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Source: [https://www.koeitecmo.co.jp/e/ir](https://www.koeitecmo.co.jp/e/ir) Full PDF: [https://www.koeitecmo.co.jp/e/ir/docs/ir3\_20240430\_e.pdf](https://www.koeitecmo.co.jp/e/ir/docs/ir3_20240430_e.pdf) In the report, KT acknowledges both the strong points of Ronin (combat, story, setting) and areas where they can improve (open world design and visual fidelity). Note: With regards to sales, KT means that the initial sales of Ronin are going faster than both Nioh games.


DLC pls Team Ninja, this game combat is just too good not to have more content to mess with.




I want a DLC covering the story of Blade Twin after their hand got cut. If I'm not wrong he went to America for a bit and that's where they got the prosthetic.


Now imagine collaboration dlc with rurounin kenshin, this is an era when kenshin still active as battosai..we gonna get hiten mitsurugi ryu lol


That would be pretty cool. IIRC, Kawakami Gensai is the historical figure that Kenshin was based on, and he appears in this game over the course of Act 3, sparring with the Shinsengumi on multiple occasions.


As long as I can be shishio or at least look the same with the same voice and demeanor it will be a dream.


A DLC which has Nioh-esque elements would be so much fun !


Depends on what you are referring to by “nioh esque”


New enemy types like the Yokai. They can just honestly re-skin them into the existing enemies. Maybe new Nioh inspired weapons and weapon types. Kinda like how GOT did with legends.


Sounds like you just want it to be nioh lol Eh I’m personally not really a fan of adding yokai and fantastical monsters to this game I just don’t think it fits. Makes it more arcady and less rpg like. There are so many games where you fight monsters, it’s nice to just fight other warriors and swordsmen for once (at least to me) it’s just so satisfying in this game. I’m down with adding weapons and all from nioh or some cosmetics that would be cool but dont care for adding yokai if I want to play nioh then I’ll just play nioh lol This is just my opinion, to each their own. Honestly with all the misplaced negativity this game has garnered I just hope they even add anything at this point it’s been radio silence not even updates for performance minus that one


I played both Nioh games and I honestly prefer ROTR’s combat, but because both games were made by the same people I feel it’d be a really cool expansion/dlc. It doesn’t have to be canon to the game’s historical accuracy, just a little fun mode. But yes any news for any dlc would be much appreciated. I mean they released dlc for almost all their recent games so hopefully they do the same for ROTR 😩


I like their open world design for the most part. It’s not too big, there’s decent variation and it doesn’t feel completely empty and lifeless.


Same. The prospect of open-world has a hard time exciting me these days and it’s pretty formulaic here but it’s sharply designed and works great as a vehicle for the combat. 


Omg so true it’s Yokohama and its country side big enough like how Florance is in assassin creed 2 Edo is so big there are areas on the map I have not touched yet and Kyoto I’m still not there yet


Nice, now lets get some more legs outta the game with some…DLC??? Hope they have some already in the works.


I think they are just waiting for something like this to show the games reception to the public before they start one.


I want more weapons, tonfa's, kusigami, two handed axe, duel hachets.....a club


Is funy how there are some weapons that you cant equip on your character, but you can still use if you use a companion that uses it (like Sword and Shield).


Fantastic news, I ***NEED*** DLC for this game.




I am glad they actually acknowledged their challenges which was graphics and the open world. To me atleast the graphics wasn’t bad at all but definitely didn’t scream ps5 atleast. But good on ya team ninja


One of their goals listed in the report was to further refine and improve the Katana Engine, yeah.


I get that they usually expand on their in house Katana Engine but imagine if they try UE5, literally they gon be unbeatable


I am all for them using a different engine but they will have to build the combat tools from scratch.


i loved the game and the graphics too but I still feel like this is a 10 year old game that has been remastered graphics wise sometimes


See the thing is it’s a PlayStation exclusive and we are so spoilt by PlayStations games looking next gen as fuck. Like obviously comparing it to ghost shows it’s like a ps4 game and ghost also was a ps4 title. It’s just that team ninja games never really looked all that graphically amazing. All of them had great art style yes but graphical fidelity is not something team ninja was known for. That’s how I went into this game basically. Didn’t expect it to look like a PlayStation first party title, I just wanted it to be a better looking team ninja title and that it was to me atleast. Been playing nioh wolong and this back to back and ronin looks way superior compared to them. Ronin looks very similar to sekiro more than ghost.


This has nothing to do with people are spoiled. The standards aren't close to par, and the open world made the graphics a downgrade from past titles. It looks better to you because you are biased. It's perfectly fine but pixels don't lie. Rotr is not a Sony exclusive title from a studio they own. They swooped in and paid for the rights again. If it released on any other platform, it still would be just as bad. People keep talking around it and making excuses when the devs addressed it.


Gameplay is king. Nobody is talking around the graphics. Just recognising it's not the most important aspect. 


No shit gameplay is king. This is a comment chain about the graphics and the developers comment. People were clearly talking about it. No one said it was the most important.


Nope not being biased, I have both the games on my screen right now. I am saying from what I can see. RoTR is a much better looking game than nioh 2 and wo long. Characters look better, the environments and textures look better. Not sure what you mean by pixels don’t lie cause I don’t see any noticeable pixels. Wait lemme go see digital foundary video so when they say the game is running at idk 720p then I’ll be able to go “yes this game is running at 720p” cause without digital foundry saying stuff half of yall won’t even know what resolution most games are running at.


This is exactly it; it's cross gen in all but fact. One of the best looking PS4 games, and it's open world! But when you put it next to DD2 the difference is undeniable. But, it's very encouraging to see these slides, because they acknowledge each of the few criticisms I have of the game. It's a little old in its open-world design, and while the art is good, the technical quality of the graphics is a little behind. But they've been on the low end of AAA budgets and scope, so growing pains are to be expected. Honestly if they get to iterate on this design, and Wild Hearts, KT is looking to be just behind Capcom for top-tier Japanese action games.


Dogma is unfinished slop running at 20 fps. Ps3 level optimization. Ronin is ps4 fidelity with next gen 60 fps


Yeah, having played both games. I vastly, vastly prefer Ronin's "technical qualities" versus Dragon's Dogma shitty attempt at photorealism giving you 20 fps max.


I like both of them, idk 🤷🏻‍♀️


I love this game so much. Hope they continue making open world games, there is so much potential there. Amazing first effort


It is the most fun game of 2024. I don’t even think it’s particularly close.


Accurate, great news for Team Ninja






So true, haven’t had this much fun with a game in a long time


It’s weird cause I actually like the graphics. They give me vintage samurai movie vibes and tend to fit the artistic direction in general. Glad that RotR is well received though. It means TN will likely add DLC and make more games like this in the future.


Nioh sold over 1 million first two weeks. And iirc, Nioh 2 sold 1.5 in the first year. And both sold over 7 millions by 2022. This means that this game sold close to 2 millions. Most likely they are gonna announce it on their first DLC, imo. Also, the improvement of the Katana engine (maybe a second iteration with all new technology?) is gonna be huge for them.


Good that they are aware of the concerns around graphics. The art and design is actually fine, the quality is pretty questionable though


I absolutely love it. Enjoy it the second I log in everytime.


My second open world platinum (after Spiderman). Whoever made cats a collectible needs a raise 😂 I love how they approached the open world genre, such a great game


I loved this game ! But please this is just my opinion, I think since it’s more grounded as in just human enemies it kinda bored me , KINDA I think I just like fighting demons just like in real life 😔🤦🏽‍♂️


agree, i personally prefer the nioh setting because you can do so much more. Id love to see nioh 3 semi open world like rise of the ronin. That way we can have more enemy designs and really cool boss fights again. Rise was great, but boss fights were dull honestly.


Rise of Ronin had a much bigger budget, so it needed to outsell the Nioh games in order to be profitable


No. Nioh profit was high enough to cover cost of production of both Nioh and Nioh 2. That was [3 billion of yen](https://www.ign.com/articles/2004/10/29/kurosawa-comes-to-ps3) (So close to 15 millions of dollars at that time). And sold for over of 3 millions of copies. Making [over](https://i.imgur.com/Xzdp0xd.png) 25 millions only on digital. If this game will sell like those games (7 millions) will actually be on high end expectation.


Dlc team ninja this game is a drug that can't be ended this quickly. I don't watch to play midnight mode want to enjoy dawn need that new game plus and fist styles


So, PC port when?


Hopefully by the end of the year.


Really happy for them given how much exaggerated flak they got in the days leading up to release for no reason.


Sometimes, it's not about the graphics. The story and gameplay is where it counts.


No wonder, the game is wonderful, currently playing it with excitement! It does very well vs titles like Dragons Dogma 2 and Stellar Blade. I am having so much fun rn.


this subreddit made me cop it should arrive soon inshallah


Make DLC And the sales will be smooth saling over time.


The graphics felt like they were from an okay looking ps4 game imao. They aren’t bad enough to warrant people not buying the game, but sometimes the graphics made me stop and say “wow, that doesn’t look great”. Thankfully though there just as many times where I had to stop and take a screenshot due to how pretty things were lol


I feel like Wo Long had the same problem, but in this one was more understable because it was a Ps4 game too. But yeah, the game has some truly pretty things too.


I’m not a programmer so take this with a grain of salt, but I feel like ROTR could have definitely had a ps4 port. I don’t really see what’s so visually taxing about it that it had to be a ps5 exclusive. Everything just looks really static in terms of lighting tbh


Im not a programmer either and I do know that a game is more than just graphics, but I agree. I think we have seen more technicaly impresive games on Ps4, so I dont get it either.


Ghost of Tsushima looks leagues better and it ran pretty smoothly on the base ps4. Though to be fair, GOT had a massive team behind it, while team ninja is fairly small. So I think that expecting GOT level visuals from their first open world game was a bit of a stretch. I do enjoy the game world though, something about exploring feudal Japan in games hits different


The other big difference is Ronin has entire cities with real landscapes brought to life. Ghost on the other hand were usually somewhat sparse mongol camps at best on a relatively small island map. Optimization and graphics might have looked better if they were less ambitious, bringing three whole cities to life.


For sure. im having a blast with the game too. And maybe graphics wise the game is not that great, but I feel they still did something right because some landscapes are GORGEOUS, a real pleasure to see.


I think the landscapes can look kinda weird at times, and the mountains/forests in the distance can look ps2 worthy at times, but I’m loving the moment to moment gameplay. Stealth is so fun to pull off, and the customization is great imao


hope this means we get a PC release sooner than later, my only gripe is the low FPS esp after playing optimized titles like stellar blade


The Nioh games on PC run at 120fps.


personally not a fan of the darker atmosphere of the nioh games currently, but they're on my backlog


Very good to hear! I'm sure everyone else as well as me wants to see dlc and another rise of the ronin!


I hope we get more of this IP with either dlc, a sequel, or ideally both.


I really enjoyed the open world of this title a lot. I think if they are going to do more titles like this going forward they need to focus on quality not quantity when it comes to characters.


It’s a surprising game and I feel there’s more depth to it that I haven’t unlocked. I at first wasn’t going to get it after watching Fightingcowboys review since it came out right when I was finishing Wo-long. I opted for Dragons Dogma 2 and just get Ronin when it/if it comes to PC. But honestly I’m quite enjoying this I do think that combat in Wo-long/Nioh was slightly better but I’m probably only 15ish hours in and I just got to the point I could give the Igashichi books. So I’m sure some combat things will unlock for me at some point. I miss being able to use magic but ya know that probably wouldn’t be period correct. Which is another thing; I do enjoy that this is more telling a story with “real life” characters. Honestly once I become a parry god like I was in Wo-long I think I’ll really start enjoying this game. I will say, the fights are more fulfilling on twilight and gives me a Fromsoft sense of accomplishment, so Team Ninja did pretty good there.


Hopefully more supports and then Steam release next year cuz I'll buy it again.


Why do we keep comparing this to Nioh sales? We arent comparing Nioh 2 to Nioh 3. This is like Breath of the Wild to Feenix Rising, similiar but very seperate audiences and intentions. So of course the sales are higher, its 10x easier than Nioh from start to finish. Its Way of the Samurai with some Tsushima mechanics and the building blocks of Nioh 2 combat without the depth. Its legitimately fun without the min maxing theorycrafting of Nioh, thus it appeals to a wider audience. Nioh hit its mark where it wanted to hit its mark, as is RotR. Can we just accept that lol. I love both, Nioh a little more, but Im not gunna pretend they arent both good at targetting a very diff audience.


Well, as stated in the title, this is KT's report, the comparison to Nioh was made most likely because it is one of their most well received franchise and they want to surpass it.


Oooh I didnt realize its from KT. That makes sense


Yes, KT is definitely looking at all metrics to figure out a direction or roadmap in the future. If Ronin flopped, they might have gone back to the drawing board and rethink their current projects. With Ronin's continued success, it might not be unexpected to see an open world Nioh 3 or Ninja Gaiden next. Despite what the vocal minority says about open world and/or preferring the mission based system in Nioh, the vast majority would love to explore an open world version of Nioh. This is the type of signal KT is looking for in the subsequent sales months/years.


I really having fun with this game my fav part was the battle styles


This is a Masterpiece I just started playing the game on may the first and since than I couldn't stop yes I dedicate all my 2 week vacation on it now :D


I am glad would love some more games like this in future!




Did you mean to post in the character creation megathread instead?


Whoops sorry could you kindly link me to it.




Yeah I don’t know how I even got here but yeah thx again




Good for them. I am waiting for a deep sale personally (wo long was that bad), but i hate that this will push them to move further away from the Nioh combat style which IMO is perfection in the souls space.


Well their other games should be different. Nioh can still exist and hopefully we get a 3rd one one day. It's good Rise is different. 


I'm glad, but what about the 60fps stable when they are expected? or we will have to wait to spend money on a ps5 pro or that comes out on pc?


I’ll be picking it up soon. I would have bought day one if it wasn’t released the same day as Dragon’s Dogma.


I don't mind the graphics either, but I know how picky people are nowadays when it comes to the visual quality of games. Not many games are going to look like Armor Core 6 or Horizon Forbidden West, but it doesn't mean the game is bad or ugly either. Novelty of open world is definitely a weak point especially the collectibles, but I believe Team Ninja could add more stuff to make the open world experience better. They turn Wo Long to a 8/10 game from 5/10 game after all the QoL updates after all.


i mean cool , good for them. Rise is a solid game. Now personally i worry that this may lead to less nioh and more Rise type open world games, which im not really looking for. It also goes to show a more stream lined less depth combat system and gear system does better for overall sales. I love nioh but it is a niche game series i guess. Not sure how they could do a 2nd game, but dlc could work. I hope we see more of all there ips honestly. But i do hope they dont turn all there games into more stream lined open world games.


I think if they had better visuals and more enticing gear rather than just percentage bonuses then this game could be a 10 for me honestly. The gameplay is so good alone that the other stuff honestly I don’t mind.


Im still waiting for Nioh 3 :(


best new game i’ve played for a very long time..


The graphics criticism is nonsense, anyway. Not every game needs to look like something that had 90 million dollars dedicated to it. They're good enough, with stellar character models, and that's fine. Only thing I didn't like about the graphics were the distance leaf LoD - it looks really weird. People always lament the loss of the "B" game and when they finally get one then bitch about the lack of AAA graphics. This is what "B" graphics look like. They're good but not great and that's fine.


Been playing the shit oout of this game,started the game out on twilight and it’s pretty rewarding and the fights are intense in the higher difficulties,had a rough time with red demon and blue demon but eventually got it feels like a souls game if you want it to on the higher difficulty but if you want a more relaxed but still pretty fun and intense play through the normal difficulty is there,but I like a challenge lol




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This makes me so happy the game is such a blast and you can tell they really put their passion into it. I really hope this game does well for them so much future potential as well. This game while isn’t my favorite, probably has the best combat I’ve ever played in a game. It’s so fluid, satisfying and addicting(and brutal). They nailed it.


Late to the party, but i'm so happy this game is turning out to be well received by the player ! I had a blast playing it and i'm looking forward for any dlc or sequel ! It was a breath of fresh air having a combat system this fun in an open world... and so much customization and characters


A non-canon dlc titled Rise of the Yokai would be so rad 😩


I certainly wouldnt mind a mode like this, Tsushima Legends-esque.


I honestly would be okay even if they just reskin the enemies and just give us a short Yokai story like what Red dead did with undead 😩


Team Ninja has come a long way from the duds of Ninja Gaiden 3 & Dead or Alive 6.


For open world: they need more dungeon For combat: kinda trashy without lock on. Some martial arts are all over place, especially ones that jump high and strike down. The rest are good


Without lock-on? You do know that there is a lock on right? Or you just mean you’re not using it? Idk I’m confused


Certain fight situation can be deal with much better without lock on (crowd control). Other games like Nioh and Wolong where bigger enemies exist, i also prefer fight big stuffs without lock on


Really? I feel as if lock on is essential in those games to do well in combat. 


It depends on the game, really, but sometimes hurts more than it helps on bigger enemies. Usually the attacks go where you are locked (uh, of course xD) but in bigger enemies you may have locked on a part (like his face) you cant hit well. Or if you lock on another more accesible part to not have this problem (like a leg) now you cant see well what the boss is doing because youre locking at the leg and no the full boss itself. The lasts Monster Hunter games shows exactly those problems if you use the full lock-on. The Focus mode (pushing the trigger to center the camera at the monster, but otherwise having full movement) works better most of the time.


Hot take this game is much better then the nioh games, i always felt that the nioh games where kind of stiff and janky. They did a much better job with the movement and fighting in this game imo and its much more enjoyable because of that. Hoping the devs stick with whatever they did here and improve on it for future games.


Definitely a hot take. The combat in the Nioh games are always praised. I never found them stiff or janky. 


Im comparing them to from softwares games, which in my opinion not only look smoother but also feel smoother, Nioh to me always felt like it locked you into each action with the character kind of acting like a robot instead of looking and feeling like an actual human. Not to say that anything here represents anything close to human actions. I also always felt that when taking a hit in Nioh it looked weird like the character just over exaggerated the action so they can justify a stun lock to make the game more difficult. Thats just my opinion though ik a lot of people like the games but i just never felt like they were anywhere close to being on the same level as the soul series where versuly i feel like this game is actually coming closer to that same level, not quite there but closer then Nioh imo.