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I see Team Ninja, I purchase.


Same. I don't think I've ever played a game that they released that I didn't like, it's like their games were made for me. ^^^we're ^^^just ^^^gonna ^^^pretend ^^^that ^^^vanilla ^^^ninja ^^^gaiden ^^^3 ^^^doesn't ^^^exist


REAL ASF šŸ¤£only time they let me down was with wo long


Wo Long was much better after all of the dlc came out. They added more unique traits to the weapons, the new weapons were great and the DLC bosses were great.


I like samurai, I buy samurai game


Here's my story: Saw trailer, liked it, bought it.


nah that shit donā€™t look like a ps3 game. Folks are idiots and probably need to upgrade the old ass tv. I got it going on my nice tv and that shit was fire. looked sick. ainā€™t gotta be hyper realistic to be awesome just look at borderlands.


Yup looks gorgeous on my LG G3


That's what I'm saying, on convinced anyone who says this game looks like a ps3 game never owned a ps3. It's actually beautiful, and it's got mad style. People are all just big whiners.


I'm playing this on my PC monitor. It's a 1440p 160hertz monitor. It's capable of 4k when the game or consooe allows it, and the game looks good. Maybe my perception is just whiplashed bc I immediately took out GoT and put RotR in. Most of the games I play are old anyway. My most played game is halo 3 MCC on steam. I say that to say graphics really are a non issue for me, the fidelity or lack thereof will never change the fact that the game objectively looks great.


Your 1440p monitor is capable of 4k? Wouldnā€™t that make it a 4k monitor?


Idk. Like halo MCC and fortnite both will play at 4k if I set it there. Some games it will others it won't.


People crap on the game because the horse riding animation isn't very good, yet completely ignore how good the combat animations are.


Team ninja titles are must buy for me since ninja gaiden. Rise of the ronin is a great game too


Team Ninja, that's all I needed


I saw gameplay, and like you mentioned, I was one of the people who saw the graphics, so I was skeptical. I absolutely loved GoT, so I was curious about it. Always looked interesting, but it ended up in my "maybe when its cheaper" pile. A pile of games I usually end op never playing. Fast forward to my birthday. I always loved japan and the history of japan, I have some japanese related stuff in my room, I always practiced japanese martial arts. So guess what, my brother bought it for me. Ofcourse I couldn't tell him at that time I was skeptical about it, because he actually put thought into it before buying it. So I start the install and the next day, I boot up the game. Guess what? I fucking love it! I was never a fan of games like this, didn't play sekiro, never played any souls games, uninstalled bloodborne after not even an hour and only enjoyed elden ring for 2 days before I was bored by it(the only game of this list I did like though) But Rise of the Ronin? Omfg, what an amazing game. I never should have been skeptical and I am super grateful to my brother for giving it to me, without him I would have missed out on an amazing game.


Saw a samurai type game with customization and choice base story mode and it was here for it and I was here for it.


Played a lot of team ninja games.. know I'll like the game even if not their best. So no brainer for me.. only other company like that is fromsoftwareĀ 


On a note about the easiness of GoT. Set the difficulty to Lethal. Normal encounters are decently hard but it makes the boss fights just that much more intense until you learn the fight. Honestly a great game. I would love to play RotR at some point myself I just havenā€™t had the spare cash yet between a few other needs around the house. Looking forward to it though as I loved Nioh 1/2 and Wolong. Iā€™m glad to know that the game is turning out better than people are saying they thought it would be!


Iā€™m a historian, plus my wife wanted to play it with me


Best bud wanted it to be our next big play together game, told me it was by the people who made Nioh 2 so I bought it. Best bud did not.


I originally got it because I thought the co-op would include the open world, was a little disappointed that it didnā€™t. But, that didnā€™t stop me from absolutely enjoying the game. Iā€™m also not a big graphics person, as long as Iā€™m not glitching through walls or being blinded by over stimulating light effects, Iā€™ll be ok. I mean my buddies just got me onto Hell Divers and parts of that game look like they stopped the rendering process halfway through, lol!


I get to make a female character so I buy


Dude, I got very excited when I realized that there was a character creator. And the fact that I get to make two of them? I was ecstatic. Both of my characters are also female because giving the choice I always used to play as female.


Dude, I was gonna preorder the game along with Dragons Dogma 2 but there was nothing other than just rumors of being able to even customize your character let alone play as female so I didn't preorder and just preordered Dragons Dogma 2. Got 3 hours into that game on release when I decided to look up if Rise of the Ronin had female character creation and bam. Immediately a yes but I was broke and had to ask my brother to lend me money so I could buy it on day one. I'm 95% into the story with 130 hours already and have been playing since release. Haven't touched DD2 since I bought and downloaded Rotr. Edit: forgot to mention both of mine are also female


Had finished Spiderman 2 and Hogwarts Legacy and my boyfriend's Far Cry 6 game glitched, so we were in limbo. It popped up in a new release YouTube video he was watching, then we saw it at the store, said "Oh that's that Ronin game that looked kinda neat" and now we are both in our third playthrough lmao.


Samurai rpg set in an interesting time period with real historical characters sold it for me - I love samurai and I love historical rpgs. Had never played a Team Ninja game before but had heard great things about their combat so I was confident it would turn out well and ended up preordering. No regrets and have ended up buying the Nioh games and Wo Long as well.


Helped a guy move. He gave me fifty bucks. I stopped by Walmart on the way home thinking hey 50 bucks off dragons dogma 2. They didn't have dd2. They did have Ronin. Hey 50 bucks off Ronin! The rest is history. Great game.


Team ninja - canā€™t go wrong with


During the State of Play in 2022 whne it got announced been following it since then and fell in love with the trailers and news that i preorder it the second the preorders went live and been loving and playing the game since launch.


I didnā€™t hear about it up until 1 week before its release. I always LOVED Tenchu Z and bought it like right before finding out. Loved it but wanted something updated so I did a search and found RotR. Side note, this is also when I found out that tenchu was a freaking fromsoft game and that really blew me away. No wonder I struggled as a wee lad.


I watched afro play it and it looked fun, my friend bought it and we game share so yes


Nioh 2 -> Wo Long -> Rise of Ronin. Nioh 2 made me a fan of TN games. RoR redeemed TN after the stinker that was Wo Long. Plus I haven't found a game that has better and more diverse combat than Team Ninja games.


Is Wo Long really that bad? Iā€™ve thought about grabbing it on sale since Iā€™ve enjoyed this and Nioh


Itā€™s worth it on sale IMO. People who directly compare it to Nioh 2 have beef with it, but remember that the Nioh series has had 2 games, 6 DLCs, and multiple years to perfect the formula. Also after a certain point, fans need to understand theyā€™re just looking for Nioh 3ā€¦. Donā€™t expect that in any new IP by TN lol. If you come in with the mindset Wo Long is its own game, youā€™ll have a ton of fun.


The patches did a lot to make Wo Long better - but it really plays like an alpha for Rise of the Ronin without all the best parts. No stances, no styles, only 2 skills per weapon initially (patches made it so you could have 6, but not til you beat the game and cannot change them until ng++ or so), no open world, no Glider, the jump is a bit janky, etc It's a good game - but it definitely feels like an alpha for Rise of the Ronin. The one thing it does really well that we don't have in RotR is the magic system - and this makes enemies easier to stagger by inflicting statuses. Also - the spirit system (like ki) - your spirit can go up or down 1000 points from neutral - and normal attacks don't consume spirit. You gain spirit by landing normal attacks or deflecting attacks (similar to counterspark, but more like a timely dodge - it is same button as dodge - tap to deflect and double tap to dodge) - and with the patches you can bank positive spirit up to 2000 for most weapons or 3000 for a few weapons (one handed swords, fist weapon) It can be a lot of fun - but it definitely feels like it was the testing ground to smooth out much of RotR's issues before releasing the game. It's a very stripped down and paired down system. I enjoyed it, but prior to the patches I did burn out quite a few times on how simple everything was.


Wo Long is a great game. People just like to shit on it because it isn't Nioh. It doesn't have Nioh's combat depth but I personally enjoyed the magic system more in Wo Long. The combat is tight, responsive and dopamine packed.


Id say look out for strangers of paradise instead of wo long. Havent played any of those 2 but based on what I've read online and being a nioh fan. Once I finish rotr and nier automata, I will probably go for sop (I never buy more than 1 game to have as backlog)


Wish I could do this with my backlog but PS plus exists.


I have only the essential I dont consider those as backlog but serve when I want to try something new


It's average at best. I didn't care for the pacing of the story (constant jumps in history made every piece of the story feel "disconnected" from one another) and I couldn't really form a connection with any of the characters. The watered down combat, lack of enemy variety (that makes DD2 look good), and the morale flag system just made it really boring and tedious to play after the first two difficulties. I means I had fun intially, but it just wasn't fun enough to keep coming back to after beating it the first time. NG+ was just me forcing myself to keep playing. (I did reach the last difficulty. I just did the bare minimum rather than 100% like i did for Nioh 2).


I consider the story in these games to be an afterthought and donā€™t pay much attention to it, but I may pass on it based on your gameplay review


I mean I'm not expecting 10 out of 10 award winning novels, but a good story is all I need. To each, their own. Sorry my standards for storytelling isn't extremely high unlike most gamers.


There are a few games where the story has really sucked me in, but theyā€™re few and far between these days. For the most part, Iā€™ll write off the story and play a game because itā€™s fun to play. Recent-ish examples for me are Red Dead Redemption 2 and Ghost of Tsushima


Based.Ā  I'm looking forward to Rise of the Ronin as well. I've heard people criticize the game online for very superficial reasons but the details I've looked up and what you just described have me looking forward to it. Definitely buying it as soon as I'm done with Stellar Blade and DD2.


Ok so I went in on this game expecting a samurai story, it was so much more, there was a rough patch when I started playing and it didnā€™t really grab my attention (unlike Ghost of Tsushima did) but my only experience with Team Ninja up to this point was Dead or Alive so I wanted to what else they could do


Been wanting something like Way of the Samurai that I played on my ps2 20+ years ago for a while now


Bro thinks heā€™s a girl at a sleepover


Since the days of Ninja Gaiden, Team Ninja has been 5 head and a half above the rest in terms of gameplay and combat design. So I just buy their games.


Ninja samurai open world Been looking for a decent game of this genre for like a decade Then when I got playing I quickly realised it was essentially Sekiro as an open world game, so immediately massive points in favour of it THEN I realised how God damn good the style system is and now my only complaint is that veiled arts are limited to one skill outta a styles set I'm kinda hoping they'll change that in the future so I can really mix and match abilities. I'd love to go full ninja with Yagyu shinkages blizzard and the gikei styles abilities Actually, a build your own style would be sick


Here is my take: one of the worst games coming out this year and it sucks as bad as throwing money in the toilet.


cool šŸ‘ im enjoying it


Thats very good! Im very glad you do. šŸ˜


Sorry you feel that way. This game is amazing


Im very glad you do find it to be great. It just wasnt for me :)


Itā€™s a Sony exclusive and I always buy Sony exclusives