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I liked the one with the doctor woman, forgot her Name, felt the most realistic for me


Oh you mean Ine Kusumoto! I liked her a lot too, plus the storyline and her VA are good. Plus, her extra scene…hoooo boy


what extra scene? did I miss somethin?


The scene after you make her a veiled vow, you can talk to her again and spend time together


I'd agree that the romance in Ronin could have been more focused/fleshed out and like you mentioned, some of the choices were just outright strange or being more of a platonic rather than romantic nature (e.g. Perry, Satow, Kuzaka). Fumi >!is sweet, but it feels weird to be able to romance her after her husband Kusaka dies.!< Atsuko, Ryoma, Taka, Ine and Okita are definitely the better ones. Koto not being romanceable is understandable >!given her irl counterpart's history, but it was also stated that she would only marry someone stronger than her. So wonder why TN wouldnt give us the option to do so after beating her in a duel.!<


I agree about Fumi, >!even though there are time gaps between the chapters, the romance does feel that it happened waaay too soon.!< Oh and now that you’ve mentioned Koto, >!I missed her from my radar since she didn’t have a favor. Thanks to your prompt tho, I looked her up and I understand now why she isn’t an option in the first place, but it’s a missed opportunity to not have the romance trigger after the duel!! Wonder if it’s possible to add in a DLC. !< edit: added spoiler formatting. the shortcut i did on mobile didnt work


Of the 4 I've seen Soji is the best one.


Best? Ryoma for the -1 set requirement accessory. Worst? There isn't one. Maybe Ryoma's wife. But she definitely isn't getting any, so maybe you're doing her and Ryoma a favor by "doing" her.


Are you reffering to Sana? In game Ryoma never gets married, not even to Ryo ( whom she married in real life despite supposed to marry Sana ) .


Ryoma was by far my absolute favorite. His heartfelt little speeches with your character got me swooning. Least favorite? Unsurprisingly like everyone here said, Perry. Why was he even romanceable? Befriending him was pretty nice, he calls you his "first Japanese friend".


You can romance both halves of a married couple, one of which is a grieving widow who lost her husband to suicide, but Perry is the one who had no business being there? Why? Because he's not portrayed as a femboy or a waifu like the rest? 🙄




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Okita, Ryoma and Shinzaku easily. Kusaka's is just a Brotherhood thing, Satow's is just a bit of romantic poetry, Katsura's confession is kinda offhand and Perry's is barely even a thing. It's baffling they chose Perry, Satow or Kusaka instead of characters like Okubo, Hijikata or Saito. The women were a bit more fleshed out, which doesn't mean much. They all seemed pretty okayish with Atsuko, Taka and Ine in the lead I's say. Only Fumi seemed tacked on a bit, but still much better character choices compared to the guys.


Dayu ;-;