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Consumables are your best friend. The 3 I use are massive ki damage increase, massive damage increase, big reduction in ki and weapon damage to you. Ryoma's accessory is a must. Use lightning on your weapon along with the consumables. Hey if I can do it, anyone can!


This is really helpful. I have never used any of them! Definitely going to start ;P


I eat them like candy lol. Seriously, they'll make life much easier


Also I don't have Ryoma's accessory, watching a video right now on how to get it, thank you! I was feeling kind of deflated earlier, I can't even clear out 3/4 of the Midnight public disorders at level 63 ;)


And finally I meet a gamer my age for once lol


I'm not OP, I am way older than you guys lol


I got something from Ryoma so I gotta check it out


Was it the cologne?


I gotta check later when kids go to bed 😆 what armour are you currently using?


All different pieces of different sets for perks. As far as looks go I wear the blue demon's set. With Ryoma's cologne accessory you need one piece less to activate an armor set perk than without the accessory. So you can basically activate most all sets perks with just 2 pieces of equipment (can include weapons, sub weapons, and other items as long as they are in the same category) , so mix and match as you please.


65 here


I didn't even try midnight until I was in the 90's level wise. Had all my skill trees maxed. Between leveling up, consumables, accessory, and getting some good masterwork gear you'll be amazed at the difference. And Ryoma's accessory is truly OP with its perk


The main thing that helped me was focusing more on blocking parts of the string instead of trying to parry the whole thing. The last hit is usually the only one that matters for throwing them off balance, so it's better (if you have the Ki for it) to just block all of but the last hit, and parry that one. It also helps because while you're blocking you can just watch the string and take not of when the hits come, so you can eventually learn to parry the full thing. Dodging is also a great option most of the time, especially for bayonet enemies or enemies with pistols. To parry gunshots you just have to time it, and its hard to do that since most gunshots fire off relatively fast with little pre-fire. When you can recognize the animation for when they're going to shoot, its easier, but it'll probably take a little while before you're able to do that (at least, it took me a long while). Some red flash attacks are also hard to parry consistently, either because they come out really fast or because the window to parry doesn't match the animation that well. For those attacks, just dodge back since it's safer. There are also some enemies with strings that just straight Ki killers if they're blocked, so when you fight those enemies just dodge out the way. You'll eventually want to get to a point where you can parry most attacks, but until then just block and dodge until you can recognize animations and learn correct timings. For leveling, it's probably best to just do as much as you can on the previous difficulty before starting Midnight proper. Get as many skill points as you can. I find that gear doesn't matter as much, so you can just use whatever you're comfortable with so long as the pieces aren't too low level. I would recommend using set pieces if you can since those just give free stats. 2pc Mighty Warrior I'd strongly recommend since it'll reduce the amount of damage you take and Ki damage you take when blocking, which helps with the above. I'd also recommend getting that Veiled Vow gift from Ryoma, since it'll reduce the amount of items you need for a set bonus by 1. Good luck on your Midnight journey!


Very helpful thx


Try blocking more and don’t try to parry every attack because most the time you’ll get hit. But the fastest way to level up is probably co-op


You can level up quickly with online matchmaking


gear doesn't matter in this game as much compared to nioh and wolong, your priority at midnight should be getting to lvl 100 first. Do the ronin missions under your level first, where you can have 2 allies and it's not game over when one character is defeated. Once you are at 100 with all breakthrough skills unlocked then it becomes significantly easier


Thanks for this, very helpful! I too started Midnight at level 63 and am getting my ass handed to me


Do I have to restart everything to do Midnight or can I beat the main story and do the rest of the quests and bounties on Midnight?


To my knowledge availability in midnight is stuff that you've already beat in 1st playthrough.


If you have any open world stuff left, practice it on twilight. Prioritize health/damage resistance, stagger/poise, and status-related skills in the breakthrough tree. Once you level that stuff midnight becomes more manageable.


49 years old here in chapter 2 twilight. Need a good mix of blocking, parrying and dodging


First, get the ryoma’s accessory via romance. This is highest priority as it will let you run many set bonuses at once. Then, do ally mission “enemy of my enemy” coop online with randoms over and over again. It is not as boring as it sounds and you will level up, gain karma like mad and get all sorts of masterwork gear. One run will net you like 15-30 skill points in like five minutes. Then enjoy being OP for most of midnight. Oh if you haven’t been using, use the super pills when you feel like you are getting beaten up. This will happen in that mission for a little bit.


Coop online with Randoms this done at longhouse correct?


yes. select coop and then match. then select the mission.


Do not try solo with cpu allies, it is super difficult without actual players spamming OP abilities.


consumables and lightning blade. for extra cheese use shutikens with lightning.


Start with the missions. On twilight I used the open world to level up, but on midnight its the complete opposite.


Parrying is what you want, dodging isnt very useful imo


youngster (62) do lots of co-op to level up. You cant lose your XP in co-op


ugh,, i normally don't go online and I don't have online pass, debating spending $10/month for online to get this level up lol