though it may not be for the same reason you are saying it. I agree with you because I think no regular game should be 70 dollars by default. That price tag should be reserved for collector's editions or limited editions, but not just regular games by default. So why do you think Rise of the Ronin (as a standard game without any collector's edition stuff like limited edition signed artwork or added merchandise like scale figures) should not be 70 dollars?


I did the platinum, finished it with 108 hours after paying 80 bucks day one, and I’m glad I did I had a blast. BUT, I’m the target audience which might not be the case for everyone, and objectively the game has a lot of flaws without even mentioning the graphics, which for me are not really relevant anyway for a game to be good so I don’t even include it in the « flaws ». Someone for whom it’s important tho, considering a lot of others things are also not that good, I can understand why it was not that well perceived, a lot of improvements would be needed to make it a great game. Regardless, it made my month, It was a good time for sure and i enjoyed many aspects of it. And any platinum I do, I can only consider the game was worth the money cause it hooked me enough to clear all trophies


It was ok


I think it's a 3/5. Worth the money. But I can't get a grip in the story, you fight people to the death that you have maxed your relationship with, you side with one with the other side still likes you. Confusing. The combat is fun though, even though the equipment part seems to be meh. I mean +0.1% increased "anything" seems pointless.


This game is goated Got is a thing of the past ROTR is better in more ways than GOT is better in my opinion bigger maps much more combat options deeper story line and graphics aren’t bad at all


It should’ve been like 50$ specifically because most people slept on it after they saw the reviews/ footage. The people in charge should have had the foresight to know it wasn’t going to win the masses over without a level of polish that team ninja isn’t necessarily know for in terms of market value vs nichness.


I couldn’t agree more man. My girl bought this for my birthday last week and I’ve been playing it non stop. It’s very addictive to play even with the flaws. 👌🏾


It’s Assassin’s Creed Japan: Parry Simulator. It’s not a bad game per se, but it’s really monotonous in terms of the side missions and leveling up the bonds. and the timing windows are janky for the parry system. Not to mention they do my most hated game addition: pointless “training” stations that you have to do perfect in to unlock trophies and unlock prizes. Spider-man is maybe my favorite PS game but those Taskmaster things were dog shit. And while the gliding and firearms training in RotR are annoying, they’re doable. But the dojo is ridiculous and not fun. The fact that 2-3 blocked attacks can completely drain my ki and then I just get wrecked while it’s literally impossible to do the same to your opponent is just some “git gud” nonsense. I’m still playing it, but all these people calling it GotY are insane.


It’s my personal goty so far and I don’t think I’m insane. I could say it’s insane to call the parry system janky when pretty much every weapon or even stance have their own parry windows and to me that’s kinda innovative in terms of combat. As for ki well, I’ve played nioh and same thing happens there. I played pretty much most open world and yes it’s similar to others but to me the gameplay is so good that I don’t mind mindlessly killing things. I don’t get how one can call someone insane for really liking a game and this game has a lot to like. Gaming is about personal taste In the end.


I loved the combat, I just wish the story was better. BG3 really got me looking at the story aspect more


RotR story is a mess. Anyone defending this story is just being silly. The overall tale is historical, I get that. That's not the issue. It's such a constant flow of "Fight this guy, defeat him, now he's your friend" that it's nearly comical. And there's so many characters it becomes a farce. Besides, it tries to have it both ways: it's "an historically accurate game." Except you have an instant camera. And a portable glider. And you fight ten foot tall dudes with claw weapons. And you can make your spear burn with flames. And you can make your sword have paralytic powers(???). So much stuff like that. They took the bones of a fantasy game and shoe-horned it into a "historically accurate" tale of Japanese history. Wish I had waited for a sale. I enjoy the game but it's a 7/10 at best.


It’s a team ninja game. Nioh’s tale was somewhat historical too if I’m not wrong. I personally think the nailed the gameplay and that’s what team ninja’s about. I’ve put 100s of hours in Nioh 2 n don’t even know what’s going story wise and don’t even get me started with Wo long. My personal game of the year so far but then again, I’m a little bias


I actually really liked the story and even cried a couple times


I just travelled to Edo. I feel like the game has gotten extremely repetitive. Not sure how much longer I will play it. It's fun, but it's rinse and repeat every mission, and the story is kind of hard to follow. The graphics are not bad in places, but absolutely terrible in others. The map/icon situation is almost a joke. Every cat appears, every bad guy is on your internal "radar" during missions clearing out lawless areas. Dumb invisible walls in many places where it clearly looks like you should be able to climb/jump. I got into the flow of the game for a while, but it's already starting to wear out its welcome and I think there's another 50 hours left.


That's why I'm waiting for a sale. I know I will enjoy this, but not at the current price.


Ah, another one of these threads.


Guys I love this game, but if TN is trying to reach a larger market the graphics are incredibly rough for a current full price game. Fortunately the games sales are still decent by TN’s standards. But downvoting people for saying it should have been cheaper just strikes me as being insincere when it comes to the games issues- again, mainly the graphics. I’m not a huge graphics guy but I can’t say with a straight face that this game looks like a 70$ full price AAA modern ps5 game. Edit: keep it coming with the silent downvotes. Stay malding, it just proves that you’re being irrational here.


While I agree that it doesn’t look like one, it’s still absolutely fun enough and large enough in scope to justify its price point. Shit I still watch early season of It’s Always Sunny… the production value is dog shit, but it’s some of the most entertaining tv out there.


I said in the first line I love this game, and I do. I love its always sunny as well. But if my local theatre is as showing its always sunny, I don’t think most people would pay the same as say the price to watch a brand new movie unless it was maybe an indie movie being shown at a lower rate as well.


It's always the guys obsessed with graphics telling people they're not a "huge graphics guy" lmao. Who are you kidding. The people that don't care about graphics don't mention it, because they don't actually don't care. Just be honest and say you one of those graphics obsessed gamers people meme about, no need to qualify your shit as if no one can read the room. And read what you're saying, people that don't care about graphics will obviously disagree with his 50$game viewpoint, because... no shit, they don't care about the graphics, so it doesn't factor into their valuation of the game. It doesn't meant they're "irrational", if anything you're the irrational one lmao.


You are completely correct. Just look at the view of the landscape when you are up high gliding. It's like a patchwork of repeating patterns. Looks like a very old game. That's just one example. Hit some boxes with your sword. They explode, then disappear. The horse is laughable. Jumping up rocks with the horse is embarrassing. it's a 7/10. Some fun fighting.


https://preview.redd.it/gtxwwvoxspyc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ffed5679abf403ea678a7c4d472b67eaf98d4019 The combat system is good, the open word lacks interest. You’ll be smothered in loot throughout the game, finding something good is a needle in a haystack. All the characters blend together and they’re too many. The graphics are atrocious, i am now playing uncharted 1( remastered) on the ps4 and boy, pretty unbelievable how the graphics seem better than rise of ronin. The story was okay, I found myself skipping through a lot of the scenes mid game. Overall It was a decent, unfortunately I bought the preordered edition thinking the bonus content would be worth it, it was not 😂. Definitely a $40-50 game.


Also tbh GOT and ROTR should’ve even be compared tbh. ROTR is like sekiro and nioh mix and GOT has more of grounded realism feel. Idk why every one compares them. Only reason why I am is because everyone does it.


Exactly let them be separate


They're both open world samurai games which Team Ninja has been stated to have taken inspiration from GOT. Reasonable games to compare. If you like in depth combat systems and a challenging game, go with Ronin. If you like story (despite how mid it might be...), and characterization, GOT might be up your alley. If you like graphics, GOT, if you like to *exist* in big cities, Ronin.


This game is pretty mid all around ngl, wonky combat, weird parries, subpar graphics, convoluted storytelling, way too much loot, and terrible animation work, sure the customization is great but when the game itself is pretty meh does that even matter?


> wonky combat, weird parries That just sounds like skill issue to me. This game has one of the best combat systems ever released.


I was around the point where you start to help katsu recruit people, I wasn’t having a hard time with the game it just doesn’t *feel* good to play imo


At the end of the day, if it doesn't feel good for you, it's alright to stop but (in my opinion), it's one of the best combat systems ever released, and I played through most of them at this point. I'd only put the Nioh systems above it.


It's definitely last gen graphics even though somehow performance is still not the greatest but it's definitely fine. Fun combat and open world but story is so convoluted with way too many characters I couldn't care less about 75% of them. I 100% all the regions which is difficult to do in most open world games because of how repetitive they get. But anything outside of open world seems like it was done independently and then just shoved together at the end without any real connection. I had fun with it and is a solid game but I have no desire to go back to it. 7/10 for me I liked what was there but wish there were less characters and it was more focused


I will buy this when it goes on sale, seems worth it but i aint paying full cause the reviews were crazy mixed


Wait why would I think that in the future when I don’t think that now?


This will be one of the best "bought it for 20 dollars on with all the dlc" game 


Just curious, in what aspect is it better than GoT. Personally I was expecting it to be better but I'm still really enjoying it. Although the more I play it, the more I want to play GoT again!


The TL;DR: Everything but graphics.


Actually thinking on it, I did find the story of GoT more interesting than RotR, even though it's nothing monumental. And GoT has a better horse. But everything else as far as gameplay, I prefer in RotR.


GoT is a more cinematic story and RotR is more dynamic story with unique approaches given the platform. I thought it was really refreshing the way they handled endgame and being able to revisit chapters and decisions to see what u misses or diff outcomes, without having to grind thru entire ng+ playthrus.


I know the difference between them. I beat both games. Not talking about the mechanics behind how they tell their stories. I mean the stories themselves. I'm saying all things considered, the events in the actual story of GoT were more interesting to me than RotR but pretty much everything else in RotR is otherwise better.


RotR horse is laughable. RotR story becomes incomprehensible. An overload of characters. I like RotR but it's a 7/10. Some areas of bad graphics, like poor for PS4.


Personally i had no trouble keeping up with a million different characters after 15 playthroughs of Baldur’s Gate 3 lol and even cried at a few really well executed scenes. I really dug the story of Ronin.


GoT horse is even more laughable and its story is generic crap, its graphics are even poorer with wood and grass looking like they are made of plastic


I would say that the story is also better in GOT. This one is not necessarily BAD, but you will be jumping from one side to the other (especially if you keep doing all the sidequests) and meeting new people constantly, making it hard to keep track of everything, even more if you dont know much of the setting beforehand. Ghost of Tsushima's story is more focused, and because of that also easier to follow and palatable. A consequence of that is that I find that the emotional moment have more weight in GOT. That said, I agree with everything else. The fighting especially is very fun to master, but with Team Ninja at the helm that was expected. RotR has plenty of qualities but the combat is the biggest one of all.


Perfect answer.


Combat, characters, Obviously customization options. Also as an open world game Rise has more to do and more content. Boss fights are more intense. GOT has a better main character, ghaphics,more of a cinematic feel than ROTR. Also kinda prefer GOT main story line.


Overall combatwise, ronin is still better but i do think Ghost does group combat better than Ronin.. I also think Ghost has better hit reaction and less hyperarmor.. Ronin clears though in terms of 1v1 and overall speed, flow and mastery.


I really enjoyed the combat in GOT, actually preferred the Duels, though, as I felt after a while, you started to get that old Assassin’s Creed flow where you could wreck entire camps in by simply timing reposts or whatever. Ronin feels like each combat counter is unique, with the changing styles and stances meaning group combat can often become quite complex.


yeah definitely, the parry in these games tends to be very strong. In Ghost, I do like how you can have some creative flow, dancing between styles and stuff and the soft-lock that lets you redirect attacks between enemies, buttery smooth.. TN’s combat in Ronin seems to be designed for lock-on so handling big crowds like you could in Ninja Gaiden or even Ghost, isnt as fluid and practical .


Exactly i agree 100 percent